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  • Identification of the sex of dismembered corpses on finger dermatoglyphic indices

  • The purpose of the study

  • Results of the research

  • The scanned fingerprint Fig.3. E-the skeleton of the image. Fig.2. It looks like the image is translated by software into black and white format

  • The distribution of cadaveric material by sex Table1. The frequency of occurrence of types of patterns among victims of gender based Pattern type

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    . № 46 (180) . Ноябрь 2017 г.
    of which is progressively decreasing with each subsequent lecture [4]. Moreover, the process of falling levels of mas- tering of lecture material can not be stopped either by the lecturer»s oratorical skill, nor by the wealth of demonstra- tive material, it is only slightly inhibited [5]. Strong evidence of this can serve as the results of attestation of students and final exams, which clearly shows the survival of knowledge, obtained mainly in practical and seminar classes, more pre- cisely, on «consultation-dragging».
    An analysis of the causes of the current problem situa- tion revealed the underlying «information explosion», char- acterized by a rigid time limit for training with a significant increase in the content of content [6, 7]. Obviously, this is one of the most violent contradictions in the educational pro- cess. On the other hand, the problem situation is defined by
    MS. Diankina (2000) — «the intellectual difficulty associ- ated with the fact that students can not perform the task be- forehand in a known way», i. e. The problem situation arises when there is a lack of basic knowledge for solving problems, and students understand this clearly. A problematic situation calls for a process of thinking [8]. And is the student ready to solve the problem situation that takes place on every single clinical lecture? In other words, to clinical thinking, without which he will not master the material presented by the lec- turer at the proper level.
    The analysis of the effectiveness of clinical lectures made it possible to identify the two most important factors needed to address this issue:
    1. Selection of the contents of the clinical lecture;
    2. Preparedness of the student to the perception of the lecture.
    The first is largely determined by the professionalism of the clinical lecturer, which requires the elimination of dupli- cation of both the material of the textbook and the material to be delivered to practical classes on this topic. The quality of the lecture should be oriented towards such pedagogical categories as expediency, scientificness, accessibility, novelty and visibility.
    The situation is much more complicated with the second factor — the willingness of the audience to perceive the lec- ture material at the same level. In our opinion, this factor to a much greater extent determines the productivity of the lec- turer and listeners.
    Comparing the students» attention to the lectures deliv- ered before and after the topic was passed in practical classes, we became convinced of the much greater interest and ac- tivity of the audience in the lecture, the topic of which had al- ready been worked out in a practical lesson.
    However, the analysis of mutual visits of practical classes ahead of the lecture topics testified to unjustified time losses for long theoretical discussions, and at times micro lectures of the instructor on the subject of the lesson. This is due to the different level of preparedness and knowledge of students, which forced the teacher to find the level of clarification of the topic optimal for the whole group. Unfortunately, this level often turned out to be below the average, not allowing to solve the main tasks of the practical lesson, aimed at prac- ticing practical skills and abilities.
    Analysis of our medical education system with its con- tinuously changing curricula and programs suggests that it not only instills a superficial approach to the study of med- ical science in general, but also brings up an «excursion» at- titude in the study of the majority and, in particular, short- term clinical disciplines.
    This mood discourages not only students, but also teachers, which dictates the need to search for motiva- tional factors that force the work of both the student and the teacher. One of such methods of pedagogy, which contains a powerful mutually motivating factor, is, in our opinion, an interactive system of conducting the lesson. And in the first place it refers to a clinical lecture — a student from a passive listener becomes an active participant in a lecture- consultation. A preliminary analysis of reading, or rather of conducting, an interactive lecture at the Department of
    Children»s Surgery I-TashGosMI, with the participation of group teachers, showed encouraging results. Briefly, the methodology of the interactive lecture introduced at our de- partment is the following: on the introductory lesson to stu- dents, given the task prepare for the topic of the lecture on the recommended literature. At the same time, they warn that at the lecture every student is obliged: to give at least 2 and no more than 3 questions, according to the content of which he can get up to 50 % of the total amount of the final control, lth lose them in the collection of negative points for an unsubstantiated question.
    The lecture consists of 3 parts:
    1. Theoretical: the lecturer, within 45 minutes, (no more), presents the main questions of the topic at the level of the elective course, using the classical («student») demon- strative material.
    2. Dialogue (30 minutes): the lecturer, with the help of teachers, collects questions from students, organizes them and answers them more deeply, highlights the topic of the lecture, emphasizing the audience»s attention to the most meaningful questions asked by the listeners of this cycle and by students who listened to this topic earlier. Important in the second part of the lecture is to bring examples from the practice of clinics, discussing the most common mistakes in the diagnosis and treatment of a particular patient.
    3. The consultation (up to 15 minutes): the lecturer with the participation of teachers and the involvement of in- dividual students discusses the thematic patient. At the same time the lecturer constructs a chain of judgments of his, teachers and students in such a sequence that should be- come an example of clinical thinking both in the formulation of the diagnosis and in determining the tactics of treatment.
    The lecture concludes with a brief summary of the mate- rial read and discussed. The annual experience of reading the interactive lecture on pediatric surgery to the fifth year stu- dents of the medical faculty has shown significant advantages both in mastering the study material by students and in im- proving the lecturers» skills of lecturers.

