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  • Test 5. Complete this text using the verbs below.



  • Елена Музланова, Елена Кисунько Английский язык Экспрессрепетитор для подготовки к егэ Грамматика и лексика

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    НазваниеЕлена Музланова, Елена Кисунько Английский язык Экспрессрепетитор для подготовки к егэ Грамматика и лексика
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    Test 16. Put the verbs in brackets into the V-ing form or the infinitive with or without to.
    When David decided _________ (1)(give up) his job and _________ (2)(sell) all his possessions, everyone thought he was mad. But, as it turned out, he was just the first of many friends _________ (3)(do) this. In fact, escaping the pressures of everyday working life has become a priority for many people these days. They can’t stand the idea of _________ (4)(work) until they are 65, only _________ (5)(retire) to some boring country village and _________ (6)(waste) their time _________ (7)(dig) the garden or (8)(gossip) with the neighbours. They would rather _________ (9)(live) life to the full now, before they are too old _________ (10)(enjoy) it. _________ (11)(buy) a motorcycle and _________ (12)(tour) the world is a popular option. Other, less adventurous types might prefer _________ (13)(buy) a small farmhouse and live off the land. Personally, one fancies _________ (14)(sail) around the world in a yacht. As for David, he bought a house in a little country village and spends his time _________ (15)(walk) around the village and talking with the neighbours.


    Test 1. Rephrase the following situations using an appropriate modal verb.
    1. I advise you to stop eating chocolate. You _________ stop eating chocolate.
    2. I insist that you do your homework. You _________ do your homework.
    3. Will you let me speak to David, please? _________ I speak to David, please?
    4. She can hear you well enough. You _________ shout.
    5. Talking is not permitted during the test. You _________ talk during the test.
    6. It isn’t right to speak to your mother like that. You _________ speak to your mother like that.
    7. It isn’t possible for him to come to the party. He _________ come to the party.
    8. He is obliged to go to the police station once a week. He _________ to go to the police station once a week.
    9. It’s forbidden to feed the animals in the Zoo. You _________ feed the animals in the Zoo.
    10. It isn’t necessary to dust the furniture. You _________ dust the furniture.
    11. Would you mind if I read your book? _________ I read your book?
    12. Perhaps they’ll come with us. They _________ come with us.
    13. Would you mind if I use your glasses? _________ I use your glasses?
    14. Let’s try doing this exercise. _________ we try doing this exercise?
    15. He can do it himself. Why _________ he ask anybody for help?
    16. Perhaps, she will phone them today. She _________ phone them today.
    17. Why don’t you go to the sea for a holiday? You _________ go to the sea for a holiday.
    18. Would you like me to help you with the dishes? _________ I help you with the dishes?
    19. It isn’t right to argue with your parents. You _________ argue with your parents.
    20. Perhaps, she is asleep now. She _________ be asleep now.

    Test 2. Choose the correct modal verb.
    1. Mike _________ play the piano very well. And what about you?
    a) can b) should c) must
    2. I _________ skate when I was little.
    a) can’t b) couldn’t c) mustn’t
    3. We _________ hurry. We’ve got plenty of time.
    a) can’t b) needn’t c) must
    4. _________ you help me with this task?
    a) Could b) Must c) May
    5. I’m sorry I’m late. _________ I come in?
    a) Must b) Should c) May
    6. _________ you speak any foreign languages?
    a) Can b) Should c) May
    7. It’s raining. You _________ take an umbrella.
    a) can’t b) don’t have to c) should
    8. I’m afraid I _________ come to the party on Friday.
    a) can b) can’t c) may
    9. You _________ go there at once. It’s really very urgent.
    a) don’t have to b) needn’t c) must
    10. When I was young, I _________ run for miles.
    a) could b) must c) should
    11. ‘ _________ I smoke here?’ ‘No, you mustn’t.’
    a) Must b) May c) Should
    12. ‘ _________ I translate this sentence?’ ‘No, you needn’t.’
    a) Can b) May c) Must
    13. I looked everywhere for the book but I _________ find it.
    a) couldn’t b) mustn’t c) shouldn’t
    14. You _________ drive carefully on a busy road.
    a) can b) may c) should
    15. There’s nothing I _________ do about it.
    a) can b) may c) don’t have to
    16. Schools _________ teach children the difference between right and wrong.
    a) can’t b) mustn’t c) must
    17. I don’t feel well today. _________ I leave a bit earlier?
    a) Should b) May c) Must
    18. That _________ be true! It’s absolutely impossible.
    a) can’t b) must c) needn’t
    19. Yesterday I stayed at home because I _________ help my father.
    a) must b) had to c) can
    20. You _________ use my dictionary as long as you like.
    a) must b) have to c) may

