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  • Учреждение образования "Гомельский государственный университет имени Франциска Скорины" Л.С. Банникова, Ж.М. Поплавская

  • Специальность 1-31 02-01 – “ География” Гомель 2005 УДК 802. 0 (075. 8) ББК 81. 432. 1 – 923. 5 П 641

  • Банникова Л.С., Поплавская Ж.М. П 641

  • Грамматические упражнения

  • Практ.пособие_АЯ_Банникова Л.С_Ч1_2005. Гомельский государственный университет имени Франциска Скорины

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    Министерство образования Республики Беларусь
    Учреждение образования

    "Гомельский государственный университет

    имени Франциска Скорины"

    Л.С. Банникова, Ж.М. Поплавская
    Практическое пособие по английскому языку

    для студентов 1 – 3 курсов факультета заочного обучения.

    Часть I.

    Специальность 1-31 02-01 – “ География”

    Гомель 2005

    УДК 802. 0 (075. 8)

    ББК 81. 432. 1 – 923. 5

    П 641

    Рецензенты: С.И. Сокорева, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент; Л.В. Панова, кандидат филологических наук, доцент.
    Рекомендовано к печати научно-методическим советом учреждения образования “Гомельский государственный университет имени Франциска Скорины”

    Банникова Л.С., Поплавская Ж.М.

    П 641 Практическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 1 – 3 курсов факультета заочного обучения. Часть I. Специальность 1-31 02-01 – “ География”/ Л.С. Банникова, Ж.М. Поплавская; Мин. обр. РБ, УО “ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины”; – Гомель, 2005 - 47 с.
    Первая часть пособия предназначена для самостоятельной работы по формированию грамматических навыков чтения специальной литературы. Пособие содержит краткий грамматический справочник, теоретические положения которого отрабатываются в тренировочных упражнениях.

    Целью грамматических упражнений является автоматизация рецептивных грамматических навыков. Основная часть упражнений предполагает многократное повторение грамматических конструкций и тем самым обеспечивает практическое овладение грамматикой. Большинство предлагаемых упражнений рекомендуется выполнять письменно. Это обеспечит анализ контекстного значения грамматических явлений и параллельно сформирует навыки письма.

    Адресовано студентам 1-3 курсов факультета заочного обучения специальности 1-31 02-01 – «География».

    УДК 802.0 (075. 8)

    ББК 81. 432. 1 – 923. 5

    © Л.С. Банникова, Ж.М. Поплавская, 2005

    © УО "ГГУ им. Ф. Скорины", 2005

    Грамматические упражнения


    Краткий грамматический справочник


    Грамматические упражнения
    Упражнение 1. Вставьте соответствующие формы глаголов to be и to have.

    1. I … many friends. 2. Here… our University. It … a department of Geography and Geology. 3. She… famous. 4. I… a correspondence student. 5. The student usually … three lectures a day. 6. You…right. 7. This … an instrument. 8. We… at the University. 9. My father… an engineer.10. They… workers. 11. These theories… very important for the study of the air composition. 12. These…books on ecological problems. 13. Her new address and the telephone number … in my notebook. 14. My groupmates…at the lecture on philosophy. 15. Our University … a large library. 16. He … the author of some articles. 17. Our University … its own publishing house. 18. We … three days to get ready for the exam. 19. There … usually many students at his lectures. 20. Some examination questions … very difficult.
    Упражнение 2. Дайте утвердительный ответ на каждый вопрос, используя указанное в скобках числительное.

