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Сочинение. 2 семестр ЗО ГГз-19-01. Грамматика Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

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  1. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

  2. Видо-временные формы глагола (страдательный залог)

  3. Модальные глаголы

Лексика и чтение:

Общеобразовательные тексты (перевод со своим словарем-тетрадкой упр. 10, 14, 20) + слова наизусть (упр.1,7,13,19)


Подготовить пересказы (упр.10,14,20):

  1. УГНТУ – моя альма-матер

  2. Российская Федерация

  3. Мой родной край / Башкортостан

В тетради для контрольных работ сделать упр. 2-6,8,9,11,12,15-31



1. Выучите следующие слова и выражения.

  1. get the experience [ɪk'spɪərɪəns] of life приобрести жизненный опыт

  2. enter the university – поступить в университет

  3. independent – независимый

  4. increase / broaden ['brɔːdn] knowledge ['nɔlɪʤ] by reading – увеличить / расширять знания с помощью чтения

  5. attend lectures ['lekʧəz] – посещать лекции

  6. expert ['ekspɜːt] in a field [fiːld] – специалист в определённой области

  7. necessary ['nesəsərɪ] – необходимый; важный

  8. get/take an opportunity [ˌɔpə'tjuːnətɪ] – получить / ухватиться за возможность

  9. explore[ɪk'splɔː]– изучать; исследовать

  10. take place – иметь место; происходить

  11. competitive [kəm'petɪtɪv] job market – конкурентный рынок труда

  12. compete [kəm'piːt] for a job – бороться за рабочее место

  13. earn [ɜːn]; earnings – зарабатывать; заработная плата

  14. according to a research [rɪ'sɜːʧ]
    согласно исследованию

  15. average ['ævərɪʤ] – средний

  1. level of unemployment [ˌʌnɪm'plɔɪmənt] – уровень безработицы

  2. well educated ['eʤukeɪtɪd, 'edju-]
    – хорошо образованный

  3. strengthen ['streŋθən] – укреплять

  4. volunteering [ˌvɔlən'tɪərɪŋ] – волонтёрство

  5. higher education [ˌeʤu'keɪʃən,
    ˌedju-] – высшее образование

  6. degree [dɪ'griː] – степень, квалификация

  7. study for/do a Bachelors ['bæʧələz]
    Masters degree – учиться на степень бакалавра / магистра

  8. BSc=Bachelor of Science ['saɪəns]
    – бакалавр естественных наук BA=Bachelor of Arts – бакалавр гуманитарных наук

  9. MA=Master of Arts – магистр гуманитарных наук
    MSc=Master of Science – магистр естественных наук / точных наук

  10. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – кандидат наук (любых, кроме медицины и юриспруденции)

  11. library ['laɪbrərɪ] – библиотека

  1. do art subjects ['sʌbʤekts] – изучать гуманитарные науки

  2. essay ['eseɪ] – реферат; сочинение

  3. undergraduate [ˌʌndə'græʤuət] – студент 1-4 курсов

  4. graduate ['grædjuɪt] – 1) выпускник (вуза), 2) магистрант (AmE)

  5. graduate ['grædjueɪt, -ʤu-] from – окончить вуз

  6. postgraduate – 1) магистрант (BrE);
    2) аспирант

  7. graduation – окончание (вуза)

  8. studies – учеба, занятия

  9. take a course [kɔːs] in – проходить спецкурс чего-либо

  10. apply [ə'plaɪ] for – подать заявление

  11. make a decision [dɪ'sɪʒn] – принимать решение

  12. home assignment [ə'saɪnmənt] – домашнее задание

  13. term paper – курсовая работа

  14. first year student – первокурсник

  15. examination period ['pɪərɪəd] = examinations = exams – сессия

  16. academic year – учебный год

  17. student’s record book ['rekɔːd] = record book – зачётная книжка

  18. sign a record book [saɪn] – поставить зачет / экзамен в зачетку

  19. miss classes – прогуливать занятия

  20. lag behind – отставать в учёбе

  21. failed [feɪld] academic assignment – академическая задолженность

  22. learn smth. by heart [hɑːt] – учить что-либо наизусть

  1. do the revision [rɪ'vɪʒən] = revise [rɪ'vaɪz] for exams – повторять

  2. do exam preparation [ˌprepə'reɪʃən]
    = read for an exam

    подготовиться к экзамену

  3. fail exams – не сдать экзамены

  4. take / sit exams – сдавать экзамены

  5. pass exams – сдать экзамены

  6. get good marks in the exams – получать хорошие оценки на экзаменах

  7. do well in an exam – успешно
    сдать экзамен

  8. pass an exam with flying coloursсдать экзамен с блестящими результатами

  9. graduate with honours ['ɔnəz] – окончить университет с отличием

  10. receive [rɪ'siːv] a certificate
    [sə'tɪfɪkət] – получить диплом

  11. General Certificate of Secondary ['sekəndərɪ] Education – аттестат о среднем образовании

  12. complete [kəm'pliːt] a course [kɔːs] successfully [sək'sesfəlɪ, -fulɪ] – завершить обучение успешно

