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Эссе IELTS. История одного эссе

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История одного эссе.

Данное пособие имеет своей целью продемонстрировать, как мои методы обучения студентов работают на практике. О методах подготовки к IELTS Writing вообще вы можете узнать из пособия «IELTS: стратегия победы. Writing». А в этом конкретно пособии речь пойдёт о Writing Task 2. Название «История одного эссе» не случайно, так как, не смотря на то, что темы, на которые писались сочинения, были разные, по сути, это почти один и тот же текст, с вариациями. Сначала вам будут представлены те шаблонные фразы, которые были предложены и усвоены моим учеником. А потом на достаточном количестве примеров показано, как ему удавалось применить этот шаблон к различным темам. Я специально старался не править особо его пробные сочинения и привожу их почти в том виде, как я их и получил, исправив лишь самые одиозные ошибки, которых, нужно заметить, всё-таки было не много на каждое сочинение в отдельности. Я хочу максимально приблизить вас к тому, с чем вы столкнётесь при подготовке, при попытках написать свои собственные сочинения. Я хотел, чтобы вы почувствовали, что и вы так можете, что это достижимая цель.
В каждом сочинении светлым выделены фразы и предложения из шаблона. Остальное оставлено, как есть. Но я всё-таки попросил бы вас критически относиться именно к тому, что набрано тёмным шрифтом в пробных сочинениях, понимая, что там, конечно, не всё идеально. То есть конкретно шаблон можно использовать, но к фразам моего ученика отнеситесь с осторожностью. Не все нелепости я стал там исправлять. А поскольку и ваши сочинения, возможно, тоже грешат неточностями, то может получиться наложение и удвоение ошибок – ваших и моего ученика, что, конечно, крайне нежелательно. Но, опять-таки повторюсь, я хотел быть ближе к реалиям предэкзаменационной подготовки, и показать, как вот конкретно этот шаблон удаётся применять к разным темам и не мне, преподавателю, а моему ученику, который только недавно всерьёз занялся языком, когда понял, что для реализации своих жизненных планов ему нужен сертификат IELTS.
Итак, структура пособия проста: сначала приведены шаблонные фразы, а потом несколько примеров реальных сочинений. Шаблонные фразы в сочинениях набраны светлым шрифтом.


Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing…
There are several points of view on this matter. The first claims that… due to the fact that…

An alternative point regards… as harmful and considers… as the best option / An alternative point is based on the advantages of… and considers… as the best option for…

On the one hand, it is obvious that in recent years there have been some changes in…

This trend is becoming more and more popular.

It does not matter whether you like it or not you have to recognize the fact that…

Moreover, nobody can deny that it is exceedingly difficult to replace… with something else totally.

However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that…

It can be argued that… But in the last decades there have been some changes in…

Of crucial importance is how we define the matter in question. It is often said that…
But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.
From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience, for I am a… and I was a… myself. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her personal background.

1. Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school.
Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing the need to learn a foreign language at school. There are several points of view on this matter. The first claims that foreign language classes should start at primary school due to the fact that at the early age it is easy to learn. An alternative point regards these classes at primary school as harmful and considers secondary school as the best option for them.

On the one hand, it is obvious that it is better to start studying foreign languages as early as it is possible. It does not matter whether you like it or not you have to recognize the fact that to get deep knowledge and comprehension of any language children should start to learn it at primary school. During language classes children obtain crucial experience which can not be replaced with something else totally.
However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that foreign languages should be learned only at secondary school. It can be argued that at primary school children have to focus on academic classes such as maths and physics. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.
From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience, for I am a father and I was a student myself. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her personal background.

Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing the need to learn a foreign language at school. There are several points of view on this matter. The first claims that foreign language classes should start at primary school due to the fact that at the early age it is easy to learn. An alternative point regards these classes at primary school as harmful and considers secondary school as the best option for them.

On the one hand, it is obvious that it is better to start studying foreign languages as early as it is possible. It does not matter whether you like it or not you have to recognize the fact that to get deep knowledge and comprehension of any language children should start to learn it at primary school. During language classes children obtain crucial experience which can not be replaced with something else totally.
However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that foreign languages should be learned only at secondary school. It can be argued that at primary school children have to focus on academic classes such as maths and physics. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.
From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience, for I am a father and I was a student myself. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her personal background.

