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  • Ex. 2. Practice the pronunciation of the following words

  • Ex. 3. Answer the following questions

  • Ex. 4. Read and translate the following text

  • Ex. 5. Complete each sentence using a word derivationally related to the word given in brackets

  • Ex. 8. Substitute the words in italics by their synonyms

  • Ex. 9. Read the information below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space

  • Ex. 10. Prove whether the following statements are true or false using the information from the text

  • Ex. 11. Work in groups. Find out from your partners

  • Ex. 13. Imagine that you are on the eve of the 80 th anniversary of the University. Be ready to make a short report on the topic "Brief Historical Survey".

  • Ex. 2. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and names

  • Ex. 11. Complete the sentences below. Give extended answers

  • Ex. 15. Write a short essay on one of the following topics

  • Английский язык Рекомендовано учебнометодическим объединением высших учебных заведений Республики Беларусь по химикотехнологическому образованию в качестве учебнометодического пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений,

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    НазваниеАнглийский язык Рекомендовано учебнометодическим объединением высших учебных заведений Республики Беларусь по химикотехнологическому образованию в качестве учебнометодического пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений,
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    Part 1. Brief Historical Survey

    Ex. 1. Make sure you know the meaning of the following words:

    date back v., forestry n., faculty n., found v., opening n., hold v., wood n., mechanization n., logging n., land n., transportation n., name v., name n., engineering n., evacuate v., liberation n., invader n., transfer v., train v., reformation n., inspire v., intensive a., develop v., development n., chemical a., educational a., scientific a., further adv., glass n., biotechnology n., ceramics n., refractory n., binding a., form v., award v., jubilee n., qualify v., field n., skill n., skilled a., contribution n., choose v., career n., design n., composite a., environmental a., protection n., utilization n., resource n., production n., substance n., list n., enlarge v., council n., economic a., total a., continue v., print v., publish v., state a., certify v., institution n., grant v.

    Ex. 2. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:

    basis, faculty, specialist, evacuate, period, industry, mechanization, chemical, chemistry, transfer, further, biotechnology, science, scientific, ceramics, design, career, environmental, resources, substance.

    Ex. 3. Answer the following questions:

    1. When was the Forestry Institute founded? 2. When was the official opening held? 3. How many faculties were there at the Institute in 1930? 4. When was the Institute transferred to Minsk? 5. How many students did it train then? 6. What caused its reformation in 1961? 7. What was the result of this reformation? 8. What specialists did the Institute begin to train? 9. In what connection was the Institute awarded the Order of Red Labour Banner? 10. When was the Institute reorganized once more? 11. How is it called now? 12. What new faculties were organized in the 21st century? 13. What status was the University granted in 2005? Ex. 4. Read and translate the following text: The history of the BSTU dates back to 1919 and 1920 when on the basis of Gory-Goretsky Agricultural Institute and of the Byelorussian Polytechnic forestry faculties were organized. Our University was founded in 1930 in Gomel on the basis of these faculties of the Byelorussian State Agricultural Academy. The official opening of the Forestry Institute was held on October 1, 1930 in Gomel. At first, there were only 3 faculties at the Institute: Wood Technology Faculty, Mechanization of Logging and Land Transportation Faculty, and Forestry Faculty.

    In 1934 the Forestry Institute was renamed into the Byelorussian Forestry Engineering Institute.

    In 1941 at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War the Institute was evacuated to the city of Sverdlovsk. After liberation of Gomel from German fascist invaders the Institute was reevacuated to Gomel. In August 1946 the Institute was transferred to Minsk, it trained 416 students then.

    Its reformation in 1961 into the Byelorussian Technological Institute was inspired by an intensive development of the Republic's chemical industry. By the end of the 60s the Chemical and Technological Faculty was founded. In the 70s the Institute educational and scientific potential developed further: it began to train specialists in biotechnology, glass and glass-ceramics, ceramics and refractories, binding materials; a number of large scientific schools were formed.

    On October 20, 1980 the Institute was awarded the Order of Red Labour Banner, with its 50th jubilee and for training highly-qualified specialists. At that time the Institute trained 6,000 students in 19 specialities at 6 faculties.

    In 1989 the Institute began to train industrial engineers in construction and design of composite material articles, in environmental protection and rational utilization of natural resources, in chemical technology of materials and electronic engineering production and in chemical technology of organic substances.

