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Английский язык Рекомендовано учебнометодическим объединением высших учебных заведений Республики Беларусь по химикотехнологическому образованию в качестве учебнометодического пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений,

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Английский язык


учебно-методическим объединением высших учебных заведений Республики Беларусь по химико-технологическому образованию в качестве учебно-методического пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по химико-технологическим


Минск 2008


Данное учебно-методическое пособие представляет собой комплекс текстов, соответствующих требованиям действующей программы по английскому языку для неязыковых вузов.

Цель пособия - развить и совершенствовать у студентов навыки различных видов чтения литературы на английском языке с выходом в устную речь.

Пособие, условно состоящее из двух частей, предназначено для студентов химико-технологических специальностей.

В первой части представлен материал по темам общеобразовательного характера: «Республика Беларусь», «Наш университет», «Великобритания», «Наука и технология», «Ученые и их изобретения».

Во второй части особое внимание уделяется дополнительному чтению текстов по той же тематике и стратегиям формирования навыков самостоятельной работы.

В пособии представлена полезная новейшая и актуальная информация по перечисленным темам, которая композиционно хорошо продумана и представляет собой четкое, ясное и логичное изложение.

Упражнения, предназначенные для работы с текстами, подобраны таким образом, чтобы основное внимание акцентировать на развитии у студентов умений читать и понимать литературу на английском языке, дифференцировать более и менее важную информацию и развить у них навыки монологической и диалогической речи.

В разделы пособия помещены также упражнения, направленные на развитие навыков самостоятельного продуцирования письменного текста.

При подборе заданий для текстов реализованы такие принципы, как языковая и содержательная доступность, а также принципы нарастания сложности материала.

Работа с материалом данного пособия поможет студентам приобрести соответствующий необходимый лексический минимум и сформировать языковые и речевые навыки и умения.

Пособие может быть использовано для работы со студентами I курса всех специальностей университета.


Part 1. The Place on Earth: General Description of the Republic of Belarus

Ex. 1. Make sure you know the following words and expressions:

terrain n., combine v., inhabitant n., swath n., sloping ridges, glacial debris, swampy plain, stream n., floating timber, tributary n., tract of forest, conifer n., deciduous trees, proximity n., precipitation n., excessive a., suffer v., spoil v., poison v., affect v., range n.

Ex. 2. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and geographical names:

Europe, Greece, Belgium, Denmark, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Ukraine, Belarusian Range, the Belarusian Woodland, the Baltic Sea, the Dnieper, the Nieman, catastrophe, fauna, swath, percentage, association.

Ex. 3. Answer the following questions:

1. Why is Belarus called "blue-eyed"? 2. What are the country's main regions? 3. Which nationality groups make up the largest percentage of the total population? 4. In what part of Belarus does the vast majority of the population live? 5. Why was Belarus changed from a rural nation to an urban nation?

Ex. 4. Speak about the places of interest in the Republic of Belarus that you have visited.

Ex. 5. Read and translate the following text:

Belarus, a generally flat country situated practically in the center of Europe, occupies an area of 207,600 square kilometers. Its area is more than the combined size of Greece, Belgium and Denmark. Its neighbors are Russia to the east and northeast, Latvia to the north, Lithuania to the northwest, Poland to the west, and Ukraine to the south. The population is more than 10 million inhabitants.

Belarus' mostly level terrain is broken up by the Belarusian Range, a swath of elevated territory, composed of individual highlands, that runs diagonally through the country from west-southwest to east- northeast. Its highest point is the 346-meter Mount Dzerzhynskaya, named for Felix Dzerzhinskiy, head of Russia's security apparatus under Stalin. Northern Belarus has a picturesque, hilly landscape with many lakes and gently sloping ridges created by glacial debris. In the south, about one-third of the republic's territory around the Pripyat River is taken up by the low-lying swampy plain of the Belarusian Woodland (Polesye).

Belarus' 3,000 streams and 10,000 lakes are major features of the landscape and are used for floating timber, shipping, and power generation. Major rivers are the west-flowing Zapadnaya Dvina and Nieman, and the south-flowing Dnieper with its tributaries, the Berezina, the Sozh, and the Prypyat. The largest lakes are the Naroch, the Osweyskoye and the Drisvyaty. Nearly one-third of the country is covered with puschas, large unpopulated tracts of forests. In the north, conifers predominate in forests that also include birch and alder; farther south, other deciduous trees grow. The Belavezhskaya Puscha in the far west is the oldest and most magnificent of the forests; a reservation here shelters animals and birds that became extinct elsewhere long ago. The pride of the reservation is the aurochs - a rare animal that has survived since the glacial times.

