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Контрольная №4. Контрольная работа 4 Variant i exercise Translate the text Money

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Exercise 7
Fill in the blanks with verbs from the list below. Translate the sentences.

Has been waiting for, listen to
1. Heher since 7 о 'clock. He has been waiting for her since 7 о 'clock.

Он ждет ее с семи часов.

2. You must the lecture attentively. You must listen to the lecture attentively.

Вы должны внимательно слушать лекцию.

Тоgo in for, took place, used to, made up their mind, get on with

  1. People must _______________each other.

  2. Robots____________substitute a man in heavy conditions.

  3. The firm wants their workers sports.

  4. The Congress in the Constitutional hall.

  5. The scientists of this institute ____________ to develop manufacturing technologies at this factory.

Exercise 8.

Fill in the blanks with verbs from the list below. Translate the sentences.

Model: She lives in Moscow hut she lived in Spain in 2001? So she speaks (так) Spanish (так и) Russian, So she speaks both Spanish and Russian.

  1. The manager (или) at the office (или) in the laboratory.

  2. They gave me their report (так что) I might study it at home.

  3. I have not seen such robots (c) the last exhibition in our city.

  4. These machine tools are famous (не только) in Italy (нo) also in Spain.

  5. The worker couldn't work there (из-за) the heavy conditions.

Variant VII

Exercise 1.

Translate the text.

Safe drinking water is often taken for granted in the modern world. But have you ever thought how important water is? All animals and plants are mostly water. A person's body is about 65 per cent water.

Water is used for washing and air conditioning, household work and gardening. Steel, gasoline, paper and most other products are made with the help of water. Power plants use ""water for cooling. Farm," of course, need water to grow food. We can easily see that life would be impossible without water. That is why it is so important to keep our water clean. Yet. polluted water is becoming very common.

One way of polluting water is to allow fertilizers and untreated wastes to wash from farms and building sites into waterways after rain. Human is making more wastes than nature can handle. More and better waste water treatment is needed. People fundamentally depend on recycled waste water for domestic use and drinking supplies. Over 50 per cent of the water drunk in Western Europe and North America is reprocessed. Finland and the Netherlands use more than 70 per cent reprocessed water, and Denmark and Sweden exceed 90 per cent. Clean i water is so important to our lives. We should make an effort to be sure we have enough of it.

Exercise 2.

Give English equivalents to:

  1. считать само собой разумеющимся;

  2. вот почему;

  3. содержать воду чистой;

  4. загрязненная вода;

  5. убедиться.

Exercise 3.

Give Russian equivalents to:

  1. to become common;

  2. water treatment;

  3. to depend on;

  4. domestic use;

  5. to make an effort.

Exercise 4.

Put in objective pronouns instead of personal and translate the following sentences.

Models: 1. We know (they) to win the competition. We know them to win the competition.

Мы знаем, что они выиграют соревнование.

  1. Не heard (she) paint pictures. He heard her paint pictures.

Он слышал, что она рисует картины.

  1. We watched (they) carry out the experiment.

  2. You must not let (she) use this fax machine.

  3. They advised (we) to change our cordless telephone.

  4. I would like (he) to operate audio equipment.

  5. He made (I) permit him to use my computers.

Exercise 5.

Make the Gerunds (-ing forms) from the verbs in brackets and translate the sentences.

Model: 1. Everybody learns much by (to travel) around the world.

Everybody learns much by traveling around the world.

Все многое узнают, путешествуя no миру.

  1. At first I enjoyed (to play) computers games.

  2. Go on (to operate) through a network of transmitters.

  3. It is not worth (to worry) about.

  4. They cannot help(to increase) number of households.

  5. We postpone our visit because of John's_____(to be ill).

Exercise 6.

Choose the proper form, rewrite the sentences and translate them.

Model: I. She said that they in Oxford.

A. lived. 3. lives. C. will live.

She said that they lived in Oxford. On а сказала, что они живут а Оксфорде.

