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I compile I

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Singular + – ?


I compile

I do not compile

do I compile?


you compile

you do not compile

do you compile?


he, she, it compiles

he, she, it does not compile

does he, she, it compile?

Plural + – ?


we compile

we do not compile

do we compile?


you compile

you do not compile

do you compile?


they compile

they do not compile

do they compile?

We use the present simple for:

a. facts and permanent states.

Tony works for a computer company.

  1. general truths and laws of nature.

If you add zero to any number, the quantity does not change.

  1. habits and routines (with always, usually, etc).

She usually reads her e-mail in the morning.

  1. timetables and programmes (in the future).

My train departs at 5.32 exactly.

  1. sport commentaries, reviews and narrations.

The book includes numerous cases, vignettes and examples, providing a well rounded mixture of theory and practical application.

  1. feelings and emotions.

She loves her job.

The time expressions we use with the present simple are:

usually, generally, often, always, frequently, once, twice, three times, sometimes, never, rarely, occasionally, every day/week/month/year etc, in the morning/afternoon/evening, at night, at the weekend, on Fridays, etc.

Мы используем Настоящее простое для:

А. фактов и постоянных состояний.

Тони работает в компьютерной компании.

б) общие истины и законы природы.

Если вы добавите ноль к любому числу, количество не изменится.

В. привычки и распорядок дня (всегда, обычно и т. д.).

Обычно она читает свою электронную почту по утрам.

d. расписания и программы (в будущем).

Мой поезд отходит ровно в 5.32.

e. спортивные комментарии, обзоры и рассказы.

Книга включает в себя многочисленные случаи, виньетки и примеры, обеспечивая хорошо округленную смесь теории и практического применения.

е) чувства и эмоции.

Она любит свою работу.

Выражения времени, которые мы используем с настоящим простым являются:

обычно, обычно, часто, всегда, часто, один раз, два, три раза, иногда, никогда, редко, изредка, каждый день/неделю/месяц/год и т. д., утром/днем/вечером, ночью, в выходные дни, по пятницам и т. д.
I. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the use of the verb. Make them interrogative and negative. Match the sentences with the situations (a-e) above.

  1. The exams in the university start in January.

  2. Linda and Phil work in the company which produces automobiles.

  3. The secretary writes letters and reports every day.

  4. She doesn’t know French very well.

  5. This part of a computer stores information and is called memory.

  6. A byte is the basic unit of information and consists of 8 bits.

  7. Natural sciences include physics, chemistry, medicine, biology.

  8. The input unit provides the means of communication between the computer and the people.

  9. The part of a computer that puts out information is the output unit.

1. экзамены в университете начинаются в январе.

2. Линда и Фил работают в компании, которая производит автомобили.

3. Секретарь пишет письма и отчеты каждый день.

4. Она не очень хорошо знаю французский.

5. Эта часть компьютера хранит информацию и называется памятью.

6. байт является основной единицей информации и состоит из 8 бит.

7. Естественным наукам относятся физика, химия, медицина, биология.

8. входной блок обеспечивает средства связи между компьютером и людьми.

9. часть компьютера, которая выдает информацию, является блоком вывода.

II. Choose the correct form of the verb

  1. My friend studies mathematics at VolSU.

  2. A computer stores the program which it to receives.

  3. Mathematical operations includes arithmetic and algebraic operations.

  4. I study different kinds of software and hardware.

  5. Programming for computer requires much knowledge and training.

  6. The assistant sometimes helps her translate letters.

  7. My sister answers telephone calls, shows visitors the company.

  8. He does not like his job and wants to be a manager.

III. Fill in the blanks with the following verbs in the present simple.

express compute perform calculate store receive take in display do put out

  1. A computer ___ or ___ data.

  2. Modern automatic digital computers performs more then 100 mln. operations in each second.

  3. A computer___ information or data, ___ a sequence of operations on information and___ answers.

  4. The hardware inside the computer___ arithmetical operations or logical relations.

  5. When the computers___ results, they___ them.

1. компьютер ___ или _ _ _ данные.

2. Современные автоматические цифровые вычислительные машины выполняют более 100 млн. операции в каждую секунду.

3. компьютер__ _ информация или данные, ___ последовательность операций над информацией и___ ответы.

4. Оборудование внутри компьютера___ арифметические операции и логические отношения.

5. Когда компьютеры___ результаты___ их.

visit do build control use process

  1. Each time we visit the banks, we use a credit card.

  2. Scientists build computer models.

  3. Ecologists control computers to monitor environmental problems.

  4. Programs process what a computer does.

  5. Computer does data in a fraction of time.

6. каждый раз, когда мы ___ банки, мы __ кредитная карта.

7. ученые___компьютерные модели.

8. Экологи компьютеров___ для мониторинга экологических проблем.

9. программы___что делает компьютер.

10. компьютер___ данные за долю времени.
IV. Are these sentences right or wrong? Make changes in the sentences if necessary.

