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голицинский грамматика. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений для школьников (без таблиц)

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Анкорголицинский грамматика.doc
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Упр. 24. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (24)

1. My___aunt and my___uncle are___doctors. They work at___hospital. They get up at seven o'clock in___morning. They go to___bed at eleven o'clock. 2. I work in___morning and in___afternoon. I don't work in___evening. I sleep at___night. 3. When do you leave___home for___school? - I leave___home at___quarter past eight in___morning. 4. What does your mother do after___breakfast? — She goes to___work. 5. Is there___sofa in your___living-room? — Yes, there is___cosy little___sofa in___living-room. — Where is___sofa? — It is in___corner of___room to___left of___door. I like to sit on this___sofa in___front of___TV-set in___evening. 6. There is___nice coffee-table near___window. There are___newspapers on___coffee-table. 7. There is___tea in ___glass. 8. When do you watch___TV? — I watch TV in___evening. We have___large colour TV-set in our___room. There is___beautiful vase on___TV-set. There are___flowers in___vase. 9. I have___large writing-desk in___study. There is___paper on___writing-desk. My___books and___exercise-books are on___writing-desk, too.

Упр. 25. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (23)

1. Pete has___small family. He has___father and___mother. He has no___brother, but he has___sister. His sister is___pupil. She is___good girl. She has___many Russian books, but she has no___English books. 2. There is___writing-desk in___room. ___writing-desk is good. There is___lamp on___writing desk. 3. My uncle has___large family. They are six in___family. 4. My father is___engineer. He works at___big factory. 5. We have___good library. Our books are in___big bookcase. 6. Is your sister___married? 7. What do you do after___breakfast? — I go to___school. 8. When do you come___home? — I come___home at___half past two. 9. Do you like to watch TV in___evening?

Если перед существительным стоит вопросительное или относительное местоимение, артикль опускается

E.g. What colour is your cat?

I want to know what book you are reading.

Упр. 26. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (26)

1. What___colour is your new___hat? — It's___red. 2. Is there___refrigerator in your___kitchen? 3. Where is___refrigerator in your___kitchen? —• It is in___corner of___kitchen. 4. There are___flowers in our___living-room. ___flowers are in___beautiful vase. 5. I have___tea in my___cup. 6. He has no___coffee in his___cup. 7. What___book did you take from___library on___Tuesday? 8. I have___books,___exercise-books and___pens in my___

bag. 9. I am___engineer. I work at___office. I go to___office in___morning. As___office is far from___house I live in, I take___bus to get there. 10. What___bus do you take to get to___work? 11. Whose___pen is this?

Упр. 27. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (25)

My friend's___flat is very comfortable. There are___three rooms in___flat: ,.. living-room,___study and___bedroom. ___living-room is not very large. ___walls in___living-room are blue. There are___pictures on___walls. There is___table in___middle of___room with some chairs around it. To___left of___door there is___sofa. Near___sofa there are___two large armchairs. They are very comfortable. There is___piano in my friend's liv-irg-room. ___piano is to___right of___door. ___bedroom and___study are small. ___furniture in___flat is brown.

Упр. 28. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (27)

Here is___large window. Through___window we can see___room. Opposite___window there is___door. On___door there is___curtain. In___corner of___room there is___round table. On it we can see___books and___telephone. There is___bookshelf over___table. On___bookshelf we can see___newspapers and___book by___Jack London. There are___two___pictures in___room. One___picture is small,___oilier picture is very large. There are___two bookcases in___room. ___bookcases are full of___books. There is___large sofa in___room. On___sofa we can see___bag. Whose___bag is that? There is no___bed in___room. On___small table near___window there are___ flowers and___glass of___water. In___front of ,.. window we can see___armchair.

Перед названиями наук, учебных предметов и языков артикль не употребляется.

E.g. He studies chemistry. I speak English.

Упр. 29. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (29)

1. When my grandfather was___young man, he studied___physics. 2. Do you speak___Spanish? 3. My uncle is___great specialist in___biology. 4. ___Japanese is more difficult than___French. 5. We listened to___very interesting lecture on___English literature yesterday. 6. Yesterday at___lesson of___geography___teacher told us___very interesting things about___famous travellers. 7. My father speaks___English and___French, but he does not speak___German. 8. We had___lesson of___mathematics yesterday. We wrote___test-paper in___mathematics. ___teacher said: «I shall correct___test-papers in___evening. Tomorrow you will know___results».
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