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  • Упр. 100. Переведите на английский язык.

  • Упр. 101. Вставьте одно из следующих слов: a) some, any, no.

  • Упр. 102. Вставьте some, any, no, every

  • Упр. 103. Вставьте some, any, no, every

  • Упр. 104. Вставьте some, any, no

  • Упр. 105. Вставьте одно из следующих слов: some, any, no, the

  • Упр. 106. Вставьте a, the, some

  • Упр. 107. Вставьте одно из следующих слов

  • Упр. 108. Вставьте одно из следующих слов: some, any, no, the, а

  • MUCH, MANY, (A) LITTLE, (A) FEW Упр. 109. Переведите на английский язык следующие пары слов.

  • Упр. 110. Вставьте much

  • Мало- - little

  • Упр. 112. Вставьте little

  • Упр. 113. Вставьте much, many, little

  • Упр. 114. Переведите на английский язык следующие пары слов.

  • Упр. 115. Вставьте little, a little, few или a few.

  • Упр. 116. Вставьте much, many, little, few, a little


  • Упр. 117. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих прилагательных. Не | забудьте употреблять определенный артикль [ перед превосходной степенью прилагательных.

  • 118. Переведите на английский язык.

  • Английский. Голицынский - Английский язык. Грамматика. Сборник упражнении. Артикль запомните следующие правила. Перед каждым нарицательным существительным должен стоять артикль. Если вы не употребляете перед существительным артикль, вы должны уметь объяснить, почему.

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    everywhere — везде

    Упр. 99. Вставьте somewhere, anywhere, nowhere или everywhere.

    1. I put my dictionary ... yesterday and now I can't find it ....-- Of course, that is because you leave your books ... . 2. You must go ... next summer. 3. Did you go ... on Sunday? 4. Let's go ... . The weather is fine. I don't want to stay at home in such weather. 5. I cannot find my glasses .... I always put them ... and then look for them for hours. 6. Today is a holiday. The streets are full of people. There are flags, banners and flowers ....

    Упр. 100. Переведите на английский язык.

    1. На столе лежит что-то круглое. Что это такое? 2. Никто об этом ничего не знает. 3. В городе много парков. Везде деревья и цветы. 4. В той комнате кто-то есть. 5. Анна живет где-то в этом районе. 6. Я никого не знаю в этом городе. 7. Дай мне, пожалуйста, что-нибудь поесть. 8. Кто-нибудь знает адрес нашего учителя? 9. Все в порядке. 10. Кто-нибудь хочет посмотреть телевизор? 11. Мы слышали эту песню повсюду. 12. Он где-то в саду.

    Упр. 101. Вставьте одно из следующих слов:

    a) some, any, no.

    1. There were ... of my friends there. 2. Well, anyway, there is ... need to hurry, now that we have missed the train. 3. Have you ever seen ... of these pictures before? 4. There is ... water in the" kettle: they have drunk it all. 5. There were ... fir-trees in that forest, but many pines. 6. We could not buy cherries, so we bought ... plums instead.

    b) somebody, anybody, nobody.

    1.1 saw ... I knew at the lecture. 2. I dare say that there may be ... at the lecture that I know, but what does that matter? 3. Do you really think that ... visits this place? 4. I have never seen ... lace their boots like that.

    c) somewhere, anywhere, nowhere.

    1.1 haven't seen him ... . 2. I know the place is ... about here, but exactly where, I don't know. 3. Did you go ... yesterday? - - No, I went ... , I stayed at home the whole day.

    Упр. 102. Вставьте some, any, no, every или их производные.

    1. Can I have ... milk? - - Yes, you can have .... 2. Will you have ... tea? 3. Give me ... books, please. I have ... to read at home. 4. Put ... sugar in her tea: she does not like sweet tea. 5. Is ... the matter with you? Has ... offended you? I see by your face

    that ... has happened. 6. We did not see ... in the hall. 7. ... was present at the lesson yesterday. 8. He is busy. He has ... time to go to the cinema with us. 9. Do you need ... books to prepare for your report? 10. Have you ... questions? Ask me ... you like, I shall try to answer ... question. 11. ... liked that play: it was very dull. 12. If ... is ready, we shall begin our experiment.

