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  • Задание 9

  • Задание 9.

  • вариант 2 КР2. Chapter I. Grammar practice part глагол (The Verb). Действительный залог (The Active Voice). Табл. Сводная таблица употребления настоящих времен

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    НазваниеChapter I. Grammar practice part глагол (The Verb). Действительный залог (The Active Voice). Табл. Сводная таблица употребления настоящих времен
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    Задание 5. Read the text again. Choose the best sentence from the list below to complete each gap.

      1. These towers vary in the area they cover and can receive nearby cellular telephone signals from 1,5 – 56 km distances.

      2. Like other waves of energy, sound normally travels in straight lines, but sound can turn corners.

      3. It also allows cellular network provides to accommodate a larger number of users.

      4. Because mobile telephones use radio waves to send and receive calls, the device must include a power source.

      5. Cellular telephones have become very popular with professionals and consumers as a way to communicate while away their regular phones.

      6. The human ear does not hear all frequencies of sound in the same way, and a low sound is perceived as being less loud than a high sound of the same intensify.

      7. Cellular phone networks exist in most metropolitan areas.

    Задание 6. Choose the best answer on these questions according to the text.

    1. What is the other name of cellular telephones?

    1. voice telephone service,

    2. radio transceivers,

    3. cellular radio telephones.

    2. Where are radio waves of cellular telephones transmitted to?

    1. to cellular towers,

    2. directly to the wired telephone system,

    3. to rural areas.

    3. What type of transmissions is more effective?

    1. analog,

    2. digital.

    4. What is the unique identity code set aside for?

    1. to concert side into digital form,

    2. to locate and track the telephone,

    3. to display the telephone number.

    5. What are the functions of mobile telephones?

    1. to receive nearby cellular telephone signals,

    2. to send and receive calls,

    3. for billing telephone calls.

    Задание 7. Here are some dictionary definitions of the words from the text. Each word has more than one definition. Choose the definition that fits each of the words in the text best.

    1. cell

    a) a microscopic unit of living matter enclosing a nucleus with self-producing genes,

    b) unit of an apparatus for producing electric current by chemical action, often of metal plates in acid, often part of a battery.

    2. wave

    a) long ridge of water, esp. on the sea, between two long hollows,

    b) wave like motion by which heat, light, sound or electricity is spread or carried.

    3. company

    a) persons with whom one spends one’s time,

    b) number of persons united for business or commerce.

    4. number

    a) quantity or amount,

    b) one issue of a periodical, esp. for one day, week, etc.
    Задание 8. Find words and expressions which mean the same as the following.

      1. demand

      2. zone

      3. usually

      4. profitable

      5. fluid

    Задание 9. Make an outline of the text in 7-10 sentences.
    Вариант 4
    Задание 1. Выберите правильную форму глагола из двух предложенных.

    1. You haven’t said a word all morning. What … about?

    A. are you thinking

    B. do you think

    2. Turn the lights off before you … to bed.

    A. will go

    B. go

    3. It is clear to me that his time for action


    A. has come

    B. comes

    4. She …. home when she saw the accident.

    A. was walking

    B. had walked

    5. How long ago …. this course?

    A. had you taken

    B. did you take

    6. David dreams that he will become a successful lawyer by the time he …thirty years old.

    A. is

    B. will be

    Задание 2. Подчеркните сказуемое в предложении, определите его видо-временную форму и переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1.GPC is used by aircraft and skips for en route navigation and for airport or harbor approaches.

    2. Because the GPS user does not need to communicate with the satellite, GPS can serve an unlimited number of users.

    3. GPS, formally known as the Navstar Global Positioning System, was initiated in 1973.
    Задание 3.Укажите, какой частью речи является выделенная форма:

    a) герундием (Gerund); b) инфинитивом(Infinitive);c) причастием настоящего времени (Participle I); d) причастием прошедшего времени (Participle II). Переведите предложения.

    1. Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based radio-navigation system, consisting of 24 satellites and ground support.

