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Упр. 62. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

...English king Richard the Lion Heart was___tall, strong man. He was very proud of his strength and liked to show___people how strong he was. Once, as he was riding on___horseback in ___ coun try-side, his horse lost___shoe. Luckily he was not far from___village and soon he found___blacksmith. «Give me___good horseshoe,» he said to___man. ___blacksmith gave___king___horseshoe. Richard took it in his hand and broke it in two. «This horseshoe is no good,» he said, «give me___better one.»___blacksmith did not say___word. He gave___king___other horseshoe, but Richard broke it, too. The blacksmith gave him a third shoe. This time Richard was satisfied and ordered___black- smith to shoe his horse. When___work was done, Richard offered___man___coin. ___blacksmith took___coin between his fingers and broke it in two. Now it was Richard's turn to be surprised. He took___larger coin out of his pocket and handed it to___blacksmith. ___man broke it, too, saying: «This coin is no good, give me___better one.» Richard smiled and gave___man___gold coin.

Запомните следующиезастывшие словосочетания:

to go on strike to be on strike

Упр. 63. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Many years ago___London theatre performed___play in which there was___great storm on the sea. In those days___theatres had no___machines. That is why___manager engaged___several boys to make___waves of___sea. They jumped up and down under___big piece of___sea-green cloth. ___boys received___shilling___night for their work. They worked for___several weeks. But then___manager decided to pay them less___money — only six pence___night. So___boys decided to go on.., strike. During___performance, when___storm be gan, when___wind blew and it was raining,___sea remained calm — there was not___single wave on it. ___angry manager lifted one corner of___«sea» and said to___boys: «Make___waves,___boys, make___waves!» «Do you want___waves for___shilling or for sixpence?» asked___boy in___loud voice, «Oh, for___shilling,» answered___manager. ___boys began to jump up and down, and did it so well, that___storm looked quite real

Запомните следующее застывшее словосочетание:

toset S sail

Упр. 64. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

In___fifteenth century___people knew only three continents:___Europe,___Asia and___Africa. They knew nothing about such___big continent as___America. ___man who discovered___America was born in 1451 in___Italy. His name was Christopher Columbus. He became___sailor at___early age. Knowing that___earth was round, he decided to reach___India sailing to___west. He tried to arrange___expedition, but did not have___money, and nobody wanted to help him. At last___king of___Spain gave him___money for___expedition. He set___sail in 1492. ___voyage was very dangerous and difficult. On___12th of___October his ship reached___land. When they landed, they saw___strange trees and___flowers. ___men and___women with___olive-coloured skins gathered around___sailors and looked at them with___great surpriseColumbus was sure that he had discovered___new way to___India. Some time later___other sailor reached___America. ___name of___sailor was Amerigo Vespucci. He understood that it was___new continent.

Упр. 65. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. My brother read to me___extract from___book which he had brought___day before. ___main character of___book is___young doctor who went to___distant village in___Siberia. 2. ___weather was very bad in___October. 3. When he came into___room, he saw___man sitting on___sofa. He at once remembered that it was___man he had seen

at___theatre___night before. 4. Yesterday I saw___film you are speaking about. 5. He took___taxi and gave___address to___driver. 6. Tower Bridge is___first bridge over___Thames coming from___sea. Built in 1894, it is___suspension-bridge. ___central portion of it can be opened to admit___ships to___docks in this part of___river. When___ship arrives,___traffic is stopped and___great bridge opens in___centre: its two halves go up into___air and___ship passes through.

Упр. 66. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

___room in which___boys were fed was___large stone hall, with___copper at one end, out of which___cook took___gruel which he put into each bowl at___meal-times. Each boy had one portion of___gruel, and no more, and on___Sundays they had two ounces and___quarter of___bread besides. ___bowls never needed washing —___boys polished them with their spoons till they shone again. At last___boys got so wild with___hunger that one boy said he was afraid he would some night eat___boy who slept. next to him. ___boys believed him. ___council was held. Oliver was chosen to go up to___cook that evening after___supper and ask for more. ___evening arrived, and___boys took their places. ___cook stood at___copper. ___gruel was served out and disappeared. Then Oliver rose from___table and advancing to___cook, said in___weak voice: «Please, sir, I? want some more.»___cook was___healthy man, but he turned pale. «What?» said he in___trembling voice. ___man could not believe his ears.
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