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Контрольная №4. Контрольная работа 4 Variant i exercise Translate the text Money

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Exercise 6.

Choose the proper form, rewrite the sentences and translate them.

Model: 1. She said that they in Oxford.

  1. lived. B. lives. C. will live.

She said that they lived in Oxford. Она сказала, что они живут в Оксфорде.

  1. The police found out that Bob Slant_______in London’s suburbs all that time.

  1. lives

  2. live

  3. had been living

  1. The students couldn't do the translation because they _______special terms.

  1. had not learnt

  2. does not learn

  3. do not learn

  1. Tom had not been informed that the lecture_________on Tuesday.

  1. does not take place

  2. would not take place

  3. won't take place

  1. He said hea job.

  1. had found

  2. finds

  3. has found

  1. They promised they__________their own employees.

  1. train

  2. would train

  3. will train

Exercise 7.

Fill in the blanks with verbs from the list below. Translate the sentences.


Has been waiting for, listen to

  1. He her since 7 о 'dock. He has been wailing for her since о 'clock. On ждет ее с семи часов.

  2. You must the lecture attentively. You must listen to the lecture attentively. Вы должны внимательно слушать лекцию.

Is looking forward to, failed in, paid no attention, mixed up, tired out, went on
1. Jane _________reading and ______________to any of us.

2. William __________________ meeting his employer.

3. John was _________after his long search work.

4. We _________the exam because we had not prepared it properly.

5. The postman __________my mail.
Exercise 8.

Translate the words in bold type into English and rewrite the sentences.

Model: She lives in Moscow but she lived in Spain in 2001, so she speaks (так) Spanish (так и) Russian. So she speaks both Spanish and Russian.

  1. I did now know what we had been doing (с тех пор как) I last saw him.

  2. (Ни) John (ни) I have found a job.

  3. (как) Great Britain (так и) the USA have similar schemes for unemployed people

  4. This Jobcenter has been know (c) 2000.

  5. We have been working in advertising (в течение) three years.

Variant X

Exercise 1.

Translate the text

International Trade

International trade can be defined, as the exchange of goods and services between different countries. Depending on what a country produces or needs, it can either export (send goods to another country) or import (bring in goods from another country).

Governments can control international trade in different ways, 'flic most common measures taken are tariffs (or duties) and quotas. A tariff is a tax imposed on imported goods. A quota is the maximum quantity of a product that may be admitted in a country during a certain period of time. These measures arc said to be protectionist in that they raise the price of imported goods so that domestically produced goods will gain a price advantage.

The purpose of international organizations, such as GA IT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) or EFTA (European Free Trade Association) is to regulate tariffs and to reduce trade restrictions between member countries.

The European Community (EC) was founded in 1957 in order to create a common market in which tariffs and quotas between member countries would progressively be eliminated. Since that date, many steps have been taken to create a single European market, free of all physical, technical and fiscal barriers. With over 300 million people, this single domestic market is the world's largest tradins block.
Exercise 2.
Give English equivalents to:

  1. обмен товарами и услугами;

  2. общепринятые меры;

  3. получить ценовое преимущество;

  4. уменьшить ограничения торговли;

  5. финансовые барьеры.

Exercise 3.

Give Russian equivalents to:

  1. in order to;

  2. to depend on;

  3. to impose a tax;

  4. common market;

  5. to create a single market.

Exercise 4.

Put in objective pronouns instead of personal and translate the following sentences.

Models: 1. We know (they) to win the competition. We know them to win the competition.

Мы знаем, что они выиграют соревнование.

2. Не heard (she) paint pictures. He heard her paint pictures.

Он слышал, что она рисует картины.

  1. They advised (we) not to use this souree of water.

  2. I’d like (she) to enter the University.

  3. We made (they) close this chemical plant.

  4. He saw (I) paint a new picture.

  5. She believes (he) to be a good ecologist.

Exercise 5.

Make the Gerunds (-ing forms) from the verbs in brackets and translate the sentences.

Model: 1. Everybody learns much by____(to travel) around the world.

Everybody learns much by traveling around the world.

Все многое узнают, путешествуя no миру.

  1. She gave up ______ (to drive) a car after the accident.

  2. It is worth _ ___(to reprocess) water.

  3. After(to clean) water may be used.

  4. He is busy with _(to prepare) for the conference on ecology.

  5. It’s no use(to speak) to him on this problem.

Exercise 6.

Choose the proper form, rewrite the sentences and translate them.

Model: 1. She said that they in Oxford.

  1. lived. B. lives. C. will live.