  13. thus [ðʌs] – таким образом

  14. benefit ['benɪfɪt] – выгода; польза

  15. on ones own – самостоятельно, независимо

  16. provide [prə'vaɪd] – давать, предоставлять; обеспечивать

  17. quit [kwɪt] – бросать (учебу)

  18. expel [ɪk'spel, ek-] from – отчислять

2. Составьте правильные словосочетания, вставив слова из колонки A вместо пропусков в



  1. to make

  2. Bachelor’s degree

  3. to receive

  4. record book

  5. to apply

  6. to increase

  7. honours

  8. to attend

  9. according to

  10. to complete

    1. good marks in your ………

    2. to graduate with ………

    3. ……… a decision

    4. to have a ………

    5. ……… a course in smth.

    6. ……… a certificate

    7. ……… knowledge and skills

    8. ……… the social research

    9. ……… lessons and lectures

    10. ……… for a job

3. Расположите предложения в логической последовательности.

  1. I did a degree course.

  2. I passed with good marks in exams.

  3. I got my Master’s in Business Studies.

  4. I did a postgraduate course.

  5. I did my final exams at school.

  6. I became an undergraduate.

  7. I got a place at university.

  8. I got a Bachelor’s degree.









4. Найдите правильный перевод английских словосочетаний на русский язык. Затем вставьте английские словосочетания правильно в предложения ниже.

1) do exam preparation

a) сдавать экзамены

2) fail exams

b) сдать экзамен с блестящими результатами

3) examination period / exams

c) отставать в учебе

4) get good marks in the exams

d) не сдать экзамены

5) pass an exam with flying colours

e) подготовиться к экзамену

6) take exams

f) сессия

7) do well in the exam

g) получить хорошие оценки на экзаменах

8) lag behind

h) успешно сдать экзамен

9) miss classes

i) отчислять (из университета)

10) expel

j) прогуливать занятия

  1. You can find the dates of ___ for the new academic year on the announcement-board.

  2. If you don’t do your home assignment, you will ____ your class soon.

  3. At university, students must ____ every term.

  4. The best way to ____ is to consider the entire [ɪn'taɪə] (полный, целый) length of your course as a pre-exam, preparation period.

  5. Students who ____ feel stressed out.

  6. When you ____, organize your study space in order to concentrate and don’t forget about taking regular breaks.

  7. You will ____ and graduate with honours if you study hard.

  8. This article is about how to ____ and to use effective strategies.

  9. He had a lot of failed academic assignments, thus they had to ____ him from the university.

  10. Students must attend all classes. They mustn’t ____ without reasonable excuses.

5. Составьте правильные словосочетания, соединив слова из колонки A со словами из колонки B.



1) to attend

2) to study for

3) average

4) to make

5) according to

6) to graduate

7) to broaden

a) the scientific research

b) from the university with honours

c) your knowledge in mathematics

d) English classes

e) a decision to enter a university

f) a Bachelor’s degree

g) earnings

6. Выберите правильное слово из предложенных и вставьте его в предложение.

  1. take place, increase, explore

The International Science Competition will ……… in July 2020 in Belgium.

  1. earnings, a Bachelor’s degree, honours

You can get ……… at a research university or at a university of applied sciences (прикладные науки).

  1. assignment, research, record book

A(n) ……… includes stages of development, learning and academic achievements of a student.

  1. completed, received, graduated

A certificate shows that the student ……… a course successfully.

  1. opportunities, a career decision, a competition

It is sometimes difficult to make ……… .

  1. quit, expel, provide

Bob’s professors and lecturers were not satisfied with his performance during the academic year so they decided to ………. him.

  1. earn, graduate, receive

Students who demonstrate excellent learning results ……… with honours.

  1. broadened, strengthened, increased

Our friendship has steadily ………. over these university years.

