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  • 21. Подберите соответствующий заголовок (

  • 23.Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

  • 24. Впишите слова в соответствующие колонки.

  • Oil industry Natural resources Economy Government

  • Agriculture Scenery and vegetation Animals Climate

  • 25. Вставьте слова вместо пропусков в предложениях

  • 26. Поставьте прилагательные и наречия в скобках в правильные формы.

  • Видо-временные формы глагола (страдательный залог)

  • Модальные глаголы

  • 29. Выберите правильный вариант, из предлагаемых модальных глаголов.


  • Сочинение. 2 семестр ЗО ГГз-19-01. Грамматика Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

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    20. Прочитайте и переведите текст про Башкортостан.


    (1) Bashkortostan is a sovereign democratic Republic. It is an independent entity within the Russian Federation. The Republic claimed its sovereignty in 1990. The legislative body on its territory is the State Assembly, locally referred to as “The Kurultai of Bashkortostan”. The head of the Republic is elected by popular vote. An impressive record of economic, political and ethnic stability has enabled Bashkortostan to claim a considerable level of autonomy. It is one of the most important and self-sufficient Republics in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

    (2) Bashkortostan is situated in the Southern Urals forming a natural border between Europe and Asia. Its total area is 144 thousand square kilometers. The population exceeds 4 million people. There are over 21 big cities, 43 small towns and 54 administrative units. The climate here is continental: winters are normally cold, snowy and frosty; summers are sunny and warm, sometimes hot. The average January temperature is – 18°C; in July the temperature may rise up to + 25°C. The capital of Bashkortostan is Ufa-city.

    (3) Our Republic has unique and very beautiful nature. There are a lot of wonderful mountains and hills, green fields and forests, pure rivers and lakes. Different kinds of wild animals inhabit this land: bears, lynxes, wolves, foxes, badgers, martens, beavers, elks and roes. Over 200 species of birds may be found here.

    (4) This land is fabulously rich in natural resources: iron-ore, copper, zinc, lead, aluminium, chromium, brown coal, natural gas, manganese, salt and others. The main wealth here is oil, which forms the foundation of the Republic’s economic potential, thus boosting the development of various branches of industry. Bashkir oil, gas and energy sector includes a number of the largest and most successful enterprises in Russia. Today the most highly developed industries number 100 branches. The Republic ranks eighth in the capital industrial assets in the Russian Federation.

    (5) In May 1932 an oil fountain burst from the well drilled near the village of Ishimbayevo. It is from here the first ton of the “black gold” was extracted. After that, more and more oil rigs sprang up along the banks of the Belaya river. A few years later another oil deposit was discovered near Tuimazy-town. It was Devonian oil, which made our Republic one of the leading oil-extracting regions in the country. By 1980 the first milliard ton of oil had been extracted. During those years the Republic experienced steep economic growth. Bashkortostan stands unchallenged in the field of oil refining within the CIS and has the second largest refining capacity in Europe. Nowadays the government of the Republic is not only trying to draw international finance to develop its oil, gas and petrochemical processing sector, it is also looking for investors to assist with the introduction of new technologies in the deep oil processing industry, automobile and aircraft construction and in the development of new types of production in the timber and woodworking industries.

    (6) Bashkortostan is also one of the largest highly developed agricultural regions in Russia. It comprises farms and processing businesses that range from producers of grain, sugar beet, sunflower seeds, potatoes and vegetables to livestock breeders producing both meat and milk. Two of the most specialized forms of agricultural production include horse breeding for the production of fermented mare’s milk and bee-keeping. Koumiss is a Bashkir typical product renowned for its healing qualities. Bashkir honey is highly acclaimed not only in Russia but throughout the CIS and around the world. The Republic ranks fourth in the agricultural gross output in the Russian Federation and first in the Urals economic region.

    (7) Bashkortostan is an ethnically diverse Republic. Bashkirs and Russians, Tartars and Ukrainians, Chuvashes and Maris are united in one large family here, which is made up of more than 80 different nationalities. The Constitution of Bashkortostan guarantees every citizen of the Republic the liberty of choosing any religion and convictions. Bashkortostan prides itself on its successful multicultural and multiethnic society.

    (8) Nowadays Bashkortostan is making confident steps towards strengthening its sovereignty, further development of its economy, science, culture and national traditions.

    Примечания к тексту:

    springup – возникать, появляться

    Devonianoil – Девонская нефть

    popular voteнародное голосование

    fermented mares milk [fɜː'mentɪd] – ферментированное (приготовленное путем брожения) молоко кобылицы

    unchallenged [ʌnˈtʃælɪndʒd] – неоспариваемый, необсуждаемый

    livestock breederlaɪvstɔk ˈbrɪ:də] – животновод
    21. Подберите соответствующий заголовок (A-J) к параграфам текста (1-8). Учтите, что вариантов заголовков больше, чем параграфов.