  1. Tom said that Jerry his friend since their early childhood.

  1. has been

  2. had been

  3. is

  1. Dad asked him too far.

  1. do not swim

  2. not to swim

  3. will not swim

  1. He promised he my TV set.

  1. would repair

  2. will repair

  3. repairs

  1. The operator said that he a modern fax machine.

  1. is looking for

  2. are looking for nothing.

  3. was looking for

  1. Jane remarked that Ann's sister nothing.

  1. did

  2. has done

  3. does

Exercise 7.

Fill in the blanks with verbs from the list beloxv. Translate the sentences.


Has been waiting for, listen to

1. He her since 7 о 'clock. He has been waiting for her since о 'clock. Oн ждет ее с семи часов.

2. You must the lecture attentively. You must listen to the lecture attentively. Вы должны внимательно слушать лекцию.

Got lost, broke down, ring....up, catch cold, cut off,

  1. This answering machine has been .

  2. He his computer.

  3. ______him please. We want to discuss the agreement with Peter as soon as possible.

  4. She should not after such a serious disease.

  5. On our way to Boston we .

Exercise 8.

Translate the words in bold type into English and rew rite the sentences.

Model: She lives in Moscow but she lived in Spain in 2001, so she speaks (так) Spanish (так и) Russian. So she speaks both Spanish and Russian.

  1. We shall receive (или) a pocket telephone (или) answering machine.

  2. I have ordered goods by "teleshopping" system (потому что) it is very convenient.

  3. There are a lot of fax machines (так же как) answering machines.

  4. Many homes use (не только) computers (но) electronic aids.

  5. We shall not book travel tickets (до тех пор пока не) we learn the exact data.

Variant VIII

Exercise 1.

Translate the text.


People of working age can be divided into three groups: the employed, the self-employed, and the unemployed.

About two thirds of the work- force are employed in service industries; compared with one quarter in manufacturing industry. A number of government schemes, programmes were introduced to help unemployed people find work.

Many unemployed people look for work in advertisements, such as those in local newspapers. Others make their first search through the government Jobcentres, where local jobs are advertised and where individual advice is given. Training can also be obtained through the Open College, that provides courses by radio and television. Two further schemes are Business Growth Training which offers financial help to employers training their own employees, and the Enterprise Allowance Scheme, which helps unemployed people start their own business.

If a person is unemployed for six months or longer, he or she may attend an interview with a "Restart" counsellor, who will suggest alternative way of finding work. Similar schemes operate in the USA.


self-employed - работать на себя, а не на хозяина, counsellor - советник.

название организации можно не переводить.

Exercise 2.

Give English equivalents to:

  1. по сравнению;

  2. ввести правительственные программы;

  3. подготовить своих собственных служащих;

  4. начинать собственный бизнес;

  5. правительственные центры занятости.

Exercise 3

Give Russian equivalents to:

  1. to divide into;

  2. two - thirds;

  3. to look for work in advertisements;

  4. such as;

  5. a number of.

Exercise 4.

Put in objective pronouns instead of personal and translate the following sentences.

Models: 1. We know (they) to win the competition. We know them to win the competition. Мы знаем, что они выиграют соревнование.

  1. Не heard (she) paint pictures. He heard her paint pictures. Он слышал, что она рисует картины.

  1. Не wants (I) to find out everything about this planet.

  2. I'd like (he) to stop talking.

  3. The engineer advised (we) to use this device.

  4. People saw (she) enter this office.

  5. She made (they) test the instrument.

Exercise 5.

Make the Gerunds (-ing forms) from the verbs in brackets and translate the sentences.

Model: 1. Everybody learns much by (to travel) around the world.

Everybody learns much by traveling around the world.

Все многое узнают, путешествуя no миру.

  1. They develop instruments capable of____ (to analyze) distant planets.

  2. It is worth (to develop) these devices.

  3. After(to have destroyed) the forests we pollute nature.

  4. Go on(to carry out) an experiment.

  5. They can't help (to make) a house.

Exercise 6.

Choose the proper form, rewrite the sentences and translate them.

Model: 1. She said that they___ in Oxford.

  1. lived. B. lives. C. will live.

She said that they lived in Oxford. Она сказала, что они живут в Оксфорде.