  1. assignment, work, task

Please, put down your home ……….. in history, students.

  1. complete, attend, apply

All first-year students must ……….. seminars on the history of our university.
7. Выучите следующие слова и выражения.

  1. educational institution / establishment [ɪs'tæblɪʃmənt, es-] – учебное заведение

  2. be founded – быть основанным

  3. at present – сейчас, в настоящее время

  4. train (for) – готовить (к), обучать

  5. faculty ['fækəltɪ] – факультет

  6. branch [brɑːntʃ] – филиал

  7. the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) – СНГ

  8. highly-skilled specialist – высоко- квалифицированный специалист

  9. a number of – ряд

  10. head [hed]– возглавлять, руководить

  11. dean [diːn] – декан

  12. dean’s office – деканат

  13. staff [stɑːf] – профессорско-преподавательский состав

  14. lecturer = member of the staff – преподаватель

  15. timetable – расписание (занятий)

  16. department – кафедра; отделение

  17. head of department – заведующий кафедрой

  18. term [tɜːm] – семестр

  19. due to ['djuːtuː] – из-за

  20. provide general education / tuition[tjuː'ɪʃən] – обеспечивать, предоставлять общее образование / обучение

  21. full-time / part-time tuition – дневное / вечернее обучение

  22. correspondence tuition – заочное обучение

  23. curriculum (pl. curricula) [kə'rɪkjʊləm] – учебный план

  24. major subject ['meɪʤə] – профилирующая дисциплина / предмет

  25. core [kɔː] /compulsory [kəm'pʌlsərɪ] subjects – основные /обязательные учебные предметы

  26. workshop ['wɜːkʃɔp] – мастерская

  1. specialization [ˌspeʃəlaɪ'zeɪʃən] – специализация

  2. advanced degree – продвинутая,
    более высокая степень

  3. take a (final) test/an exam (in) – сдавать зачет / экзамен (по)

  4. pass a (final) test/an exam (in)
    сдать зачет / экзамен (по)

  5. get a scholarship получать стипендию

  6. study free – учиться бесплатно
    (на бюджете)

  7. pay tuition fee(s) – платить за

  8. enter postgraduate courses – поступать в аспирантуру

  9. research [rɪˈsɜːtʃ] – исследование

  10. submit a thesis [səb'mɪt ə 'θiːsɪs] – представить диссертацию

  11. award a degree [ə'wɔːd ə dɪ'ɡriː] – присуждать степень

  12. get /receive [rɪ'siːv] /obtain a degree in smth. – получить степень в (области)

  13. practical training / internship ['ɪntɜːnʃɪp] – практика, стажировка

  14. drilling engineering
    технология бурения

  15. oil and gas mining ['maɪnɪŋ] – нефтегазовое делo

  16. oil and gas field – нефтегазовое месторождение

  17. pipeline construction site участок / трасса прокладки / сооружения трубопровода

  18. refinery [rɪ'faɪnərɪ] – нефтеперерабатывающий завод

  19. industrial enterprise [ɪn'dʌstrɪəl 'entəpraɪz] – промышленное предприятие

8. Соотнесите слова и выражения из части А с их дефинициями из части В.


  1. a full-time student

  2. an undergraduate student

  3. Head of Department

  4. curriculum

  1. a record book

  2. tuition fee

  3. scholarship

  4. internship

  1. a dean’s office

  2. a postgraduate student

  3. staff

  4. core subjects


  1. financial assistance that students get if they pass tests and exams with good marks;

  2. a book in which a lecturer signs the results of a student’s final tests and exams;

  3. a student who is studying to get a Bachelor’s degree;

  4. the process of learning the professional skills that you need for your future job in real working conditions;

  5. the most important person in a division of a university dealing with a specific area of activity;

  6. a student who is studying to get a Master’s degree;

  7. all the lecturers teaching at university;

  8. a group of compulsory subjects that have to be studied;

  9. the subjects comprising (составляющие) a course of study;

  10. money you pay for your education;

  11. the place where the head of a faculty works;

  12. a person who doesn’t have a job and spends all his/her time studying.

9. Вставьте, где это необходимо, предлоги вместо пропусков в предложениях.