      1. Future of Bashkortostan

      2. Mineral reserves

      3. Agricultural production

      4. Location of the Republic

      5. Multinational region

      6. Government of Bashkortostan

      7. Industry of the Republic

      8. Scenery and vegetation

      9. Starting point for oil industry in the Republic

      10. Renowned national products

    22. Найдите в тексте правильные английские соответствия для следующих русских выражений.

    1) суверенный субъект в составе РФ; 2) законодательный орган на ее территории; 3) значительный уровень автономии; 4) автономная республика в СНГ; 5) превышает четыре миллиона человек; 6) уникальная и очень красивая природа; 7) разные виды диких животных; 8) сказочно богата природными ресурсами; 9) ускорять развитие отраслей промышленности; 10) наиболее успешные предприятия в России; 11) основной промышленный капитал; 12) хлынуть из скважины; 13) добывать чёрное золото; 14) ведущий нефтедобывающий регион; 15) резкий экономический рост; 16) содействовать внедрению новых технологий; 17) привлекать международные финансы; 18) лесная и деревообрабатывающая промышленность; 19) производители зерна, сахарной свеклы и семян подсолнечника; 20) прославленный своими лечебными свойствами; 21) валовой объем сельскохозяйственной продукции; 22) этнически разнообразная республика; 23) свобода выбора вероисповедания; 24) успешное многонациональное общество; 25) укрепление суверенитета.
    23.Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

    1. When did Bashkortostan become a sovereign Republic?

    2. How is the head of the Republic elected? Do you know his/her name?

    3. Where is Bashkortostan located?

    4. What is its area? How big is its population? What is the capital city?

    5. What animals may be found here?

    6. How many species of birds inhabit this land?

    7. What natural recourses is Bashkortostan rich in?

    8. What is the major wealth of the Republic?

    9. When and where was the first ton of oil extracted?

    10. How many branches of industry does Bashkortostan number?

    11. Why does the Republican government draw investors into industry?

    12. What agricultural crops are grown here?

    13. What required and healing foods are produced in the agricultural sector?

    14. What place does the Republic rank in the agricultural gross output?

    15. Why is Bashkortostan called a multiethnic Republic?

    24. Впишите слова в соответствующие колонки.

    Economic growth, lake, marten, State Assembly, oil-extracting region, farm, snowy, field, lynx, manganese, drill, entity, capital industrial asset, sugar beet, lead, average temperature, roe, forest, legislative body, gas, finance, hill, arctic, brown coal, horse breeding, mountain, frosty, oil rig, badger, copper, grain, river, gross output, oil refining, wild, bee-keeping, continental, oil, elk, sovereign, well, vegetables, zinc, black gold, head, picturesque, timber industry.

    Oil industry

    Natural resources




    Scenery and vegetation



    25. Вставьте слова вместо пропусков в предложениях.

    wealth the CIS steep species exceeds wells pride citizens deposits
    renowned healing picturesque introduction entities assisted inhabit

    1. The population of Birsk _____ 44, 000 people.

    2. Oil and natural gas are the major ______ of our Republic.

    3. The Russian Federation consists of 85 _____ .

    4. Oil and gas industry is experiencing _____ growth now.

    5. There are a lot of oil _______in the region.

    6. Different _____ of birds ______ this land.

    7. We _____ ourselves on being _____ of Bashkortostan.

    8. There is a _____ scenery and vegetation here.

    9. Our Republic is _______ for its _____ mineral water springs (источники).

    10. They _____ the oil men with the ______ of new methods of drilling _____.

    11. _____ is the organization formed during the break-up of the Soviet Union.


    Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий
    26. Поставьте прилагательные и наречия в скобках в правильные формы.

    A. 1) Russia is one of (populous) countries in the world. 2) The Russian Federation is (large) than France. 3) Elbrus is (high) mountain peak in our country. 4) The Volga is (long) river in Europe. 5) Moscow-city is (expensive) than Samara. 6) This is (unbelievable) news I have ever heard. 7) Sochi is (good) place for summer rest in our country. 8) “Sapsan” is (fast) train in Russia. 9) The ecological situation in big cities is becoming (bad). 10) St. Petersburg is one of (magnificent) cities in the world. 11) The Prime Minister asked to prepare (far) information on this problem. 12) It has been (cold) day in Moscow for 30 years. 13) Life is getting (hard) and (complicated) with every passing day.

    B. 1)Statistics say that women drive (carefully) than men. 2) There used to be (little) traffic in Moscow than there is now. 3) Which of these books did you enjoy (much)? 4) A big car can be parked (easily) than a small one. 5) Olga speaks English (fluently) of all in our group. 6) I’m afraid, it’s (little) I can do for you. 7) The fire was put out (quickly) than we expected. 8) Nick usually comes to the classes (late) of all his group-mates. 9) I don’t get what you mean. Could you, please, talk (fast)? 10) The train arrived (early) than it was expected. 11) Who can solve this equation (quickly)? 12) This test was rather hard, but I know you could do it much (good). 13) This month Caroline worked (badly) of all.
    Видо-временные формы глагола (страдательный залог)

    27. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму страдательного залога.

