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  • Экономисты 1 курс англ. яз.. Контрольная работа 1 по английскому языку. Для студентов озо 1 курса экономического факультета. Вариант 1 The Individual and Society

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    НазваниеКонтрольная работа 1 по английскому языку. Для студентов озо 1 курса экономического факультета. Вариант 1 The Individual and Society
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    ТипКонтрольная работа

    Контрольная работа № 1 по английскому языку.
    Для студентов ОЗО 1 курса экономического факультета.
    Вариант 1

    The Individual and Society.

    Most introductory textbooks on Economics begin by posing the question, 'What is Economics about? Although Economics is a vast subject and precise definitions are usu­ally very complex, it is not a difficult matter to give a simple and sensible answer to the basic question. Economics is essentially a study of the ways in which people apply their knowledge, skills, and efforts to the gifts of nature in order to satisfy their material wants.

    Economics limits itself to the study of the material aspects of live, and while it is true that man cannot live by bread alone, it is equally true that he cannot live without it. An underlying problem in economics is that of survival and we must examine how people have solved or are trying to solve this problem. In the more advanced countries this may seem a very remote problem — few people, if any, are con­scious of a life or death struggle for existence. In many other countries, however, the continuity of human existence is by no means assured — starvation is a very real prospect for millions of human beings.

    Even in the prosperous, economically advanced coun­tries there is an aspect of survival which attracts little or no attention from those of us fortunate enough to live in these areas. This is our relative helplessness as 'economic' indi­viduals. The Indian peasants have an extremely low stan­dard of living, yet, left completely to their own devices, they can survive. Such people have the abilities to sustain life without outside assistance. A large percentage of the human race still lives in very small self-sufficient peasant communi­ties. These people experience great poverty, but they can provide on an individual basis, for their own survival. They have a degree of economic independence. If we now turn to the inhabitants of New York, London, or any other great metropolitan area we must observe the opposite situation — a high standard of living together with an extreme economic dependence. The inhabitants of cities are totally incapable of providing for themselves, directly, the means of their survival. They could not feed themselves, or build their own houses. Such people depend, each and every day of their lives, on the efforts and coopera­tion of many thousands of specialist workers. In industrialized societies a high standard of living is possible only if the organized cooperation of large numbers of people can be guaranteed. In the economically developed countries we are rich, not as individuals, but only as members of a complex economic organization.

    1. Прочтите и переведите текст.

    2. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова:

    inhabitants, precise, prospect, vast, standard, percentage, means, human

    1. Economics is a ... subject and ... definitions are very

    2. Starvation is a very real... for millions of... beings.

    3. The Indian peasants have an extremely low... of living.

    4. A large ... of the human race still lives in small self-
      sufficient peasant communities.

    5. The ... of cities are totally incapable of providing for
      themselves the ... of their survival.

    3. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

    study, precise, complex, subject, essentially, use, exact, matter, basically, mainly, apply, developed, examine, advanced, completely, help, community, totally, assis­tance, society, build, gift, construct, present.

    4. Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

    begin, difficult, high, poor, inside, wealth, finish, easy, low, prosperous, outside, poverty, capable, dependence, incapable, directly, large, independence, indirectly, small.

    5. Переведите следующие сочетания слов с русского
    языка на английский:

    точное определение, простой ответ, основной во­прос, изучение материальных сторон жизни, раз­витые страны, борьба за существование, уровень жизни, относительная беспомощность, без посто­ронней помощи, испытывать крайнюю бедность, степень экономической независимости, наблю­дать противоположную ситуацию, жители городов, члены сложной экономической организации

    6. Составьте предложения, используя следующие

    1. limits, of, economics, to, study, the, of, aspects, the, material, itself, life.

    2. problem, an, is, underlying, economics, in, that, sur­vival, of.

    1. seem, may, a problem, very, this, remote, very.

    1. very, starvation, a, prospect, millions, for, real, human, beings, is, of.

    2. peasants, an, Indian, have, living, of, the, low, extremely, standard.

    6. people, great, experience, poverty, these.

    Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:

    Place, library, language, bus, bush, party, wolf, glass, key, city, colony, roof, month, opportunity, journey, shelf, hero.

    Man, woman, tooth, foot, goose, child, mouse.

    Postman, son-in-law, fisherman, schoolgirl, sister-in-law, text-book, pocket-knife, passer-by.
    Напишите существительные во множест­венном числе, сделав, где необходимо, соответствующие изменения в пред­ложении:

    1. Put the box on the shelf. 2. I have hurt my foot. 3. This is an English dictionary. 4. Where is the knife? 5. This factory has a good laboratory. 6. The last leaf fell from the tree. 7. This story is very long. 8. The speech was very interesting.
    Напишите существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, в единствен­ной числе, сделав, где необходимо, соответствующие изменения в предло­жении:

    1. Women and children came to the shore. 2. The keys to the boxes were lost 3. The wolves have been shot. 4. The mice were caught 5. These factories produce furniture.


    Определите степень сравнения:

    Most, exiling, worse, nicer, more, popular, least, smaller, lees interesting, best, fresher, tall, most favorable, warmer, most charming.
    Образуйте от следующих прилагательных сравнительную и превосход­ную степень:

    big, heavy, short, much, clever, good, large, practical, fat, early, pretty, happy, bright, dark, nice, rich, sad, thin, thick, wet, weak, early, funny, easy, lazy, ugly, comfortable, quiet, far.
    Образуйте от прилагательных, стоящих в скобках, сравнительную или превосходную степень, в зависимости от смысла:

    1. The Trans-Siberian railway is (long) in the world. 2. The twenty-second of December is the (short) day of the year. 3. Iron is (useful) of all metals. 4. The Neva Is (wide) and (deep) than the Moskva River. 5. Elbrus is the (high) peak in the Cau­casian mountains. 6. His plan is (practical) than yours. 7. His plan is (practical) of all. 8. This room is (small) than all the rooms in the house.
    Замените выделенные жирным шрифтом слова личными местоимениями:

    1. The teacher is helping the students to translate the article. 2 Mother

    will send Mary to buy the tickets. 3. The man gave the books to the boy.

    4. My friend is going to write a letter to his sister today. 5. This book is not
    suitable for young children. 6. Helen worked hard at history.
    Вместо точек вставьте соответствующие притяжательные местоимения-прилагательные или местоимения-существительные:

    1. Tell him not to forget ... ticket; she mustn't forget ... either. 2. Whose books are those? Are they ... or...? 3. I see that he has lost ... pencil; perhaps you can lend him ...? 4. Lend them ... dictionary; they have left ... at home.

    5. My trunk is heavier than .... 6. We've taken ... dictionaries; has she taken….
    Вместо точек вставьте соответствующие возвратные местоимения:

    1.1 will ask him .... 2. She will answer the letter ... .3. We'll do it .... 4. Did you invite him ... ? 5. He wants to do it... . 6. Be careful! You will hurt .... 7. I looked at ... in the mirror. 8. Put on a -thicker coal to protect ... from the rain. 9. They told me the news ....
    Напишите вопросы к выделенным жирным шрифтом словам:
    1. I am looking at him. 2. Petrov is a doctor. 3. They are talking

    about the international situation. 4. They are painters. 5. Some English books are lying on the table. 7. The children are sitting under the tree. 8. He is waiting for me. 11. That man is Ivanov. 12. That book is mine. 13. I bought some red pencils yesterday. 14. These boys are my brothers. 15. May is the fifth month of' the year. 16. I rang up my sister. 17. The dining room is the largest room in our house. 18. The handbag is made of leather. 19. The man asked for a cap of tea.
    Вместо точек вставьте соответствующие относительные местоимения. В тех случаях, когда наряду с одним местоимением возможно употребле­ние другого, поставьте второе местоимение в скобках:

    1. Do you know the man ... wrote this letter? 2, The magazine ... you lent me is very interesting. 3. The street... leads to the station is very wide. 4. The doctor ... she visited told her to stay in bed. 5. The man ... you want to see has just left. 6. There is the student.,. book you found. 7. The girl ... you see at the door is my sister. 8. A friend of mine ... was present at the meeting, told me all about it. 9. Is the man with …. you spoke a writer? 10. These are some of the finest pictures ...I have ever seen. 11. He will be glad of any help ...you can give him. 12. This is the only example ... I can give you.