2. With the pressures on today’s young people to succeed academically, some people believe that non-academic subjects at school (eg: physical education and cookery) should be removed from the syllabus so that children can concentrate wholly on academic subjects.
Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing usefulness of non-academic subjects at school. There are several points of view on this matter. The first claims that subjects like physical education and cookery should be removed from the school program due to the fact that this can release more time for academic classes. An alternative point is based on the advantages of the skills children get from non-academic classes.

On the one hand, it is obvious that maths, physics and others are the background of the education and without good academic knowledge further education is impossible. It does not matter whether you like it or not you have to recognize the fact that this knowledge is the basis for all the scientific disciplines. Moreover, nobody can deny that it is exceedingly difficult to replace academic subjects with something else totally.

However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that non-academic subjects are beneficial. Of crucial importance is how we define the matter in question. It is often said that children can obtain useful skills from cookery classes. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.
From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or personal background.

Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing usefulness of non-academic subjects at school. There are several points of view on this matter. The first claims that subjects like physical education and cookery should be removed from the school program due to the fact that this can release more time for academic classes. An alternative point is based on the advantages of the skills children get from non-academic classes.

On the one hand, it is obvious that maths, physics and others are the background of the education and without good academic knowledge further education is impossible. It does not matter whether you like it or not you have to recognize the fact that this knowledge is the basis for all the scientific disciplines. Moreover, nobody can deny that it is exceedingly difficult to replace academic subjects with something else totally.

However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that non-academic subjects are beneficial. Of crucial importance is how we define the matter in question. It is often said that children can obtain useful skills from cookery classes. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.
From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or personal background.

3. With the rise in popularity of the Internet, newspapers will soon become a thing of the past. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing an enormous growth of the internet popularity and how this trend affects mass media in general.

There are several points of view on this matter. The first claims that newspapers will disappear soon due to the fact that the internet sources of information are more convenient and available for free. An alternative point is based on the opinion that traditional media sources are beneficial.
On the one hand, it is obvious that the internet provides various sources of news and other types of information in the most satisfactory way. Meanwhile newspapers may present materials in the line with political or any other view of the editors. It does not matter whether you like it or not, you have to recognize the fact that in the global web you can see different views and opinions on different websites. Moreover, nobody can deny that when you read an article in a newspaper you can only writers’ views and opinions.
However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that newspapers are still the best media source and they will never give up their positions. It can be argued that some tabloids have strong authority and people can rely on them for the truth. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.
From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her background.
Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing an enormous growth of the internet popularity and how this trend affects mass media in general.

There are several points of view on this matter. The first claims that newspapers will disappear soon due to the fact that the internet sources of information are more convenient and available for free. An alternative point is based on the opinion that traditional media sources are beneficial.
On the one hand, it is obvious that the internet provides various sources of news and other types of information in the most satisfactory way. Meanwhile newspapers may present materials in the line with political or any other view of the editors. It does not matter whether you like it or not, you have to recognize the fact that in the global web you can see different views and opinions on different websites. Moreover, nobody can deny that when you read an article in a newspaper you can only writers’ views and opinions.
However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that newspapers are still the best media source and they will never give up their positions. It can be argued that some tabloids have strong authority and people can rely on them for the truth. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.
From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her background.

4. In many countries today, the eating habits and lifestyle of children are different from those of previous generations. Some people say this has had a negative effect on their health.
Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing changes in the lifestyles and eating habits of children in the modern societies. There are several points of view on this matter. The first claims that the modern lifestyles of children are harmful due to the fact that some experts consider them unhealthy. An alternative point is based on the advantages of the habits in the modern societies.
On the one hand, it is obvious that in recent years there have been some changes in eating habits and therefore in lifestyles of children towards fast food. This trend is becoming more and more popular. It does not matter whether you like it or not, you have to recognize the fact that eating fast food meals is one of the bad habits. Moreover, nobody can deny that it is impossible to replace healthy dishes with those ones of fast food totally.
However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that habits of the modern people are beneficial. It can be argued that eating habits of children have changed towards the healthy diet and this trend has had no negative effect on their health. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.
From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her background.
Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing changes in the lifestyles and eating habits of children in the modern societies. There are several points of view on this matter. The first claims that the modern lifestyles of children are harmful due to the fact that some experts consider them unhealthy. An alternative point is based on the advantages of the habits in the modern societies.
On the one hand, it is obvious that in recent years there have been some changes in eating habits and therefore in lifestyles of children towards fast food. This trend is becoming more and more popular. It does not matter whether you like it or not, you have to recognize the fact that eating fast food meals is one of the bad habits. Moreover, nobody can deny that it is impossible to replace healthy dishes with those ones of fast food totally.
However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that habits of the modern people are beneficial. It can be argued that eating habits of children have changed towards the healthy diet and this trend has had no negative effect on their health. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.
From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her background.

