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Деловон агл экзамен Арынова Арайлым Сагатовна. Группа дпд102(с)

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Арынова Арайлым Сагатовна

Группа: ДПД-102(с)

Предмет: Деловой английский язык

Профессор: Ордабаева Жамал Ерболатовна

Задание №1

На графике показаны конфигурации и общее понижение цены акции Outokumpu за пятилетний период с января 2006 года по декабрь 2010 года.

С начала этого периода стоимость акции составляла 13 евро за акцию. До конца 2006 года наблюдалось несколько колебаний, когда вышло неожиданное повышение с 21 евро до 31 евро. Но это увеличение цены продлилось не долго, и она понизилась, до этого чем опять очень вырасти в 2008 году. С середины 2008 года резкая тенденция к понижению до самого конца года, когда она понизилась до малого уровня за этот период - чуток более 7 евро на акцию. После чего стоимость акции восстановилась и, невзирая на некие колебания, продолжала расти, пока не достигнула пика в 17 евро с начала 2010. До самого конца 2010 года тенденция опять была не нисходящей, окончив год на уровне чуток более 12 евро.

За данный период Outokumpu получила веские прибыли и убытки, но в целом растеряла около 1 евро на акцию.

The chart shows the configurations and the overall decline in Outokumpu's share price over the five-year period from January 2006 to December 2010.

Since the beginning of this period, the share has been valued at 13 euros per share. Until the end of 2006, there were several fluctuations, when an unexpected increase came out from 21 euros to 31 euros. But this increase in price did not last long, and it dropped, before then rising again in 2008. Since mid-2008, there has been a sharp downtrend until the very end of the year, when it has dropped to a low level during this period - just over 7 euros per share. After that, the share price recovered and, despite some fluctuations, continued to grow until it reached a peak of 17 euros since the beginning of 2010. Until the very end of 2010, the trend was again not downward, ending the year at a level of slightly more than 12 euros.

During this period, Outokumpu made significant gains and losses, but overall lost about 1 euro per share.

Задание №2

From JohnWork@gmail.com

To G.Chelsea@ahead.com

Dear organizer,

We are writing this letter to clarify some information about the conference on 26-29 May, which will be held in London. Firds of all, we would like to know whether there will be a chance to meet well-known speakers from Japan and the USA. Next area is whether there will be internet applications about issues. Also, it is written that entertainment and food are included. However, transport arrangements are not. So, we would like this to be included in the plan. The price should be clarified and written for what visitora are paying. Another problems which should be solved is to write how many people should be in the group of company and check the amount of discount. Furthermore, to have many people booked, we need provisional booking, in case visitors change their mind, they could get their money back. These are all the problems that we mentioned. Can you contact them and start getting this organised?

Thank you,


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