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  • Test 2. First or Second Conditional Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.


  • Елена Музланова, Елена Кисунько Английский язык Экспрессрепетитор для подготовки к егэ Грамматика и лексика

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    НазваниеЕлена Музланова, Елена Кисунько Английский язык Экспрессрепетитор для подготовки к егэ Грамматика и лексика
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    Test 47. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

    Jason Peters is a wildlife cameraman. He (1)(film) wild animals for documentary programmes on TV. For fifteen years he (2)(explore) the world’s jungles. Several times he (3)(bite) by snakes. Alligators (4)(attack) him more times than he can remember. But Jason (5)(enjoy) his lifestyle. ‘If (6)(not have) this job,’ he says, ‘my life (7)(be) boring.’ Last year he (8)(work) in Venezuela. While he (9)(film) the Matis Indians there, he learned some interesting facts which he (10)(not know) before. ‘The Matis (11)(eat) monkeys’, says Jason, ‘but they (12)(not eat) other animals which are part of their religion.’ At the moment he (13)(prepare) to go back to the Amazon, that’s why he (14)(study) the Amazon people. He (15)(already read) a lot of books about them.


    Test 1. First or Second Conditional? Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
    1. If he (run), he’ll get there in time.

    2. They would be rather offended if I (not go) to see them.

    3. If you took more exercise, you (feel) better.

    4. If it (stop) snowing, we can go skiing.

    5. If I was offered a job, I think I (take) it.

    6. I’m sure Ann will lend you the money. I’d be very surprised if she (refuse).

    7. If you (not go) away, I’ll send for the police. 8. If I sold my car, I (not get) much money for it.

    9. The police (arrest) him if they catch him.

    10. We (not have) any money if we didn’t work.
    11. Tell Mary to ring me up if you (see) her.

    12. What would happen if I (not come)?

    13. If he (like) the house, will he buy it?

    14. Carol gave me this ring. She (be) very upset if I lost it.

    15. Our friends are expecting us. They will be disappointed if we (not come).

    16. What will happen if my parachute (not open)?

    17. I’m sure Jane (understand) if you explained the situation to her.

    18. What you (do) if you lost your passport?

    19. If we (tell) them the truth, they wouldn’t believe us.

    20. If I lend you $1000, when you (repay) me?

    Test 2. First or Second Conditional? Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
    1. If it (rain) this weekend, we (not be able) to go to the country.
    2. Give me Ann’s letter. If I (see) her, I (give) it to her.
    3. I have to work hard, so I’m very busy. But if I (have) any free time, I (go) in for swimming.
    4. If I (be) taller, I (can) play basketball. But I’m too short.
    5. Please stop talking! If you (not start) your meal now; it (go) cold.
    6. If you (have) any problems, let me know and I (help) you.
    7. You’re a wonderful cook! If I (can) cook as well as you, I (open) a restaurant.
    8. We must hurry! If he (be) late, we (leave) without him.
    9. He (have) a day off tomorrow if he (work) hard today?
    10. That coat looks awful! I (not buy) it if I (be) you.
    11. I think there are too many cars. If there (not be) so many cars, there (not be) so much pollution.
    12. It’s a pity I’m not rich. If I (be) rich, I (have) a yacht.
    13. I’m going out now. If anybody (phone) while I (be) out, can you take a message?
    14. This soup isn’t very good. It (taste) better if it (not be) so salty.
    15. ‘What shall we do tomorrow?’ ‘Well, if it (be) a nice day, we (not stay) at home.’
    16. Liz is tired all the time. If she (not go) to bed so late, she (not be) tired.
    17. You were rude to Mike. If I (be) you, I (apologize).
    18. We’re lost. If we (have) the map with us, we (know) where we are.
    19. If I still (feel) sick, I (not go) on holiday next weekend.
    20. I don’t get any help at work. My job (be) easier if I (have) a secretary.