    Test 3. Write should or the correct form of have to in the gaps.
    1. Nurses _________ know how to give people injections.
    2. You _________ eat more fruit and vegetables.
    3. _________ you _________ travel abroad in your job?
    4. Tom is ill, he _________ see his doctor.
    5. I’m sorry I couldn’t come to your party. I _________ work late.
    6. You _________ try to phone your father this weekend.
    7. I hope you don’t _________ go home early.
    8. Mike is a teacher. He _________ teach different kinds of students.
    9. I think Patrick _________ be more polite to his sister!
    10. Do I _________ wash up again?
    11. A postman _________ get up early every day.
    12. I didn’t like the job because I _________ wear a uniform.
    13. He ignores me. What _________ I do?
    14. I am free on Saturday because I _________ work at the weekend.
    15. You look tired. You _________ go to bed now.
    16. I think the government _________ do more to help homeless people.
    17. He _________ wear a suit to work but he usually does.
    18. Last night Don suddenly became ill. We _________ call a doctor.
    19. Caroline may _________ go away next week.
    20. You _________ read this book. It’s really excellent.

    Test 4. Choose the correct modal verb.
    1. I don’t want anyone to know it. You (mustn’t/don’t have to) tell anyone.
    2. Listen! I (can/must) hear someone crying.
    3. When we were at school, we (had to/ought to) wear a uniform.
    4. You (don’t have to/mustn’t) wear your seatbelt during the whole of the flight.
    5. You (should/have to) tell her that you are sorry.
    6. You (need/must) be a member of the library before you can borrow books.
    7. I (needn’t/shouldn’t) wear glasses because my eyesight is still quite good.
    8. When I first came to Madrid, I (could/couldn’t) say only a few words in Spanish.
    9. Helen (must/had to) leave the meeting early because she had a train to catch.
    10. I (didn’t need to/couldn’t) get tickets after all – they were sold out.
    11. I left my bike outside the house last night and this morning it isn’t there any more. Somebody (can’t/must) have stolen it.
    12. ‘I can’t find my umbrella.’ ‘You (should/might) have left it in the restaurant last night.’
    13. (Must/May) I see your passport, please?
    14. He’s not working tomorrow, so he (doesn’t have to/ should) get up early.
    15. Ann was in a very difficult situation. It (must/can’t) have been easy for her.
    16. That shirt is dirty. You (ought to/needn’t) wash it.
    17. Last year I got a lot of money, so we (had to/were able to) buy a new house.
    18. I had forgotten to bring my camera, so I (couldn’t/ shouldn’t) take any pictures.
    19. Don’t tell anybody what I said. You (must/can) keep it secret.
    20. I’m really hungry. I (could/might) eat a horse!

    Test 5. Complete this text using the verbs below.

    How to Be а Friend of the Earth There are many simple things we _________ (1) all do to stop the destruction of the environment. First of all, we _________ (2) not dump our rubbish without thinking which things, such as bottles and paper, _________ (3) be recycled. We _________ (4) put objects that we _________ (5) recycle in recycling bins. Secondly, instead of taking our car wherever we go, we _________ (6) to leave it at home whenever possible, and go on foot or by public transport. If there is something wrong with our car’s exhaust pipe, we _________ (7) get it fixed immediately. When we _________ (8) to drive to the supermarket to do our shopping, we _________ (9) always remember to take our own bag, so that we don’t _________ (10) to use the supermarket’s plastic bags.

    Test 6. Translate the sentences using modal verbs.
    1. Он, наверное, учит это стихотворение уже час.
    2. Тебе следовало бы давно забыть об этом.
    3. Автобус должен был прийти пять минут назад.
    4. Не может быть, чтобы он был занят сейчас.
    5. Возможно, он сможет помочь тебе.
    6. Вам не надо приходить завтра.
    7. Должно быть, ему пришлось сделать это.
    8. Не могли бы Вы повторить свой вопрос?
    9. Может быть, мне придется работать в воскресенье.
    10. Вероятно, он еще делает уроки.
    11. Тебе следует закончить эту работу.
    12. Через год я смогу говорить по-английски очень хорошо.
    13. Что тебе пришлось делать вчера?
    14. Можно мне выйти?
    15. Он должен был прийти час назад.
    16. Неужели он забыл про мой день рождения?
    17. Учитель сказал, что мы можем идти домой.
    18. Ты не должен читать эту книгу.
    19. В прошлом году я не умел плавать, а теперь могу.
    20. Возможно, он все еще ждет меня.



