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    14. Match the given phrases

    1. arbitration assessor

    1. соблюдать правила

    2. self-independent

    2. общепризнанный

    3. to perform through

    3. законная гарантия

    4. unity of judicial system

    4. осуществлять посредством

    5. to ensure

    5. мировой судья

    6. to observe rules

    6. эксперт консультант суда

    7. universally recognized

    7. независимый

    8. compulsory execution

    8. региональный суд

    9. legislative securing

    9. юридический статус

    10. judicial status

    10. целостность юридической системы

    11. обязательное исполнение

    12. обеспечивать

    15.Text for comprehension. Courts

    The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is the judicial organ of constitu­tional control, performing judicial power self-dependently and independently by means of the constitutional court proceedings. The authorities, order of establishment and activities of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation are set forth by federal constitutional law.

    The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is the highest judicial organ for civil, criminal, administrative and other cases within the competence of the courts of gen­eral jurisdiction. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation carries out supervi­sion over activities of the courts of general jurisdiction, including military and spe­cialized federal courts in the procedural forms prescribed by federal law. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation within its competence exercises cassa-tional review as a court of second instance, exercises supervisory powers and acts upon newly discovered evidence, and also, in the cases prescribed by federal law -handles cases as a trial court.

    District court within its competence handles cases as trial court, exercises cassational review as a court of second instance and exercises other powers provided by federal constitutional law. District court is a direct higher judicial instance for the Justices of the Peace, functioning within the territory of the appropriate judicial district. The au­thorities, order of establishment and activities of district court are set forth by federal constitutional law.

    Military courts are established according to the territorial principle in the places where military troops and fleets are situated, and perform judicial power in the troops, bodies and formations where federal law provides for military service. Mili­tary courts within their competence handle cases as trial courts, exercise cassational review as courts of second instance, exercise supervisory powers and act upon newly discovered evidence. The authorities, order of establishment and activities of military courts are set forth by federal constitutional law.

    The Supreme Court of Arbitration of the Russian Federation is the highest judicial
    organ solving economic disputes and other cases considered by the courts of arbitra­
    tion. The Supreme Court of Arbitration of the Russian Federation is a direct higher
    Judicial instance for the federal circuit courts of arbitration and courts of arbitration
    of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The Supreme Court of Arbitration of the
    Russian Federation carries out judicial supervision over activities of the courts of ar-
    bitration in procedural forms prescribed by federal law.

    Check the comprehension of the text and choose the variant, which you think is correct.

    1. The Constitutional Court of the R.F. is the judicial organ of... .

    1. distance control

    2. pollution control

    3. fuel control

    4. constitutional control

    2. The highest judicial organ for civil, criminal, administrative and other cases is...

    1. District Court;

    2. Military Court;

    3. the Supreme Court;

    4. the Constitutional Court

    3. What court handles cases prescribed by federal law as a trial court?

    1. the supreme Court of Arbitration

    2. the Supreme Court

    3. Military Court

    4. District Court

    4. District Court is a direct higher judicial instance for the Justice of... .

    1. Justices of the Peace

    2. Justices of the case

    3. Justices of the King's Bench

    4. Justices of the Supreme Court

    5. Military courts are established according to....

    1. the principle of mutual understanding;

    2. the principle of profitability;

    3. the international democracy principle;

    4. the territorial principle

    6. Military courts within their competence are intended to do the following, with
    the exception of... .

    1. to handle cases as trial courts

    2. to exercise cassational reviews

    3. to supervise over activities of the general courts

    4. to exercise supervisory powers

    7. What disputes does the Supreme Court of Arbitration solve?

    1. political

    2. economic

    3. family disputes

    4. marine

    16.Render the Text


    За двеннадцатъ лет, прошедшие с момента утверждения Верховным Советом РСФСР Концепции судебной реформы в РСФСР, и девять лет с момента принятия новой Конституции Российской Федерации в судебной системе Российской Федера­ции произошли значительные изменения.

    Заложенные в Концепции судебной реформы от 24 октября 1991 года основ­ные направления изменения в сфере судоустройства и отправления правосудия бы­ли в основном выполнены.

    В целях повышения эффективности судебной защиты конституционных правок основных свобод граждан, реализации конституционных принципов формирования и функционирования судебной системы в соответствии с международными стандарта­ми необходимо дальнейшее совершенствование судоустройства в Российской Феде­рации:

    1. Совершенствование взаимодействия ветвей судебной власти.

    2. Совершенствование системы конституционного правосудия.

    3. Структурирование и дифференциация судебных органов на основе их спе­циализации не только по видам правоотношений, но и по отдельным кате­гориям дел.

    4. Совершенствование правового механизма участия граждан в отправлении правосудия.

    5. Развитие правовых институтов, альтернативных судебной системе.