    Later on the material and technical facilities developed and the list of specialities for training engineers enlarged. In 1993 the Institute was reorganized once more and now it is called the Byelorussian State University of Technology (Belarusian State Technological University).

    In December 2000 the BSTU was awarded the Honored Diploma of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.

    By 2000 the University had founded two new faculties: Economic Engineering Faculty and Faculty of Retraining and Qualification Upgrade, and had opened 14 specialities with about 50% of the total number of students.

    In the 21st century the BSTU continues its development. Faculty of Printing and Publishing and Faculty of Pre-University Training were founded.

    In December 2004 the State Inspection Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus certified the status of the University as a higher educational institution of a university type. In October 2005 the University was granted the status of a leading higher educational institution in the field of forestry, chemical and printing industries.

    At present the University meets the needs of modern industry in well- educated and highly-skilled specialists, who can make an immediate and effective contribution in their chosen career field.

    Ex. 5. Complete each sentence using a word derivationally related to the word given in brackets:

    1. The ... of the Forestry Institute into the Byelorussian Technological Institute was organized in 1961 (reform). 2. It was inspired by an intensive ... of the Republic's chemical industry (develop). 3. In the 70s the Institute ... potential developed further (education). 4. To increase the level of . researches the University constantly develops the material and technical basis (science). 5. The University purchases and applies modern ... (equip). 6. In 1966 the Institute was granted the status of the basic higher school on the following problems: ... and ... of activities of Republican higher technical training institutions (organize, coordinate). 7. The University trains highly . specialists for forestry and . technologies (compete, chemistry). 8. Taking into . requirements of the state in economic and social spheres, the structure of the University is under . (consider, improve). 9. The . to organize two new faculties was taken in 2000 year (decide). 10. In 1955 Negoreloe forestry ... station was organized (experiment). Ex. 6. Match the words to their definitions:

    1. faculty a) growth or formation of smth.;

    2. biotechnology b) natural world that exists around us;

    3. invader c) special anniversary of an event;

    4. reformation d) knowledge and ability that enables you to do smth.;

    5. development e) keeping someone or smth. safe from unpleasant

    6. jubilee effect;

    7. list f) a set of things written in a particular order;

    8. skill g) a group of related departments;

    9. design h) the way in which smth. has been planned and made;

    10. protection i) the process of manufacturing smth.;

    11. production j) soldiers who are invading a country;

    12. environment k) improvement by making changes;

    l) the use of living parts (cells or bacteria) for benefit in industry and technology (a technical term). Ex. 7. Insert prepositions where necessary: 1. Our University was founded ... 1930 ... the basis ... two forestry faculties. 2. The official opening was held ... October, 1930. 3. There were only three faculties . the Institute. 4. The Institute was renamed . the Byelorussian Forestry Engineering Institute. 5. . the beginning . the Great Patriotic War the Institute was evacuated . Sverdlovsk. 6. The

    reformation of the Institute was inspired . the development . chemical industry. 7. In 1980 the Institute was awarded ... the Order of Red Labour Banner. 8. The list . specialities . training engineers enlarged in 1993. 9. The University trains specialists . the fields . environmental protection and rational utilization ... natural resources. 10. In 2005 the University was granted . the status . a leading high educational institution.

    Ex. 8. Substitute the words in italics by their synonyms:

    On June 1, 1930 the Forestry Institute was formed. By the end of 1944 the number of students has become 168, the research and teaching staff comprising 40 workers. Its reformation in 1961 into the Byelorussian Technological Institute was inspired by an intensive development of the Republic's chemical industry. In the 70s the Institute educational and scientific potential developed further: it began to train specialists in biotechnology. In 1991 the Republic of Belarus became a sovereign state that required creation of a national system of education. In 1998 the production and education basis of the University was updated. In XXI century the BSTU continues its development. The computerization of the University has been completed. Now it possesses more than 1,200 modern computers with access to Internet.

    Ex. 9. Read the information below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space:

    In 1922 the Polytechnic was ... into the Institute of Agriculture and Forestry. In 1924 after joining two agricultural high educational ... the Byelorussian State Agricultural Academy was . in Gorky. On its . the Forestry Institute was formed. The newly-born Institute faced the task of ... engineers for forestry, forest and wood working industries. In 1934 the Forestry Institute was ... into the Byelorussian Forestry Engineering Institute. By the end of 1944 the ... of students had become 168. In 1980 the Institute ... 6,000 students. Material and technical ... developed. By 2000 the University had . two faculties: Economic Engineering faculty and Faculty of Retraining and Qualification Upgrade. In October 2005 the University was . the status of a leading higher educational institution in the field of forestry, chemical and printing . (institutions, basis, transform, number, train, rename, facilities, train, grant, found, industry, form).