    Test 1. Insert prepositions where necessary.
    1. She is _________ her sixties, but she looks much younger.
    2. The first man walked on the moon _________ 21 July 1969.
    3. The telephone and the doorbell rang _________ the same time.
    4. What are you doing _________ the weekend?
    5. Charles is getting married _________ next year.
    6. Columbus made his first voyage from Europe to America _________ 1492.
    7. I nearly missed my flight yesterday. I got to the airport just _________ time.
    8. I’m busy just now, but I’ll be with you _________ a moment.
    9. We often have a short holiday _________ Christmas.
    10. Do you work _________ Wednesdays?
    11. I didn’t understand the text _________ first, but _________ the end I managed to translate it.
    12. I’ll have written a composition _________ 5 o’clock.
    13. Mary and Henry always go out for a meal _________ their wedding anniversary.
    14. ‘Can I speak to Clare’ ‘I’m afraid, she’s not here _________ the moment.’
    15. I work _________ early morning _________ late _________ night.
    16. I started learning English _________ the age of five.
    17. It was quite a short book and easy to read. I read it _________ a day.
    18. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived _________ 5 o’clock _________ Friday morning.
    19. They go out _________ every Wednesday _________ the evening.
    20. The train service isn’t very good. The trains are rarely _________ time.

    Test 2. Insert prepositions where necessary.
    1. I was playing computer games _________ 5 _________ 6 o’clock yesterday.
    2. Jazz became popular in the United States _________ the 1920s.
    3. I’ll see you _________ next Friday _________ the evening.
    4. It’s difficult to listen if everyone is speaking _________ the same time.
    5. _________ Saturday night I went to bed _________ 11 o’clock.
    6. I don’t know this man, but he seems to be _________ his forties.
    7. The bus was late this morning but it’s usually _________ time.
    8. I hope the weather will be nice _________ the weekend.
    9. I haven’t seen you _________ ages! Where have you been _________ all this time.
    10. In Britain most people do not work _________ Sundays.
    11. _________ last year we went to France.
    12. Jenny’s brother is an engineer, but he’s out of work _________ the moment.
    13. I had translated this article _________ 6 o’clock yesterday.
    14. Bob is a very fast runner. He can run 100 metres _________ 11 seconds.
    15. I went to school _________ the age of 6, so I’ve already been studying _________ 9 years.
    16. Pauline got married _________ 18 May 1991.
    17. It took me long to find a job. _________ the end I got a job in a hotel.
    18. I haven’t met him _________ last Friday.
    19. I normally get paid the end of the month.
    20. I nearly forgot about Jack’s birthday. Fortunately I remembered just _________ time.

    Test 3. Complete the sentences with in, at or on.
    1. Mike lives ___ Oxford. He’s a student ___ Oxford University.
    2. Write your name ___ the top of the page.
    3. Who is this boy ___ that photo?
    4. Meet me ___ the bus stop ___ the end of Regent Street.
    5. There is somebody ___ the door. Shall I go and see who it is?
    6. You’ll find the sports results ___ the back page of the newspaper.
    7. Where are the children playing? They are playing ___ the beach.
    8. She lives ___ the ground floor.
    9. It can be dangerous when children play ___ the street.
    10. I usually buy a newspaper ___ my way to work in the morning.
    11. London is ___ the river Thames. I like swimming ___ the river.
    12. I was sitting ___ the back of the class.
    13. His signature was ___ the back of this photo.
    14. I don’t know where my umbrella is. Perhaps I left it ___ the chair.
    15. Tom is ill. He wasn’t ___ work today. He was ___ home ___ bed.
    16. They live ___ Seal, a small village ___ the road to Vladimir.
    17. Let’s meet ___ the entrance to the Supermarket.
    18. If you walk to the end of the street, you’ll see a small shop ___ the corner.
    19. I wasn’t in when you phoned. I was ___ my sister’s house.
    20. The exhibition ___ the Museum of Modern Art finished on Saturday.