    Упр. 103. Вставьте some, any, no, every или их производные.

    1 Can ... see? No, ... people can't see ... people are blind. Blind people can't see. They can't see ... ; they can see ....

    2. Can ... hear? No, ... people can't hear. ... people are deaf. People who are quite deaf can't hear. They can't hear ..., they can't hear .... They can hear ... ; they can hear .... 3. Can we see ... ? No,-we can't see ... . We cannot see the air. ... can see the air. 4. We can't walk without legs and feet. People without legs and feet can't walk. They can't walk .... They can walk .... 5. Can you see ... in an empty box? No, I can't see ... in an empty box. I can see ... in an empty box. Why not? Because there is ... in an empty box. There isn't ... in an empty box. What is an empty box? An empty box is a box that has ... in it. An empty box is a box without ... in it. An empty room is a room without ... in it.

    Упр. 104. Вставьте some, any, no или их производные.

    1. Have you ... relations? - No, I haven't ... , I have ... relations. 2. Has she ... nephews or nieces? - - She has ... nephews. 3. She has ... sisters, she has only brothers. 4. Do you know ... about Chinese art? 5. They have ... cousins in Minsk. 6. Have you ... brothers? - No, I haven't ... , I have ... brothers. 7. I have ... good friends. 8. We did not know ... about his problems: he told us ... . 9. Have you got ... interesting books? 10. Have you ... friends in America? 11. He has ... English books in this bookcase. 12. Did you meet ... on your way to school? 13. Have you got ... pencils in your bag? 14. Do we have ... chalk on the blackboard? 15. How could I know that he was ill? ... told me ... . 16. She has ... mistakes in her test.

    Упр. 105. Вставьте одно из следующих слов: some, any, no, the или оставьте пропуски незаполненными.

    1. Суп (вообще) содержит много воды. ... soup contains much water. 2. Суп готов. ... soup is ready. 3. Дайте мне супу. Give me ... soup. 4. Название этого супа — борщ. The name of ... soup is borshch. 5. Прежде всего нам нужно согреть воды. First of all we must heat ... water. 6. Прежде всего нам нужно согреть воду. First of all we must heat ... water. 7. Вода состоит из водорода и кислорода. ... water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.

    8. Мыло необходимо для мытья. ... soap is necessary for washing. 9. На умывальнике нет мыла. There is ... soap on the wash-stand. 10.Мыло на полке. ... soap is on the shelf. 11. Мне не нравится цвет этого мыла. I don't like the colour of ... soap . 12. Есть у вас карболовое мыло? Have you got ... carbolic soap? 13. В Карелии много фабрик, которые производят бумагу. There are many factories in Karelia that produce ... paper. 14.Бумага для стенгазеты на столе. ... paper for the wall-newspaper is on the table 15. Дайте мне бумаги. Give me ... paper.

    16. Я очень люблю этот сорт бумаги. I like this sort of ... paper very much. 17. Передай мне масло. Pass me ... butter, please. 18. Дай ему масла. Give him ... butter. 19.Я не хочу масла. I don't want ... butter. 20. Эта ферма производит масло. This farm produces ... butter. 21.В этом стакане нет молока. There is ... milk in this glass.

    22.Возьми варенья. Take ... jam. 23.Возьми варенье. Take ... jam. 24. Любите ли вы бекон? Do you like ... bacon? 25.Какова цена бекона? What is the price of ... bacon? 26. Он никогда не кладет сахару в чай. Не never puts ... sugar in his tea. 27. Сахар -- важный пищевой продукт. ... sugar is an important food product.

    Упр. 106. Вставьте a, the, some или оставьте пропуски незаполненными.

    1. a) Give me ... water, please. I am thirsty.

    b) ... water in this river is always cold.

    c) ... water is necessary for animals and plants.

    2. a) Do you like ... brown bread?

    b) Please go to the shop and buy ... brown bread.

    3. a) He likes ... modern music.

    b) I should like to listen to ... music.

    с) I don't like ... music, it is too noisy. Switch off the radio, please,

    4. a) Ann has bought ... cheese,

    b) Where did she put ... cheese?

    c) Give me ... cheese, please.