    Ex. 10. Prove whether the following statements are true or false using the information from the text:

    1. In 1930 our University was called Belarusian State Technological University. 2. The University was founded on May 1, 1930. 3. At first there were only 4 faculties at the Institute. 4. In 1934 the Forestry Institute was renamed into the Byelorussian Forestry Engineering Institute. 5. The Institute was evacuated to Novosibirsk. 6. The Institute began to train specialists in biotechnology in the 70s. 7. In 1980 the Institute trained 10,000 students. 8. The reorganization of the Institute into the University took place in 1999. 9. The Economic Engineering Faculty had been founded by 2000. 10. The University was granted the status of a leading higher educational institution in September 2005.

    Ex. 11. Work in groups. Find out from your partners:

    • whether they have ever known that our University was formed on the basis of Agricultural Academy;

    • when and why the Institute was evacuated to Sverdlovsk;

    • whether they know the number of students at the Institute in 1946, 1980 and now.

    Ex. 12. Explain why:

    • the Forestry Engineering Institute was reformed into the Byelorussian Technological Institute in 1961;

    • the university was granted the status of a leading higher educational institution in the field of forestry, chemical and printing industries.

    Ex. 13. Imagine that you are on the eve of the 80th anniversary of the University. Be ready to make a short report on the topic "Brief Historical Survey".

    Part 2. BSTU - Today. Scientific Researches and Educational Work

    Ex. 1. Make sure you know the meaning of the following words:

    enter v., unique a., aim v., scope n., activity v., competitive a., domain n., forestry n., utilize v., equipment n., metrology n., standardization n., certification n., determine v., trend n., develop v., sphere n., ecology n., head n., head v., Vice-Rector n., contain v., direct v., department n., total a., post­graduate n., Academician n., quality n., improve v., integrate v., research n., general a., background n., law n., include v., conduct v., branch n., stream a., stock n., number v., constantly adv., require v., participate v., carry out v., executive a., fibre n., increase v., renew v., purchase v., apply v., essential a., comprise v., complete v., connect v., success n., achieve v., prominence n., creative a., effort n., staff n., technician n.

    Ex. 2. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and names:

    technological, scientific, dynamically, multi-profile, specialist, resources, automated, determine, Forestry Faculty, Forestry Engineering and

    Wood Technology Faculty, Chemical Technology and Engineering Faculty, Economic Engineering Faculty, Faculty of Printing and Publishing, Organic Substances Technology Faculty, Correspondence Faculty, competitive, mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics, discipline.

    Ex. 3. Answer the following questions:

    1. What is the main aim of the University? 2. What fields of industry does the University train specialists for? 3. What main trends in the development of education does the University determine? 4. How many faculties are there at the University? What are they? 5. What faculty do you study at? 6. What is the total number of students at the University? 7. Who directs the activities of each faculty? 8. What is the name of your Dean?

      1. What are the common subjects for all the students of our University?

      2. What scientific and technical programs does the University develop?

      3. How many research and development laboratories are there at the University? 12. Why does the University constantly develop and renew the material and technical basis? 13. How can you characterize the level of computerization at the University? 14. What is the aim of holding conferences and exhibitions at the University? 15. How many foreign specialists has the University trained? 16. Who co-operates to achieve success in the process of education? 17. What are in your opinion the advantages of studying at our University?

    Ex. 4. Read and translate the following text:

    The Republic of Belarus entered the 21st century having a well-developed educational system. The Belarusian State Technological University as a unique scientific and educational complex and an oldest higher technical school of the country has always been aimed at training highly-competent specialists.

    Now the University is a large dynamically developing multi-profile educational and scientific centre in the Republic of Belarus with a wide scope of activities, training highly competitive specialists for the following domains: forestry and utilization of forest resources; chemical technologies and biotechnologies; special-purpose machines and equipment; automated control systems; engineering industry; metrology; standardization and certification; printing and publishing; economics; power engineering; professional training. As a basic educational institution in Belarus, the University determines the main trends in the development of education in the spheres of forestry, chemical technology and ecology.