    Test 3. Second or Third Conditional? Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
    1. If you (not be) busy, we could go for a walk.
    2. If I (have) enough money, I would have taken a taxi.
    3. If I were you, I (buy) a new suit.
    4. If I (be) interested in the film, I would have gone to the cinema.
    5. If we (not take) the wrong turning, we wouldn’t have arrived late.
    6. If he had more time, he (take) up tennis.
    7. You could have come first if you (run) faster.
    8. If she (not have) a car, we would have to go by bus.
    9. What (do) if you lost your job?
    10. If I (not feel) tired, I would have gone to bed later.
    11. If Bruce had asked me, I (say) ‘yes’.
    12. If I (not take) an umbrella, I would have got wet.
    13. If he knew that it was dangerous, he (not come).
    14. If someone (give) you a helicopter, what would you do with it?
    15. They (not miss) the plane if they hadn’t woken up late.
    16. If you (ask), I could have told you the answer.
    17. I could help you with the text if I (know) Greek.
    18. If only he had asked, I (help) him.
    19. If I (invite) to my friend’s party, I would never dress casually.
    20. If she (pass) her driving test, she would have bought a car.

    Test 4. Second or Third Conditional? Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
    1. We can’t afford to go to Austria. If we (have) more money, we (go) skiing there.
    2. I didn’t know you were in hospital. If I (know), I (go) to visit you.
    3. Ken got to the station in time to catch his train. If he (miss) it, he (be) late for his interview.
    4. Tom doesn’t know Spanish. If he (know) it, he (help) us to translate this article.
    5. It’s good that you reminded me about Ann’s birthday. I (forget) it if you (not remind) me.
    6. If I (have) your address when I was in New York, I (send) you a postcard.
    7. If I (know) the results of exam now, I (phone) her immediately.
    8. ‘How was your holiday?’ ‘It was OK, but I (enjoy) it more if the weather (be) better.’
    9. I took a taxi but the traffic was heavy. It (be) quicker if I (walk).
    10. I’m not tired. If I (be) tired, I (go) home now.
    11. I wasn’t hungry. If I (be) hungry, I (eat) something.
    12. I’m glad we had a map. I’m sure we (get) lost if we (not have) one.
    13. We decided not to move. We (lose) a lot of money if we (sell) our house.
    14. If you (be) a bird, you (can) fly.
    15. If she (ask) Tom yesterday, he certainly (tell) her about it.
    16. He wasn’t ill last week. If he (be) ill, he (not play) football.
    17. I don’t want to get up so early. If it (be) Sunday today, I (not have) to get up.
    18. I’m glad we had a mobile phone. If we (not contact) the police, they (not catch) the criminals.
    19. You should stop smoking! You (not feel) so bad if you (not smoke) too much.
    20. You didn’t ring me up yesterday. If you (call) me, I (tell) you everything.

    Test 5. Conditional sentences: mixed types. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
    1. If he (pass) his examination, we’ll have a celebration.
    2. What (happen) if I press this button?
    3. If it (not rain) now, we would go to the country.
    4. If we had booked tickets beforehand, we (not have) to wait now.
    5. If I (be) you, I would ring him up myself.
    6. If you don’t give me more information, I (not be) able to help you.
    7. If it (not be) so cold yesterday, we would have gone to the forest.
    8. If he were careful, he (not break) things.
    9. If you (not help) me, I wouldn’t have been able to finish the work yesterday.
    10. We won’t go to the theatre if he (not bring) tickets.
    11. If he (not be) at home, leave him a note.
    12. If you had learnt the words, you (not do) so many mistakes.
    13. If Ann were slimmer, she (be) much more attractive.
    14. If I (have) a chance last year, I would have visited Great Britain.
    15. I will let you know if he (come).
    16. If you (not hurry), you’ll miss the train.
    17. I would buy this book if it (not be) so expensive.
    18. ‘Does she love him?’ ‘Of course she does. If she (not love) him, she (not marry) him.’
    19. ‘What you (do) if you saw a ghost?’ ‘I (run) a mile.’
    20. If I (not be) busy, I’ll visit you.

