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Упр. 12. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (11)

1. There is___thick red___carpet in my___room. ___carpet is on___floor in___front of___sofa. 2. Where is___table in your brother's___room? — His___table is near___window. 3. I can see___fine___vase on___shelf. Is it your___vase? 4. We have no___piano in our___living-room. 5. My___uncle is___married. He has___beautiful wife. They have___son, but they have no___daughter. 6. I can see___nice___coffee-table in___middle of___room to___right of___door. It is___black and___red. I like___coffee-table. 7. Our___TV-set is on___little___table in___corner of___room. 8. There is___beautiful picture in my father's___study,___picture is on___wall to___left of___window.

Упр. 13. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (12)

My aunt's flat is in___new house. There is___living-room,___bedroom,___study,___bathroom and___kitchen in___flat. ___bedroom is___large room with___two windows. ___room is light as___windows are large. There are___white curtains on___windows. There are___two beds with___large pillows on them. There are___small tables near___beds. There are___lamps on them. To___left of___door there is___dressing-table with___looking-glass on it. There is___low chair at___dressing-table. There are___several pictures on___pale green walls. There is___thick carpet on___floor. ___carpet is dark green. ___room is very cosy.

Если после конструкции there is (there are) стоит неисчисляемое существительное или существительное во множественном числе, вместо опущенного неопределенного артикля часто (не обязательно) употребляется слово « some.»

Упр. 14. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (13)

1. There is___sofa in___corner of___room. 2. There are___cushions on___sofa, 3. There are___books on___shelf. Give me___book, please. 4. Look into___refrigerator. What can you see on___shelves? — There is___butter in___butter-dish. There is___sausage, but there is no___cheese. There are___eggs and___apples. There is___orange,___lemon, and___jam in___little vase. 5. There is___juice in this___cup. May I drink___juice? 6. There are___girls in___yard, but I can see no___boys. Where are___boys? — Oh, all___boys are playing football at___stadium.

Упр. 15. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (14)

I have___colour TV-set. ___TV-set is on___little table in___corner of___room. 2. There is___book,___pen, and___paper on my___writing-desk. 3. My___brother is___teacher. He works at___school. He has___very good books. His___books are in___big bookcase. 4. There is___tea in my___glass. There is no___tea in my___friend's___glass. His___glass is empty. 5. Where is___coffee-table in your___room? —___coffee-table is in___front of___sofa. There is___cup on___coffee-table and___newspapers. There is___coffee in___cup.

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочета ния:

in the morning in the afternoon

in the evening at night

А также:

to go to bed to go to work

to go to school

Упр. 16. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо . (15)

1. My___friend has to get up early in___morning because he goes to___school. That's why he usually goes to___bed early in___evening. ___weather was very bad in___morning yesterday. ___sky was grey and it was raining. But in___middle of___day___weather began to change. ___rain stopped and___sun appeared from behind___clouds. In___afternoon it was very warm. I did not want to stay at___home and went into___yard. There were___boys and___girls in___yard. We played in___yard till late in___evening. When I came___home, I drank___tea, ate___sandwich and went to___bed at once. Isleptverywellat___night.

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочетания:

to go home to come home

to leave home for work (for school) at half past five at a quarter past five

Упр. 17. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. (16)

1. My brother is___pupil. He goes to___school.He goes to___school in___morning. He has five or six___lessons every day. In___afternoon he goes___home. At___home he does his___homework. In___evening he reads___books. He usually goes to___bed at___half past ten. At___night he sleeps. 2. My father goes to___work in___morning and

comes___home in___evening. 3. I get up at___half past seven in___morning and go to___bed at___quarter to eleven in___evening. 4. When does your mother leave___home for___work? — She leaves___home for___work at___quarter past eight. 5. When do you leave___home for___school? — I leave___home for___school at___half past___eight.

Перед названиями месяцев и дней недели артикль не употребляется.

School begins in September. We rest on Sunday.

Перед порядковыми числительными обычно употребляется определенный артикль.

Our classroom is on the second floor. Today is the tenth of May.
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