    Вместо точек вставьте одно из местоимений somebody, someone, anybody, something, anything:

    while I am out, ask know. 10. I haven't there ... absent? 12. 14. When can I find

    1. I saw ... at the window. 2. Is there ... new? 3. There Is ... in the next room who wants to speak to you. 4. Has ... called? 5. I want ... to copy this text . We have not told ... about it. 7. Give me ... to eat, I am hungry. 8. If ... calls him to wait. 9. If there is ... else you want, please let me any more money with me, so 1 cannot buy ... else.
    Вместо точек вставьте much или many:

    1. ... people want to see this play. 2. 1 don't drink ... wine. 3. How ... sheets of paper do you want? 4. Hurry upf You haven't got ... time. 5. How... does it cost? 6. Did you pay ... money for your watch? 7. We haven't had ... rain this summer. 8. How ... time does it take to go there? 9. How ... times have you been there? 10. How ...butter did you buy? 11. How ...apples did you buy? 12. He doesn't eat... fruit.

    Контрольная работа № 1 по английскому языку.
    Для студентов ОЗО 1 курса экономического факультета.
    Вариант 2


    To an economist, economic society presents itself as a mechanism for survival — a means whereby people are able to carry out the tasks of production and distribution. If we look at the different political and social structures which exist in the world today, and the way in which those systems have developed over the years, we are tempted to say that people have made use of, and are making use of, a very great varieties of economic sys­tems. In fact, in spite of the appearance of great variety, it is possible to group these different economic structures into four broad categories. These basic types of econom­ic organization are usually described as Traditional economies, Market economies, Command economies and Mixed economies.

    Traditional economies

    The oldest and until fairly recent times by far the most common way of solving economic problem was that of tra­dition. In traditional societies, people use methods of pro­duction and distribution that were devised in the distant past and which have become the accepted ways of doing things by a long process of trial and error.

    In these societies we find that the division of land among the families in the village or tribe, the methods and times of planting and harvesting, the selection of crops, and the way in which the produce is distributed among the dif­ferent groups are all based upon tradition. Year by year, lit­tle is changed; indeed a change in working procedures may well be regarded as an affront to memory of one's ancestors or as an offence against the gods.

    The basic economic problems do not arise as problems to be discussed and argued about. They have all been decided long ago. One follows the path that one was born to follow; a son follows in the footsteps of his father and uses the same skills and tools. A caste system provides a good example of the rigidity of a traditional society. The production problems (i. e. What? and How?) are solved by using land as it has always been used and the worker carry­ing out the traditional skills according to his or her fixed place in social structure. The distribution problem (i. e. For Whom?) is solved in a similar manner. There will be time-honored methods of sharing out the produce of the harvest and hunt. The elders, the heads of families, the women and the children will receive shares according to ancient custom.

    Traditional solutions to the economic problems of pro­duction and distribution are encountered in primitive agri­cultural and pastoral communities. But, even in advanced countries, tradition still plays some part in determining how the economy works. We are familiar with industries in which it is customary, for the son to follow his father into a trade or profession, and in Britain equal pay for women did not obtain legal sanction until the 1970-s.

    1. Прочтите и переведите текст А.

    2. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова:

    land, long, path, presents, arise, solved, shares, similar, custom, distribution, tasks, used, as

    1. Economic society ... itself a means whereby people
      are able to carry out the ... of production and ....

    2. The basic economic problems do not... as problems
      to be discussed and argued about.

    3. They have all been decided ... ago.

    4. One follows the ... that one was born to follow.

    5. The production problems are ... by using ... as it has
      always been....

    6. The distribution problem is... in a ... manner.

    7. The elders will receive ... according to ancient....

    3. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

    receive, fixed, different, broad, common, fairly, selec­tion, error, choice, constant, mistake, rather, basic, produce, wide, get, general, make, various

    4. Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

    different, rigidity, broad, old, distant, long, receive, advanced, true, ancient, narrow, same, near, backward, false, lose, modern, young, short, flexibility

    5. Переведите следующие словосочетания слов с рус­ского языка на английский:

    механизм выживания, задачи производства и рас­пределения, наиболее распространенный путь ре­шения экономических проблем, в далеком про­шлом, основные экономические проблемы, таким же путем, согласно древнему обычаю, в передовых странах, равная оплата труда женщин

    6. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова:

    1. these, possible, to, group, is, different, structures, three, into, categories, broad, it, economic.