    “Young Scientist” . # 46 (180) . November 2017
    The results of the anonymous questionnaire, conducted among students who attended such lectures, testified to the great interest and good orientation of listeners. More than
    80 % of questioned students identified the interactive lecture as the best method of motivation, conformance and forma- tion of clinical thinking.
    1. Fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology of higher education. Ed. A. V. Petrovsky. // M., 1986.
    2. Pirogov N. I. Selected pedagogical compositions. // M., 1953.
    3. Talyzina N. F. Management of the learning process. // M., 1984.
    4. Structure of the activity of the teacher-doctor. Ed. G. M. Bairova. // M., 1989.
    5. New pedagogical thinking. Ed. A. V. Petrovsky. // M., 1989.
    6. Diankina M. S. Professionalism of the teacher of the higher medical school. // M., 2000.
    7. Esaulov A. F. Activation of teaching and teaching activities of students. // M., 1981.
    8. Rubinshtein S. L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. // M., 1989.
    Identification of the sex of dismembered corpses on finger dermatoglyphic indices
    Shamsiev Abdulla Iakubdzhanovich, assistant;
    Ruziev Sherzod Ibadullaevich, senior researcher;
    Yadgarova Shoxsanam Sharapovna, medical examiner
    Tashkent pediatric medical institute (Uzbekistan)
    elevance: the Primary challenges posed by the inves- tigating authorities to forensic medical examination is the identification of the person. In this regard, naturally in- creased interest in the use of affordable and effective research methods. One of the most convenient to study the «complex appearance» has become dermatoglyphics [1,2,3].
    For over a century, dermatoglyphics remains an informa- tive source and subject of studies in forensic science. So, in the works of a number of authors consider the questions of diagnostics of features of a person»s fingerprints [4,5].
    Published large number of papers on various aspects of dermatoglyphics, the data of which, in varying degrees, can be used for detection and investigation of crimes [2].
    The genetic disease of papillary lines of the skin relief also allows you to try on the dermatoglyphics in medicine and an- thropology [3]. With regard to the use of the characteris- tics of dermatoglyphics in medicine, it is primarily associated with clinical and sports medicine [5].
    In the practice of forensic medicine and criminology der- matoglyphics, until recently, was used in the examination of disputed paternity, when the fingerprint identification and characterization of the individual papillary patterns — the establishment of gender, height, age [4].
    The purpose of the study: to Study the constitutional, physical and externally-identification of factors on the basis of phenotypology finger and Palmar dermatoglyphics.
    Research materials: 30 unidentified corpses in Repub- lican Bureau of forensic medical examination and 50 stu- dents in TashPMI.
    Research methods: we have Developed blind-stamped method provided us with the opportunity of obtaining in the next phase of prints of volunteers (ie living persons). To conduct a paint-free method, we used an ordinary scanner
    «EPSON perfection — 200», with quality at 600 dpi in bmp format.
    Results of the research: The obtained images were en- tered into the computer and automatically attached to the corresponding cells in the database. These images were in colour, so, after binding, they were transferred to black-and- white format. Most authors using dermatoglyphic method that relied only on account of the ridge from the center to the Delta. In connection with the problems arising in cal- culations of ridge papillaris fingers, we conducted research based on the developed software product «Analysis of ridge hand, finger and plantar papillaris method of Iskandarov —