    1. Are there any tables in the room? (6) 2. Are there any pictures on the walls? (2) 3. Are there any humanitarian faculties in your University? (5) 4. Are there any laboratories at the faculty of Geography? ( 3 or 4) 5. Are there any mistakes in your last test in English? ( 2 in translation) 6. Are there any books on Geography in your private library? (many) 7. Are there any new students in your academic group? (2) 8. Are there many difficult questions in your new test? (several) 9. Are there many classes you have to attend every day? (3) 10. Are there many books in the University library? (about a million volumes)
    Упражнение 3. Замените русские слова в скобках соответствующими английскими.

    a) many, much, few, little

    1. There are (много) books in this library. 2. There is (мало) water in the glass. 3. There are (много) newspapers on the table. 4. There is (мало) air in this room. 5. There is (много) dust on the bookshelves. 6. There are (мало) people in the streets. 7. There is (много) light in your room. 8. There are (мало) chairs in the hall. 9. There is (мало) sense in his words. 10. There are (много) students at our faculty.
    b) some, any, no

    1. There are (несколько) laboratories at our faculty. 2. Are there (какие-нибудь) questions on the subject of the lecture? 3. There is (никакого) doubt on it. 4. There is (какой-то) sense in her words. 5. Is there (какая-нибудь) work for me there? 6. There is (какая-то) important information in this article. 7. There are (несколько) books on the shelf. 8. There is (ни каких) money for the trip to China. 9. There is (какое-то) time left to get ready for the exam. I0. There are (несколько) questions to be discussed at the seminar on ecology.
    c) little, a little, few, a few

    1. There are (мало) people in the hall. 2. The kettle is not empty, there is (немного) water in it. 3. There is a table and (несколько) chairs in the classroom. 4. The results of his diploma paper are of (небольшой) importance.
    Упражнение 4. Поставьте местоимение в скобках в объектном падеже.

    1. One of (they). 2. Both of (we). 3. Three of (you). 4. Together with (I). 5. Without (he). 6. With (she). 7. For (I). 8. From (they). 9. About (we). 10. On (it). 11. Many of (they). 12. Some of (we). 13. Near (he). 14. Without (we).
    Упражнение 5. Переведите русские местоимения в скобках на английский язык.

    1. (наша) work; 2. (ваши) reports; 3. (его, студента) examination marks; 4.(ее) field of research; 5. (ваш) examination test; 6. (их) studies; 7. (его исследования) importance; 7. (ее, науки) development; 8. (его) point of view; 9. (их) words; 10. (наш) faculty; 11. (его, человека) activities; 12. (ее, машины) work.
    Упражнение 6. Выберите нужную форму местоимения.

    1. I know (she/her) very well. 2. (This/these) exercises are very difficult. 3. (These/those) textbooks are over there on the table. 4. My friends are very busy with (his/their) exams. 5. I see (he/him) at the University every day. 6. (You/your) knowledge of English is not much better than (our/ours). 7. We are going for a walk, you can go with (ours/us). 8. Nick wants some money for the weekend, please, give (them/it) to him. 9. Don’t get angry, control (yours/yourself). 10. I like (my/mine) school. 11.She wants to talk to (his/him). 12. The queen (themselves/herself) gave him a medal. 13. Ann, is Nick a relation of (yourself/yours)? 14. Ann and Nick speak English well, don’t (them/they)? 15. There is something wrong with my watch, can you fix (them/it)?
    Упражнение 7. Образуйте множественное число следующих словосочетаний.

    This day; that room; this street; that part; this thing; that page; this house; that place; this man; that force; this change; that town; this woman; that child; that book; this lecture; that classroom; this student; that teacher; this subject; that street; that lesson; this boy; that girl; this floor.
    Упражнение 8. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

    1. This is a classroom. 2. The classroom is large. 3. Is this a chemical laboratory? 4. Is the English language laboratory large? 5. This tape-recorder is quite new. 6. The student is in the reading-room. 7. The student’s book is on the table. 8. What is the chance of success? 9. There is a child behind you. 10. The book shop is closed today. 11. A woman is busier than a man. 12. There is a student in the language laboratory. 13. There is a table for the students in the language laboratory. 14. A student will improve his pronunciation working in the language laboratory.
    Упражнение 9. Поставьте общий и по два специальных вопроса к каждому предложению. Используйте следующие вопросительные слова: what, how, when, how many (much), where, who … .