Because of the proximity of the Baltic Sea (257 kilometers at the closest point), the country's climate is moderately continental. Winters last between 105 and 145 days, and summers last up to 150 days. The average temperature in January is -6°C, and the average temperature for July is about +18°C, with high humidity. Average annual precipitation ranges from 550 to 700 millimeters and is sometimes excessive.

The nature of Belarus has suffered much from the nuclear catastrophe that took place in Chernobyl in 1986. The radiation has spoiled our soil and air, rivers and lakes; it has poisoned our flora and fauna. Besides it has badly affected the health of people and the climate.

Ex. 6. Complete each sentence using a word derivationally related to the word given in brackets:

1. The Republic of Belarus occupies an ... geopolitical position in the centre of Europe (advantage). 2. The territory of Belarus is crossed by the shortest ways of . from central and . regions of Russia to West European countries, as well as between the Baltic and Black Seas (to communicate, east). 3. The distance from the state capital, Minsk, to capitals of the ... states are: to Vilnius 215 km, to Riga 470 km, to Warsaw 550 km, to Kiev 580 km, and to Moscow 700 km (neighbor). 4. The ... of Belarus' territory is 560 km from north to south and 650 km from west to east (long). 5. As for 1.01.2002, the . of the Republic of Belarus constituted about 9.99 million people with more than 100 ethnic groups (to populate). 6. Thirty ... types of minerals have been found in the territory of the country and more than 4 thousand mineral deposits, of which 600 are under . (differ, to exploit). 7. The climate . features are conditioned by the breath of the Atlantic Ocean (to specify). 8. The number of ... at enterprises and ... is 4.34 million people; of them, 1.14 million persons are employed in industries, and 0.51 million people in agriculture (to employ, to organize). 9. The Republic of Belarus consists of 6

regions which include 118 administrative districts and the City of Minsk. There are 110 towns and 108 ... with the status of a town (to settle). Ex. 7. Match the words to their definitions:

  1. deciduous a) area of soft wet land;

  2. reservation b) rain, snow, sleet, dew, etc., formed by condensation of

  3. contaminate water vapor in the atmosphere;

  4. varied c) visually pleasing, especially in being striking or vivid;

  5. alternate d) person or animal that is a permanent resident of a

  6. swamp particular place or region;

  7. precipitation e) ground or a piece of ground, especially with reference

  8. inhabitant to its physical character;

  9. terrain f) shedding all leaves annually at the end of the growing

  10. picturesque season and then having a dormant period without leaves;

    1. sanctuary, area where by law it is forbidden to kill birds and animals;

    2. of different sorts, diverse;

    3. come one after the other, by turns; j) make dirty, impure or diseased.

Ex. 8. Insert prepositions where necessary:

Minsk Region is located . the middle of the republic. Its area is 39.9 thousand km2. The center ... the Region is Minsk. The Region comprises 22 Districts, 24 towns, and 19 urban-type settlements. This is the only Region in Belarus not directly bordering. other states, but important transport corridors running . it offer good opportunities . maintaining beneficial economic relations . CIS and foreign countries. Machine-building and chemical industries account for the largest share . the output in the Regional industrial structure. In addition, agricultural processors are highly developed ... the Region. The Region ranks first in the republic . food, flour-milling, and cereal and mixed feed output. Mineral resources have been prospected and are being exploited in the Region. The most important . them are potassium and rock salts, and also peat, construction materials, chalk, slate coal, iron ores, mineral water, etc. The dairy and beef husbandry, pig husbandry, potato growing supplemented . flax growing and sugar beet growing in the southwest of the Region are developed.

Ex. 9. Substitute the words in italics by their synonyms: The Republic of Belarus (Belarus) is located in the eastern part of Europe. The territory of Belarus is 207.6 thousand square kilometers. It is a compact country. The longest distance, 650 km, is from West to East, and 560 km from North to South. By the size of its territory, the Republic occupies the 13th place among the European countries and the 6th among the

CIS countries (following Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan). The Belarusian territory in Europe is slightly smaller than that of Great Britain and Romania, and more than 2.2 times bigger than Portugal and Hungary. On 01.01.2005, the population of Belarus constituted 9.9 million people. Representatives of more than 100 nationalities live in Belarus. The majority of the population is Belarusian, significant numbers of Russians, Poles, Ukrainians and other nationalities live in Belarus.