5. The number of overweight children in developed countries is increasing. Some people think this due to problems such as the growing number of fast food outlets. Others believe that parents are to blame for not looking after their children's health.

Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing the problem of overweight children in developed countries. There are several points of view on this matter. The first would claim that growing number of fast food outlets is to blame for the increase in the number of overweight children. An alternative point is based on the opinion that children’s health is in the area of responsibility of their parents only.

On the one hand, it is obvious that parents should look after their children and they are responsible for anything that happens to them. It does not matter whether you like it or not, you have to recognize the fact that parents are always close to their children and they should take care of their health. Children’s obesity is becoming one of the worldwide pressing problems, particularly in the developed countries. Probably, the main reason is the increasing workload of their parents, but nobody can deny that it is impossible to replace parents’ care with something else totally.
However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that fast food outlets are the cause for the growing incidence of children’s obesity. Of crucial importance is how we define the matter in question. It can be argued that fast food industry influences eating habits of children. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.

From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her background.
Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing the problem of overweight children in developed countries. There are several points of view on this matter. The first would claim that growing number of fast food outlets is to blame for the increase in the number of overweight children. An alternative point is based on the opinion that children’s health is in the area of responsibility of their parents only.

On the one hand, it is obvious that parents should look after their children and they are responsible for anything that happens to them. It does not matter whether you like it or not, you have to recognize the fact that parents are always close to their children and they should take care of their health. Children’s obesity is becoming one of the worldwide pressing problems, particularly in the developed countries. Probably, the main reason is the increasing workload of their parents, but nobody can deny that it is impossible to replace parents’ care with something else totally.
However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that fast food outlets are the cause for the growing incidence of children’s obesity. Of crucial importance is how we define the matter in question. It can be argued that fast food industry influences eating habits of children. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.

From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her background.

6. Nowadays animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines and to test the safety of other products. Some people argue that these experiments should be banned because it is morally wrong to cause animals to suffer, while others are in favour of them because of their benefits to humanity.

Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing animal experimentation. There are several points of view on this matter. The first regards experiments on animals as pointless slaughter due to some probability that there may be another way to achieve scientific purposes. An alternative point is based on the advantages of animal experimentation.

On the one hand it is obvious that there are scientific areas that can not avoid experiments on animals, such as medicine, for instance. If we stop this practice who will be the subjects of the experiments? It does not matter whether you like it or not, you have to recognize the fact that animal experimentation has no alternatives in pharmacological studies, genetic research and many other areas.

However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that these experiments are harmful. Of crucial importance is how we define the matter in question. It can be argued that animals should not be killed for scientific purposes. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.
From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience. Nobody can deny that it is impossible to replace animal experimentation with something else totally. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her background.

Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing animal experimentation. There are several points of view on this matter. The first regards experiments on animals as pointless slaughter due to some probability that there may be another way to achieve scientific purposes. An alternative point is based on the advantages of animal experimentation.

On the one hand it is obvious that there are scientific areas that can not avoid experiments on animals, such as medicine, for instance. If we stop this practice who will be the subjects of the experiments? It does not matter whether you like it or not, you have to recognize the fact that animal experimentation has no alternatives in pharmacological studies, genetic research and many other areas.

However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that these experiments are harmful. Of crucial importance is how we define the matter in question. It can be argued that animals should not be killed for scientific purposes. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.
From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience. Nobody can deny that it is impossible to replace animal experimentation with something else totally. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her background.

7. Some people think women should be allowed to join the army, the navy and the air force just like men. 

Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing the necessity of allowing women to join the army. There are several points of view on this matter. The first claims that women should not be allowed to do military service due to some probability that the main role of any woman is motherhood, not war. An alternative point is based on the opinion that women are like men in any aspect of serving in the army and even may be more useful in some areas.

On the one hand, it is obvious that traditionally women are considered as mothers and housewives. But in the last decades there have been some changes in their social status. It does not matter whether you like it or not you have to recognize the fact that women are becoming more and more independent. Moreover, nobody can deny that in the army there are a lot of positions which can be successfully filled with women, for instance, in combat hospitals.
However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that there is no place for women in the armed forces. It can be argued that females are weak and it may cause some problems in the battle. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.
From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience, for I am a military doctor myself. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her background.
Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing the necessity of allowing women to join the army. There are several points of view on this matter. The first claims that women should not be allowed to do military service due to some probability that the main role of any woman is motherhood, not war. An alternative point is based on the opinion that women are like men in any aspect of serving in the army and even may be more useful in some areas.

