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  • «Российская таможенная академия» Кафедра английского языкаКОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТАпо дисциплине «Английский язык» Вариант №7

  • Task 1. Write the full name of the following international terms and organizations

  • Task 3. Are these statements right or wrong Correct the wrong ones.

  • Task 4. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb.

  • Task 5. Translate the text from English into Russian

  • Task 6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using your active vocabulary.

  • Task 7. Give a summary of the article (no more than 10-12 sentences) according to the following plan.

  • Hong Kong bans ivory trade in historic vote

  • Контрольная работа по английскому ВУЗ. Контрольная работа по дисциплине Английский язык Вариант 7 Касимова К. Х студентка 4

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    «Российская таможенная академия»

    Кафедра английского языка


    по дисциплине «Английский язык»

    Вариант №7

    Выполнил: Касимова К.Х                    

    студентка 4 курса заочной формы обучения

    факультета таможенного дела группа ТС02/1523


    (инициалы, фамилия)


       (уч. степень, уч. звание)

    Оценка _____________________________

    Подпись ____________________________

    « » ________________________ 20__ г.



    Task 1. Write the full name of the following international terms and organizations:

    1. CBP Customs and Border Protection

    2. HMCE Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs

    3. FCA  Free Carrier

    Task 2. Match the definitions given below with the appropriate international organisation and term.

    1. ­­­­HM Customs and Excise was a department of the British Government formed in 1909; its primary responsibility was the collection of customs dutiesexcise duties, and other indirect taxes.

    2. FCA is the term which means the seller delivers the goods, cleared for export, at a named place. The goods can be delivered to a carrier nominated by the buyer, or to another party nominated by the buyer.

    3. CBP the largest federal law enforcement agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security

    Task 3. Are these statements right or wrong? Correct the wrong ones.

    1. Australian Customs and Border Protection Service manages the security and integrity of Austria's borders. (Wrong)

    Australian Customs and Border Protection Service manages the security and integrity of Australia's borders

    1. Consignments and persons considered as ‘low-risk’ based on the risk profile attract utmost attention and intervention from Customs. (Wrong)

    Consignments and persons considered as ‘high-risk’ based on the risk profile attract utmost attention and intervention from Customs.

    1. HMRC is a executive agency which has a strong cadre of Criminal Investigators responsible for investigating Serious Organised Fiscal Crime.(True)

    2. Risk analysis and risk assessment are theoretical processes that are used to determine the most effective methods for managing the staff.(Wrong)

    “Risk analysis and risk assessment” recognizes as the need for minimizing the incidence and complexity of import and export formalities and for decreasing and simplifying import and export documentation requirements

    1. WTO members consider risk management techniques in Customs procedures absolutely useless as they interfere in clearance of goods. (Wrong)

    WTO members consider the introduction of risk management techniques in Customs procedures as a means to expedite clearance of goods

    1. Companies operating in the field of foreign trade on the territory of the Customs Union may neglect changes in the local legislation, regulations and customs practices. (Wrong)

    Companies operating in the field of foreign trade on the territory of the Customs Union may not neglect changes in the local legislation, regulations and customs practices.

    1. Most of the Customs Union procedural rules are set forth by the EU Commission. (True)

    2. The legal framework of the Customs Union is based on national agreements and protocols executed by the member states, as well as on customs rules, regulations and resolutions adopted and approved by the authorized bodies of the EU. (True)

    3. The terms CIF and CFR are absolutely identical. (Wrong)

    The difference between cost and freight (CFR) and cost, insurance and freight (CIF) is essentially the requirement under CIF shipping terms for the shipper to provide a minimum amount of marine insurance for goods shipped.

    1. The term “FOB” means that the seller bears all the costs and the risks for the goods up to the buyer’s premises. (Wrong)

    The seller may consider fulfilling his obligations after the goods have passed the ship’s rail and ended up on the ship. From this point on, the cost of reliably placing the cargo on board, unloading it upon arrival at the port of destination, prior to transportation to the warehouse or store.
    Task 4. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb.

     Customs and Border Protection officers arrested a male U.S. citizen early Saturday after finding nearly 73 pounds of methamphetamine in his vehicle during a secondary inspection at Arizona’s Port of San Luis.

    Officers located multiple bricks of meth, exceeding $218,000 in value, after a CBP narcotics-detection canine alerted to the trunk of a Toyota Camry driven by a 46-year-old man residing in San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora, Mexico.

    CBP seized the vehicle and drugs. The man was turned over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations.

    Federal law allows officers to charge individuals by complaint. An individual is presumed innocent unless and until competent evidence is presented to a jury that establishes guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

    CBP's Office of Field Operations is the primary organization within Homeland Security tasked with an anti-terrorism mission at our nation’s ports. CBP officers screen all people, vehicles and goods entering the United States while facilitating the flow of legitimate trade and travel.

