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Навигация по странице:

  • What is boy’s name Where does he live Where does he go every day What is healthy to eat

  • Would you like some sweets Would you like some cabbage Would you like tea with lemon Would you like coffee

  • Is sport important in our life Do the people take part in sport competitions Do the people read interesting stories about sportsmen

  • Why should everybody choose the sport

  • 2. What can you say about the health of your classmates 3. What must children do to be in good health Does sport make people strong and healthy

  • Choose. Is it good or bad for HEALTH

  • Задания на проверку личностных УДД на уроке английского языка. Задания на формирование личностных УУД. Инструкция прочитать части текстов, данные в учебнике на стр. 3738

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    Задания на формирование личностных УУД

    Для формирования личностных УУД необходимо использовать

    задания, которые, во-первых, демонстрируют учащимся правила,

    нравственные нормы и жизненные ценности, и во-вторых, позволяют

    выработать способность выражать свою жизненную позицию в отношении

    мира, окружающих людей, самого себя и своего будущего. Следующие виды

    задания можно рассматривать как типовые.

    Task №1. Read the texts and write your opinion.

    Цель: развитие языковых и речемыслительных способностей,

    адекватное восприятие использования грамматических явлений в речи,

    Форма выполнения задания: индивидуальная и групповая работа.

    Описание задания: прочитать текст, данный в учебнике о том, как

    учащиеся уживаются в одной комнате. В рабочей тетради высказать свое


    Материалы: Учебник и рабочая тетрадь «Enjoy English 9».

    Инструкция: прочитать части текстов, данные в учебнике на стр. 37-38.

    Написать в рабочей тетради, оправдываете ли вы поведение Салли и


    Task №2. Write information about yourself.

    Цель: формирование личностной рефлексии, направленной на

    осознание подростками своих мотивов, потребностей, желаний, стремлений.

    Форма выполнения: индивидуальная.

    Описание задания: заполнение анкеты для поступления в

    международный клуб путешественников.

    International Explorers’Club






    Languages you speak

    Favourite subjects


    Countries you would like to visit

    Task 3. Тема «Продукты, правильное питание» (3 класс).

    The cat is fat. What must the cat do to be slim and healthy. Be a doctor and

    give an advice. Choose suitable sentences:

    It must run in the park.

    It must eat a lot of sweets.

    It must jump and skip.

    It must ride a bike.

    It must walk.

    It must sleep all day long.

    It must work in the garden.

    It must eat a lot of fruits.

    Task 4. Тема «Продукты, правильное питание» (3 класс)

    What is boy’s name?

    Where does he live?

    Where does he go every day?

    What is healthy to eat?


    Why is it good for health to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables?

    Вопросы выписаны на доску, дети знакомятся с ними перед

    прослушиванием текста

    Текст для аудирования:

    I am Nick. I live in London. I go to the shop to buy fresh food every day. I

    usually buy some carrot and cabbage, juice, cheese and a lot of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, they are very usefull in spring and


    Task 5. Тема «Продукты, правильное питание» (3 класс)

    Проводиться по принципу игры «Съедобное, несъедобное».

    Водящий является хозяином и встает в центр круга, все остальные –

    гости и встают вокруг хозяина. Хозяин предлагает гостям угощения, а гости

    должны внимательно выбирать только те продукты, которые полезны для


    One person is a host. The others are visitors. The host suggests to others

    something to eat. Visitors choose, but food must be good for health.

    Would you like some sweets?

    Would you like some cabbage?

    Would you like tea with lemon?

    Would you like coffee?

    Would you like honey?

    Would you like carrot/ cheese/ cake/ milk/ soup/ juice/ lemon/ banana/ salami/ sandwich?

    Возможные ответы:

    Yes, I would.

    Yes, thank you.

    No, I wouldn’t.

    No, thank you.


    В зависимости от ступени обучения и уровня обученности

    обучающихся ответы могут дополняться аргументами и тогда ответ будет

    выглядеть, например, так:

    Yes, I would. I would like some fruits, because they have a lot of vitamins.

    No, I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t like some sweets, because they are bad for teeth.