    5. a) Yesterday she invited us to dinner. It was ...

    good dinner.

    b) I cannot forget ... dinner we had at the Savoy.

    Упр. 107. Вставьте одно из следующих слов: some, the, а или оставьте пропуски незаполненными.

    1. We use ... pencils or ... pens when we write. 2. He was reading ... book when I came into ... room. 3. Give me ... water to drink, please. 4. At what time will ... meeting begin? 5. Do you find ... English difficult? 6.1 got... letter from my brother yesterday. 7. I had ... bread and ... butter and ... egg for ... breakfast this morning. 8. Here is ... book that you left on my table yesterday. 9. ... men saw ... boat on ... river. 10. Can you give me ... match? 11. I get ... long letters from my mother, but only ... postcards from my brother. 12. The waitress put ... salad into each plate. 15. When did ... lesson begin? 14, Children must go to ... school. 15, Pass me ... piece of ... bread, please. 16. Do you like ... cucumbers? 17, We bought ... cucumbers at ... market.

    Упр. 108. Вставьте одно из следующих слов: some, any, no, the, а или оставьте пропуски незаполненными.

    1. ... cats like ... milk. 2. They stopped in ... front of ... house where Tom lived. 3. I showed him ... way to ... station. 4. What is ... name of ... street in which you live? 5. I want to say ... words to your sister. 6. ... tea in this glass is cold. 7.... sun was high in ... sky. 8. Oh, there are ... apples in ... vase: ... children have eaten all of them. Please put ... apples into ... vase. 9. Yesterday we had ... fish for dinner. 10. He gave me ... coffee. 11.1 drank ... cup of ... coffee after ... dinner. 12. She bought ... new books yesterday. 13. Where are .„ books which you brought from ... library yesterday? 14. Did you buy ... apples when you were at ... shop? 15. We could not skate because there was ... snow on ... ice. 16. ... house must have ... windows. 17. Most people like ... music. 18. There was ... meat on Nick's plate and ... fish on Tom's, 19. We saw . . houses in the distance.


    Упр. 109. Переведите на английский язык следующие пары слов.

    Много тетрадей, много молока, много воды, много дней, много газет, много мела, много снега, много лет, много картин, много музыки, много мальчиков, много девочек, много чая, много лимонов, много мяса, много комнат, много учителей, много работы, много воздуха, много птиц, много машин.

    Упр. 110. Вставьте much или many.

    1. Please don't put ... pepper on the meat. 2. There were ... plates on the table. 3. I never eat

    I... bread with soup. 4. Why did you eat so ... ice-cream? 5. She wrote us ... letters from the country. 6. ... of these students don't like to look up words in the dictionary. 7. ... in this work was too difficult for me. 8. ... of their answers were excellent. 9. ... of their conversation was about the institute. 10. There are ... new pictures in this room.

    ll. There are ... teachers at our school, and ... of them are women. 12. ... of these plays are quite ... new. 13. Thanks awfully for the books you sent me yesterday. - - Don't mention it, it wasn't ... bother. 14. ... of her advice was useful. 15. He had ... pairs of socks.


    - little time (ед. ч.)

    - few books (мн. ч.)

    Упр. 111. Переведите на английский язык следующие пары слов.

    Мало домов, мало чая, мало чашек, мало яблок, мало окон, мало бумаги, мало кофе, мало статей, мало радости, мало супу, мало деревьев, мало травы, мало детей, мало игрушек, мало света, мало парт, мало колбасы, мало сока, мало книг, мало цветов, мало соли, мало друзей, мало дворцов.

    Упр. 112. Вставьте little или few.

    1. I have ... time, so I can't go with you. 2. He [ has ... English books. 3. There is ... ink in my pen. Have you got any ink? 4. There are ... bears in the zoo. 5. Tom Canty was the son of poor parents and had very ... clothes. 6. There is tool ... soup in my plate. Give me some more, please.

    7. The children returned from the wood very sad because they had found very ... mushrooms.

    8. There was too ... light in the room, and I could not read. There are very ... people who don't know that the earth is round.

    Упр. 113. Вставьте much, many, little или few.

