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Англ яз. Could might простой инфинитив

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НазваниеCould might простой инфинитив
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1.В простых предложениях при подразумеваемом нереальном условии, которое может быть выражено в контексте различными способами.

*Если такое действие относится к настоящему или будущему, оно выражается с помощью (should) would+простой инфинитив или

could/ might простой инфинитив, например:


Do you want to join us? It would be very nice. (если бы ты присоединился к нам).

The article would be very hard to translate. (если бы начали переводить)


Если действие относится к прошлому, то употребляется

(should)would перфектный инфинитив или

could/might перфектный инфинитив, например:


Only a few years ago I wouldn't have believed that it was possible.

I didn't know about problem. I might have helped you.


2. Обратите внимание, что сочетания

(should) would (перфектный) инфинитив и

could / might+(перфектный) инфинитив

иногда употребляются в простых предложениях, даже если нет никакого подразумеваемого условия, а просто для большей вежливости, например:


Did you wait long? — I would say five minutes.

Why, I should have thought there could be no two answers to such an offer.


Ты долго ждал? — Я бы сказал минут пять.

Ну, я бы считал, что на такое предложение не может быть двух ответов.


3.. В некоторых словосочетаниях, например:

had (d) betterwould (d) rather (= would prefer to)и would (d) sooner и др. + чистый инфинитив


It`s late. We had better gobecause it`s getting dark.


They would sooner stayat home than go out without their umbrellas.



*Если за этими словосочетаниями следует дополнительное придаточное предложение, то глагол-сказуемое в нем употребляется в тех же формах, что и после глагола wish.

Will you drive the car ? — I'd ratheryoudrove it.

Употребление конструкций с would rather :

1. a) would rather + present bare infinitive (present/future)

I'd rather domy shopping tomorrow. )

b) would rather + perfect bare Infinitive (past)

I'd rather not have goneto the dinner party last night.

c) would rather + bare Infinitive + than (+bare Infinitive)

I'd rather watcha comedy than (watch)a thriller.


a)would rather + past tense (present/future)

I'd rather Kate stayedwith us tonight.

b) would rather + past perfect (past)

I'd rather Sam hadn't takenhis father's car yesterday.


4. В отдельных выражениях, ставших идиоматическими сочетаниями.

Success attend you!

Be yours a happy life!

So be it!

Come what will.

Manners be hanged!

Her portrait had been, as it were, stamped on his heart.

As luck would have it.

As ill luck would have it.

Пусть тебе сопутствует успех!

Пусть ваша жизнь будет счастливой!

Да будет так!

Будь, что будет.

К черту хорошие манеры!

Ее портрет был, так сказать, (как бы) запечатлен в его сердце.

По счастливому стечению обстоятельств.

На беду (как на зло).


  1. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

1.She would have come to dinner if we ............. (invite) her.

2.If you had locked the door, the burglars ..................... ..........(not/get) in.

3.Were I you, I............................(put on) some warmer clothes.

4.Joan.....................................(be able to) come to the arty if she wasn't working.

5.Had I heard any news, I ................................(tell) you immediately.

6.Paul...............................................(ruin) his shirt if he climbs that tree.

7.If Mark.............................(be) younger, he could join army.

8.She would have stayed at home if she ....................... (know) there would be so much traffic.

9.Should he......................(get) this job, he will be able to buy his own flat.

10.If you..........................(put) your keys in your pocket, you wouldn't have lost them.

11.She will be here at eight unless she............................(lose) her way.

12.If I were you, I................................(not/go) out in this weather.

13.Emily.............................(call) me if she had changed her mind.

14. If you like Tom Cruise, you ................................(love) this film.

15.Dave....................................(be) home at six o'clock, provided he catches the five o'clock bus.