The highest point in Belarus is 346 meters. Averaging only 200 meters above sea level, the country is predominately gently rolling fields in the north and marshy lowlands in the south. More than half the land is used for agriculture. Some one-third is densely forested with large stands of spruce, pine, oak, and beech.

Ex. 10. Read the information below and think of the word, which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space:

In Belarus, about 30 types of mineral ... have been found (over 4,000 mineral fields and deposits). Of special significance . them are potassium salts: by their industrial reserves the country is among the . countries in Europe. The Republic . rich in non-ore minerals like granite, dolomite, marl and chalk, low-melting and .-melting clay, loams, sand and gravel materials, raw . for manufacture of natural paints (boggy iron ore, ochre, glauconite, etc.) and possesses a rather powerful raw material base for manufacture of construction materials. Peat reserves ... widely spread in Belarus.

Ex. 11. Prove whether the following statements are true or false using the information from the text:

1. Belarus is situated in Asia. 2. It borders on France. 3. Our native land is remarkably beautiful. 4. Most of the Belarusian territory is covered with mountains. 5. The aurochs live in the Belarusian Polesye. 6. The climate of Belarus is continental. 7. The nature of our country has suffered greatly from the nuclear catastrophe that took place in Chernobyl in 1976. 8. Belarus has always been considered a poor land with no other resources except peat. 9. All rivers of the republic belong to three sea basins of the Black, Baltic, and North Seas. 10. Belavezhskaya Puscha is a large province.

Ex. 12. Complete the statements below. Give extended answers: 1. The text is devoted to ... . 2. The text gives (presents, provides) information regarding . . 3. At the beginning of the text special attention is paid to . . 4. The text goes on saying that . . 5. Further the text contains a detailed description of . . 6. Besides some factual information is given concerning . . 7. In conclusion the text reads that . . 8. On reading the text we realise the fact that . . 9. Moreover we clearly understand that . .

Ex. 13. Work in groups. Find out from your partners:

  • where Belarus is situated and what its area is;

  • what countries Belarus borders on;

  • what consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe are.

Ex. 14. Prove that:

  • Belarus is remarkably beautiful;

  • our country has many lakes and rivers;

  • the nature of Belarus has suffered much.

Ex. 15. Explain why:

  • after the Chernobyl catastrophe people had to leave their places and move to other villages and towns.

Ex. 16. Imagine that:

  • a new pupil has come to your group from Russia. He knows very little about Belarus. Tell him what you know about your native country;

  • you are preparing a report about your native country but you haven't enough information about Belarus. Ask your friend to help you. Role-play the dialogue with your partner.

Ex. 17. Write a short essay on one of the following topics:

  • advantages and disadvantages of the geographical position of Belarus;

  • your favorite place of visit in Belarus.

Part 2. The Political System, Constitution and State Symbols of the Republic of Belarus

Ex. 1. Make sure you know the meaning of the following words and expressions:

anthem n., submit v., adopt v., personify v., issue v., edict n., stipulate v., guideline n., appoint v., enactment n., flagstaff n., guarantee v., binding force, provide v., run v., the National Assembly, the Council of the Republic, the Deputies, voter n., Supreme Court, Economic Court.

Ex. 2. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and proper names:

collapse, decree, the Procurator-General, precise, legislative, executive, judicial, contour, sovereignty, wreath, rectangular, longitudinal, decorative.

Ex. 3. Answer the following questions:

1. When is the state called presidential? 2. Who is the current President of the republic? 3. Who is the Prime minister of the republic? On what term is the President elected?

Ex. 4. Have you ever studied the main law of our country? If so, say what articles concern the youth policy.

Ex. 5. Read and translate the following text:

Like any country, Belarus has its own constitution, anthem, and state symbols. Constitution is the main document in the state. When Belarus was a member of the former Soviet Union it submitted to the Constitution of the USSR. But after the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the new Constitution of the Republic of Belarus was adopted by the Supreme Soviet on March 15, 1994. The new Constitution consists of a preamble and nine chapters: 1. Principles of the Constitutional System. 2. The Individual, Society, and the State. 3. Electoral System. Referendum. 4. The President, Parliament, Government, the Courts. 5. Local government and self-government. 6. The Procurator's office. The State Supervisory Committee. 7. Financial and Credit System of the Republic of Belarus. 8. The application of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and the procedure for amending the Constitution. 9. Final and transitional clauses.