  1. Most of our universities are …….. close connection …….. enterprises and companies of our republic.

  2. Students whose parents don’t live in Ufa are provided …….. hostels.

  3. He took a degree …….. law then joined …….. a law firm.

  4. Many students go …….. …….. sports and take part …….. sport competitions.

  5. Students of the Economics Department specialise …….. management, finance and accounting (бухучет).

  6. Yesterday we had two lectures …….. philosophy. They lasted ….. 2 hours each.

  7. He entered …….. Oil and Gas Mining Faculty as he wanted to train …….. drilling engineering.

  8. He passed all his exams …….. flying colours and obtained an honours Bachelor’s degree …….. Chemistry.

  9. Due …….. financial problems he couldn’t pay tuition fees.

  10. He quit …….. the university and wasn’t awarded …….. a Bachelor’s degree.

10. Прочитайте и переведите текст про ваш университет.


Ufa State Petroleum Technological University is one of the largest petroleum educational institutions in Russia. It trains young people to become engineers in oil and gas industry. It was founded in 1948 as Ufa Oil Institute and there were only 150 students and 3 faculties at that time. In 1993 it got a university status. Now it has 3 branches (in Salavat, Sterlitamak and Oktyabrskiy) and trains about 14,000 students not only from Russia, but also from the CIS countries, Asia, Africa, Latin America.

The university has 8 faculties which train highly-skilled specialists:

  1. Architecture and Building Engineering Institute;

  2. Automation of Production Processes;

  3. General Scientific Subjects;

  4. Mechanical;

  1. Oil and Gas Business Institute;

  2. Oil and Gas Mining;

  3. Pipeline Transportation;

  4. Technology and Biotechnology.

The head of the university is the Rector. Each faculty has a number of specialised departments and is headed by the dean.

The academic year at the university begins on the first of September. It lasts nine months and it is divided into two terms. Each term ends with examinations. Twice a year students have vacations (two weeks in winter and two months in summer). Sometimes summer vacations are shorter due to professional practical training.

The university provides full-time, part-time and correspondence tuition. Nowadays the university provides three levels of education: undergraduate level and two postgraduate levels. The course of studies lasts 4 years at undergraduate level and 2 or 3 years at postgraduate levels. During the first two years students get general education and study such compulsory subjects as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry as well as Information Technology (IT) and a number of others. It is known that the knowledge of the general technical subjects is necessary for future engineers. The curriculum is broadened by classes in such subjects as Foreign Languages, History and Economics. Students have three or four lectures and seminars every day. They have practical classes at laboratories and workshops. The last two years are devoted to the major subject.

Students can specialize in drilling engineering, oil and gas mining, finance, management or chemical technology. At the end of this undergraduate level students get a Bachelor’s degree (BSc or BA). It’s the first degree and students can start working in their profession. But it is often considered as a background for further specialization. The advanced degree (the Master’s degree) can be obtained at a postgraduate level, which is the second level of university education. During this time students take courses and exams, do laboratory research. At the end of the course they submit a thesis and are awarded a Master’s degree (MSc or MA).

The university is in close connection with oil and gas industry enterprises and companies all through Russia and students have practical training at oil and gas fields, pipeline construction sites, refineries, banks and other industrial enterprises of our country.

Students are provided with student’s hostels. The students who make good progress in studies get a scholarship. Some students are sponsored by enterprises.

In their free time students can go in for sports in the university sports centre, attend computer centres, dance classes, English theatre and other societies and clubs.

Some students study free, but many have to pay tuition fees.

After getting a Master’s degree some of the best students can enter postgraduate courses to get a PhD degree (Doctor of Philosophy = a candidate degree). The full-time education at this level lasts three years.
11. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту об УГНТУ.

  1. What is Ufa State Petroleum Technological University?

  2. When was the university founded?

  3. What was its original name and what was it like in the early days of its history?

  4. What happened to this educational establishment in 1993?

  5. How many students study here? What countries are they from?

  6. How many faculties are there at university? What are their names?

  7. What types of tuition does the university provide?

  8. What levels of education does the university provide?

  9. How long do undergraduate students study?

  10. What is your specialization?

  11. When do undergraduates get a Bachelor’s degree?

  12. What can students do after they get a Bachelor’s degree?

  13. Where do students usually have internship?

  14. Do all students study free?

  15. Is it possible to continue studies after you got a Master’s degree? Where?

12. Соотнесите британские и американские варианты слов, имеющих в русском языке одно значение.

British English

American English


high school



to specilise

schedule ['skeʤuːl]


sophomore ['sɔfəmɔː]

first-year student =1st year undergraduate


second-year student

freshman (for both sexes)

third-year student


fourth-year student

senior ['siːnɪə]







secondary school



to major

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