Keys. 2.wouldn`t have got 3.would put, 4.would be able to 5. would have told 6. will ruin 7. were 8.had known 9. get 10. had put 11.loses 12. wouldn`t go 13. would have called 14. will like 15. will be

1 I'd rather you did/had doneyour homework go out.

2 Supposing you had heard/had been heardwhat would have happened?

3 He acted as if he owns/ownedthe house.

4 I wish I went/had goneto the library yesterday.

5 I would have made a cake if I know/had known youwerecoming.

6 It's about time we employed/had employednew staff.

7 If she had won/wonthe competition, she v had a party.

8 I'd rather you didn't interrupt/hadn't interruptwhen I'm talking.

9 Suppose you saw/had seena crime being с what would you do?

10 If only you told/had toldme, I would have !!come.!!

11 He would have sent a card if he realised/had realisedit was your birthday.

12 If you met/had metJohn now, you wouldn't him.

13 It's high time you learnt/had learnthow to

14 I'd rather you hadn't misbehaved/didn't misbehavedthe party last night.

15 They spoke as if they knew/had knowneach other for years.


Keys. 1. did 2. had been heard 3.owened 4.had known 6. employed 7. had won 8.didn’t interrupt 9. saw 10. had told 11. had realized 12. met 13. learnt 14. hadn’t misbehaved 15. had known


Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму. Некоторые предложения могут быть отрицательными.

1 Bruce wishes he................ (have)more money so he could buy a new sweater.

2 I wish it................ (snow)now that it's Christmas.

3 I wish I................ (be)taller so that I could be in the basketball team.

4 I wish you................ (stop)watching television while I am talking to you.

5 I wish you................ (do)that. It annoys me.

6 I wish the holidays................ (come)so we could go off to the seaside.

7 I wish they................ (build)that block of flats right in front of our window.

8 Of course Tom wishes he................ (come)with us Paris, but he has to stay here

and work.

9 I wish we................ (go)to the match on Saturday but we're visiting my uncle instead.

10 I wish you................ (keep)your mouth shut yesterday. Now Mary knows


11 If only................ (lose)all my money. Now I'm broke.

12 Peter is always late. If only he................ (turn up)on time for a change!



1.had, 2. would snow, 3. was, 4. would stop, 5.wouldn`t do, 6.would come, 7. wouldn`t built/weren`t bult, 8. could come, 9. could go, 10.`d kept, 11. hadn`t lost, 12. would turn up

1 We wanted to go out yesterday but the weather was terrible.

If it had been(be) a nice day, we would have gone(go) for a picnic.


2 Why don't you explain everything to him? If you .... (not tell) him the truth, I'm sure you .... (regret) it one day.

3 Jennifer was here not long ago. If you .... (come round) earlier, you .... (see) her.

4 Apparently, the ferry company are planning to close the port in this town. If that.... (happen), the town .... (lose) a great deal of money.

5 I .... (help) you with it if I .... (have) more time but I'm afraid I haven't got any spare time at all at the moment.

6 .The government is expecting to win the next election, but if it.... (lose), the Prime Minister.... (resign) from politics.

7. I am so glad that you took me to your friend's party. If we .... (not go) there, I .... (never meet) Adrian.

8. It's ridiculous that trains are so expensive. If fares .... (be) cheaper, I'm sure more people .... (use) the train and leave their cars at home.

9. If she .... (get) that job she's applied for, she .... (be) delighted. And I think she's got a good chance of getting it.

10. Fortunately the explosion took place at night when the streets were empty. It.... (be) a disaster if it.... (happen) in the middle of the day.

11. The talks between the two leaders keep breaking down. If they .... (break down) again, it is possible that there .... (be) a war between the two countries.

12. If Alison .... (know) anything about car mechanics, I'm sure she .... (help) us fix the car, but I think she knows even less than we do.

13. They've been married for twenty years now but I don't think she .... (marry) him if she .... (know) what a selfish man he was.

14. Children spend too much time watching television and playing computer games. I'm sure they .... (be) happier if they .... (spend) more time playing outside.

15. Jamie has everything he wants but he's always moaning. I'm sure that if I .... (have) so much money, I .... (not moan) all the time.