    Test 4. Complete the sentences with in, at or on.
    1. The garden is ___ the back of the house.
    2. Write your name ___ the back of this envelope.
    3. The bus was full. There were too many people ___ it.
    4. Tom is ___ work. He works ___ Cambridge ___ the University.
    5. When we were ___ the south we stayed ___ a small hotel ___ the coast.
    6. Meet me ___ the entrance to the supermarket ___ Oxford Street.
    7. There is a public telephone ___ the corner of the street.
    8. I haven’t seen Kate for some time. I last saw her ___ Dave’s wedding.
    9. It was a very slow train. It stopped ___ every station.
    10. When we were ___ France we stayed ___ a hotel.
    11. Nick was waiting ___ the bottom of the stairs.
    12. Is Tom ___ this photograph? I can’t find him.
    13. She waited for him ___ the bus stop ___ the end of Green Street.
    14. There was a knock ___ the door.
    15. You’ll find details of TV programmes ___ page seven of the newspaper.
    16. There’s nobody living ___ the island. It’s uninhabited.
    17. I think her flat is ___ the third floor of that building.
    18. It was a lovely day. There wasn’t a cloud ___ the sky.
    19. We stopped at a small village ___ the way to London.
    20. Brighton is ___ the south coast of England. I like swimming ___ the sea.

    Test 5. Complete the sentences with in, at or on.
    1. They live ___ Baker Street ___ number 12.
    2. Sign your name ___ the dotted line ___ the bottom of the page.
    3. I saw a taxi ___ the end of the street.
    4. Is there anything interesting ___ the paper today?
    5. I waited ___ the door for five minutes.
    6. There’s an unusual photograph ___ the back page.
    7. Don’t sit ___ the grass.
    8. My office is ___ the first floor. It’s ___ the left as you come out of the lift.
    9. I love to look up ___ the stars ___ the sky at night.
    10. ___ my way home I met Nick. He was standing ___ the corner and waiting for somebody.
    11. What time did you arrive ___ the hotel?
    12. I was standing ___ the back, so I couldn’t see very well.
    13. I was sitting ___ the back of the car when we crashed.
    14. Have you ever worked ___ a farm?
    15. I hate staying ___ home. That’s why I’ve applied for a job ___ the United Nations ___ Geneva.
    16. San Francisco is ___ the west coast of the United States.
    17. I didn’t see you ___ the party on Saturday. Where were you?
    18. (in a restaurant) ‘Where shall we sit?’ ‘Over there, ___ the corner.’
    19. I was ___ Ann’s house last night. The rooms ___ her house are very small.
    20. We went to the theatre last night. We had seats ___ the front row.

    Test 6. Read the text and fill the gaps with a preposition from the list below. There may be several possibilities.

    Mary’s Day Out
    The sun rose ___ (1) Mary’s house. It was a beautiful day. Mary came ___ (2) her front door and went ___ (3) the path, ___ (4) the gate and ___ (5) the street. She crossed ___ (6) the road and walked ___ (7) the bus stop. The bus arrived and she got ___ (8) the bus. It went ___ (9) the corner, ___ (10) the High Street, ___ (11) all the shops and ___ (12) the countryside. It stopped ___ (13) the duck pond ___ (14) the next village, and Mary got ___ (15). She climbed ___ (16) a stile and started walking ___ (17) a big field. Suddenly, she saw a huge bull running ___ (18) her! She raced ___ (19) the far side of the field and squeezed ___ (20) the hedge. Out of breath, she sat down ___ (21) the grass ___ (22) the river. She leant back ___ (23) a rock. The sun was warm. Mary closed her eyes and listened to the water flowing ___ (24). Soon she was fast asleep. When she awoke, the sun had disappeared ___ (25) the horizon.