    Kuziev». Based on the fact that, in most cases, the number of ridges can be the same in individuals of different sex and age, we have developed our own methodology. From the centre of papillary pattern to the periphery in a clockwise direction moves 240 rays. These rays form the 12 fields. In the path of rays are individual pieces of the pattern, such as bridges, Is- lands, branching and connections. This method allows rapid and efficient search through the database and compare the prints made as biometric and colorful methods. For the anal- ysis of Palmar patterns there are four centers to three radii: a, b, c, d. From their centers to the periphery are sent to the rays, scanning all the features of the fingerprints (Fig. 1–4).
    The effect of this technique, scanning is the simultaneous scan of papillary patterns of fingers and palms, improving the quality of the source data, the contrast enhancement of dif- ferent images of papillary drawings of fingers and palm, re- ducing system cost. Using this method is provided as pattern
    Молодой учёный» . № 46 (180) . Ноябрь 2017 г.
    of skin lines due to the increasing sensitivity to the lines and reduced sensitivity to fat traces.
    Analysis of the distribution of cadaveric material by gender gave the following results (Fig. 5):
    As can be seen from this diagram, we have analyzed the dermatoglyphic prints of the 30 corpses of persons of the
    Uzbek population, of which 25 (83,3 %) belonged to males and only 5 (16.7 %) are women.
    1. The scanned fingerprint
    3. E-the skeleton of the image.
    2. It looks like the image is translated by software
    into black and white format
    4. The ridge count of papillare with directed
    from the center rays
    The study of the relationship of dermatoglyphic charac- teristics with anthropometric and crime was based mainly on the performance of males, due to the fact that the hormonal, physiological and morphological characteristics of the male body contribute to the relative stability of these character- istics and their anamo-morphological manifestations, which allows them to correspond to the model of human develop- ment.
    The study of the relationship of dermatoglyphic charac- teristics with anthropometric and crime was based mainly on the performance of males, due to the fact that the hormonal, physiological and morphological characteristics of the male body contribute to the relative stability of these character- istics and their anamo-morphological manifestations, which allows them to correspond to the model of human develop- ment.
    Special attention was paid to the investigation of dermato- glyphic characteristics. In the process of research developed the most convenient modification of the description of skin patterns of the pads of the distal phalanges. This following modification: And — arc patterns, which are divided into the following subtypes: A1 — tent of the arc A2 — loopylove of the arc A3 — lonesomedove arc, A4 — ones spindle arc.
    The fundamental difference consists only in the fact that the lower point is not the first sloping line, and the Delta. The upper point is placed as in the arcs. Ridge score is calculated as the number of papillary lines crossing conditional vector, and the number of ridges, «trailer» to the line of the Delta coming up. The Delta in the calculation is not involved. The evaluation of these indicators is conducted by the tilt of the arc. If it is vertical, the counting is conducted with the ulnar side of the arc.
    At this stage of the research revealed dermatoglyphic signs while interacting with gender. To identify the frequency of occurrence of types of patterns, in accordance with our modification of the description of skin patterns of the pads of the distal phalanges, depending on gender, were studied dermatoglyphic indicators of the finger, Palmar, and plantar prints from 30 of the corpses of persons of the Uzbek popu- lation. A preliminary analysis of the distribution of victims by