    2. By taking a measurement from a fourth satellite, the receiver avoids the need for an atomic clock.

    3. In a method called precision farming, GPS is used to monitor and control the application of agricultural fertilizer and pesticides.
    Задание 4. Read the text. Then read the titles. Which of the following titles is the best?

    1. Space Satellites.

    2. Global Positioning System.

    3. Segments of Global Positioning System.

    4. Radio-Navigation Systems.

    Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based radio-navigation system, consisting of 24 satellites and ground support. GPS provides users with accurate information about their position and velocity, as well as the time, anywhere in the world and in all weather conditions.

    GPS, formally known as the Navstar Global Positioning System, was initiated in 1973.1________. GPS satellites carry atomic clocks that provide extremely accurate time. The time information is placed in the codes broadcast by the satellite so that a receiver can continuously determine the time the signal was broadcast. The signal contains data that a receiver uses to compute the locations of the satellites and to make other adjustments needed for accurate positioning. The receiver uses the time difference between the time of signal reception and the broadcast time to compute the distance, or range, from the receiver to the satellite. The receiver must account for propagation delays, or decreases in the signal's speed caused by the ionosphere and the troposphere. With information about the ranges to three satellites and the location of the satellite when the signal was sent, the receiver can compute its own three-dimensional position.

    An atomic clock synchronized to GPS is required in order to compute ranges from these three signals. However, by taking a measurement from a fourth satellite, the receiver avoids the need for an atomic clock. 2_______.GPS comprises three segments: the space, control, and user segments. The space segment includes the satellites and the Delta rockets. GPS satellites fly in circular orbits at an altitude of 20,100 km (12,500 mi) and with a period of 12 hours. The orbits are tilted to the earth's equator by 55 degrees to ensure coverage of polar regions.3________. Each satellite contains four atomic clocks.

    The control segment includes the master control station in Colorado, and monitor stations in the Atlantic, Indian and South Pacific Oceans. These stations monitor the GPS satellites. The control segment uses measurements collected by the monitor stations to predict the behavior of each satellite's orbit and clock. The prediction data is uplinked, or transmitted, to the satellites for transmission to the users. 4________.

    The user segment includes the equipment of the military personnel and civilians who receive GPS signals. With more than 500,000 GPS receivers, the civilian community has its own large and diverse user segment. Surveyors use GPS to save time over standard survey methods.5_______. GPS tracking systems are used to route and monitor delivery vans and emergency vehicles. In a method called precision farming, GPS is used to monitor and control the application of agricultural fertilizer and pesticides. GPS is available as an in-car navigation aid and is used by hikers and hunters. It is also used on the Space Shuttle. Because the GPS user does not need to communicate with the satellite, GPS can serve an unlimited number of users.
    Задание 5. Read the text again. Choose the best sentence from the list below to complete each gap.

    1. We know that the atom is mostly empty space with a minute central nucleus some tens of thousands of times smaller than the atom.

    2. Powered by solar cells, the satellites continuously orient themselves to point their solar panels toward the sun and their antennae toward the earth.

    3. GPC is used by aircraft and skips for en route navigation and for airport or harbor approaches.

    4. GPC determines location by computing the difference between the time that a signal is sent and the time it is received.

    5. That makes it possible to send signals long distances, and in the XX century the world was united without wires.

    6. Thus, the receiver uses four satellites to compute latitude, longitude, altitude, and time.

    7. The control segment also ensures that the GPC satellite orbits and clocks remain within acceptable limits.
    Задание 6. Choose the best answer to these questions according to the text.

    1. What are the constituent parts of Global Positing System?

      1. solar cells, solar panels,

      2. latitude, longitude, altitude, and time,

      3. 24 satellites and ground support.

    2. When was GPC initiated?

      1. in 1973,

      2. in 1955,

      3. in 1971.

    3. What is the way to avoid the need for an atomic clock?

      1. to use a code,

      2. to take a measurement from a fourth satellite,

      3. to account for propagation delays.