    Test 7. Fill in the correct prepositions to, about, at, from, for, in, into, on, with.
    1. I want to talk ___ the group ___ their exams.
    2. All last winter he suffered ___ coughs and colds.
    3. When will you write ___ Bill ___ your plans?
    4. If you don’t understand any of these words, you could refer ___ a dictionary.
    5. The accident sadly resulted ___ the death of a man.
    6. The police are appealing ___ witnesses to come forward.
    7. It wasn’t his car, in fact I don’t know who it belongs ___.
    8. Nurses are very badly paid, I think they should insist ___ higher rates of pay.
    9. The poor driver. I really sympathize ___ him, it wasn’t his fault.
    10. The buses are often late, so you can’t depend ___ them.
    11. Do you qualify ___ a state pension when you are 55?
    12. Keep enough money to pay ___ your ticket.
    13. Have you heard ___ what had happened ___ him? Oh, I don’t care ___ it.
    14. I said ___ you I was thinking ___ going to America. I actually dreamt ___ it.
    15. She listened ___ me and then told me ___ her problems.
    16. The bus ran ___ the wall of a house.
    17. People started to shout ___ the driver.
    18. Who was the boy you were all laughing ___?
    19. I saw somebody staring ___ me from the other side of the road.
    20. He was always arguing ___ his brother.

    Test 8. Fill in the correct prepositions to, about, from, in, into, on, with, for.
    1. I bumped ___ an old friend of mine the other day.
    2. I agree ___ you that we should wait a bit longer ___ her.
    3. She never apologizes ___ arriving late.
    4. I thought we should look ___ someone else to do the job.
    5. If you want to travel, that would be a good job to apply ___.
    6. The land belongs ___ a rich man.
    7. She then referred ___ the Minister’s report.
    8. I congratulate her ___ her success in the exams.
    9. The boss disagreed ___ me.
    10. The match resulted ___ a draw.
    11. His failure resulted ___ lack of attention to details.
    12. Tonight I’m going to talk ___ my favourite books.
    13. You can count ___ me.
    14. You can rely ___ him to be polite.
    15. They complained ___ me about the noise.
    16. Mary turned her head to speak ___ him.
    17. The daughters sided ___ their mothers.
    18. Can I speak ___ Jane, please?
    19. Can you explain this word ___ me?
    20. Can you explain ___ me what you mean?

    Test 9. Fill in the correct prepositions to, about, at, from, for, in, of, with.
    1. He told me his name but I can’t think ___ it now.
    2. This house reminds me ___ the one I lived in when I was a child.
    3. We called the doctor because Nick was complaining ___ a pain in his stomach.
    4. That’s a good idea. Why didn’t I think ___ that?
    5. Look at this photograph of Ann. Who does she remind you ___?
    6. She left Boston ___ Paris when she was 19.
    7. If something is wrong, why don’t you do anything ___ it?
    8. Peter likes his job but he doesn’t talk ___ it much.
    9. I like to listen ___ the radio while I’m having breakfast.
    10. Please don’t shout ___ me!
    11. How often do you borrow books ___ the library?
    12. Yes, you are right. I agree ___ you.
    13. Cheers! Let’s drink ___ your success.
    14. My brother is living ___ a French girl.
    15. My children are looking forward ___ Christmas.
    16. They arrived ___ the party at 8 p.m.
    17. What time did you arrive ___ London?
    18. I must introduce you ___ my cousin.
    19. Something has happened ___ him.
    20. Shall we ring ___ a taxi?
    Test 10. Fill in the correct prepositions of, to, with, at, about, for.
    1. He was afraid ___ his enemies.
    2. I’ve always been terribly fond ___ you.
    3. He is unaccustomed ___ the heat.
    4. They may feel jealous ___ your success.
    5. I was terrified ___ her.
    6. That was clever ___ you.
    7. I turned the job down, which was stupid ___ me.
    8. My problems are very similar ___ yours.
    9. He was dedicated ___ his job.
    10. I could never be bored ___ football.
    11. He was very pleased ___ her.
    12. He was shocked ___ the hatred they had shown.
    13. She has always been bad ___ languages.
    14. It’s difficult ___ young people to live on their own.
    15. It was unusual ___ them to go away at the weekend.
    16. It was rude ___ him to leave so suddenly.
    17. She was rude ___ him for no reason.
    18. She was still angry ___ the results.
    19. They’re getting pretty fed up ___ him.
    20. If you continue to support someone who is in trouble you are loyal ___ them.