    1. When the first restaurant (open) on the Moon?

    2. Pineapples (not grow) in England.

    3. The room (clean) yet? Can I use it?

    4. When you return from your journey, this novel already (publish).

    5. Where are the skis? They (repair) now?

    6. The results (announce) tomorrow morning.

    7. All the work (do) by 6 o’clock yesterday.

    8. The plants should (water) every week.

    9. What kinds of medicines usually (make) from plants?

    10. Coca-Cola (produce) since 1895.

    11. When the first car (construct)?

    12. When I came to the office, the text already (translate).

    13. A new school (build) in our district now.

    14. Your shirt is dirty. It must (clean).

    15. The statue broke while it (move) to another room.

    16. These books (buy) two days ago.

    17. Don’t worry! Your keys (find). Here they are!

    18. Russia (rule) from Moscow.

    19. When I came, the film still (discuss).

    20. I think the report (not write) by next Monday.
    Модальные глаголы
    28. Выберите правильный вариант, из предлагаемых модальных глаголов.

    1. Mike _________ play the piano very well. And what about you?

    a) can b) should c) must

    2. I _________ skate when I was little.

    a) can’t b) couldn’t c) mustn’t

    3. We _________ hurry. We’ve got plenty of time.

    a) can’t b) needn’t c) must

    4. _________ you help me with this task?

    a) Could b) Must c) May

    5. I’m sorry I’m late. _________ I come in?

    a) Must b) Should c) May

    6. _________ you speak any foreign languages?

    a) Can b) Should c) May

    7. It’s raining. You _________ take an umbrella.

    a) can’t b) don’t have to c) should

    8. I’m afraid I _________ come to the party on Friday.

    a) can b) can’t c) may

    9. You _________ go there at once. It’s really very urgent.

    a) don’t have to b) needn’t c) must

    10. When I was young, I _________ run for miles.

    a) could b) must c) should

    11. ‘ _________ I smoke here?’ ‘No, you mustn’t.’

    a) Must b) May c) Should

    12. ‘ _________ I translate this sentence?’ ‘No, you needn’t.’

    a) Can b) May c) Must

    13. I looked everywhere for the book but I _________ find it.

    a) couldn’t b) mustn’t c) shouldn’t

    14. You _________ drive carefully on a busy road.

    a) can b) may c) should

    15. There’s nothing I _________ do about it.

    a) can b) may c) don’t have to

    16. Schools _________ teach children the difference between right and wrong.

    a) can’t b) mustn’t c) must

    17. I don’t feel well today. _________ I leave a bit earlier?

    a) Should b) May c) Must

    18. That _________ be true! It’s absolutely impossible.

    a) can’t b) must c) needn’t

    19. Yesterday I stayed at home because I _________ help my father.

    a) must b) had to c) can

    20. You _________ use my dictionary as long as you like.

    a) must b) have to c) may
    29. Выберите правильный вариант, из предлагаемых модальных глаголов.

    1. I don’t want anyone to know it. You (mustn’t/don’t have to) tell anyone.

    2. Listen! I (can/must) hear someone crying.

    3. When we were at school, we (had to/ought to) wear a uniform.

    4. You (don’t have to/mustn’t) wear your seatbelt during the whole of the flight.

    5. You (should/have to) tell her that you are sorry.

    6. You (need/must) be a member of the library before you can borrow books.

    7. I (needn’t/shouldn’t) wear glasses because my eyesight is still quite good.

    8. When I first came to Madrid, I (could/couldn’t) say only a few words in Spanish.

    9. Helen (must/had to) leave the meeting early because she had a train to catch.

    10. I (didn’t need to/couldn’t) get tickets after all – they were sold out.

    11. I left my bike outside the house last night and this morning it isn’t there any more. Somebody (can’t/must) have stolen it.

    12. ‘I can’t find my umbrella.’ ‘You (should/might) have left it in the restaurant last night.’

    13. (Must/May) I see your passport, please?

    14. He’s not working tomorrow, so he (doesn’t have to/ should) get up early.

    15. Ann was in a very difficult situation. It (must/can’t) have been easy for her.

    16. That shirt is dirty. You (ought to/needn’t) wash it.

    17. Last year I got a lot of money, so we (had to/were able to) buy a new house.

    18. I had forgotten to bring my camera, so I (couldn’t/ shouldn’t) take any pictures.

    19. Don’t tell anybody what I said. You (must/can) keep it secret.

    20. I’m really hungry. I (could/might) eat a horse!

    30. Изучите правила чтения математических формул и символов
    Symbols, Expressions And Equations
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