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  • 2. a) Do you like___brown bread

  • голицинский грамматика. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений для школьников (без таблиц)

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    Упр. 106. Вставьте a, the, some или оставьте пропуски незаполненными.

    1. a) Give me___water, please. I am thirsty.

    b)___water in this river is always cold.

    c) ___water is necessary for animals and plants.

    2. a) Do you like___brown bread?

    b) Please go to the shop and buy___brown bread.

    3. a) He likes___modern music.

    b) I should like to listen to___music.

    с) I don't like___music, it is too noisy. Switch off the radio, please,

    4. a) Ann has bought___cheese,

    b) Where did she put___cheese?

    c) Give me___cheese, please.

    5. a) Yesterday she invited us to dinner. It was___

    good dinner.

    b) I cannot forget___dinner we had at the Savoy.

    Упр. 107. Вставьте одно из следующих слов: some, the, а или оставьте пропуски незаполненными.

    1. We use___pencils or___pens when we write. 2. He was reading___book when I came into___room. 3. Give me___water to drink, please. 4. At what time will___meeting begin? 5. Do you find___English difficult? 6.1 got___letter from my brother yesterday. 7. I had___bread and___butter and___egg for___breakfast this morning. 8. Here is___book that you left on my table yesterday. 9. ___men saw___boat on___river. 10. Can you give me___match? 11. I get___long letters from my mother, but only___postcards from my brother. 12. The waitress put___salad into each plate. 15. When did___lesson begin? 14, Children must go to___school. 15, Pass me___piece of___bread, please. 16. Do you like___cucumbers? 17, We bought___cucumbers at___market.

    Упр. 108. Вставьте одно из следующих слов: some , any, no, the, а или оставьте пропуски незаполненными.

    1. ___cats like___milk. 2. They stopped in___front of___house where Tom lived. 3. I showed him___way to___station. 4. What is___name of___street in which you live? 5. I want to say___words to your sister. 6. ___tea in this glass is cold. 7. ___sun was high in___sky. 8. Oh, there are___apples in___vase:___children have eaten all of them. Please put___apples into___vase. 9. Yesterday we had___fish for dinner. 10. He gave me___coffee. 11.1 drank___cup of___coffee after___dinner. 12. She bought___new books yesterday. 13. Where are .„ books which you brought from___library yesterday? 14. Did you buy___apples when you were at___shop? 15. We could not skate because there was___snow on___ice. 16. ___house must have___windows. 17. Most people like___music. 18. There was___meat on Nick's plate and___fish on Tom's, 19. We saw. . houses in the distance.

    Much, many, (a) little, (a) few

    Упр. 109. Переведите на английский язык следующие пары слов.

    Много тетрадей, много молока, много воды, много дней, много газет, много мела, много снега, много лет, много картин, много музыки, много мальчиков, много девочек, много чая, много лимонов, много мяса, много комнат, много учителей, много работы, много воздуха, много птиц, много машин.

    Упр. 110. Вставьте much или many.

    1. Please don't put___pepper on the meat. 2. There were___plates on the table. 3. I never eat

    I___bread with soup. 4. Why did you eat so___ice-cream? 5. She wrote us___letters from the country. 6. ___of these students don't like to look up words in the dictionary. 7. ___in this work was too difficult for me. 8. ___of their answers were excellent. 9. ___of their conversation was about the institute. 10. There are___new pictures in this room.

    ll. There are___teachers at our school, and___of them are women. 12. ___of these plays are quite___new. 13. Thanks awfully for the books you sent me yesterday. — Don't mention it, it wasn't___bother. 14. ___of her advice was useful. 15. He had___pairs of socks.

    Упр. 111. Переведите на английский язык следующие пары слов.

    Мало домов, мало чая, мало чашек, мало яблок, мало окон, мало бумаги, мало кофе, мало статей, мало радости, мало супу, мало деревьев, мало травы, мало детей, мало игрушек, мало света, мало парт, мало колбасы, мало сока, мало книг, мало цветов, мало соли, мало друзей, мало дворцов.

    Упр. 112. Вставьте little или few.

    1. I have___time, so I can't go with you. 2. He [ has___English books. 3. There is___ink in my pen. Have you got any ink? 4. There are___bears in the zoo. 5. Tom Canty was the son of poor parents and had very___clothes. 6. There is tool___soup in my plate. Give me some more, please.

    7. The children returned from the wood very sad because they had found very ___ mushrooms.

    8. There was too___light in the room, and I could not read. There are very___people who don't know that the earth is round.
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