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  • I ts Interesting to Know

  • Cesare Beccaria, 1738—1794

  • Elizabeth Fry, 1780—1845

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    Present-day Penal Institutions

    Modern prisons are quite diverse, but it is possible to make some generalisations about them. In all but minimum-security prisons, the task of maintaining physical custody of the prisoners is usually given the highest priority and is likely to dominate all other concerns. Barred cells and locked doors, periodic checking of cells, searches for contraband, and detailed regulation of inmates' movements about the prison are all undertaken to prevent escapes. In order to forestall thievery, drug and alcohol use, violent assaults, rapes, and other types of prison crime, the inmates are subjected to rules governing every aspect of life; these do much to give the social structure of the prison its authoritarian character.

    The need to maintain security within prisons has prompted many countries to separate their penal institutions into categories of maximum, medium, and minimum security. Convicted offenders are assigned to a particular category on the basis of the seriousness or violent nature of their offence, the length of their sentence, their proneness to escape, and other considerations. Within a prison, the inmates are often classified into several categories and housed in corresponding cellblocks according to the security risk posed by each individual. Younger offenders are usually held in separate penal institutions that provide a stronger emphasis on treatment and correction.

    Prisons generally succeed in the twin purposes of isolating the criminal from society and punishing him for his crime, but the higher goal of rehabilitation is not as easily attained. An offender's time in prison is usually reduced as a reward for good behaviour and conscientious performance at work. The privilege of receiving visits from family members and friends from the outside world exists in almost all penal systems.

    Chapter V. Imprisonment: Retribution or Rehabilitation?

    TASK 4. Find in the text above the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

    1. заключённый

    2. нападение с применением насилия

    3. некарательное воздействие и исправление

    4. осуждённый

    5. реабилитация личности преступника

    6. тюрьма с максимальной изоляцией заключённых

    7. тюрьма с минимальной изоляцией заключённых

    8. тюрьма со средней степенью изоляции заключённых

    TASK 5. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions. Make up sentences of your own:

    conscientious performance at work

    proneness to escape

    security risk

    to forestall thievery

    to give smth. the highest priority

    to maintain security within prisons

    TASK 6. Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents:

    1) breach of prison

    а) 'промышленная тюрьма'

    2) closed prison

    i (тюрьма, где заключённые

    3) industrial prison

    работают в цехах, мастерских)

    4) open prison

    Ь) бежавший из Тюрьмы

    5) prison bar

    с) бежать /совершить побег/

    6) prison breaker

    из тюрьмы

    ; 7) prison education

    d) быть приговорённым

    8) prison lawyer

    к тюремному заключению

    9) prison term

    е) отбывать срок в тюрьме

    10) prison ward

    f) перевоспитание или обучение

    11) to be sent to prison

    заключённых (профессии) в тюрьме

    12) to do one's time (in

    g) побег из тюрьмы; побег


    из-под стражи

    13) to escape from

    h) тюремная камера


    i) тюремная решётка

    j) тюремное заключение,

    тюремный срок

    к) тюремный юрист

    1) тюрьма закрытого типа

    т) тюрьма открытого типа




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    Chapter V. Imprisonment: Retribution or Rehabilitation?


    The Tower of London

    Founded nearly a millennium ago and expanded upon over the centuries since, the Tower of London has protected, housed, imprisoned and been for many the last sight they saw on Earth.

    It has been the seat of British government and the living quarters of monarchs, the site of renowned political intrigue, and the repository of the Crown Jewels. It has housed lions, bears, and (to this day) flightless ravens, not to mention notorious traitors and framed members of court, lords and ministers, clergymen and knights.

    In the Middle Ages the Tower of London became a prison and place of execution for politically related crimes, with most captives being put to death (murdered or executed). Among those killed there were the humanist Sir Thomas More (1535).; the second wife of Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn (1536). Other notable inmates included Princess Elizabeth (later Elizabeth I), who was briefly imprisoned by Mary I for suspicion of conspiracy; the infamous conspirator Guy Fawkes (1606) and the adventurer Sir Walter Raleigh (1618). Even in the 20th century during World War I several spies were executed there by firing squad.

    TASK 7. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions:

    a framed member of court

    a notable inmate

    a notorious traitor

    a politically related crime

    an infamous conspirator

    the repository

    of the Crown Jewels

    the seat of British government

    the site of renowned

    political intrigue

    TASK 8. Complete the following table with the appropriate verb or noun forms:



    to plot


    to capture


    to, imprison



    to suspect

    TASK 9. Match the names of the renowned prisoners from the box with the stories given below:

    Catherine Howard; Sir Walter Raleigh; Anne Boleyn; Guy Fawkes; Sir Thomas More

    Here are some of the unfortunates held within the Tower walls.

    , the Lord Chancellor and scholar who

    served Henry VIII until the break with Rome, refused to acknowledge Henry VIII as supreme head of the English Church, and continued adamant when the king's subjects were required to subscribe to the oath imposed. He also protested against the divorce of Catherine of Aragon, who had given Henry only one living child, the Princess Mary.