    Test 11. Fill in the correct prepositions of, to, with, at, about, for, from.
    1. If two things are almost the same, one is similar ___ the other.
    2. Someone who is a fine athlete is good ___ games.
    3. I was proud ___ my brother.
    4. I’m very surprised ___ you. I can’t understand the way you behave.
    5. Life is very different ___ what it used to be.
    6. Who is responsible ___ this mess?
    7. I’m delighted ___ the result. It’s exactly what I wanted.
    8. In the army, a sergeant is senior ___ a corporal.
    9. If two houses are exactly the same, one is identical ___ the other.
    10. If something makes you very unhappy, you are very upset ___ it.
    11. If someone makes you very angry, you are furious ___ them.
    12. If you feel that you do not trust someone, you are suspicious ___ them.
    13. If you treat someone very well, you are being kind ___ them.
    14. If you have agreed to marry someone, you are engaged ___ him/her.
    15. Everyone was very critical ___ the way he behaved.
    16. We were very happy ___ the way they treated us.
    17. I was very displeased ___ the way they looked.
    18. I feel sorry ___ Nick. He has a lot of problems.
    19. I’m sorry ___ the noise last night. We were having a party.
    20. That was not very polite ___ you.
    Test 12. Fill in the gaps below.
    Originally I worked ___ (1) a school teacher, but I applied ___ (2) a grant to study medicine ___ (3) university and was accepted. I specialized ___ (4) mental disorders and then started my present job. I believe completely ___ (5) what I am doing, I never take any time ___ (6) work, and I am totally committed ___ (7) my clients. I have ___ (8) listen carefully to what they say, and sometimes explain ___ (9) them what I think the problem is. Sometimes they start to depend ___ (10) me too much. What is my job? Oh, I forgot to tell you. I am a psychiatrist.

    Test 13. Read the letter below and add the preposition which best fits each space.
    Dear Mrs Jones,
    I am writing ___ (1) reply to your advertisement ___ (2) secretaries to work ___ (3) your central offices. I have already heard ___ (4) you from a friend of mine, Jenny Mansfield, who worked ___ (5) you a few years ago ___ (6) the sales department. I would be interested ___ (7) applying ___ (8) a full-time post. I am quite experienced ___ (9) secretarial work, and would have little difficulty ___ (10) the duties the current job involves. I think I’m quite skilled ___ (11) wordprocessing. I also have wide experience ___ (12) handling members of the public.
    I enclose a reference ___ (13) my previous employer and copies ___ (14) my certificates. I would be happy to come for an interview at any time which is convenient for you.
    I look forward ___ (15) hearing from you.
    Yours faithfully,
    Anne Dale

    Test 14. Read the text below and add the preposition which best fits each space.
    Living a Long Time
    It is often said that Japanese people, ___ (1) average, live much longer than Europeans. ___ (2) a large extent this must be due to the food most Japanese people eat since from the point of view of life-style, life ___ (3) modern Japan is no less stressful than ours ___ (4) the west. The Japanese live ___ (5) a diet largely made up ___ (6) fish and rice. ___ (7) lunch-time a typical Japanese family will consume ___ (8) least twice as many vegetables as we do in Europe. ___ (9) comparison with Europeans, the Japanese eat far less meat and fewer potatoes; ___ (10) the same time, they eat seven times more fresh fish than we do which makes their diet much healthier ___ (11) far. It would be fair to say that, ___ (12) general, the Japanese – frequent visitors ___ (13) Europe ___ (14) business or ___ (15) pleasure – are discovering the pleasures and dangers of western-style eating habits.

    Test 15. Fill in the gaps in the following letter.
    Dear Marjorie,
    I’m having problems ___ (1) my studies at school. I find it difficult to get down to work in the evenings and I can’t concentrate ___ (2) anything at the moment. I spend most of my time listening ___ (3) records or watching TV instead ___ (4) doing my homework. The other students in my class are much better than I am and I have difficulty ___ (5) keeping up with them. I sometimes have problems ___ (6) following the lessons as well. I can’t always take ___ (7) the important things my teacher says because I write so slowly. She has told me that I’m falling ___ (8) with my studies. I’m not good ___ (9) writing essays and I usually hand ___ (10) my homework late because I put ___ (11) doing it until the last minute. So I often have to invent silly excuses to explain why I haven’t done the work. I’m sure I’m not going to get ___ (12) my final exams in June. I’m now so far ___ (13) that I don’t know how I’m going to catch up ___ (14) them. My teacher spent some time going ___ (15) my homework with me but she found so many mistakes that I felt even more depressed. What do you suggest I do?
    Yours desperately,
    1   ...   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   ...   15

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