    2. way, economic, the, oldest, solving, tradition, that, was, problems, of, of.

    3. have, been, all, they, ago, decided, long.

    4. in, son, footsteps, his, of, a, father, follows, the.

    5. is, distribution, solved, problem, manner, in, similar, the, a.


    Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:

    Place, library, language, bus, bush, party, wolf, glass, key, city, colony, roof, month, opportunity, journey, shelf, hero.

    Man, woman, tooth, foot, goose, child, mouse.

    Postman, son-in-law, fisherman, schoolgirl, sister-in-law, text-book, pocket-knife, passer-by.
    Напишите существительные во множест­венном числе, сделав, где необходимо, соответствующие изменения в пред­ложении:

    1. Put the box on the shelf. 2. I have hurt my foot. 3. This is an English dictionary. 4. Where is the knife? 5. This factory has a good laboratory. 6. The last leaf fell from the tree. 7. This story is very long. 8. The speech was very interesting.
    Напишите существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, в единствен­ной числе, сделав, где необходимо, соответствующие изменения в предло­жении:

    1. Women and children came to the shore. 2. The keys to the boxes were lost 3. The wolves have been shot. 4. The mice were caught 5. These factories produce furniture.


    Определите степень сравнения:

    Most, exiling, worse, nicer, more, popular, least, smaller, lees interesting, best, fresher, tall, most favorable, warmer, most charming.
    Образуйте от следующих прилагательных сравнительную и превосход­ную степень:

    big, heavy, short, much, clever, good, large, practical, fat, early, pretty, happy, bright, dark, nice, rich, sad, thin, thick, wet, weak, early, funny, easy, lazy, ugly, comfortable, quiet, far.
    Образуйте от прилагательных, стоящих в скобках, сравнительную или превосходную степень, в зависимости от смысла:

    1. The Trans-Siberian railway is (long) in the world. 2. The twenty-second of December is the (short) day of the year. 3. Iron is (useful) of all metals. 4. The Neva Is (wide) and (deep) than the Moskva River. 5. Elbrus is the (high) peak in the Cau­casian mountains. 6. His plan is (practical) than yours. 7. His plan is (practical) of all. 8. This room is (small) than all the rooms in the house.
    Замените выделенные жирным шрифтом слова личными местоимениями:

    1. The teacher is helping the students to translate the article. 2 Mother

    will send Mary to buy the tickets. 3. The man gave the books to the boy.

    4. My friend is going to write a letter to his sister today. 5. This book is not
    suitable for young children. 6. Helen worked hard at history.
    Вместо точек вставьте соответствующие притяжательные местоимения-прилагательные или местоимения-существительные:

    1. Tell him not to forget ... ticket; she mustn't forget ... either. 2. Whose books are those? Are they ... or...? 3. I see that he has lost ... pencil; perhaps you can lend him ...? 4. Lend them ... dictionary; they have left ... at home.