    , Henry VIIPs second wife, was taken to

    the Tower on a charge of adultery. Before her crowning she had stayed in what is now called the "Queen's House", built below the Bell Tower in 1530. As a prisoner she returned there. Her trial took place in the medieval great hall where she was sentenced to death.

    was Henry VIII's fifth wife and according

    to him his "very jewel of womanhood". He adored her and showered her with gifts and favours and pampered her in every way. She appointed a former admirer as her private secretary and soon rumours were being whispered at court about the Queen's misconduct. Henry's immediate reaction was one of total disbelief. However, he ordered an investigation and found that she had really been flirting behind his back. For this he could show no mercy. She went the way of her cousin Anne Boleyn; she was tried, condemned and beheaded at the Tower of London.

    was a leading conspirator in the

    Gunpowder Plot to blow up Parliament. He was a Catholic convert who had served in the Spanish army before becoming involved in the plot. He and his fellow conspirators were taken to the Tower and interrogated in the Queen's House. In January 1606 with three others, he was drawn on a hurdle from the Tower to the Houses of Parliament and there hanged, beheaded and quartered.

    was an explorer known for his expeditions

    to the Americas, and for allegedly bringing tobacco and the potato from the New World to the British Isles. A favourite of Elizabeth I, he fell thoroughly out of favour and spent 12 years in the Tower


    Just English. Английский для юристов

    Chapter V. Imprisonment: Retribution or Rehabilitation?


    on a charge of plotting against King James I. He was released in 1616, only to find himself back there in 1618 after his fruitless expedition to look for gold mines in Guyana. This time he was kept in one of the most cold and direful dungeons before being beheaded six weeks later. In his speech from the scaffold he thanked God that he died in the light, and not in the dark prison of the Tower.

    TASK 10. Read the text and write down Russian equivalents for the words and expressions given in bold type:

    The Bastille

    The Bastille was a medieval fortress on the East side of Paris that became, in the 17th and 18th centuries, a French state prison and a place of detention for important persons charged with miscellaneous offences. The Bastille, stormed by an armed mob of Parisians in the opening days of the French Revolution, was a symbol of the despotism of the Bourbons and held an important place in the ideology of the Revolution.

    With its eight towers, 100 feet high, linked by walls of equal height and surrounded by a moat more than 80 feet wide, the Bastille dominated Paris. The first stone was laid on April 22, 1370, on the orders of Charles V of France, who had it built as a bastide, or fortification (the name Bastille is a corruption of bastide), to protect this wall around Paris against English attack.

    The Cardinal de Richelieu was the first to use the Bastille as a state prison in the 17th century. Prisoners included political troublemakers and individuals held at the request of their families, often to coerce a young member into obedience or to prevent a disreputable member from marring the family's name. Under Louis XIV, the Bastille became a place of judicial detention; and later persons being tried by the Parliament were also detained there. It is noteworthy that prohibited books were also placed in the Bastille. The high cost of maintaining the building prompted talk of demolition in 1784.

    On July 14, 1789, when only seven prisoners were confined in the building, a mob advanced on the Bastille with the intention of asking the prison governor to release the arms and munitions stored there. Angered by the governor's refusal, the people stormed and captured the place. This dramatic action came to symbolise the end of the ancient regime. The Bastille was subsequently demolished by order of the Revolutionary government.

    TASK 11. Answer the following questions:

    1. When and why was the Bastille built?

    2. Who was the first to use the Bastille as a state prison?

    3. What was the Bastille like in the 17th and 18th centuries? Who
      was confined there?

    4. How was the Bastille demolished?

    TASK 12. Read the text in the section "It's Interesting to Know". Find more information about the research into the treatment of criminals carried out by the 18th century humanists:

    It's Interesting to Know

    John Howard, 1726—1790

    There is in England today a society called The Howard League of Penal Reform. It is named after one of the greatest figures in the history of law in the eighteenth century. Howard was High Sheriff of Bedfordshire when, in 1773 he started to investigate prison conditions. The thing that drew his interest was the discovery that innocent people were often held in gaol until they had paid the gaoler's fees even though the court had found them not guilty. In the next three years he visited every prison in Great Britain and Ireland as well as many in Europe and wrote a book based on his experiences called The State of Prisons. He died in Russia on his way to find out about sanitary conditions in the Russian army. Through his work and that of Elizabeth Fry prisons were at last improved and prisoners treated more like human beings than animals.

    Cesare Beccaria, 1738—1794

    Punishment of criminals in the eighteenth century was savage, from torture to death or imprisonment. One of the first people to raise a voice against the inhumanity was Beccaria, who wrote a famous book called Concerning Crimes and Punishment. He called for mercy and his pleas were heard by such people as Frederick the Great of Prussia, who was in a position to do something about unjust laws. The book was soon translated into several languages. He was one of the first people to say that the law should consider the person being tried as well as the crime he or she has committed.

    Just English. Английский для юристов
    'Chapter V. Imprisonment: Retribution or Rehabilitation?


    Elizabeth Fry, 1780—1845

    Until the great reforms in law, which took place in the nineteenth century, criminals were treated with great brutality. Thieves were hanged or deported, while floggings were very common and prisons were dirty and terribly overcrowded. Elizabeth Fry was one of the very few people who devoted their lives to improving the life of prisoners. She was a Norfolk Quaker who went among the criminals to understand them better and to improve the conditions in which they lived. In 1817 she formed a society for the improvement of prison conditions and started to take an interest in prisons in other countries. She was so successful in her work that she was thanked by the House of Commons for her efforts.

    are usually detained in reformatories, often designated under names that imply that their purpose is treatment or correction rather than punishment Women are normally held in separate prisons. Prisoners who are not considered a danger to the community may be confined in low-security or open prisons.

    TASK 2. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions:

    • unconvicted prisoner

    • juvenile delinquent

    • recidivist

    • life-sentence prisoner

    TASK 3. Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents:


    Sum up the information from the Unit. Add the facts and data that you have obtained during your classes of law. Make reports and present them in class. Use the patterns and the vocabulary from the Unit.
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