    Test 6. Conditional sentences: mixed types. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
    1. If I (not borrow) the money, I wouldn’t have been able to buy the bike.
    2. If he (not catch) the bus, he would have been late for work.
    3. If she had known you needed the eggs for the cake, she (not use) them all.
    4. She (win) the match if she hadn’t hurt her ankle.
    5. If you (not put up) this shelf, you won’t have anywhere to put your books.
    6. If she (change) her job, she would be a lot happier.
    7. If I were you, I (tell) her how you feel.
    8. If you continue to shout so loudly, you (wake up) the baby.
    9. Even if she (ask) him, he wouldn’t have agreed to come.
    10. Unless you (feel) any better, you can take the rest of the day off.
    11. If they (not threaten) her, she wouldn’t have left.
    12. I (not trust) her if I were you.
    13. If you’re patient for a few minutes, I (be able) to finish this.
    14. If he goes on making so much noise, I (punish) him.
    15. If we (intend) to spend the day in Paris, we would have bought a day pass.
    16. Keep your voice down in case she (overhear) us.
    17. If he (be) more experienced, he would be more likely to get the job.
    18. If the food (not be) so bad, they wouldn’t have complained.
    19. Sales will increase provided that the advertising campaign (be) successful.
    20. If she (spend) less on clothes, you would be able to save some money.

    Test 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
    1. Bruce wishes he (have) more money so he could buy a new sweater.
    2. The weather was cold while we were away. I wish it (be) warmer.
    3. I wish I (be) taller so that I could be in the basketball team.
    4. I wish you (stop) watching television while I am talking to you.
    5. It was a terrible film. I wish we (not go) to see it.
    6. I wish the holidays (come) so we could go off to the seaside.
    7. I wish Ann (be) here. She’d be able to help us.
    8. Yesterday I got very wet in the rain. I wish I (have) an umbrella.
    9. I wish we (go) to the match next Saturday but we’re visiting my uncle instead.
    10. I wish you (keep) your mouth shut yesterday. Now Mary knows everything.
    11. It’s freezing today. I wish it (not be) so cold. I hate cold weather.
    12. I wish I (not lose) all my money. Now I’m broke.
    13. The weather is awful. I wish it (improve).
    14. I feel sick. I wish I (not eat) so much cake.
    15. I’m fed up with this rain. I wish it (stop) raining.
    16. What I said was stupid. I wish (not say) anything.
    17. It’s very crowded here. I wish there (not be) so many people.
    18. I was late yesterday. I wish I (take) a taxi.
    19. I wish it (be) summer now.
    20. The phone has been ringing for five minutes. I wish somebody (answer) it.

    Test 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
    1. If you had let me know yesterday, I already (bring) you my book.
    2. If he (get) this book, I’ll be happy.
    3. I wish I (know) Spanish.
    4. If he (be) a poet, he would write beautiful poetry.
    5. If my brother (be) in trouble, I’ll help him.
    6. If they (know) it before, they would not have gone there.
    7. If he (be) more courageous, he would not be afraid.
    8. I wish you (go) skiing with me yesterday.
    9. If it is not too cold tomorrow, I (not put) on my coat.
    10. If he had warned me, I (do) the work in time.
    11. If you (not miss) the train, you would have arrived in time.
    12. I wish I (not have) to do my homework every day.
    13. If it (snow), the children will play snowballs.
    14. I am a doctor, but if I (be) a musician now, I (be) much happier.
    15. I wish we (meet) again next summer.
    16. If he did not read so much, he (not know) English so well.
    17. If the weather (be) fine yesterday, we (play) outside.
    18. If my sister (not go) to the south, we’ll spend the summer together.
    19. If I (have) this rare book, I would gladly give it to you.
    20. I wish I (be) at yesterday’s party.

    Test 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
    1. I wish I (see) this film, but I couldn’t go to the cinema.
    2. If he (live) in St. Petersburg, he would go to the Hermitage every week.
    3. We (go) out of town tomorrow if the weather (not to change) for the worse.
    4. If they had known it before, they (take) measures.
    5. If my friend didn’t work so hard, we (meet) every day.
    6. I wish you (read) more in the future.
    7. If I (be) you, I would apologize.
    8. If it (rain), we’ll have to stay at home.
    9. I wish it (not be) winter now.
    10. If you don’t give the child much fruit, he (not be) healthy.
    11. You would have understood this rule if you (not miss) the lesson.
    12. If I (meet) you yesterday, I (tell) you about it.
    13. I wish I (not give) Nick my watch: he has broken it.
    14. If he (be) a scientist, he would invent a time machine.
    15. If he (work) hard, he would have achieved great progress.
    16. If my sister (be) in Moscow, she’ll meet you at the railway station.
    17. If she (not be) so lazy, she would study much better.
    18. I wish I (live) in London now.
    19. If he (ring) me up, I’ll tell him a secret.
    20. If you had not wasted so much time, you (not miss) the train.