    5. My trunk is heavier than .... 6. We've taken ... dictionaries; has she taken….
    Вместо точек вставьте соответствующие возвратные местоимения:

    1.1 will ask him .... 2. She will answer the letter ... .3. We'll do it .... 4. Did you invite him ... ? 5. He wants to do it... . 6. Be careful! You will hurt .... 7. I looked at ... in the mirror. 8. Put on a -thicker coal to protect ... from the rain. 9. They told me the news ....
    Напишите вопросы к выделенным жирным шрифтом словам:
    1. I am looking at him. 2. Petrov is a doctor. 3. They are talking

    about the international situation. 4. They are painters. 5. Some English books are lying on the table. 7. The children are sitting under the tree. 8. He is waiting for me. 11. That man is Ivanov. 12. That book is mine. 13. I bought some red pencils yesterday. 14. These boys are my brothers. 15. May is the fifth month of' the year. 16. I rang up my sister. 17. The dining room is the largest room in our house. 18. The handbag is made of leather. 19. The man asked for a cap of tea.
    Вместо точек вставьте соответствующие относительные местоимения. В тех случаях, когда наряду с одним местоимением возможно употребле­ние другого, поставьте второе местоимение в скобках:

    1. Do you know the man ... wrote this letter? 2, The magazine ... you lent me is very interesting. 3. The street... leads to the station is very wide. 4. The doctor ... she visited told her to stay in bed. 5. The man ... you want to see has just left. 6. There is the student.,. book you found. 7. The girl ... you see at the door is my sister. 8. A friend of mine ... was present at the meeting, told me all about it. 9. Is the man with …. you spoke a writer? 10. These are some of the finest pictures ...I have ever seen. 11. He will be glad of any help ...you can give him. 12. This is the only example ... I can give you.

    Вместо точек вставьте одно из местоимений somebody, someone, anybody, something, anything:

    while I am out, ask know. 10. I haven't there ... absent? 12. 14. When can I find

    1. I saw ... at the window. 2. Is there ... new? 3. There Is ... in the next room who wants to speak to you. 4. Has ... called? 5. I want ... to copy this text . We have not told ... about it. 7. Give me ... to eat, I am hungry. 8. If ... calls him to wait. 9. If there is ... else you want, please let me any more money with me, so 1 cannot buy ... else.
    Вместо точек вставьте much или many:

    1. ... people want to see this play. 2. 1 don't drink ... wine. 3. How ... sheets of paper do you want? 4. Hurry upf You haven't got ... time. 5. How... does it cost? 6. Did you pay ... money for your watch? 7. We haven't had ... rain this summer. 8. How ... time does it take to go there? 9. How ... times have you been there? 10. How ...butter did you buy? 11. How ...apples did you buy? 12. He doesn't eat... fruit.

    Контрольная работа № 1 по английскому языку.
    Для студентов ОЗО 1 курса экономического факультета.
    Вариант 3

    Labour is human effort — physical and mental — which is directed to the production of goods and services. But labour is not only a factor of production, it is also the reason why economic activity takes place. The people who take part in production are also consumers, the sum of whose individual demands provides the business person with the incentive to undertake production. For this reason when we are considering real-world economic problems it is necessary to treat labour somewhat differently from the other factors. There are social and political problems which have to be taken into account. For example, the question of how many hours per day a machine should be operated will be judged solely in terms of efficiency, out­put, and costs. The same question applied to labour would raise additional considerations of individual freedom and human rights.

    It must be borne in mind that it is the services of labour which are bought and sold, and not labour itself. The firm cannot buy and own labour in the same way that capital and land can be bought and owned.

    The supply of labour

    The supply of labour available to an economy is not the same thing as the number of people in that community. The labour supply is a measure of the number of hours of work which is offered at given wages over some given period of time. It is determined, therefore, by the number of workers and the average number of hours each worker is prepared to offer. Both of these features are subject to change and, at any moment of time, they will depend upon a number of things.

    1. The size of the total population. This is obviously very important because the size of the total popu­lation sets an upper limit to the supply of labour.

    2. The age composition of the population. The age composition of a population takes accounts of the pro­portions in the different age groups. Two countries might have the same total populations, but very different age compositions and hence very different numbers in the working age groups.

    3. The working population. In many countries the minimum age at which a person may engage in full-time employment is legally controlled. In the UK this is now 16 years and the normal age for retirement is 65 years (60 in the case of women). The age range 16 to 65 years (or 60 years) covers the working age groups, but this does not mean that the total working population embraces all the people in these age groups.

    The working population may be defined as the number of people who are eligible for work and offer themselves for employment.