She said that they lived in Oxford. Она сказала, что они живут в Оксфорде.

  1. They warned the water .

  1. can be polluted

  2. could be polluted

  3. can pollute successful.

  1. They informed their efforts ________successful.

  1. were

  2. are

  3. has been

  1. People were afraid water________.

  1. wouldn't be cleaned

  2. will not be cleaned

  3. is not cleaned

  1. We didn't know the score but we were sure their team_________.

  1. had lost

  2. has lost

  3. is lost

  1. He was told that his sister_________to enter the college.

  1. was going

  2. is going

  3. goes

Exercise 7.

Fill in the blanks with verbs from the list below. Translate the sentences.


Has been waiting for, listen to

1. He her since 7 о 'clock. He has been waiting for her since 7 о 'dock. Он ждет ее с семи часов.

2. You must the lecture attentively. You must listen to the lecture attentively. Вы

должны внимательно слушать лекцию.

Is in a hurry, work out, get up, getting off, checking up

1. We must _____________some plan to increase our efforts.

2. Are you _____________, at the next station?

  1. What time do you usually in the morning.

  2. Tom __________________________ to catch the bus.

  3. They are _______________________ water treatment now.

Exercise 8.

Translate the words in bold type into English and rewrite the sentences.

Model: She lives in Moscow but she lived in Spain in 2001, so she speaks (так) Spanish (так и) Russian. So she speaks both Spanish and Russian.

  1. (как) my sister (так и) my friends were upset when we heard the news.

  2. (ни) John (ни) I liked the performance.

  3. He worked quickly (потому что) he was highly qualified.

  4. I haven't seen him (с тех нор как) he carried out an experiment.

  5. A lot of people were infected (из-за) the polluted water.

Exercise 4.

Put in objective pronouns instead of personal and translate the following sentences.

Models: 1. We know (they) lo win the competition. We know them to win the competition.

Мы знаем, что они выиграют соревнование.

2. Не heard (she) paint pictures. He heard her paint pictures.

Он слышал, что она рисует картины.

  1. We expect (they) to join the association.

  2. He heard (she) study better now.

  3. She would like (I) to arrange the meeting.

  4. You must not let (he) control our market.

  5. The organization considers (we) to be members of the Community.

Exercise 5.

Маке the Gerunds (-ing forms) from the verbs in brackets and translate the sentences.

Model: 1. Everybody learns much by _____(to travel) around the world

Everybody learns much by traveling around the world. Все многое узнают, путешествуя no миру.

  1. At first we enjoyed _______(to enter) the common market.

  2. We do not mind your ________ (to control) trade in this region.

  3. It’s no use ______ (to discuss) the prices.

  4. ___________(to raise) prices will not solve the problem.

  5. (To regulate) ______________tariffs is our task.

Exercise 6.

Choose the proper form, rewrite the sentences and translate them.

Model: 1. She said that they in Oxford.

A. lived. B. lives. C. will live.

She said that they lived in Oxford. Она сказала, что они живут в Оксфорде.

  1. The students said that they_______________their exams.

  1. have passed

  2. had passed

  3. has passed

  1. The leader asked John __________ him a new device.

  1. to show

  2. show

  3. to have shown

  1. They knew that a tariff ___________ a tax imposed on imported goods.

  1. was

  2. is

  3. were

  1. It was known they _______ oil.

  1. will import

  2. imports

  3. would import

  1. They reported this country ________ to restrict import.

  1. was going

  2. is going

  3. goes

Exercise 7.

Fill in the blanks with verbs from the list below. Translate the sentences.


1. He ______her since 7 о 'clock. He has been wailing for her since 7 о 'clock. On ждет ее с семи часов.

2. You mustthe lecture attentively. You must listen to the lecture attentively. Вы должны внимательно слушать лекцию.

Depends on, make any difference, fight for, cut down, take off

1. Why haven’t you your expenses?

2. ___________your jacket. It's too hot here.

3. Does it _________to you which international organization we join?

4. People _____________ healthy environment.

5. Our work ___________the nature and purpose of a company's activities.

Exercise 8.

Translate the words in bold type into English and rewrite the sentences.

Model: She lives in Moscow hut she lived in Spain in 2001, so she speaks (так) Spanish (тик и) Russian. So she speaks both Spanish and Russian.

1. These goods are (не такие) expensive (как) we expected.

  1. (хотя) taxes have increased the incomes have reduced.

  2. I have not seen new goods (так что) I cannot say anything about them.

  3. Trade association regulates tariffs (в течение) many years.

  4. They reduce trade restrictions (для того, чтобы) to promote export and import.

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