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Упр. 51. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (46)

___train stopped at___little station. ___passenger looked out of the window of___train carriage and, saw___woman selling___cakes. ___man had not had.'___breakfast in___morning. He was hungry and wanted to buy___cake. ___woman was standing rather far from___carriage. ___man did not want to go and buy___cake himself because he was afraid to miss___train. He saw___boy who was walking along___platform near___carriage. He called___boy and asked him: «How much does___cake cost?» «Three pence, sir,» answered___boy. ___man gave him a sixpence and said: «Bring me___cake, and with___other three pence buy___cake for yourself.»___boy took___money and went to___woman. A few minutes later___boy returned. He was eating___cake. He gave___man three pence change and said: «___woman had only one cake, sir.»

Запомните следующее застывшее словосочетание:

Thefact is (was) that___

Обратите внимание на употребление артикля со словом other(другой):

another— другой (неопределенный), какой-то другой, еще один (во множественном числе или перед неисчисляемым существительным — other.)

theother— другой (определенный), тот другой, другой из двух.

Упр. 52. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (51)

___group of___farmers were sitting in___village house, and among___other things they began talking about___echoes. One of___farmers said that there was___wonderful echo in___field near his farm where there was___large group of___trees. All___other farmers said that they would like to hear___echo, and___farmer invited them to come___next afternoon. But___fact was that___farmer did not really have___echo he had told___other farmers about. So when he came___home, he sent for___son of___cook and told him to go to___field, hide himself among___trees and imitate everything that was said. ___next day___other farmers came, and___farmer took them to___field to listen to___wonderful echo. When they were in___field, he shouted at___top of his yoice: «Are you there?» The answer came back: «Yes, I've been here for two hours!»

Упр. 53. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (52)

It was___nice summer day. ___weather was fine,___sun was shining in___blue sky,___air was fragrant with___smell of___grass and___flowers. ___dog which was running about___streets of___little town saw___butcher's___stall with___lot of___meat. ___dog cautiously approached___stall and, when___butcher turned away to talk to___woman, quickly seized___big piece of___meat and ran away with it. On___way home___dog had to cross___stream by___narrow bridge. As he was crossing,£ he looked down into___stream and saw his reflec tion in___water. He though it was___other dogf with___other piece of___meat. He snapped at___reflection and dropped his own piece of___meat. That's how___dog was punished for___greediness.

Запомните следующиезастывшие словосочетания:

after a while

from place to place

Упр. 54. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (58)

___guide was once showing___group of___rich American tourists___places of___interest in___little town in___south of___Italy. He took___tourists from___place to___place, but as___town was small, after___while___guide could not think of anything that might be of___interest to___Americans. «Tell us something unusual about___weather or___climate of this place,» said___American lady to___guide. «What can I tell her about our climate?» thought___guide. Then he had___idea. «Well,» he said, «there is one unusual thing about our climate. One can easily notice that the wind here always blows from___west.» «Really?» said___lady in___surprised tone: «What___interesting thing!» But___other tourist said: «You must be wrong. Look!___wind is blowing from___east now!» At___first moment___guide did not know what to say. But he was___clever man and soon found___way out. «Oh,» he said, «is that so? Well, then it must be___west wind coming back.»

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочетания:

It was morning

It was night

It was daytime

It was evening

Упр. 55. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (57)

Once___Frenchman was travelling in___Sweden. He stopped at___hotel in___little Swedish town. It was___evening,___man was tired, so he went to___bed at once. In___morning he had___breakfast in___hotel restaurant. After___breakfast he went for___walk. He walked along___streets of___town, visited___museum and___shops. Presently he felt hungry and dropped into___cafe for___lunch. He sat down at___table, called___waiter and ordered___mushrooms. But___Frenchman did not know___Swedish and___waiter did not know___French. Nobody in___cafe could speak ___French. Then___Frenchman took___piece of___paper and___pencil and drew the picture of___mushroom. ___waiter looked at___picture and left___room at once. Five minutes later he returned with___umbrella.

Запомните следующиезастывшие словосочетания:

at sunrise at sunset

in the country to the country

by bus by tram by train by car

in town to town
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