    1. My brother is a young teacher. Every day he spends ... time preparing for his lessons. 2. I know I very ... about this writer. It is the first book I am reading. 3. The pupils of our class ask ... questions at the lesson. They want to know everything. 4. You do not make ... mistakes in your spelling. Do you work hard at it? —Oh, yes, I do, I work very .... 5. Does your sister read ...?-- Yes, she does. And your brother? -- Oh, he doesn't. He has so ... books, but he reads very ... . 6. Have you ... work to do today? -- No, not very ... . 7. Walk quicker, please. We have very ... time. 8. I am sorry to say, l have read very ... books by Walter Scott.



    I have little time

    У меня мало времени


    I have a little time

    У меня есть немного времени


    I have few books

    У меня мало книг


    I have a few books

    У меня есть несколько книг

    Упр. 114. Переведите на английский язык следующие пары слов.

    Немного денег, мало денег, несколько стульев, мало стульев, несколько песен, мало песен, немного веселья, мало веселья, мало мальчиков, немного воды, несколько человек, мало воды, мало воздуха, мало столов, несколько минут, несколько кошек, мало травы, немного удачи,

    несколько дней, мало работы, немного соли, несколько ложек, мало света, мало окон, несколько машин, немного сахару, мало яиц, мало сыра.

    Упр. 115. Вставьте little, a little, few или a few.

    1. I have ... money, so we can go to the cinema. 2. I have ... money, so we cannot go to the cinema. 3. This girl works very ... , that's why she knows nothing. 4. Mother gave us ... apples, and we were glad. 5. He did not like it at the camp: he had very ... friends there. 6. This lemon drink is sour; if you put ... sugar in it, it will be sweeter. 7. This lemon drink is sour; if you put ... lumps of sugar in it, it will be sweeter. 8. The hall was almost empty: there were ... people in it. 9. I can't buy this expensive hat today: I have too ... money. 10. She left and returned in ... minutes. 11. I think you can spare me ... time now. 12. I am sorry I have seen ... plays by this author.

    Упр. 116. Вставьте much, many, little, few, a little или a few.

    1. He had ... English books at home, so he had to go to the library for more books. 2. She gave him ... water to wash his hands and face. 3. I'd like to say ... words about my journey. 4. After the play everybody felt ... tired. 5. Let's stay here ... longer: it is such a nice place. 6. There were ... new words in the text, and Peter spent ... time learning them. 7. There was ... hay in the barn, and the children could not play there. 8. There was ... water in the river, and they decided to cross it. 9. My mother knows German ... and she can help you with the translation of this letter. 10. When we walked ... farther down the road, we met another group of students. 11. Have you got I... ink in your pen? 12. At the conference we met I... people whom we knew well. 13. There are very ... old houses left in our street. Most of them have already been pulled down. 14. If you have ... spare time, look through this book. You will find ... stories there which are rather interesting. 15. There are ... things here which I cannot understand. 16. Shall I bring ... more chalk? — No, thank you. There is... chalk on the desk. I hope that will be enough for our lesson.


    Односложные и двусложные прилагательные

    Положительная Сравнительная степень степень

    Превосходная степень

    1 small


    the smallest

    ! large


    the largest



    the biggest



    the happiest

    Упр. 117. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень следующих прилагательных. Не | забудьте употреблять определенный артикль [ перед превосходной степенью прилагательных.

    Hot, long, short, clever, silly, great, red, black,

    white, thin, thick, fat, nice, warm, cold, merry, ;

    small, tall, high, weak, strong, heavy, light, green, ; dry, clean, dirty, wide, deep, brave.

    Запомните особые случаи образования степеней сравнения

    Положительная степень

    Сравнительная степень

    Превосходная степень


    elder older

    the eldest the oldest



    the farthest



    the best



    the worst

    Упр. 118. Переведите на английский язык.

    Старый, старше, самый старый, самый старший, мой старший брат, мой старый друг, дальше, самый дальний, самый длинный, короче, счастливый, счастливее, самый счастливый, самый лучший, самый черный, длиннее, хуже, лучше, теплее, ее лучший друг, ее младший сын, его старший сын

    Многосложные прилагательные

    Положительная степень

    Сравнительная степень

    Превосходная степень


    тоге interesting

    the most interesting


    more beautiful

    the most beautiful

    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   ...   34

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