    1. He is at the University. 2. This work is very important. 3. This scientist is famous in our country and abroad. 4. There about 300 students at our department. 5. There are many students in the reading-room. 6. They got many bad marks at the last exam. 7. His term paper is rather weak. 8. He began to work at the laboratory several years ago. 9. Scientists study the possibilities of using solar energy for practical purposes. 10. He studied at the University for five years.
    Упражнение 10. Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных и наречий и дайте их русские эквиваленты.

    Good, bad, large, little, great, wide, much, important, difficult, nice, interesting, responsible, busy, noisy, big, small, old, young, weak, quick, short, beautiful, expensive, modern, long.

    Упражнение 11. Выберите правильный вариант.

    1. This poster is (clourfuller/ more colourful) than the one on the wall in your room. 2. I hope Mike will be (luckier/more lucky ) than we were. 3. It is (dangerouser/less dangerous) to cross the river in this place than over there. 4.She was (shorter/ shortest) than Roy. 5. It was (earlier/ most early) than I thought, but not yet four. 6. They live (farther/further) from school than we do. 7. Life is much (easier/more easier) and more convenient now. 8. In the competition I was nervous and played (badly/worse) than usual. 9. Some car engines work (more efficiently/ more efficient) than others. 10. Modern aeroplanes fly (higher/more higher) than old fashioned ones.

    Упражнение 12. Употребите прилагательные и наречия в соответствующей степени сравнения.

    1. Minsk is the (large) city in the Republic of Belarus. 2. Whose translation is the (good)? 3. Ann is the (short) of the three girls. 4. Health is (important) than money. 5. John is the (clever) boy I have ever known. 6. The problem is (simple) than you think. 7. She is one of the (experienced) teachers in this school. 8. This is the (long) telephone line in the city. 9. Peter is (clever) than his younger brother. 10. John works (bad) of all. 11. Nick works at his English (good) than Peter. 12. My brother is two years (old) than me. 13. Chinese is (difficult) than French. 14. As the week went on the weather got (bad). 15. Which building is the (high) in Moscow? 16. As time went on and I waited for the exam I became (nervous). 17. Jane is pretty but Ann is (pretty). 18. Mathematics is (important) for technical students than many other subjects. 19. This classroom is (large and light) than other classrooms. It is the (large and light) room in the building.
    Упражнение 13. Переведите на русский язык.

    1. The nearer the earth, the denser the atmosphere. 2. The higher the voltage, the higher is the electron velocity. 3. The bigger the mass, the bigger the weight of the body. 4. The higher the temperature, the more rapid is the motion of the molecules. 5. The greater the number of free electrons in a substance, the better this substance conducts electricity.
    Упражнение 14. Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол.

    1. He was not able to pay for the trip, (isn’t/wasn’t/weren’t) he? 2. When (is/was/did) he enter the University? 3. The students (are/have/had) never been to London. 4. (Is/does/is) your mother like to watch “soap operas” on TV? 5. What is your sister doing now? – She (was/is/has) getting ready for the exam. 6. He’s got a car, (isn’t/hasn’t/doesn’t) he? 7. Last night there (is/was/had) a terrible storm. 8. You met the President, (don’t/didn’t/did) you? 9. You and I both enjoy skating, (don’t/didn’t/aren’t) we? 10. Who speaks English in your family? – My mother (is/does/has). 11. A man came up to me and said, “ (are/do/does) you speak English?” 12. What (do/did/does) students do every day? 13. What (do/did/does) you do yesterday? 14. This student is not very good at English, as he (aren’t/doesn’t/didn’t) do his exercises regularly.
    Упражнение 15. Употребите Present Simple или Present Continuous.

