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  • Задание 9.

  • Вариант 3 Задание 1.

  • Задание 2.

  • Задание 3.

  • вариант 2 КР2. Chapter I. Grammar practice part глагол (The Verb). Действительный залог (The Active Voice). Табл. Сводная таблица употребления настоящих времен

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    НазваниеChapter I. Grammar practice part глагол (The Verb). Действительный залог (The Active Voice). Табл. Сводная таблица употребления настоящих времен
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    Задание 7. Here are some dictionary definitions of words from the text. Each word has more than one definition. Choose the definition that fits each of the words in the text best.

    1. examine

    a) if you examine something, you look at it or consider it carefully.

    b) if a teacher examines you, he or she finds out how much you know by asking you questions or by making you take an examination.

    2. model

    a) a model is a three- dimensional copy of an object, usually one that is smaller than the object.

    b) if a system is used as a model, people copy it in order to achieve similar results.

    3. handle

    a) the part of an object that you hold in order to carry it or operate it.

    b) if you handle something, you hold it and move it about in your hands.

    4. assembly

    a) a large number of people, gathered together, especially a group of people who meet regularly to make laws.

    b) the assembly of a machine or device is the process of fitting its parts together.

    Задание 8. Findwords and expressions which mean the same as the following.

    1. manipulate

    2. correcting

    3. expensive

    4. increase

    5. copy

    Задание 9. Make am outline of the text in 5–7 sentences.
    Вариант 2
    Задание 1. Выберите правильную форму глагола из двух предложенных.

    1. The sausages … delicious.

    A. are tasting

    B. taste

    2. He will be angry if you … home late.

    A. will come

    B. come

    3. "How many exams

    ?" "I think, five".

    A. does he pass

    B. has he passed

    4. When … to take a course in statistics?

    A. did she choose

    B. has she chosen

    5. Bill … about his answer during the lunch break.

    A. had been thinking

    B. thought

    6. We are going to buy a car. By the end of next month our family …money for it.

    A. will save

    B. will have saved

    Задание 2. Подчеркните сказуемое в предложении, определите его видо-временную форму и переведите предложения на русскийязык.
    1. E-mail has become a key part of the communications networks of most modern offices.

    2. Since all e-mail addresses are written in Latin script, no special procedures are required to locate one in Russia.

    3. Newer-generation networks use optical fiber connections.
    Задание 3.Укажите, какой частью речи является выделенная форма:

    a) герундием (Gerund); b) инфинитивом(Infinitive);c) причастием настоящего времени (Participle I); d) причастием прошедшего времени (Participle II). Переведите предложения.

    1. Other methods used for wide-area networking include telephone and communications-satellite linkage.

    2. E-mail services use a central computer to store messages and data and to route them to their intended destination.

    3. The computer is rapidly taking over graphics design, production scheduling, and engineering design.
    I. Read the text. Then read the titles. Which of the following titles is the best?

    1. Office Equipment.

    2. Office Automation.

    3. Computers and Periphery.

    4. How the Modem Works.

    The rapid growth of the service sector of the economy has furnished a new market for sophisticated office automation. Computers 1_______and specialized software programs are taking over tasks such as facsimile transmission or FAX, mail, and telecommunications that were once performed by separate pieces of equipment. In fact, the computer has virtually taken the place of typewriters, calculators, and manual accounting techniques and is rapidly taking over graphics design, production scheduling, and engineering design.

    Desktop PCs have become increasingly affordable as a result of industry-wide adoption of the architecture of the PC introduced in 1981. Although it has become feasible to provide virtually every office worker with a PC, 2________. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, many companies began programs of linking or "networking" multiple PCs into a unified system.

    The local area network (LAN) was created in response to the need for a standardized system of linking computers together in a company. The most common method used to connect computers to a network is by means of coaxial cables. Newer-generation networks use optical fiber connections. When computers are not in close physical proximity, networks may use microwave radio or infrared radiation to link the computers. Microwave radio requires a dish antenna for transmission and reception; infrared radiation requires a lens for transmission and a mirror and lens for reception.3________.

    The need for computer "connectivity" has established the usefulness of the peripheral device known as the modem. Modems permit two computers to communicate by telephone in order to access databases, transmit files, upload and download facsimile transmissions, and send and receive electronic mail. Early transmission speeds using this equipment were relatively slow—300 baud. 4__________.

    Text materials in typed or printed form can be input directly into a computer by means of a scanner. To read text, optical character recognition (OCR) software must first be used to convert printed documents electronically into computer-readable files. Scanners obviate the need to rekey printed text in order to input it; they can also be used to input graphic material.

    Computer-based electronic message systems are an alternative to telephonic communications or conventional interoffice memoranda.

    E-mail has become a key part of the communications networks of most modern offices. Data and messages can be transmitted from one computer to another using telephone lines, microwave links, communications satellites, or other telecommunications equipment.5_________. E-mail is sent through a company's own local area network or beyond, through a nationwide or worldwide communications network. E-mail services use a central computer to store messages and data and to route them to their intended destination. With a subscription to a public e-mail network, an individual PC user needs only a modem and a telephone to send and receive written or vocal messages.
    II. Read the text again. Choose the best sentence from the list below to complete each gap

    a) Other methods used for wide-area networking include telephone and communications-satellite linkage.

    b) Since all e-mail addresses are written in Latin script, no special procedures are required to locate one in Russia.

    c) either stand-alone or as part of a network

    d) The same message can be sent to a number of different addresses.

    e) Some modems now operate at speeds of more than 50,000 baud and have error-checking and data-compression features.

    f) It is more cost-effective for PC users to share files and common peripherals such as printers, facsimile boards, modems, and scanners.

    g) It can narrow down the scope of the search considerably.
    III. Choose the best answer to these questions according to the text.