On the one hand, it is obvious that traditionally women are considered as mothers and housewives. But in the last decades there have been some changes in their social status. It does not matter whether you like it or not you have to recognize the fact that women are becoming more and more independent. Moreover, nobody can deny that in the army there are a lot of positions which can be successfully filled with women, for instance, in combat hospitals.
However, this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that there is no place for women in the armed forces. It can be argued that females are weak and it may cause some problems in the battle. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.
From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience, for I am a military doctor myself. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her background.
8. School children are becoming far too dependent on computers. This is having an alarming effect on reading and writing skills. Teachers need to avoid using computers in the classrooms at all costs and go back to teaching basic study skills.

Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing the usage of computers in school education and the ways this affects our children. There several controversial points of view on this matter. The first regards computer usage in the classroom as harmful due to the fact that it may lead to the lack of reading and writing skills. An alternative point is based on the advantages of the education programs which involve technologies such as computers and other devices.
On the one hand, it is obvious that computers are a product of technological progress and to become educated members of the modern society children have to learn basic computer skills. It does not matter whether you like in or not you have to recognize the fact that the usage of computers has become the key to success in many areas. Moreover, nobody can deny the fact that there are careers based on the sills of advanced computer users. And it is impossible to replace them with something else totally.
However this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that computers are more of a hindrance than a help. It can be argued that education based on computer use may impair writing and reading skills of the students. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.

From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her background.

Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing the usage of computers in school education and the ways this affects our children. There several controversial points of view on this matter. The first regards computer usage in the classroom as harmful due to the fact that it may lead to the lack of reading and writing skills. An alternative point is based on the advantages of the education programs which involve technologies such as computers and other devices.
On the one hand, it is obvious that computers are a product of technological progress and to become educated members of the modern society children have to learn basic computer skills. It does not matter whether you like in or not you have to recognize the fact that the usage of computers has become the key to success in many areas. Moreover, nobody can deny the fact that there are careers based on the sills of advanced computer users. And it is impossible to replace them with something else totally.
However this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that computers are more of a hindrance than a help. It can be argued that education based on computer use may impair writing and reading skills of the students. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.

From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her background.

9. The length of the working week does not reflect modern lifestyle needs. It should be substantially reduced to give people more leisure time and time with their families. 

Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing negative aspects of an increasing workload of parents and how this affects their children. There are several controversial points of view on this matter. The first claims that families with both working parents can not give appropriate support to their children due to the fact that adults have not got enough time to spend it with them. An alternative point is based on the advantages of the additional income.
On the one hand, it is obvious that in the modern societies people always try to earn as much as possible. The economic and employment situation in developed countries means that jobs are getting more, not less, time consuming As a result, children in families can suffer from the lack of support from their parents. It does not matter whether you like in or not you have to recognize the fact that it takes a lot of time to nurture children. Moreover, nobody can deny the fact that it is impossible to replace mother’s care, as the key factor of children’s rearing, with something else totally.
However this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that families’ income is the most important. It can be argued that improving the financial status is beneficial. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.

From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her background.
Almost any day of the week we can look at a newspaper and read articles discussing negative aspects of an increasing workload of parents and how this affects their children. There are several controversial points of view on this matter. The first claims that families with both working parents can not give appropriate support to their children due to the fact that adults have not got enough time to spend it with them. An alternative point is based on the advantages of the additional income.
On the one hand, it is obvious that in the modern societies people always try to earn as much as possible. The economic and employment situation in developed countries means that jobs are getting more, not less, time consuming As a result, children in families can suffer from the lack of support from their parents. It does not matter whether you like in or not you have to recognize the fact that it takes a lot of time to nurture children. Moreover, nobody can deny the fact that it is impossible to replace mother’s care, as the key factor of children’s rearing, with something else totally.
However this attitude may cause a lot of concerns among people who believe that families’ income is the most important. It can be argued that improving the financial status is beneficial. But it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of each individual case.

From my point of view, the former opinion makes sense definitely, as it follows from my own experience. In any way, an attitude to this issue always depends on a particular person’s character and his or her background.

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