    “Young Scientist” . # 46 (180) . November 2017
    sex showed that of the 30 bodies, 25 (83,5 %) belonged to males and only 5 (16,5 %) women (table. 1). Analysis of the frequency of occurrence of types of patterns, depending on sex, gave the following results.
    As can be seen from the data of this table, only the women on the distal phalanx and right and left hands most often en- countered arc patterns (A) — 6 (21.4 %) on the right arm and 3 (10.7 %) on the left, the most common ones spindle arcs A2 (6 (21.4 %) on both arms) and single-loop arcs A4
    (also 6 (21.4 %) on both hands), and loopback curls — W6
    (6 (21.4 % on the right hand and 3 (10.7 %) on the left), in men these patterns did not occur.
    Curved loop L3, simple ulnar loops LU and two loop curls
    W5 met on the distal phalanges and the right and left hands in men (L3–15 (10,6 %) on the right hand and 32 (22,5 %) — on the left, LU — 47 (33.1 per cent) on the right hand and
    32 (22,5 %) on the left, W5–15 (106 %) on the right hand and 32 (22,5 %) on the left), and Racecourse ulnar loop Lu
    was also found only in men but only on the distal phalanges of the right hand (15 (10,6 %)).
    Thus, the results of the analysis of the frequency of oc- currence of types of patterns depending on gender indicate that the presence of arc patterns, false-loop arches, one- loop arches and loopback curls in the examined imprints
    5. The distribution of cadaveric material by sex
    1. The frequency of occurrence of types of patterns among victims of gender based
    right hand
    left hand
    Men (n=25)
    Women (n=5)
    Men (n=25)
    Women (n=5)
    0 0
    6 21,4*
    0 0
    3 10,7*
    A1 0
    0 3
    0 0
    3 10,7*
    A2 0
    0 6
    0 0
    6 21,4*
    A3 0
    0 3
    0 0
    0 0
    A4 0
    0 6
    0 0
    6 21,4*
    L3 15 10,6*
    0 0
    32 22,5*
    0 0
    125 88,0 9
    32,1 125 88,0 6
    LR1 15 10,6 16 57,1*
    15 10,6 9
    47 33,1*
    0 0
    32 22,5*
    0 0
    LU2 15 10,6*
    0 0
    0 0
    0 0
    WR3 63 44,4 9
    32,1 0
    0 3
    WU4 0
    0 0
    0 32 22,5 9
    W1 15 10,6 6
    21,4 0
    0 0
    W2 79 55,6 3
    47 33,1 3
    W5 15 10,6 0
    0 32 22,5 0
    W6 0
    0 6
    0 0
    3 10,7*
    Note: * — reliability of data according to sex
    Молодой учёный» . № 46 (180) . Ноябрь 2017 г.
    indicate that the imprints belong to the female, and the presence of curved loops, ulnar loops, two-loop curls and racquet-shaped ulnar loops indicate their belonging to the male person.
    Conclusion: Thus, the analysis of modern scientific liter- ature has shown that successful application of the method of dermatoglyphics in medical and forensic identification, along with other methods of identification, allows to speak about the system of methods effectively complement each other.
    Besides, insufficient development, practical need and mor- phogenetic nature (given the simplicity and non-invasive methods) determine the choice of finger (PD) and Palmar dermatoglyphics (LD) in the search of diagnostic criteria and markers of definitive manifestations in light of the overall in- tegrity of the organism. The use of dermatoglyphic charac- teristics as the basic model of manifestation of constitutional, physical and externally identifying peculiarities determines the objectivity of scientific research.
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    5. Sidorenko G. A., Mazur E. S., Zvyagin V. N. About medical and forensic classification ridge account the Palmar sur- face of the hands, based on the number of papillary lines relative to the main and additional triradius, loops and folds of the Palmar //Actual problems of theory and practice is judicial — medical examination. Collection of scientific works.
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