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Упр. 36. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (35)

1. ___Neva flows into___Gulf of___Finland. 2. ___Pacific Ocean is very deep. 3. ___Urals are not very high. 4. ___Kazbek is___highest peak of___Caucasus. 5. ___Alps are covered with___snow. 6. ___Shetland Islands are situated to___north of___Great Britain. 7. ___USA is___largest country in___America. 8. ___Crimea is washed by___Black Sea. 9. ___Lake Baikal is___deepest lake in___world. 10. ___Paris is___capital of___France. 11. Lomonosov was born in___small village on___shore of___White Sea. 12. Gogol was born in___Ukraine in 1809. 13. ___Caucasus separates___Black Sea from___Caspian Sea. 14. ___Europe and___America are separated by___Atlantic Ocean. 15. ___Baltic Sea is stormy in winter. 16. There are many small islands in___Pacific Ocean. 17. ___North Sea separates___British Isles from___Europe. 18. ___Balkans are old mountains. 19. ___Nile flows across___north-eastern part of___Africa to___Mediterranean Sea. 20. Which are___.highest mountains in___Russia?

Упр. 37. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (36)

1. ___Thames is___short river. 2. ___Russia is washed by___Arctic Ocean in___north. 3. Kiev is to___south of___Moscow. 4. ___Europe is___continent. 5. ___Moscow is___capital of___Russia. 6. Is___Asia___island or___continent? 7. ___Black Sea is in___south of our country. 8. ___White Sea is in___north of our country, 9. This is___map of___world. What can you see on___map? What___colour are___valleys on___map? 10. Petrov is___architect. He is___experienced architect. He is in___Far East. He has___wife. His wife is___typist. They have___son and___daughter. 11. ___Philippines are situated to___south-east of___Asia.

Упр. 38. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (37)

1. This is___pen. It is___good pen. ___pen is black. It is on___table. 2.1 have got___dog. ___dog's name is Spot. He is___big grey dog. ___dog is very strong. 3. My friend has___sister. Her name is Ann. ___girl is___pupil. 4. We have___picture in___living-room. ___picture is very good. It is on___wall. 5. ___Irish Sea is between___Great Britain and___Ireland. 6. There is___map on___wall of___classroom. It is___map of___world. There are many seas and lakes on___map. This is___Mediterranean Sea and that is___Red Sea. These are___Himalayas. They are___highest mountains in___world. 7. We live in___St. Petersburg. ___St. Petersburg is___very large city. It is one of___largest cities in___Russia. 8. My brother is___doctor. His flat is in___centre of___city. It is in___new house. There are three rooms in___flat. ___living-room is .. largest of all. It is___nice light room. There are___pictures on___walls. There is___round table in___middle of___room. There is___sofa at___wall with___large thick carpet in___front of it. ___study and___bedroom are small, but very comfortable.

Запомните следующиезастывшие словосочетания:

to have a good time

from morning till _ night

all day long

a lot of

Упр. 40. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (38)

1. Did you have___good time in the country? — Oh yes. ___weather was fine. We were out of___doors from___morning till___night. We played___football,___volley-ball and___other games. We came___home late at___night and went to___bed at once. 2. Look at___clock! It is___quarter past ten. Go to___bed at once. 3. ___sun rises in___east and sets in___west. 4. We spent last summer in___Ukraine, in___little village on___bank of___big river with___very warm water. There was___wood on___other side of___river. We often went to___wood and gathered___lot of___mushrooms. 5. My friend likes to play___chess. He is ready to play___chess all___day long. He is___best chess player in our school.

Перед названиямиуниверситетов артикльне употребляется.

E.g. I shall study at St. Petersburg University.

My grandfather graduated from Oxford University

Упр. 41. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (39)

1. Teckle comes from___very old country on___Nile. It is called___Ethiopia. ___Ethiopia is___beautiful mountainous country. Teckle is___young man. He wants to become___engineer. He is very happy to be___student of___St. Petersburg University. He spends___lot of time at___library reading and studying different subjects. Very often in___evening his new friends and he walk about___city talking about their native countries. 2. Galina lives in___Ukraine. She lives in___small village near___Odessa. She is___librarian. In summer she has___lot of___work: she takes___newspapers and___magazines to___people who work in the fields. Galina wants to enter___Moscow University and now she is preparing for___entrance examinations. 3. My friend lives in___America. He is___student. He studies___history at___HarvardUniversity.

Запомните следующее застывшее словосочетание:

What' theuse?
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