    Test 10. Complete this text using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
    All the Difference I often wonder how my life (1)(be) different if on that particular day I (2)(go) in the other direction. Or what (3)(happen) if – in those seconds – I (4)(walk) a little bit faster? She (5)(not be) able to do what she did, say things she said. If it (6)(not be) for these shy words of greeting, I (7)(not be) here now – I probably (8)(live) in the same city I grew up in. It is amazing how our lives depend on the most minute details: a split-second decision which makes all the difference. I (9)(ever find) romance at all if I (10)(not meet) Julia that day and if she (11)(decide) to walk on that path beside the trees? I possibly (12)(not do) what I did in my life if we (13)(not meet) on that bright, sunny morning. And if we (14)(not be) together now, I (15)(not be) the happiest man in the world.

    Test 11. Complete this text using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
    Long Summer Break Under Threat The Minister for Education thinks that if the summer break were shorter, children (1)(do) much better at school. ‘Imagine how you would feel,’ he (2)(tell) a press conference last week, ‘if you (3)(have) two months off work. You (4)(spend) a lot of time trying to get used to (5)(be) back at work. This is exactly what we ask children (6)(do) during the long summer holidays. If you ask teachers they (7)(tell) you that when kids get back from their summer break, they just (8)(not carry) on from where they stopped in June. They (9)(have) to do the same things again. If the summer holidays (10)(be) shorter, this would not happen. If our proposal (11)(go) ahead, we will introduce a system based on five terms a year. This means children (12)(have) lots of breaks with plenty of opportunities (13)(relax) during the year. If we didn’t have these long summer holidays, we (14)(do) much more work in our schools, so we think it (15)(be) time for a change.’


    Test 1. Use to where necessary.
    1. I saw him _______ drop his bag.
    2. We expected Tom _______ be late.
    3. The officer made Ann _______ open her suitcase.
    4. Ann was made _______ open her case.
    5. Suddenly they heard the front door _______ open and then _______ close softly.
    6. Let me _______ carry your bag for you.
    7. Do you want me _______ come with you?
    8. I like my Granny _______ tell us fairy-tales.
    9. Have you ever seen her _______ dance?
    10. Hot weather makes me _______ feel tired.
    11. She doesn’t allow us _______ smoke in the house.
    12. I want you _______ tell me the truth.
    13. I noticed Henry _______ come up and _______ speak to the stranger.
    14. Her parents won’t let her _______ go out alone.
    15. Would you like me _______ go now?
    16. I know him _______ be a great politician.
    17. My father allowed me _______ use his car.
    18. Let him _______ do what he wants.
    19. I expected my parents _______ help me.
    20. Mr Graves felt somebody’s hand _______ touch him.

    Test 2. V or V-ing? Choose the correct form of the verb.
    1. Did you notice anyone (go/going) out?
    2. When I woke up, I could hear the birds (sing/singing).
    3. I suddenly felt someone (touch/touching) on my shoulder.
    4. I didn’t hear you (come/coming) in.
    5. John found Ann in his room (read/reading) his letters.
    6. Did anybody see the accident (happen/happening)?
    7. Listen! Can you hear a baby (cry/crying)?
    8. I looked out of the window and saw Tim on his bike (cycle/cycling) along the road.
    9. We noticed a group of people (dig/digging) something in the field.
    10. ‘Why did you turn round suddenly?’ ‘I thought I heard somebody (call/calling) my name.’
    11. Can you smell something (burn/burning)?
    12. If you found a lot of money (lie/lying) in the street, would you take it to the police station?
    13. We watched the two men (run/running) across the garden, (open/opening) a window and (climb/climbing) through it into the house.
    14. Everybody heard the bomb (explode/exploding). It was a tremendous noise.
    15. Oh! I can feel something (crawl/crawling) up my leg! It must be an insect.
    16. I heard somebody (slam/slamming) the door in the middle of the night. It woke me up.
    17. We saw the robber (walk/walking) quickly along the street.
    18. I saw her (walk/walking) across the room and (take/ taking) a gun out of the desk drawer.
    19. When we got home, we found a cat (sleep/sleeping) on the kitchen table.
    20. I could hear it (rain/raining).