    The head of the University is the Rector and 5 Vice-Rectors.

    The University contains 10 faculties: (1) Forestry Faculty; (2) Forestry Engineering Faculty; (3) Organic Substances Technology Faculty; (4) Chemical Technology and Engineering Faculty; (5) Economic

    Engineering Faculty; (6) Faculty of Printing and Publishing; (7) Correspondence Faculty; (8) Faculty of Retraining and Qualification Upgrade; (9) Faculty of Social Professions; (10) Faculty of Pre-University Training. There is a Dean's Office for Foreign Students. Each faculty is headed by a dean who directs the activities of the faculty.

    There are 47 departments at the University. They train engineers for 27 specialities and 54 specializations. More than 13,000 people - the total number of people who are taught and work at the University every year. Among them there are 11,000 students, 650 teachers, 185 doctorates and post-graduates, 40 Academicians and Corresponding Members of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and other Academies, 70 Doctors of Science, professors.

    The teaching process at the University is organized in the following way. The academic year is divided into 2 terms. During the terms students attend lectures and carry out laboratory and practical work. At the end of each term students pass credit tests and sit exams. The course of studies for engineers lasts 5 years (Accounting, Analysis and Audit - 4 years). The professional training course includes 18 weeks. At the end of the course of studies at the University the students sit the State Examination on their speciality (specialization) and defend diploma papers (projects).

    The quality of fundamental training at the University is constantly improving and the teaching process integrates with scientific research. Mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics, computer engineering, machine graphics are an integral part of general engineering and special disciplines. As would-be engineers require some background in ecology, economics, law, marketing, basic management skills, certification, foreign and Belarusian languages, the University course includes these disciplines.

    Classes are conducted in 7 academic buildings, Negoreloe forestry experimental station, at the branches of the University departments under Production Association "Belgosles", in Minsk Research Institute of Building Materials, Production Association "Minsk Tractor Plant".

    The BSTU is not only one of the leading educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus, but it is one of the main scientific and research centers. The University participates in carrying out scientific and technical programs at different levels. As a leading executive organization, the University develops state scientific and technical programs "Wood Resources", "Forest-Ecology and Resources", "Forests of Belarus and their Rational Utilization", "Forest Management and Rational Forest Utilization", "Chemical Fibres and Polymer". Students and post-graduates are also involved in all scientific researches.

    To increase the level of scientific researches, the University constantly develops and renews the material and technical basis, purchases and applies modern equipment. Computers are an essential part of all courses. The University computer center comprises 1,300 personal computers and 38 equipped study rooms, with one computer per 5 students. In 2003 the services on connecting 400 computer working places to the Internet were completed.

    There are 22 research and development laboratories and 14 scientific schools of international level at the University.

    To adopt and to share experience, the University organizes national and international conferences and exhibitions devoted to the problems of science, engineering and education. The University traditionally performs scientific and educational activities, i.e. student olympiads, conferences, helps other higher educational institutions in elaborating educational standards.

    International cooperation is of paramount importance for teaching and research processes at the University. Training specialists for foreign countries is one of its forms and it dates back to the 60s. The University has already trained about 500 engineers and 18 Ph. Ds for 38 countries of the world.

    The success achieved by the University and its prominence are the results of creative and motivated efforts of the teaching staff, scientists, technicians and students.

    Ex. 5. Complete each sentence using a word derivationally related to the word given in brackets:

    1. The professional training course developed at the University includes ... , industrial and pre-diploma practices at the leading field- specific enterprises of the Republic (education). 2. The unique equipment for . and . analysis concentrated in the research centers helps to obtain information of fundamental scientific value (physics, chemistry). 3. The University began a mass . of monographs, tutorials and textbooks on its own printing base (publish). 4. As a basic educational institution in Belarus the University determines the main trends in the . of education in the spheres of forestry, chemical technology and ecology (develop). 5. The Forestry Faculty develops international ... with the Research Institute of Forest in Finland (cooperate). 6. Chemical, petrochemical and microbiological branches of industry are characterized by a high . of technological processes (complex). 7. Training of . engineers, mechanics engineers and . ecology engineers is carried out at the Chemical Technology and Engineering Faculty (industry). 8. Scientific researches on problems of developing information management and . of nature resources in chemistry-forestry complex are carried out at the Economic Engineering Faculty (value). 9. The students engaged in research take part in different international, ... and University scientific conferences (republic). 10. At present the printing and publishing complex uses all the . of the scientific and technological progress (achieve). Ex. 6. Match the words to their definitions:

