голицинский грамматика. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений для школьников (без таблиц)
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Упр. 100. Переведите на английский язык.1. На столе лежит что-то круглое. Что это такое? 2. Никто об этом ничего не знает. 3. В городе много парков. Везде деревья и цветы. 4. В той комнате кто-то есть. 5. Анна живет где-то в этом районе. 6. Я никого не знаю в этом городе. 7. Дай мне, пожалуйста, что-нибудь поесть. 8. Кто-нибудь знает адрес нашего учителя? 9. Все в порядке. 10. Кто-нибудь хочет посмотреть телевизор? 11. Мы слышали эту песню повсюду. 12. Он где-то в саду. Упр. 101. Вставьте одно из следующих слов:a)some, any, no. 1. There were___of my friends there. 2. Well, anyway, there is___need to hurry, now that we have missed the train. 3. Have you ever seen___of these pictures before? 4. There is___water in the" kettle: they have drunk it all. 5. There were___fir-trees in that forest, but many pines. 6. We could not buy cherries, so we bought___plums instead. b)somebody, anybody, nobody. 1.1 saw___I knew at the lecture. 2. I dare say that there may be___at the lecture that I know, but what does that matter? 3. Do you really think that___visits this place? 4. I have never seen___lace their boots like that. c)somewhere, anywhere, nowhere. 1.1 haven't seen him___. 2. I know the place is___about here, but exactly where, I don't know. 3. Did you go___yesterday? — No, I went___, I stayed at home the whole day. Упр. 102. Вставьте some, any, no, every или их производные.1. Can I have___milk? — Yes, you can have. ___2. Will you have___tea? 3. Give me___books, please. I have___to read at home. 4. Put___sugar in her tea: she does not like sweet tea. 5. Is___the matter with you? Has___offended you? I see by your face that___has happened. 6. We did not see___in the hall. 7. ___was present at the lesson yesterday. 8. He is busy. He has___time to go to the cinema with us. 9. Do you need___books to prepare for your report? 10. Have you___questions? Ask me___you like, I shall try to answer___question. 11. ___liked that play: it was very dull. 12. If___is ready, we shall begin our experiment. Упр. 103. Вставьте some, any, no, every или их производные.1 Can___see? No,___people can't see___people are blind. Blind people can't see. They can't see___; they can see___. 2. Can___hear? No,___people can't hear. ___people are deaf. People who are quite deaf can't hear. They can't hear___, they can't hear. ___They can hear___; they can hear___.3. Can we see___? No,-we can't see___. We cannot see the air. ___can see the air.4. We can't walk without legs and feet. People without legs and feet can't walk. They can't walk. ___They can walk___.5. Can you see___in an empty box? No, I can't see___in an empty box. I can see___in an empty box. Why not? Because there is___in an empty box. There isn't___in an empty box. What is an empty box? An empty box is a box that has___in it. An empty box is a box without___in it. An empty room is a room without___in it. Упр. 104. Вставьте some, any, no или их производные.1. Have you___relations? - No, I haven't___, I have___relations. 2. Has she___nephews or nieces? — She has___nephews. 3. She has___sisters,she has only brothers. 4. Do you know___about Chinese art? 5. They have___cousins in Minsk. 6. Have you___brothers? - No, I haven't___, I have___brothers. 7. I have___good friends. 8. We did not know___about his problems: he told us___. 9. Have you got___interesting books? 10. Have you___friends in America? 11. He has___English books in this bookcase. 12. Did you meet___on your way to school? 13. Have you got___pencils in your bag? 14. Do we have___chalk on the blackboard? 15. How could I know that he was ill?___told me___. 16. She has___mistakes in her test. Упр. 105. Вставьте одно из следующих слов: some , any , no , the или оставьте пропуски незаполненными.1. Суп (вообще) содержит много воды. ___soupcontainsmuchwater. 2. Супготов. ___soup is ready.3. Дайте мне супу. Give me___soup. 4. Названиеэтогосупа— борщ. The name of___soup is borshch. 5. Прежде всего нам нужно согреть воды. First of all we must heat___water. 6. Преждевсегонамнужносогретьводу. First of all we must heat___water. 7. Вода состоит из водорода и кислорода. ___waterconsistsofhydrogenandoxygen. 8. Мылонеобходимодлямытья. ___soap is necessary for washing. 9. Наумывальникенетмыла. There is___soap on the wash-stand. 10.Мылонаполке. ___soap is on the shelf. 11. Мне не нравится цвет этого мыла. I don't like the colour of___soap. 12. Естьуваскарболовоемыло? Haveyougot___carbolicsoap? 13. В Карелии много фабрик, которые производят бумагу. There are many factories in Karelia that produce___paper. 14.Бумагадлястенгазетынастоле. ___paper for the wall-newspaper is on the table 15. Дайте мне бумаги. Giveme___paper. 16. Я очень люблю этот сорт бумаги. I like this sort of___paper very much. 17. Передаймнемасло. Pass me___butter, please. 18. Дайемумасла. Give him___butter. 19.Я не хочу масла. Idon'twant___butter. 20. Эта ферма производит масло. Thisfarmproduces___butter. 21.В этом стакане нет молока. There is___milk in this glass. 22.Возьми варенья. Take___jam. 23.Возьмиваренье. Take___jam.24. Любите ли вы бекон? Do you like___bacon? 25.Каковаценабекона? What is the price of___bacon? 26. Он никогда не кладет сахару в чай. Не neverputs___sugarinhistea. 27. Сахар-- важныйпищевойпродукт. ___sugar is an important food product. |