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Англ яз. Canada is a rapidly developing country with incredibly beautiful nature

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НазваниеCanada is a rapidly developing country with incredibly beautiful nature
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Canada is a rapidly developing country with incredibly beautiful nature. It is the second largest state in the world (after Russia): its huge territory extends from Arctic glaciers to coniferous and mixed forests on the border with the USA. Canada has rich plant world (oak, maple, fir, pine, etc.) and animal world (wolf, lynx, deer, and various species of fish). It is famous for the colossal Great Lakes and national parks.
The history of Canada is tied with two cultures: English and French. Canada was born in the late 16 th and early 17 th centuries when French colonists settled on the land of the Indian tribes. Later, the British arrived and founded their cities, which led to wars between them, the French, and indigenous people. The French part, with the center in Quebec, and the English part of Canada united in 1840. For a long time, Canada remained the British colony but became sovereign in the 20 th century.

Nowadays, Canada is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Although its head is British monarch, the Governor-General and the Parliament sitting in the capital (Ottawa) are independent in their decisions. The country consists of 10 provinces and 3 territories; each subject has its own proportion of Francophone and Anglophone population, but Canada is officially bilingual. Many immigrants from France, Ireland, German, Italy, etc. preserve their native cultures and create the situation of multiculturalism supported by the state.
Due to improved mining industry, agriculture, and trade, Canada has a very high living standard. Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver attract tourists, as well as amazing landscapes and numerous ethnic festivals.
Canada is situated on the north of Northern America, washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Pacific Ocean in the west, and the Arctic Ocean in the north and in the northeast by the Baffin Bay and the Davis Strait, which separate it from Greenland, In the south and in the north Canada borders on the USA. It is a land of vast distances and rich natural resources. Canada became a self-governing dominion in 1867 while retaining ties to the British crown. Canada’s territory is the world’s second largest country, surpassed in size only by Russia. It includes many islands, notably the Canadian Arctic Islands, also called Arctic Archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. Economically and technologically the nation has developed in parallel with the US, its neighbour to the south. The total area is about 10 million sq km. Canada is slightly larger than the US. It is an important manufacturer, and its major cities, such as Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary and Winnipeg are centres of commerce and industry.
The climate of Canada varies from temperate in the south to subarctic and arctic in the north. The highest Canadian point is Mount Logan 5,959 m. The population of Canada is about 32 million people. There are two state languages: English and French. English is spoken by 60 % of population; French is spoken by 23 % of people.
Most of Canada’s inhabitants live in the southern part of the country and vast areas of the north are sparsely inhabited. The country is divided into ten provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan) and three territories (Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory, Nunavut Territory). The third territory called Nunavut, to be carved from the present Northwest Territories, was created in 1999.
Canada became independent from the United Kingdom on July, 1, 1867. Legal system is based on the English common law, except in Quebec, where civil law system based on the French law prevails.
The racial and ethnic makeup of the Canadian people is diversified. About 35 percent of the population is composed of people of the British origin. People of the French origin total about 25 percent of the population. The vast majority of French-speaking Canadians reside in Quebec, where they make up about three-fourths of the population; large numbers also live in Ontario and New Brunswick.
Canada is a rapidly developing country with incredibly beautiful nature. It is the second largest state in the world (after Russia): its huge territory extends from Arctic glaciers to coniferous and mixed forests on the border with the USA. Canada has rich plant world (oak, maple, fir, pine, etc.) and animal world (wolf, lynx, deer, and various species of fish). It is famous for the colossal Great Lakes and national parks.
Канада - быстро развивающаяся страна с невероятно красивой природой. Это второе по величине государство в мире (после России): его огромная территория простирается от арктических ледников до хвойных и смешанных лесов на границе с США. Канада богата растительным миром (дуб, клен, ель, сосна и т.д.) и животным миром (волк, рысь, олень и различные виды рыб). Он знаменит колоссальными Великими озерами и национальными парками.
The history of Canada is tied with two cultures: English and French. Canada was born in the late 16 th and early 17 th centuries when French colonists settled on the land of the Indian tribes. Later, the British arrived and founded their cities, which led to wars between them, the French, and indigenous people. The French part, with the center in Quebec, and the English part of Canada united in 1840. For a long time, Canada remained the British colony but became sovereign in the 20 th century.

Nowadays, Canada is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Although its head is British monarch, the Governor-General and the Parliament sitting in the capital (Ottawa) are independent in their decisions. The country consists of 10 provinces and 3 territories; each subject has its own proportion of Francophone and Anglophone population, but Canada is officially bilingual. Many immigrants from France, Ireland, German, Italy, etc. preserve their native cultures and create the situation of multiculturalism supported by the state.
История Канады связана с двумя культурами: английской и французской. Канада родилась в конце 16-го и начале 17-го веков, когда французские колонисты поселились на землях индейских племен. Позже прибыли британцы и основали свои города, что привело к войнам между ними, французами и коренными жителями. Французская часть с центром в Квебеке и английская часть Канады объединились в 1840 году. Долгое время Канада оставалась британской колонией, но в 20 веке стала суверенной.