    Task 6. Тема «Продукты, правильное питание» и «Модальные

    глаголы» (3 класс)

    Nesnayka wants to be a doctor. One person is not healthy and comes to the

    doctor. Nesnayka gives an advice. Is he right? Give an advice.

    You must eat many sweets and cakes.

    You must drink much coffee.

    You must not eat fruits and vegetables.

    You must not drink tea with lemon and honey.

    You must not drink warm milk.

    You must eat many chips and stand on your head.

    Task 7. Тема «Спорт в моей жизни» (8 класс)

    Read the sentences, translate and make the text.

    It is popular among young and old people.

    They prefer reading interesting stories about sportsmen.

    There are some popular kinds of sports in our country: football, volley-ball,

    hockey, gymnastics, skiing, skating.

    Athletics is one of the most popular kinds of sports.

    Football, volley-ball, hockey, skiing, skating, jumping, running and others

    are very good for your legs for your heart and lungs.

    They make your legs and body very strong.


    Children and grown-ups must take care of their health and do morning exercises regularly.

    Gymnastics and swimming are excellent way to keep fit.

    Other people like sports too, but they only watch sports games, listen to

    sports news.

    They make your body very flexible.

    Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning and train themselves

    in clubs in different sections and take part in sport competitions.

    It includes such kinds of sports as: running, jumping and others.

    Everybody should choose the sport for you to be healthy and fit.

    Sport is very important in our life.

    But they don’t go in for sports.

    Answer the questions to the text:

    Is sport important in our life?

    Do the people take part in sport competitions?

    Do the people read interesting stories about sportsmen?

    Do children and grown-ups take care of their health?

    What kinds of sport do you know?

    How does sport help people to be healthy?

    Why should everybody choose the sport?

    Task 8. Тема «Здоровый образ жизни» (5–9 класс)

    Read the text and answer the questions:


    Health is very important for all people. Schoolchildren do not speak about

    health very often. They discuss other things. But when a classmate falls ill, everybody wants him to become well again. He must come to school again and take an

    active part in school life.


    Why do young people fall ill? The answer may be very simple. You won’t

    catch cold, for example, if you take care of your health. Your health can be excellent and it can be bad. You must choose. So the best thing for you is go in for

    sports. You must also remember some of the rules. They are about how to be in

    good health.

    To live in a healthy climate is not enough. What you also need is to spend a

    lit of time in the open air. It is very useful to go for a long walk in the country. And

    don’t forget to keep your room and your hands clean.

    Do you remember to get up early and go to bed early? Do you remember

    to do morning exercises.


    1. Explain why some schoolchildren must think more about their


    2. What can you say about the health of your classmates?

    3. What must children do to be in good health?

    Does sport make people strong and healthy?

    Task 9. Тема «Еда. Правильное питание» (6 класс)

    Choose. Is it good or bad for HEALTH ?

    good bad

    To take a lot of friends

    To take vitamin pills

    To sleep 4 hours every night

    To have 3 meals a day

    To eat a lot of fruit

    To eat a lot of fast food

    To do physical exercises

    To go for a walk


    To clean teeth 3 times a day

    To eat a lot of sweets

    Task 10. Тема «Здоровье» (9 класс)

    Do you try to follow rules to keep fit ? Complete these healthy eating tips

    using much, many, little,

    a lot of.

    Too ------- food makes you thin.

    Too --------- food makes you fat.

    Too ------------ sweets are bad for you, for your teeth.

    Eat ------- high fat food and ------- fibre.

    ---------- fruit and vegetables keep you healthy.

    Walking -------- makes you fit.

    Sleeping too ------ or too --------- can make you nervous and restless.

    Task 11. Тема «Здоровье» (9 класс)

    3 Read the text and answer the questions: What drinking habits do people

    have? Is it good for health?

    People get caffeine mostly from coffee, tea and chocolate. Caffeine makes

    people jumpy and nervous. Adults can have 400 mg of caffeine a day. 300 mg caffeine can make a child restless. Caffeine is not recommended for people with heart


    Task 12.

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