According to the new Constitution, Belarus is a presidential republic where the role of the President is quite strong. He is the head of the state and the executive power, guarantor of the Constitution and civil rights. According to the Constitution, president personifies unity of the people, guarantees realization of internal and external policy of the state, and represents the Republic of Belarus in relations with other states and international organizations. President issues edicts and decrees that have the binding force overall territory of the Republic of Belarus. In cases stipulated by the Constitution, president issues decrees having force of laws. Directly or through special bodies provides the execution of decrees and edicts. The President, however, does not run the economy of the country but sets the guidelines and controls the work of the Government.

The Government (Council of Ministers and a number of Ministries and Committees) is working with current issues of a day-to-day basis, thus exercising executive powers.

The Parliament, i.d. the National Assembly comprises two houses - the House of Representatives (110 deputies and Supreme House) and the Council of the Republic (64 deputies).

The Council of the Republic is the house of territorial representation. Eight members of the Council are appointed by the President of the Republic of Belarus, while the rest are elected at the sittings of the Deputies of the local Soviets of Deputies of the basic level: 8 from each of the six regions of the Republic and of the city of Minsk. The deputies to the House of Representatives are elected directly by the voters.

Judicial power is exercised by General Courts (Supreme Court, plus regional, district, and town courts) and by Economic Courts (Supreme

Economic, plus regional, district, and town economic courts). A Constitutional Court controls correspondence of the laws with the Constitution. The Procurator-General supervises the precise and uniform execution of laws, decrees, and other regulatory enactments by all state government bodies, local Soviets and other judicial and physical persons.

The National Emblem of the Republic of Belarus, which is a symbol of state sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus, represents a green-colored contour of the Republic of Belarus in golden rays radiated by the sun over the globe. On top of the contour is a five-pointed red star. The emblem is set in a frame of wreath of golden wheat-ears interlaced with clover flowers on the right and flax flowers on the left. Wheat-ears are interlaced with a red-green ribbon carrying a golden inscription "The Republic of Belarus" at the bottom.

The National Flag of the Republic of Belarus, which is a symbol of state sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus, is a rectangular cloth consisting of two longitudinal stripes: red upper stripe and green lower stripe that are two-thirds and one-third of the flag width respectively. A vertical red-on- white Belarusian decorative pattern.

The red color of the flag signifies the past history of Belarus, as the color used by the Belarusian forces at the Battle of Grunwald, and of the Red Army when they were fighting Nazi Germany during World War II. Green stands for the bright future ahead of Belarus, and also represents the many forests located in the country. While the colors of the flag are red, green, and white, the exact shades have not been determined by either law or decree.

The decorative pattern designed in 1917 by Matrena Markevich is commonly used in Belarus to show local plants and flowers. These patterns are also woven into outfits, and also used for a traditional woven craft called rushniks. Rushniks are traditional towels decorated with the ornamental pattern that are used for ceremonial events. An example of their use would be a host offering his guests bread and salt, which would then be served on a rushnik. Rushniks are also used at religious services, funerals, and other social functions. On the current flag, the ornamentation is used to symbolize the cultural past, and the unity of the Belarusian people.

Ex. 6. Complete each sentence using a word derivationally related to the word given in brackets:

1. The Belarusian scientists reached a ... progress in the different spheres of fundamental research (to signify). 2. ... of scientific schools in the sphere of mathematics, theoretical physics, material science, etc. are known worldwide and have been highly appraised in Belarus and enjoyed an international . (to achieve, to recognize). 3. Findings of some researches have the highest rank of significance and are registered as . discoveries (science). 4. Applied research and . are mainly conducted within the framework of 32 state scientific and technical programs designed to solve most important economic, ... and social problems for 2001-2005, and also within the framework of sectoral and . scientific and technical programs and . projects (to develop, environment, region, to innovate). 5. The research and developments of the Belarusian scientists are aimed at addressing problems in the priority spheres of scientific and . activity (engineer). 6. All types of . in the . , social and administrative spheres are scientifically supported to greater or lesser extent (active, to produce). Ex. 7. Match the words to their definitions:

  1. sovereignty a) to represent in words; describe;

  2. guarantor b) to watch over so as to maintain order, etc.;

  3. edict c) serving to decorate or adorn; ornamental;