    4. Why are the orbits of GPC satellites titled to the earth’s equator?

      1. to avoid the need for an atomic clock,

      2. to orient themselves to point their solar panels, toward the sun and their antennae toward the earth,

      3. to ensure coverage of polar regions.

    5. What segment is necessary to predict the behavior of each satellite’s orbit and clock?

    1. the space segment,

    b) the control segment,

    c) the user segment.
    Задание 7. Here are some dictionary definitions of words from the text. Each word has more than one definition. Choose the definition that fits each of the words in the text best.

    1. time

    a. the passing of all the days, months, and years, taken as a whole;

    b. occasion.

    2. receiver

    a. person who receives,

    b. part of an apparatus for receiving smth.

    3. segment

    a. part cut off or marked off by a line,

    b. division or section.

    4. control

    a. power or authority to direct, order or restrain;

    b. station at which cars taking part in a race may stop for overhaul, etc.
    Задание 8. Find words and expressions which mean the same as the following.

        1. backing

        2. guarantee

        3. have or hold within itself

        4. staff

        5. unbounded

    Задание 9.Make an outline of the text in 7-8 sentences.
    Вариант 5
    Задание 1.Выберитеправильнуюформуглаголаиздвухпредложенных.

    1. Why … your pockets? Have you lost anything?

    A. are you feeling

    B. do you feel

    2. He will be angry if you … home late.

    A. will come

    B. come

    3. How long …. on this problem so far?

    A. do you work

    B. have you been working

    4. We were happy to hear that we …. the exam.

    A. were passing

    B. had passed

    5. My uncle had been the headmaster of that school for thirty years before he…...

    A. had retired

    B. retired

    6. David …. to become a lawyer.

    A. is studying

    B. will have been studying

    Задание 2. Подчеркните сказуемое в предложении, определите его видо-временную форму и переведите предложения на русский язык.

    1.The address of a Web document helps the client computer find and connect to the server that holds the page.

    2. Applets, for example, are mini-computer programs that are written in computer programming languages such as Visual Basic and Java.

    3. Each Web document is written as plain text, and the instructions
    Задание 3. Укажите, какой частью речи является выделенная форма:

    a) герундием (Gerund); b) инфинитивом(Infinitive);c) причастием настоящего времени (Participle I); d) причастием прошедшего времени (Participle II). Переведите предложения.

    1. This method of accessing information is called associative access.

    2. When users want to access the Web, they use the Web browser on their client computer to connect to a Web server.

    3. Web servers hold Web documents and the media associated with them
    Задание 4. Read the text. Then read the titles. Which of the following title is the best?

    1. How the Computer Works.

    2. How the Web Works.

    3. The World Wide Web.

    4. How the Internet Works.

    When users want to access the Web, they use the Web browser on their client computer to connect to a Web server. Client computers connect to the Web in one of two ways. Client computers with dedicated access to the Web connect directly to the Web through a router (a piece of computer hardware that determines the best way to connect client and server computers) or by being part of a larger network with a direct connection to the Web. Client computers with dial-up access to the Web connect to the Web through a modem,1________. Some modems send signals over cable television lines or special high-capacity telephone lines. The client computer and the Web server use a set of rules for passing information back and forth. The Web browser knows another set of rules with which it can open and display information that reaches the client computer.

    Web servers hold Web documents and the media associated with them.2________. Client computers access information from Web servers, and any computer that a person uses to access the Web is a client, so a client could be any type of computer. The set of rules that clients and servers use to talk to each other is called a protocol. The Web, and all Internet formats, uses the protocol called TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). However, each part of the Internet—such as the Web, gopher systems, and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) systems—uses a slightly different system to transfer files between clients and servers.

    The address of a Web document helps the client computer find and connect to the server that holds the page. The address of a Web page is called a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). A URL is a compound code that tells the client’s browser three things: the rules the client should use to reach the site, the Internet address that uniquely designates the server, and the location within the server’s file system for a given item. An example of a URL is http://encarta.msn.com/. The first part of the URL, http://, shows that the site is on the World Wide Web. Most browsers are also capable of retrieving files with formats from other parts of the Internet, such as gopher and FTP. Other Internet formats use different codes in the first part of their URLs—for example, gopher uses gopher:// and FTP uses ftp://.The next part of the URL, encarta.msn.com, gives the name, or unique Internet address, of the server on which the Web site is stored. Some URLs specify certain directories or files, such as http://encarta.msn.com/explore/default.asp—explore is the name of the directory in which the file default.asp is found.