    1. When did it become possible to provide each office worker with a PC?

    1. in 1981,

    2. in the late 1980s,

    3. in the early 1990s.

    2. What may networks use to link computers, which are not in direct closeness?

    1. optical fiber connections,

    2. telephone and communications – satellite linkage,

    3. microwave radio and infrared radiation.

    3. How is the device, one of the functions of which is to send and receive electronic mail, called?

    1. a scanner,

    2. a modem,

    3. a fax.

    4. What is the device used to input graphic material?

    1. a printer,

    2. a Xerox,

    3. a scanner.

    5. What should a PC user have to subscribe to a public e-mail network?

      1. modem and scanner,

      2. modem and telephone,

      3. telephone and printer.

    IV. Here are some dictionary definitions of words from the text. Each word has more than one definition. Choose the definition that fits each of the words in the text best.

    1) program

    a) a scheduled radio or television broadcast,

    b) a sequence of instructions fed into a computer.

    2) office

    a) a room or building where business is carried out,

    b) a position of authority.

    3) satellite

    a) a planet orbiting another,

    b) a man-made object orbiting the earth, moon, etc.

    4) address

    a) a place where a person resides,

    b) a specific memory location where information is stored.

    V. Find words and expressions which mean the same as the following.

    1) correspondence

    2) apparatus

    3) to contain

    4) to allow

    5) to keep
    VI. Make up an outline of the text (7-9 sentences).
    Задание__2.'>Задание_1.'>Вариант 3
    Задание 1. Выберите правильную форму глагола из двух предложенных.

    1. … this party?

    A. Do you enjoy

    B. Are you enjoying

    2. I will write to you as soon as I … .

    A. will be able to

    B. can

    3. It is 5 o'clock now. My brother …… for his History class and I …..a composition.

    A. is preparing, am writing

    B. has been preparing, am writing

    4. I …. the news when the telephone rang.

    A. watched

    B. was watching

    5. It had been raining all day and the roads ……. very wet.

    A. had been

    B. were

    6. Julia … all the housework by three o’clock and we’ll go for a walk.

    A. will finish

    B. will have finished

    Задание 2. Подчеркните сказуемое в предложении, определите его видо-временную форму и переведите предложения на русский язык.

      1. Like other waves of energy, sound normally travels in straight lines, but sound can turn corners.

      2. Cellular calls are picked up by the towers and relayed to the rest of the telephone network.

      3. New cellular telephones have several features.

    Задание 3.Укажите, какой частью речи является выделенная форма:

    a) герундием (Gerund); b) инфинитивом(Infinitive);c) причастием настоящего времени (Participle I); d) причастием прошедшего времени (Participle II). Переведите предложения.

    1. Cellular telephones work by transmitting radio waves to cellular towers.

    2. The central switching station handling cellular calls in a given area is directly connected to the rest of the wired telephone system.

    3. Because mobile telephones use radio waves to send and receive calls, the device must include a power source.
    Задание 4. Read the text. Then read the titles. Which of the following titles is the best?

    1. Cellular Phone Network.

    2. Personal Communications Services.

    3. Cellular Radio Telephone

    4. Types of Telephones.

    Cellular radio telephone is also called cellular telephone or cell phone, it is a low-powered, lightweight radio transceiver (a combination transmitter-receiver) that provides voice telephone service to mobile users. Cellular telephones operate as portable telephones; whereas normal telephones require a cord that connects to a jack in order to access the extensive wire line networks operated by local telephone companies, cellular telephones are not restricted by a cord. 1________.

    Cellular telephones work by transmitting radio waves to cellular towers. 2 ________. The area a tower can cover is referred to as a cell; the towers within these cells are networked to a central switching station, usually by wire, fiber-optic cable, or microwave. The central switching station handling cellular calls in a given area is directly connected to the rest of the wired telephone system. Cellular calls are picked up by the towers and relayed to the rest of the telephone network. Since the cells overlap, as a mobile caller moves from one cell into another, the towers "hand off" the call so communication is uninterrupted.

    3________, and cellular coverage is increasing in rural areas. Due to the convenience and mobility of cellular telephones, users generally pay a higher fee than they would for normal telephone use. A newer generation of cellular radio technology, called Personal Communications Services (PCS), operates much like earlier cellular services, but at higher frequencies (around 1900 MHz). PCS also utilizes completely digital transmissions, rather than the analog transmissions that many current cellular telephones use. Digital transmissions convert sound into digital form, which can be transmitted faster and more efficiently than analog signals.

    Both cellular radio and PCS use high-frequency radio waves to transmit calls. High-frequency waves have short wavelengths that pass by a given point at a very high rate. They provide better sound quality than lower-frequency waves (such as AM radio) and ensure reliable cellular links to and from towers over short distances. However, high-frequency signals cannot effectively travel as far as low-frequency signals. For cellular networks, this limited range is advantageous, because it means the same frequencies can be reused at nearby locations. This ability to reuse frequencies is helpful, because there are a limited number of radio frequencies available to cell phone companies. 4________.

    The transceiver inside a cellular phone is a much more complex device than a conventional phone used over the wire line network. A cellular telephone has circuitry that creates a unique identity code that is used to locate and track the telephone and is necessary for coordinating calls to and from the telephone, and for billing such calls.

    New cellular telephones have several features. These new phones have a small liquid crystal screen that can display the telephone number that is being called, the number of an incoming call, or a short text message, much like a pager displays this information. Other types of cellular telephones have a variety of functions that include a memory for frequently called numbers and a lock to deter theft. 5________.

    Rechargeable batteries provide the usual source of power, but most cell phones can also be attached to the cigarette lighter in a vehicle or to some other external power device.
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