    Test 3. Choose the correct form of the verb.
    1. I want him _______ back soon.
    a) to come b) come c) coming
    2. My mother always makes me _______ up.
    a) to wash b) wash c) washing
    3. I felt Nick _______ his hand on my shoulder.
    a) to put b) put c) putting
    4. The pupils were made _______ at school after classes.
    a) to stay b) stay c) staying
    5. The teacher expected the children _______ this difficult question.
    a) to answer b) answer c) answering
    6. If I saw a child _______, I would ask what was the matter.
    a) to cry b) cry c) crying
    7. My parents didn’t let me _______ to the party.
    a) to go b) go c) going
    8. Everyone likes her _______.
    a) to dance b) dance c) dancing
    9. Would you like me _______ for you?
    a) to wait b) wait c) waiting
    10. We were allowed to _______ bed later.
    a) to go b) go c) going
    11. I smelled something _______ in the kitchen.
    a) to burn b) burn c) burning
    12. My parents don’t want me _______ home late.
    a) to come b) come c) coming
    13. Her present made me _______ happy.
    a) to feel b) feel c) feeling
    14. John saw his friend _______ the door of the room and _______ in.
    a) to open, to come b) open, come c) opening, coming
    15. This task is difficult! Let me _______ you!
    a) to help b) help c) helping
    16. We don’t expect them _______ for us after classes.
    a) to wait b) wait c) waiting
    17. The boy was made _______ the truth.
    a) to tell b) tell c) telling
    18. Mother watched her little children _______ in the yard.
    a) to play b) play c) playing
    19. He heard a distant voice _______.
    a) to shout b) shout c) shouting
    20. I hate you _______ late.
    a) to be b) be c) being

    Test 4. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
    Last night a terrible accident happened near my house. I was reading a book when I heard car breaks (1)(screech) and people (2)(shout) in the street. When I looked out of the window, I saw a crowd of about twenty people (3)(stand) around a young boy lying in the street. Next, I saw the driver of the car (4)(approach) the crowd and (5)(kneel) down by the boy. I wanted my wife (6)(phone) the emergency service but then I noticed some people in the street (7)(use) their mobiles to call an ambulance. Suddenly I saw a young woman (8)(run) towards the scene and (9)(push) her way through the crowd. I knew her (10)(be) the boy’s mother. A few minutes later I heard an ambulance siren (11)(scream) in the distance. Then I saw the ambulance (12)(stop) in front of my house. I watched the ambulance men (13)(get out) and (14)(run) to the injured boy. Minutes later I saw them (15)(run back) to the ambulance with the boy on a stretcher followed by his mother.

    Test 5. Translate the sentences using complex object.
    1. Я хочу, чтобы вы прочли эту книгу.
    2. Я видел, что Коля пришел.
    3. Я видел, как Джордж шел по улице.
    4. Вам бы хотелось, чтобы я рассказал вам эту историю?
    5. Собака заставила кошку взобраться на дерево.
    6. Мы не рассчитывали, что вы так много сделаете.
    7. Он не любит, когда дети смеются.
    8. Вы заметили, как он положил письмо на стол?
    9. Мама хочет, чтобы я стала учительницей.
    10. Папа, разреши Тому присоединиться к нам.
    11. Он знал, что она знаменитая певица.
    12. Вы когда-нибудь слышали, как она поет?
    13. Хотите, я дам вам мой словарь?
    14. Мне бы не хотелось, чтобы вы меня ждали.
    15. Мы наблюдали, как студенты танцуют.
    16. Я ненавижу, когда ты задаешь глупые вопросы.
    17. Учитель заставил еe переписать упражнение.
    18. Она не слышала, как я вошел в комнату.
    19. Бабушка не любит, когда дети играют с собакой.
    20. Я почувствовала, как кто-то смотрит на меня.
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