    The Web holds information in many forms, including text, graphical images, and any type of digital media files: including video, audio, and virtual reality files. Some elements of Web pages are actually small software programs in their own right. These objects, called applets (3_______), follow a set of instructions written by the person that programmed the applet. Applets allow users to play games on the Web, search databases, perform virtual scientific experiments, and many other actions.

    The codes that tell the browser on the client computer how to display a Web document correspond to a set of rules called Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Each Web document is written as plain text, and the instructions that tell the client computer how to present the document are contained within the document itself, encoded using special symbols called HTML tags. The browser knows how to interpret the HTML tags, so the document appears on the user’s screen as the document designer intended. In addition to HTML, some types of objects on the Web use their own coding. Applets, for example, are mini-computer programs that are written in computer programming languages such as Visual Basic and Java.

    Client-server communication, URLs, and HTML allow Web sites to incorporate hyperlinks, which users can use to navigate through the Web. Hyperlinks are often phrases in the text of the Web document that link to another Web document by providing the document’s URL when the user clicks their mouse on the phrase.4__________. Hyperlinks allow users to jump between diverse pages on the Web in no particular order. 5________, and scientists believe it bears a striking resemblance to the way the human brain accesses stored information. Hyperlinks make referencing information on the Web faster and easier than using most traditional printed documents.

    Задание 5. Read the text again. Choose the best sentence from the list below to complete each gap.

    a) From a small application, another name for a computer program.

    b) The client’s browser usually differentiates between hyperlinks and ordinary text by making the hyperlinks a different color or by underlining

    the hyperlinks.

    c) They can be ordinary personal computers, powerful mainframe computers, or anywhere in the range between the two.

    d) These are essentially Web sites containing searchable data base of

    Uniform Resource Locators (URLs).

    e) A hardware device that translates information from the computer into signals that can travel over telephone lines.

    f) This method of accessing information is called associative access.

    1. These will enable the user to type the desired word or by clicking

    on the letters to form it in a utility window.
    Задание 6. Choose the best answer to these questions according to the text.

    1. How is the part of computer hardware, responsible for the best connection between client and server computers, called?

    1. a modem,

    2. a router,

    3. an applet.

    2. What does a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) stand for?

    1. Web page address,

    2. Web document,

    3. Internet format.

    3. What is the computer language, used in the creation of applets?

    1. Ada,

    2. C#,

    3. Java.

    4. What does the address of a Web document serve for?

    1. It is used to name web documents.

    2. It helps the client computer to find the server that holds the page.

    3. It specifies certain directories and files.

    5. What is the main function of hyperlinks in a client-server communication?

    1. Hyperlinks substitute traditional printed documents.

    2. Hyperlinks quicken the search of referencing information.

    3. Hyperlinks allow users to jump between different pages on the Web in a strict order.

    Задание 7. Here are some dictionary definitions of words from the text. Each word has more than one definition. Choose the definition that fits each of the words in the text best.

    1. network

    a) a group of broadcasting stations connected to transmit the same program simultaneously,

    b) a chain of inter connected operations, computers, ect.

    2. file

    a) a collection of related data under a specific name,

    b) a container for keeping papers in order.

    3. code

    a) a set of rules or conventions,

    b) a set of program instructions.

    4. protocol

    a) the ceremonial etiquette accepted as correct in official dealings between heads of state or diplomatic officials,

    b) the formatting of data in an electronic communications system.
    Задание 8. Find words and expressions which mean the same as the following.

      1. admission

      2. definite

      3. directions

      4. to decipher

      5. various

    Задание 9. Make up an outline of the text (10 – 12 sentences).
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