Keys. 2.don`t tell…will regret 3.had come round …would have seen 4. happens …will lose 5.would help…had6.loses …will resign 7.hadn`t gone…would never have met 8.were… would use 9.gets …will be 10. would have been … had happened 11. break down…will be 12. knew…. Would help 13. would have married….had known 14.would be… spent 15.had…wouldn`t moan

1. Раскройте скобки, используя правильные формы.


Harry and Sheila, a husband and wife, are talking.

h: Shall I make the children something to eat?

s: I wouldn't bother. You know how much they eat when they visit

their grandparents,

н: That's true. If they 1have been eating (eat) all afternoon, they 2....

(not want) anything when they get home,

s: Are we going to pick them up soon?

h: No, my parents are bringing them over. We agreed that if I3....

(take) them there, they 4.... (bring) them back,

s: Oh good. Well, if we 5.... (not collect) them, I 6 .... (go back)

upstairs and do a bit more work. I've nearly finished that report

now. If I7.... (do) another half hour's work, I8.... (finish) it by the

time the children get home.

h: Why do you always have to bring work home with you? If you 9 ....

(not agree) to take on that new job, you 10 .... (have) much more

free time now.

s: Yes, and if I 11 .... (not take on) that job, we 12.... (not have)

much money now.

h: That's true, but I don't like you working so much,

s: Well, never mind. We've got a week's holiday soon. Just think! In two weeks' time, we ,3.... (lie) on a warm sunny beach - that's if I14.... (can get) the time off work of course.

h: What do you mean, 'if?

s: Well, everything's very busy at the moment. And if we 15 .... (get) any more orders, I just16 .... (not see) how I can leave the office.

h: What? But that's ridiculous!


Keys. 2. won`t wait, 3.took,4.would bring 5.are not collecting 6.`ll go back 7.do 8.`ll have finished 9. hadn`t agreed 10.would have 11. hadn`t taken on 12.wouldn1t have 13. `ll be lying 14. can get 15. get 16.don`t see

  1. Используя данные выражения, переделайте предложения как показано в примере:

unless, even if, if only, as/so long as, assuming (that),

on (the) condition (that), provided/providing (that),

in questions: suppose/supposing (that), what if imagine


1 Mr Davidson says he'll come and give a talk at the conference if we pay him a reasonable fee.(supposing that / unless / on condition that)

Mr Davidson says he'll come and give a talk at the conference on condition that we pay him a reasonable fee.

I won't help him if he doesn't ask me properly, (provided / unless / as long as)

3 If I could get a job, life here would be perfect, (what if / even if / if only)

4 If you had a lot of money, do you think you would give up work? (Supposing that / Providing that / As long as)

5 If the train arrives on time, they'll be here in a few minutes. (What if / Assuming that / On condition that)

6 If he doesn't agree to my request, what will I do then? (Imagine / What if / Provided that)

7 You can go out tonight if you get back by midnight, (as long as / assuming that / supposing that)

8 If the helicopter hadn't been there to save her, what would have happened then?

(If only / Imagine / Unless)

9 If you'd offered to pay me a thousand pounds, I wouldn't have done it.

(If only / Provided that / Even if)

10 If Sheila gets this new promotion, we'll have enough money for a holiday abroad this year.

(Even if / Provided that / Supposing that)

Keys. 2. I won't help him unless he asks properly,, 3.If only I could get,life here would be perfect4.Supposing that you had a lot of money, do you think you would give up work? 5. Assuming that the train arrives on time, they'll be here in a few minutes.6. What if he doesn`t agree to my request?what will I do then? 7. You can go out tonightas long as you get back by midnight. 8. Imagine thehelicopter hadn`t been there to save her, what would have happened then?9.Even if you`d offered, to pay me a thousand pounds, I wouldn't have done it.

10. Provided that Sheila gets this new promotion, we'll have enough money for a holiday abroad this year.

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