    1. equipment a) general development of events (tendency);

    2. trend b) one of the periods of time that college or

    3. research university divides the year into;

    4. institution c) achievement of smth. that you have been trying to do;

    5. conference d) things which are used for a particular purpose;

    6. term e) a series of questions that you must answer;

    7. test f) large important organization of a particular type;

    8. success g) detailed study of a subject;

    9. effort h) meeting at which formal discussions take place;

    10. technician i) situation in which a lot of things are being done;

    11. activity j) energy in the form of effort, action;

    k) someone whose job involves skilled practical work with scientific equipment. Ex. 7. Insert prepositions where necessary:

    The Correspondence faculty has been ... operation ... 1949. Over the years . its work the faculty has trained over 800 highly-skilled specialists . forestry, chemistry, building materials and printing enterprises. The academic process . the faculty is conducted . highly- qualified lecturers ... the departments. The term ... study is 6 years. The second high education can be received ... 3-4 years. The graduates ... the faculty are employed . various fields of science and engineering and they make their contribution . economic and social reforms the Republic of Belarus. ... present over 3800 students are trained ... the faculty. Ex. 8. Substitute the words in italics by their synonyms: The University contains 10 faculties, 47 departments, 5 affiliates of departments. Over 400 specialists of various branches of industry are annually provided with retraining at the University. 14 scientific schools have been established at the University. Fundamental science and applied investigations are an indispensable part of a modern university. We are proud that the achievements of our scientists are acknowledged in our country and abroad. Taking into consideration requirements of the state in economic and social spheres, the structure of the University is under improvement: new faculties, departments, laboratories are designed. The

    University traditionally performs scientific and educational activities. Many of the University graduates are outstanding scientists and managers.

    Ex. 9. Read the information below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space:

    The Dean's Office for Foreign Students was opened on September 9, 1981 . qualified engineers for . countries. First 17 foreign specialists . from the University in 1984. Over the years of its work the ... has trained more than 500 specialists. Residents of Central and South America, Africa, Iran, Iraq, China and other countries . at the Byelorussian State Technological University. The University offers foreign students opportunities . fundamental training, to specialize in areas which interest them most. (Faculty, study, train, obtain, foreign, graduate).

    Ex. 10. Prove whether the following statements are true or false using the information from the text:

    1. The Byelorussian State Technological University is the youngest higher technical school of the country. 2. The University trains specialists only for the following branches of industry: chemical technologies and construction. 3. The University determines the main trends in the development of education in the spheres of forestry, chemical technology and ecology. 4. There are four faculties at the University. 5. The University participates in carrying out scientific and technical programs at different levels. 6. The University organizes exhibitions devoted to the problems of science, engineering and education. 7. Training specialists for foreign countries dates back to the 30s. 8. The University has already trained about 100 engineers for 20 countries of the world. 9. The academic year at the University is divided into 3 terms. 10. At the end of the course of studies the students pass only credit tests. 11. Classes are conducted in 7 academic buildings. 12. The University computer center comprises 2,000 computers.

    Ex. 11. Complete the sentences below. Give extended answers:

    1. The text is devoted to ... . 2. The text gives (presents, provides) information regarding . . 3. At the beginning of the text special attention is paid to . . 4. The text contains a detailed description of . . 5. Besides some factual information is given concerning . . 6. The text contains . . 7. In conclusion the text reads that . . 8. Moreover we clearly understand that . .

    Ex. 12. Comment on:

    • the role of the University in the 21st century;

    • fundamental training;

    • the University is one of the main scientific and research centers.

    Ex. 13. Prove that:

    • the Belarusian State Technological University is a large dynamically developing multi-profile educational center in the Republic of Belarus.

    Ex. 14. Imagine that:

    • you are a guide around the University. Role-play an excursion;

    • you have met your friend who entered the Medical University. He asks you to tell about BSTU and compare these two universities. Role-play the situation.

    Ex. 15. Write a short essay on one of the following topics:

    • a teaching process at the University;

    • faculties of the BSTU;

    • international cooperation;

    • read a short information about the main faculties of the BSTU at the end of the book. Mind your own faculty, add some more information.

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