    Task 5. Translate the text from English into Russian

    CBP officers seize stainless steel sinks at Portal Port of Entry

    U.S. CBP Office of Field Operations officers working at the Portal Port of Entry recently targeted a rail container destined to arrive in Portal. CBP officers inspected two rail containers and discovered merchandise in violation of intellectual property rights (IPR) regulations.

    The merchandise consisted of 1,256 stainless steel sinks. Examination of the sinks revealed a trademark infringement. As a result, CBP seized those items. The counterfeit merchandise has an aggregate manufacturer’s suggested retail price of $944,512.

    “Every day CBP plays an important role in stopping counterfeit merchandise from entering the United States. These counterfeit products infringe on the rightful trademark holders,” Portal Port Director Brent Beeter said.

    With the growth of foreign trade, unscrupulous companies have profited billions of dollars from the sale of counterfeit and pirated goods. To combat the illicit trade of merchandise violating laws relating to IPR, trademark and copyright holders may register with CBP through an online system. Such registration assists CBP officers and import specialists in identifying merchandise that violate U.S. law.

    CBP’s IPR enforcement strategy is multi-layered and includes seizing illegal merchandise at our borders, pushing the border “outward” through audits of suspect importers, cooperating with our international trading partners, and collaborating with industry and governmental agencies to enhance these efforts.


    Сотрудники Управления полевых операций США, работающие въезде в страну, недавно обратили внимание на железнодорожный контейнер, предназначенный для прибытия. Сотрудники СВП проверили два железнодорожных контейнера и обнаружили товар, нарушающий права интеллектуальной собственности (ПИС).

    Товар состоял из 1256 раковин из нержавеющей стали. Рассмотрение раковины выявило нарушение товарного знака. В результате CBP изъяла эти предметы. Поддельный товар имеет розничную цену производителя в размере 944 512 долларов США.

    «Каждый день CBP играет важную роль в прекращении контрафактной торговли от въезда в Соединенные Штаты. Эти контрафактные продукты ущемляют законных владельцев товарных знаков, - сказал директор портального порта Брент Беетер.

    С ростом внешней торговли недобросовестные компании получали миллиарды долларов от продажи контрафактных и пиратских товаров. Для борьбы с незаконной торговлей товарами, нарушающими законы, касающиеся прав интеллектуальной собственности, владельцы товарных знаков и авторских прав могут зарегистрироваться в CBP через онлайн-систему. Такая регистрация помогает сотрудникам СВП и специалистам по импорту в выявлении товаров, нарушающих закон США.

    Стратегия защиты прав интеллектуальной собственности в CBP является многоуровневой и включает в себя захват незаконных товаров на наших границах, продвижение границы «наружу» посредством аудитов подозрительных импортеров, сотрудничество с нашими международными торговыми партнерами и сотрудничество с промышленными и правительственными учреждениями в целях активизации этих усилий

    Task 6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using your active vocabulary.

    1. ВТамО считает технологии управления рисками средством ускорить процедуру растаможивания товаров.

    WCO considers risk management technologies a means to speed up the procedure for clearing goods.

    1. Процедура таможенного контроля призвана гарантировать, что перемещение морских и воздушных судов, наземного транспорта и граждан за границу государств проходит в рамках законов, правил и процедур, указанных в Таможенном Кодексе.

    The customs control procedure is designed to ensure that the movement of ships and aircraft, land transport and citizens abroad of the states takes place within the framework of the laws, rules and procedures specified in the Customs Code

    1. Ускорить процесс прохождения таможни можно путем выборочного досмотра пассажиров.

    To speed up the process of passing through customs is possible by selective inspection of passengers.

    1. Технологии управления рисками позволяют таможенникам сконцентрировать силы и ресурсы на меньшем количестве партий товаров.

    Risk management technologies allow customs officers to concentrate forces and resources on fewer quantities of goods.

    1. Это учреждение отвечает за сбор прямых налогов, включая подоходный налог, корпоративный налог, налог на капитал, и косвенных налогов (включая НДС), акцизные сборы и пр.

    This institution is responsible for collecting direct taxes, including income tax, corporate tax, capital tax, and indirect taxes (including VAT), excise taxes, etc.

    1. Таможенная служба Её величества ставит перед собой две всеобъемлющие задачи: улучшить показатели сборов налогов, с одной стороны, и улучшить экономическую ситуацию в стране и мнение обывателей о Таможенной службе Её Величества- с другой.