  4. guideline d) the fundamental political principles on which a

  5. government state is governed, especially when considered as

  6. court embodying the rights of the subjects of that state;

  7. symbol e) something that represents or stands for something

  8. constitution else, usually by convention or association;

  9. decorative f) an authority having power to adjudicate in civil,

  10. supervise criminal, military, or ecclesiastical matters;

  11. depict g) the executive policy-making body of a political

unit, community, etc.; ministry or administration;

    1. a principle put forward to set standards or determine a course of action;

    2. a decree, order, or ordinance issued by a sovereign, state, or any other holder of authority;

j) a person who gives or is bound by a guarantee or guaranty; surety;

k) supreme and unrestricted power, as of a state. Ex. 8. Insert prepositions where necessary:

The Constitution provides ... the freedom ... religion, with all denominations equal. More than 30 religious societies are registered and receive tax-exempt status. The Belarusian Orthodox Church is by far the largest ... the country, followed ... the Roman Catholic Church. Various Protestant denominations (including Evangelical Baptist, Seventh-day Adventist, Calvinists, Lutherans, Apostolic Christian, and others) Judaism and Islam are represented . smaller communities . the country. Missionary groups, such as Campus Crusades, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the International Christian Fellowship have a growing number . followers. The Jewish community has not fully recovered . the devastation of WWII. It remains small, but there are active Synagogues. Services are . Russian, Belarusian, or Polish.

Ex. 9. Substitute the words in italics by their synonyms:

On the 1st of January 1919, the Byelorussian Soviet Socialistic Republic (the BSSR) was formed, in which political and economic life was under control of the central authority. Non-communist parties and organizations were banned, and the administrative functions were performed by the party machinery. At the same time, the Constitution of the BSSR declared that all the power was vested in the Soviets of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' deputies.

On the 27th of July 1990, the "Declaration of State Sovereignty" was adopted. According to the Constitution, the Republic of Belarus is a presidential republic. The President is the head of the state. The National Assembly is the country's supreme legislative authority, and the Constitutional Court is the country's supreme judicial authority.

Ex. 10. Read the information below and think of the word, which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space:

Today, . Belarusian and Russian are considered . languages of the country. Street names and many signs . in Belarusian, as are some broadcast and print media, official documents, and many official meetings. In . of efforts to revive Belarusian, Russian is spoken . the primary language of communication, except perhaps in the very rural countryside. Belarusian is ... related to Russian and Polish, all with Slavic origins. It is written using the Cyrillic . , with two letters different from the Russian alphabet.

The national referendum . on 14th May 1995 resulted in . the Russian language was given the . status alongside Belarusian. The Law on National Minorities in the Republic of Belarus guarantees the right of each of the ethnic minority living in the Republic to learn and . its native language.

Ex. 11. Prove whether the following statements are true or false using the information from the text:

1. The Republic of Belarus has no Constitution. 2. Belarus is a constitutional monarchy. 3. The President of the Republic exercises the judicial branch of power. 4. The Parliament, i.d. the National Assembly comprises two houses. 5. The National Emblem of the Republic of Belarus represents a purple-colored contour of the Republic of Belarus in golden rays radiated by the sun over the sea. 6. The National Flag of the Republic of Belarus is a triangular cloth. 7. The red color of the flag signifies the past history of Belarus. 8. There is a decorative pattern displayed on the hoist of the flag. 9. Rushniks are traditional bedsheets decorated with the ornamental pattern that are used for ceremonial events.

Ex. 12. Complete the statements below. Give extended answers:

1. The text is devoted to ... . 2. The text gives (presents, provides) information regarding ... . 3. At the beginning of the text special attention is paid to ... . 4. The text goes on saying that ... . 5. Further the text contains a detailed description of ... . 6. Besides some factual information is given concerning . . 7. In conclusion the text reads that . . 8. On reading the text we realise the fact that . . 9. Moreover we clearly understand that . .

Ex. 13. Work in groups. Find out from your partners:

  • if they have studied the main law of our country - the Constitution and what they think about it;

  • what changes they would like to introduce into the constitution.

Ex. 14. Imagine that:

  • you and your English friend are discussing the Constitutions of your native countries. Role-play a dialogue with your partner;

  • you are a governmental official. You want to introduce some amendments to the Constitution. Give your arguments.

Ex. 15. Write a short essay on the advantages and disadvantages of the political system of Belarus.

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