  1. She asked him if he often the scientific centre.

  1. visited

  2. visits

  3. will visit

  1. Our friends asked us what weat the weekend.

  1. will do

  2. would do

  3. does

  1. They asked why other civilizations.

  1. couldn't be found

  2. can't be found

  3. can be found

  1. We were told that Andrewto complete his theses.

  1. is going

  2. goes

  3. was going

  1. Tom told his friendfor a while.

  1. not to call him up

  2. not call him up

  3. doesn't call him up

Exercise 7.

Fill in the blanks with verbs from the list below'. Translate the sentences.


Has been waiting for, listen to

  1. He her since 7 о 'clock. He has been waiting for her since 7 о 'clock. On ждет ее с семи часов.

  2. You mustthe lecture attentively. You must listen to the lecture attentively. Вы

должны внимательно слушать лекцию.

Таkеpart in, sold out, hold on, pointed out, look for

  1. Scientistscivilization on other planets.

  2. We didn'tthe conference.

  3. The teacher the mistakes in my report.

  4. a minute! I want to speak to you.

  5. There was a sign on the ticket office saying .

Exercise 8.

Translate the words in bold type into English and rewrite the sentences.

Model: She lives in Moscow but she lived in Spain in 2001, so she speaks (так) Spanish (так и) Russian. So she speaks both Spanish and Russian.

  1. (Ни) my friends (ни) I know anything about it.

  2. They have not written about the new discovery (потому что) they made it secret.

  3. We shall not go abroad on business trip (до тех пор пока не) all the problems have been solved

  4. (Как) the coal (так и) the ore will be skipped tomorrow.

  5. He will do it (как только) he obtains the proper data.


Exercise 1.

Translate the text.

Many home in Britain and the USA now have electrical and electronic aids and instruments. In both countries, the amount of money spent on electrical and electronic products has risen significantly in recent years and many homes contain more specialized equipment such as audio equipment and home computers. Computers are used for work and for recreation.

An increasing number of households now have fax machines, operating over the telephone line, as well as answering machines. With the increasing sophistication of TV systems themselves, it is not surprising that much recent technology in the home relates specifically to television.

Many televisions in Britain now receive one or more of the three main teletext systems. Most modern televisions have remote control devices. In addition, an increasing number of televisions can be used with a digital scanner, allowing the viewer to select and store programmes..

A number of banks and shops now operate a 'teleshopping' system, enabling people to order goods from shops, book travel tickets, check bank balances and so on by using a small computer terminal plugged into the telephone socket. The text is viewed on a screen. Many people now have a cordless telephone for home use, which can be used in a car or train.

A cellphone is a pocket telephone used in a radiosystem, which operates through a network of transmitters.

Exercise 2.

Give English equivalents to:

  1. давать людям возможность;

  2. включить в розетку телефон;

  3. дистанционный контроль;

  4. и так далее;

  5. в дополнение.

Exercise 3.

Give Russian equivalents to:

  1. as well as;

  2. a network of transmitters;

  3. to rise significantly;

  4. such as;

  5. the amount of money.

Exercise 4.

Put in objective pronouns instead of personal and translate the following sentences.

Models: 1. We know (they) to win the competition. We know them to win the competition.

Mu знаем, что они выиграют соревнование.

  1. Не heard (she) paint pictures. He heard her paint pictures.

Он слышал, что она рисует картины.

  1. They advised (we) to find a job in local newspapers.

  2. She saw (he) enter the University.

  3. I want (you) to apply to a counsellor.

  4. These courses promise (they) to provide a job.

  5. He makes (she) go to the Jobcenter.

Exercise 5.

Make the Gerunds (-ing forms) from the verbs in brackets and translate the sentences.

Model: 1. Everybody learns much by (to travel) around the world.

Everybody learns much by traveling around the world.

Все многое узнают, путешествуя no миру.

  1. 1 heard of his (to be sent) to the courses.

2. Go on (to look for) a job in advertisements.

3. We like their method of (to train).

  1. There is no use in (to find) a job through this agency.

  2. Thank you for your (to recommend) me to the chief.

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