    4. The working week and holidays. The number of people who work (or are available for work) is an important determinant of the supply of labour, but so is the average number of hours each person works. The supply of labour provided by 20 people working for 40 hours is the same as that provided by 40 people working for 20 hours. Other things being equal, the shorter the working week, the smaller the supply of labour.

    The gradual reduction in the working week has been accompanied by an extension of the annual holiday period. Again this amounts to a reduction in the supply of labour.

    It must not be assumed, however, that a fall in the sup­ply of labour implies a reduction in the output of goods and services. In spite of the decline in the average number of hours worked by each person, output per worker has contin­ued to rise because of improved technology.

    5. Renumeration. The relationship between quan­tity supplied and price is discussed at length later in this book, but for the time being it should be apparent that there will be a relationship between the amount of work offered and the price paid for that work. Generally speaking, when wage rates are relatively low, increases in wages will tend to lead to an increase in the supply of labour, but there comes a point when higher incomes make leisure more attractive. When incomes are relatively high, therefore high wage rates may reduce the amount of labour offered by the individual worker.

    1. Прочтите и переведите текст.

    2. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова:
      incomes, price, directed, determinant, take part, reduc­tion, output, subject, labour, rates, relationship, supply, treat, account, number, increase, services

    1. Labour is ... to the production of goods and ....

    2. The people who ... in production are also con­sumers.

    3. It is necessary to ... labour somewhat differently from the other factors.

    4. There are social and political problems which have to be taken into....

    5. Both of these features are ... to change.

    6. The ... of people who work is an important... of the ... of labour.

    7. A fall in the supply of labour implies a ... in the ... of goods and services.

    8. There is a ... between the amount of work offered and the ... paid for this work.

    9. When wages ... are relatively low, increases in wages will tend to lead to an ... in the supply of....

    10. Higher... make leisure more attractive

    1. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:
      labour, apparent, factor, obvious, work, to consider, sup­plementary, cost, freedom, amount, to offer, quantity, to change, different, determinant, price, additional, to take into account, liberty, to transform, various, to suggest

    2. Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

    employment, fall, leisure, late, same, low, short, high, dif­ferent, work, small, early, large, unemployment, rise, long

    5. Переведите следующие сочетания слов с русского языка на английский:

    производство товаров и услуг, производственный фактор, экономическая деятельность, социально-политические проблемы, права человека, таким же путем, в любой момент, ряд вещей, различные воз­растные группы, полная занятость, среднее число часов, постепенное сокращение рабочей недели, увеличение ежегодного отпуска

    6. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова:

    1. is, labour, services, directed, the, to, of, production, and, goods.

    2. who, the, are, people, take part, also, in, consumers, production, the.

    3. of, both, features, are, these, to, subject, change.

    4. things, they, will, a, depend, of, upon, number.

    5. make, incomes, attractive, higher, more, leisure.

    Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:

    Place, library, language, bus, bush, party, wolf, glass, key, city, colony, roof, month, opportunity, journey, shelf, hero.

    Man, woman, tooth, foot, goose, child, mouse.

    Postman, son-in-law, fisherman, schoolgirl, sister-in-law, text-book, pocket-knife, passer-by.
    Напишите существительные во множест­венном числе, сделав, где необходимо, соответствующие изменения в пред­ложении:

    1. Put the box on the shelf. 2. I have hurt my foot. 3. This is an English dictionary. 4. Where is the knife? 5. This factory has a good laboratory. 6. The last leaf fell from the tree. 7. This story is very long. 8. The speech was very interesting.
    Напишите существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, в единствен­ной числе, сделав, где необходимо, соответствующие изменения в предло­жении:

    1. Women and children came to the shore. 2. The keys to the boxes were lost 3. The wolves have been shot. 4. The mice were caught 5. These factories produce furniture.