1. The computer’s memory store the data.

  1. The professor give the students all the necessary explanations.

  2. A chip contain several hundred thousand electronic components.

  3. She often arranges meetings for her boss and other managers of the company.

  4. The secretary writes memos, answer the calls and letters.

  5. Does you understand what her job be?

  6. They always give a discount to the constant clients.

  7. A decade describe a period of ten years.

V. Choose the correct variant.

  1. Our engineers (solve/solves) complex problems with the help of computers.

  2. The students (use/uses) not desk calculators in mathematical practice.

  3. The microprocessor (require/requires) power supply and memory.

  4. New technologies (show/shows) the ability for providing more compact memories.

  5. She always (dream/dreams) but (do/does) nothing to realize the dream.

  6. Mercury (boil/boils) at 357,25 degrees Centigrade.

VI. Complete the sentences with the right question tags.

  1. Any computer performs many functions, ___.

  2. Programming for computer requires a good deal of knowledge, ___.

  3. The CPU consists of 2 parts: the control unit and the arithmetic-logic unit, ___.

  4. My friend likes to ask many questions­____.

  5. Lisa spends a lot of time on her English_____.

  6. My father always gives a waiter a tip_____.

  7. They like to watch satellite TV, not cable one_____.

  8. Internet influences our everyday life, our health and our language___ .

  9. The trains are more reliable then buses______.

  10. She understands Spanish a little_______.

1. doesn't it

2. doesn't it

3. doesn't it

4. doesn't he

5. doesn't she

6. doesn't he

7. don't they

8. doesn't it

9. don't they

10. doesn't she
VII. Put 4 types of questions for the sentences:

  1. Students with good progress get state stipends.

  2. These boys study at the institute of Mathematics and Information Technology.

  3. The university course of baccalaureate runs 4 yeas.

1. студенты с хорошей успеваемостью получают государственную стипендию.

2. Эти мальчики учатся в Институте математики и информационных технологий.

3. университетский курс бакалавриата длится 4 года.

  1. Do the students with good progress get state stipends?

  2. Do the students with good progress get state stipends or presidential stipends/ or not?

  3. How many do the students with good progress get state stipends?

  4. Students with good progress get state stipends, don’t they?

  1. Do these boys study at the institute of Mathematics and Information Technology?

  2. Do these boys study at the institute of Mathematics and Information Technology or institute natural science?

  3. How many do these boys study at the institute of Mathematics and Information Technology?

  4. These boys study at the institute of Mathematics and Information Technology, don’t they?

  1. Does the course university of baccalaureate run 4 yeas?

  2. Does the course university of baccalaureate run 4 yeas or 7 yeas?

  3. How many does the university course run of baccalaureate?

  4. The university course of baccalaureate run 4 yeas, doesn’t it?

VIII. Translate the sentences into English using your active grammar and vocabulary.

  1. Клавиатура помогает оператору общаться с компьютерной системой.

  2. Компьютерные вирусы уничтожают информацию на жестких дисках.

  3. Самолет улетает через полтора часа.

  4. Секретарь готовит документы, отвечает на звонки и письма.

  5. Он хорошо переводит с английского и испанского.

  6. Наша маленькая дочь все понимает.

  7. Занятия в университете начинаются в половине девятого каждый день.

  8. Мой друг хорошо играет в теннис.

  9. Я всегда смотрю 9-часовые новости по телевизору.

1. the Keyboard helps the operator communicate with the computer system.

2. Computer viruses destroy information on hard drives.

3. The plane leaves in an hour and a half.

4. Secretary preparing documents, answering phone calls and letters.

5. He translates well from English and Spanish.

6. Our little girl understands everything.

7. Classes at the University start at half past eight every day.

8. My friend is a good tennis player.

9. I always watch the 9 o'clock news on TV.
IX. Answer the questions.

1.How often do you use Internet? I use to Internet every day

2.Do you live with your parents? I live with my parents

3. What does the peripheral equipment consist of? monitor, printer, scanner, mouse, keyboard

4. What computer languages do you know? Си, Java, питон

5. What computer do you have at home? I have personal computer.

6. What smartphone do you have? I have honor 8A

7. How often do you go to the cinema? I don't go to the cinema often, I usually watch cinema at home

8. How often do you go to your parents/grandparents? I don't go to my grandmother often, 3-4 times a year. My grandfather doesn't live in our country. I saw him once in my life

9. Do you lend a flat or live in a hostel? I live with my parents

1.Как часто вы пользуетесь интернетом?

2.Do ты живешь с родителями?

3. Из чего состоит периферийное оборудование?

4. какие компьютерные языки вы знаете?

5. Какой компьютер у вас дома?

6. Какой смартфон у вас есть?

7. Как часто вы ходите в кино?

8. Как часто вы ходите к своим родителям/бабушкам и дедушкам?

9. Вы сдаете квартиру или живете в общежитии?

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