    В целях совершенствования взаимодействия ветвей судебной власти, даль­нейшего развития, обеспечения нормального функционирования судебной системы в целом и отдельных ее элементов, решения проблем, связанных, в частности, с во­просами кадровой политики, финансирования, исполнения судебных решений, вы­работкой основных направлений совершенствования правосудия, а также единых

    правовых позиций правоприменительной практики предлагается создать координи­рующий орган.

    Таким органом может стать Судебная Палата Российской Федерации (далее -СП РФ).В состав СП РФ должны войти по должности председатель и заместитель председателя Конституционного Суда Российской Федерации, председатели и пер­вые заместители председателей Верховного Суда Российской Федерации и Высшего Арбитражного Суда Российской Федерации, председатель Высшей квалификацион­ной коллегии-судей Российской Федерации, председатель Совета судей Российской Федерации, два представителя Президента Российской Федерации, министр юсти­ции Российской Федерации, а также председатели Конституционного Суда Россий­ской Федерации, Верховного Суда Российской Федерации и Высшего Арбитражного Суда Российской Федерации, пребывающие в отставке.

    К функциям СП РФ относятся:

    • определение основных направлений совершенствования судебной системы;

    • осуществление кадровой и финансовой политики;

    • предварительное обсуждение проектов законодательных инициатив Консти­туционного Суда Российской Федерации, Верховного Суда Российской Федерации, Высшего Арбитражного Суда Российской Федерации;

    • общее руководство по вопросам исполнения судебных решений и охраны су­дов и судей;

    • выработка мер по борьбе с коррупцией в судебной системе.

    Для реализации этих функций следует подчинить СП РФ Российскую акаде­мию правосудия и Службу судебных приставов, а также передать полномочия комис­сии Совета по кадровой политике при ПрезидентеРоссийской Федерации для пред­варительного рассмотрения назначения федеральных судей.

    Необходимость создания названного института, вызвана сложившейся в ны­нешних условиях несогласованностью действий ветвей судебной власти в решении общих задач по развитию судебной системы, финансовой и кадровой политики, реа­лизации судебных решений, охраны судов и судей и т.п., а также по вопросам взаи­модействия с законодательной и исполнительной ветвями власти.

    В целях совершенствования взаимодействия ветвей судебной власти потребу­ется внести необходимые изменения и дополнения в законы Российской Федерации.


    During the twenty years that have passed since the Supreme Council of the RSFSR approved the Concept of Judicial Reform in the RSFSR, and nine years since the adoption of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation, significant changes have taken place in the judicial system of the Russian Federation.

    The main directions of changes in the judicial system and administration of justice laid down in the Concept of Judicial Reform of October 24, 1991 were largely implemented.

    In order to increase the effectiveness of judicial protection of constitutional rights of fundamental freedoms of citizens, the implementation of the constitutional principles of the formation and functioning of the judicial system in accordance with international standards, it is necessary to further improve the judicial system in the Russian Federation:

    1. Improving the interaction of the branches of the judiciary.

    2. Improvement of the constitutional justice system.

    3. Structuring and differentiation of judicial bodies on the basis of their specialization not only by types of legal relations, but also by individual categories of cases.

    4. Improvement of the legal mechanism of citizens' participation in the administration of justice.

    5. Development of legal institutions alternative to the judicial system.

    In order to improve the interaction of the branches of the judiciary, further development, ensuring the normal functioning of the judicial system as a whole and its individual elements, solving problems related, in particular, to issues of personnel policy, financing, enforcement of court decisions, developing the main directions for improving justice, as well as unified

    from the legal standpoint of law enforcement practice, it is proposed to create a coordinating body.

    Such a body may be the Judicial Chamber of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the SP of the Russian Federation).The JV of the Russian Federation should include the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Chairmen and first Deputy Chairmen of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Higher Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation, two representatives of the President of the Russian Federation, the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, as well as the Chairmen of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, who are retired.

    The functions of the Joint Venture of the Russian Federation include:

    - determination of the main directions for improving the judicial system;

    - implementation of personnel and financial policy;

    - preliminary discussion of draft legislative initiatives of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation;

    - general guidance on the enforcement of court decisions and the protection of courts and judges;

    - development of measures to combat corruption in the judicial system.

    To implement these functions, the Russian Academy of Justice and the Bailiff Service should be subordinated to the Joint Venture of the Russian Federation, and the powers of the Commission of the Personnel Policy Council under the President of the Russian Federation should be transferred for preliminary consideration of the appointment of federal judges.

    The need to create this institution is caused by the inconsistency of the actions of the branches of the judiciary in solving common tasks for the development of the judicial system, financial and personnel policy, the implementation of court decisions, the protection of courts and judges, etc., as well as on issues of interaction with the legislative and executive branches of government.

    In order to improve the interaction of the branches of the judiciary, it will be necessary to make the necessary amendments and additions to the laws of the Russian Federation.
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