В настоящее время Канада является членом Содружества Наций. Хотя его главой является британский монарх, генерал-губернатор и парламент, заседающие в столице (Оттава), независимы в своих решениях. Страна состоит из 10 провинций и 3 территорий; каждый субъект имеет свою долю франкоязычного и англоязычного населения, но Канада официально двуязычна. Многие иммигранты из Франции, Ирландии, Германии, Италии и т.д. сохраняют свои родные культуры и создают ситуацию мультикультурализма, поддерживаемого государством
Due to improved mining industry, agriculture, and trade, Canada has a very high living standard. Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver attract tourists, as well as amazing landscapes and numerous ethnic festivals.
Благодаря улучшению горнодобывающей промышленности, сельского хозяйства и торговли, Канада имеет очень высокий уровень жизни. Торонто, Монреаль, Ванкувер привлекают туристов, а также удивительными пейзажами и многочисленными этническими фестивалями.
Canada is situated on the north of Northern America, washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Pacific Ocean in the west, and the Arctic Ocean in the north and in the northeast by the Baffin Bay and the Davis Strait, which separate it from Greenland, In the south and in the north Canada borders on the USA. It is a land of vast distances and rich natural resources. Canada became a self-governing dominion in 1867 while retaining ties to the British crown. Canada’s territory is the world’s second largest country, surpassed in size only by Russia. It includes many islands, notably the Canadian Arctic Islands, also called Arctic Archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. Economically and technologically the nation has developed in parallel with the US, its neighbour to the south. The total area is about 10 million sq km. Canada is slightly larger than the US. It is an important manufacturer, and its major cities, such as Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary and Winnipeg are centres of commerce and industry.
Канада расположена на севере Северной Америки, омывается Атлантическим океаном на востоке, Тихим океаном на западе и Северным Ледовитым океаном на севере и на северо-востоке заливом Баффина и проливом Дэвиса, которые отделяют ее от Гренландии, на юге и на севере Канады граничит с США. Это страна огромных расстояний и богатых природных ресурсов. Канада стала самоуправляющимся доминионом в 1867 году, сохранив при этом связи с британской короной. Территория Канады - вторая по величине страна в мире, уступающая по размерам только России. Он включает в себя множество островов, в частности Канадские Арктические острова, также называемые Арктическим архипелагом в Северном Ледовитом океане. Экономически и технологически нация развивалась параллельно с США, своим южным соседом. Общая площадь составляет около 10 миллионов квадратных километров. Канада немного больше США. Это важный производитель, и его крупные города, такие как Торонто, Монреаль, Ванкувер, Оттава, Эдмонтон, Калгари и Виннипег, являются центрами торговли и промышленности.
The climate of Canada varies from temperate in the south to subarctic and arctic in the north. The highest Canadian point is Mount Logan 5,959 m. The population of Canada is about 32 million people. There are two state languages: English and French. English is spoken by 60 % of population; French is spoken by 23 % of people.
Климат Канады варьируется от умеренного на юге до субарктического и арктического на севере. Самая высокая точка Канады - гора Логан высотой 5959 м. Население Канады составляет около 32 миллионов человек. Есть два государственных языка: английский и французский. На английском говорят 60% населения; на французском говорят 23 % людей.
Most of Canada’s inhabitants live in the southern part of the country and vast areas of the north are sparsely inhabited. The country is divided into ten provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan) and three territories (Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory, Nunavut Territory). The third territory called Nunavut, to be carved from the present Northwest Territories, was created in 1999.
Большинство жителей Канады проживает в южной части страны, а обширные районы севера малонаселены. Страна разделена на десять провинций (Альберта, Британская Колумбия, Манитоба, Нью-Брансуик, Ньюфаундленд, Новая Шотландия, Онтарио, остров Принца Эдуарда, Квебек, Саскачеван) и три территории (Северо-Западные территории, территория Юкон, территория Нунавут). Третья территория под названием Нунавут, которая будет выделена из нынешних Северо-Западных территорий, была создана в 1999 году.
Canada became independent from the United Kingdom on July, 1, 1867. Legal system is based on the English common law, except in Quebec, where civil law system based on the French law prevails.
Канада стала независимой от Соединенного Королевства 1 июля 1867 года. Правовая система основана на английском общем праве, за исключением Квебека, где преобладает система гражданского права, основанная на французском праве.
The racial and ethnic makeup of the Canadian people is diversified. About 35 percent of the population is composed of people of the British origin. People of the French origin total about 25 percent of the population. The vast majority of French-speaking Canadians reside in Quebec, where they make up about three-fourths of the population; large numbers also live in Ontario and New Brunswick.
Расовый и этнический состав канадского народа разнообразен. Около 35 процентов населения составляют люди британского происхождения. Люди французского происхождения составляют около 25 процентов населения. Подавляющее большинство франкоговорящих канадцев проживает в Квебеке, где они составляют около трех четвертей населения; большое количество также проживает в Онтарио и Нью-Брансуике.

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