    1. I can see a car in the street, it (go) very fast. 2. What language they (speak) in Denmark? 3. I (hear) the wind, it (blow) very strongly tonight. 4. The earth (go) round the sun. 5. I (wear) the shorts because the sun (shine) today. 6. Don’t worry I know what I (do). 7. Rice (come) from Africa. 8. My friend always (tell) me the truth. 9. My mother (do) a lot of work every day. 10. The sun (rise) in the east. 11. She (not understand) what the teacher (explain) to the students now. 12. It is my duty to inform that Mr. Smith (disagree) with you proposals. 13. My uncle often (go) to Germany on business. 14. I must go, she (wait) for me now. 15. I (look) for my pen, will you help me? 16. Who (make) this terrible noise? 17. My grandmother (not like) strong coffee. 18. We usually (meet) on our way to the office. 19. She (have) her English class now. 20. Every evening I (take) my dog for a walk in the yard. 21. You usually (drink) coffee at such a late hour?
    Упражнение 16. Определите время глагола сказуемого и объясните его выбор.
    1. Belarus cooperates with many countries of the world. 2. Their experimental work has given important results. 3. They studied this problem last year. 4. The cooperation of the scientists in the former Soviet republics is steadily growing. 5. The laboratory has studied the problems of environmental protection for five years. 6. They will pass five exams during the next examination session. 7. Their discovery became world known. 8. The students have collected very interesting data for their term papers. 9. They use computer modeling in their work. 10. Last year many school graduates became students of our University. 11. In the first year the students have many general subjects. 12. She began to translate the text yesterday. 13. By reading English books we increase our vocabulary. 14. They offered we some interesting work. 15. Our scientists will further develop various types of computers. 16. The group will meet tomorrow in the same classroom for a consultation. 17. The students completely agreed with the opinion of a lecturer. 18. The professor spoke to me in a friendly and encouraging way. 19. She never listens to the advice her friends give her. 20. If the water continues to rise, these fields will be under water.
    Упражнение 17. Определите время глагола сказуемого и объясните его выбор.

    1. The people of the country are developing its economy. 2. Scientists are using the energy of the sun in some spheres of life. 3. The engineers were attaching the wires to the devices when the students entered the laboratory. 4. At present the ecologists are studying various aspects of the radioactive contamination. 5. When we listen to a radio programme we are using the rays that are called radio waves. 6. The scientist was solving a new problem when we visited the lab last week. 7. Ann was writing a report when I came to see her. 8. They all are working too hard this year. 9. Molecules in a gas are constantly moving. 10. The electron is circling in an orbit around a nucleus.
    Упражнение 18. Выберите предложения, в которых сказуемое выражено формой a) Simple Tenses, b) Continuous Tenses, c) Perfect Tenses и переведите их на русский язык.

    1. People use mathematics in all branches of science.

    2. At present this department is conducting tests on new materials.

    3. The research group has put forward a theory about the structure of new viruses.

    4. Scientists require strong evidence before they accept a theory.

    5. Nobody has found the answer to this problem yet.

    6. People will obtain a great deal of useful knowledge from the study of nature.

    7. At this moment these specialists are collecting data about programming control.

    8. The group has completed a statistical analysis of the data.

    9. The researchers have revised a number of concepts about the effects of different types of radiations on human beings.

    10. People applied scientific methods in many everyday activities.

    11. During the whole of last year those specialists were studying new materials.

    Упражнение 19. Выберите предложения, в которых сказуемое выражено формой страдательного залога и переведите их на русский язык.

    1. It has been estimated that some millions of meteors enter our atmosphere each day.

    2. Radioactive isotopes are also being used successfully for food conservation.

    3. You have succeeded in determining how the reaction took place.

    4. A recent phenomenon in present-day science and technology has been the increasing trend towards “programmed” research.

    5. No harmful effect of the work of the atomic power station on the health of the workers has been observed.

    6. People usually use the decimal system for scientific purposes.

    7. Last year the department was concentrating research on food storage.

    8. This electronic equipment has been designed for speeding up production.

    9. Several possible solutions will be discussed by the scientists of our department.

    10. People must obtain accurate results from controlled experiments.
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