    Определите степень сравнения:

    Most, exiling, worse, nicer, more, popular, least, smaller, lees interesting, best, fresher, tall, most favorable, warmer, most charming.
    Образуйте от следующих прилагательных сравнительную и превосход­ную степень:

    big, heavy, short, much, clever, good, large, practical, fat, early, pretty, happy, bright, dark, nice, rich, sad, thin, thick, wet, weak, early, funny, easy, lazy, ugly, comfortable, quiet, far.
    Образуйте от прилагательных, стоящих в скобках, сравнительную или превосходную степень, в зависимости от смысла:

    1. The Trans-Siberian railway is (long) in the world. 2. The twenty-second of December is the (short) day of the year. 3. Iron is (useful) of all metals. 4. The Neva Is (wide) and (deep) than the Moskva River. 5. Elbrus is the (high) peak in the Cau­casian mountains. 6. His plan is (practical) than yours. 7. His plan is (practical) of all. 8. This room is (small) than all the rooms in the house.
    Замените выделенные жирным шрифтом слова личными местоимениями:

    1. The teacher is helping the students to translate the article. 2 Mother

    will send Mary to buy the tickets. 3. The man gave the books to the boy.

    4. My friend is going to write a letter to his sister today. 5. This book is not
    suitable for young children. 6. Helen worked hard at history.
    Вместо точек вставьте соответствующие притяжательные местоимения-прилагательные или местоимения-существительные:

    1. Tell him not to forget ... ticket; she mustn't forget ... either. 2. Whose books are those? Are they ... or...? 3. I see that he has lost ... pencil; perhaps you can lend him ...? 4. Lend them ... dictionary; they have left ... at home.

    5. My trunk is heavier than .... 6. We've taken ... dictionaries; has she taken….
    Вместо точек вставьте соответствующие возвратные местоимения:

    1.1 will ask him .... 2. She will answer the letter ... .3. We'll do it .... 4. Did you invite him ... ? 5. He wants to do it... . 6. Be careful! You will hurt .... 7. I looked at ... in the mirror. 8. Put on a -thicker coal to protect ... from the rain. 9. They told me the news ....
    Напишите вопросы к выделенным жирным шрифтом словам:
    1. I am looking at him. 2. Petrov is a doctor. 3. They are talking

    about the international situation. 4. They are painters. 5. Some English books are lying on the table. 7. The children are sitting under the tree. 8. He is waiting for me. 11. That man is Ivanov. 12. That book is mine. 13. I bought some red pencils yesterday. 14. These boys are my brothers. 15. May is the fifth month of' the year. 16. I rang up my sister. 17. The dining room is the largest room in our house. 18. The handbag is made of leather. 19. The man asked for a cap of tea.
    Вместо точек вставьте соответствующие относительные местоимения. В тех случаях, когда наряду с одним местоимением возможно употребле­ние другого, поставьте второе местоимение в скобках:

    1. Do you know the man ... wrote this letter? 2, The magazine ... you lent me is very interesting. 3. The street... leads to the station is very wide. 4. The doctor ... she visited told her to stay in bed. 5. The man ... you want to see has just left. 6. There is the student.,. book you found. 7. The girl ... you see at the door is my sister. 8. A friend of mine ... was present at the meeting, told me all about it. 9. Is the man with …. you spoke a writer? 10. These are some of the finest pictures ...I have ever seen. 11. He will be glad of any help ...you can give him. 12. This is the only example ... I can give you.

    Вместо точек вставьте одно из местоимений somebody, someone, anybody, something, anything:

    while I am out, ask know. 10. I haven't there ... absent? 12. 14. When can I find

    1. I saw ... at the window. 2. Is there ... new? 3. There Is ... in the next room who wants to speak to you. 4. Has ... called? 5. I want ... to copy this text . We have not told ... about it. 7. Give me ... to eat, I am hungry. 8. If ... calls him to wait. 9. If there is ... else you want, please let me any more money with me, so 1 cannot buy ... else.
    Вместо точек вставьте much или many:

    1. ... people want to see this play. 2. 1 don't drink ... wine. 3. How ... sheets of paper do you want? 4. Hurry upf You haven't got ... time. 5. How... does it cost? 6. Did you pay ... money for your watch? 7. We haven't had ... rain this summer. 8. How ... time does it take to go there? 9. How ... times have you been there? 10. How ...butter did you buy? 11. How ...apples did you buy? 12. He doesn't eat... fruit.

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