    The Customs Service of Her Majesty sets two comprehensive tasks: to improve the rates of tax collection, on the one hand, and to improve the economic situation in the country and the opinion of ordinary people about the Customs Service of Her Majesty, on the other.

    1. В 2008 году австралийская таможенная служба не просто поменяла свое название- список ее полномочий существенно расширился.

    In 2008, the Australian Customs Service did not just change its name; its list of powers expanded significantly

    1. Среди прочих, одна из задач ведомства – гарантировать безопасность и целостность границ государства.

    Among others, one of the tasks of the department is to guarantee the security and integrity of state borders.

    1. Согласно новым правилам, больше не нужно получать отдельный сертификат на запчасти.

    According to the new rules, there is no need to receive a separate certificate for parts.

    1. Это соглашение, безусловно, облегчает процесс торговли между тремя крупнейшими экономиками СНГ, но оно не отменяет налоги и тарифы полностью.

    This agreement, of course, facilitates the process of trade between the three largest economies of the CIS, but it does not completely eliminate taxes and tariffs.

    Task 7. Give a summary of the article (no more than 10-12 sentences) according to the following plan.

    The title of the article

    The article is headlined …

    The headline of the article I have read is …

    The title of the article is...

    The article is entitled...

    The author of the article;

    where and when the article was published

    The author of the article is …

    The article is written by …

    It is (was) published in …

    The main idea of the article

    The article is about …

    The article is devoted to …

    The article deals with …

    The article touches upon …

    The article focuses on …

    The main/central idea of the article is …

    The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on …

    The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some material (data) on …

    The contents of the article

    (facts, names, figures, etc.)

    The author starts by telling the reader

    (about, that …)

    The article describes …

    According to the text …

    The author writes/ states/stresses/points out

    that …

    Further the author reports (says) that …

    In conclusion …

    The author comes to the conclusion that …

    Your opinion of the article

    To my mind …

    In my opinion …

    If you ask me …

    I found the article interesting/ important/ informative/ dull/ of no value/ too hard to understand

    Hong Kong bans ivory trade in 'historic' vote

    31 January 2018

    Hong Kong's lawmakers have voted overwhelmingly to ban the trade in ivory, in a move campaigners described as "a lifeline for elephants".

    A similar ban was brought in across mainland China earlier this year.

    Ivory sales will be phased out gradually in Hong Kong, stopping completely in 2021.

    Prior to the vote, demonstrators gathered outside Hong Kong's legislature with signs reading: "Do you really need ivory chopsticks?"

    "Shutting down this massive ivory market has thrown a lifeline to elephants," said Bert Wander of the global advocacy group Avaaz.

    How big is Hong Kong's ivory market?

    Ivory from animal tusks - mostly those of elephants - has been traded in Hong Kong for more than 150 years.

    It is considered the world's largest ivory market.

    WildAid Hong Kong, a conservation group, says the former British colony had a 670-tonne stockpile in 1989, when the global trade was banned.

    Only ivory dating from before that period is meant to be sold there, but campaigners say the legal trade is often a cover for illegal activities.

    In July 2017, authorities in Hong Kong said they had seized the world's biggest ever haul of ivory tusks - some 7.2 tonnes.

    More than 90% of those buying ivory in Hong Kong are from the Chinese mainland, which had hitherto been the world's largest importer of elephant tusks.

    What does a gradual ban mean?

    The trade in Hong Kong will cease in three stages.

    First, there will be a ban on hunting trophies and ivory from after 1975, when the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) took effect.

    Later, ivory obtained before 1975 will also be included. And finally, traders will be obliged to dispose of their stock by 2021.

    The penalties for ivory smuggling will also increase considerably.

    Under the new law, offenders could be fined HK$10m ($1.3m; £1m), double the present amount, or imprisoned for 10 years instead of the current two.


    The title of the article is “Hong Kong bans ivory trade in 'historic' vote”. The title of the article gives a complete picture of what will be discussed further.

    The article is written by some unknown author and published in BBC magazine.

    The article focuses on very important problem of ivory selling that causes death to thousands elephants.

    According to the text In July 2017, authorities in Hong Kong said they had seized the world's biggest ever haul of ivory tusks - some 7.2 tonnes.

    More than 90% of those buying ivory in Hong Kong are from the Chinese mainland, which had hitherto been the world's largest importer of elephant tusks.

    So, Hong Kong's lawmakers have voted overwhelmingly to ban the trade in ivory, in a move campaigners described as "a lifeline for elephants.

    As a result we have a new law offenders could be fined $10m ($1.3m; £1m), double the present amount, or imprisoned for 10 years instead of the current two.

    In my opinion it is very impressive when citizens care about such important problems as preservation of nature. And for us it is the right way of behavior of civil society

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