КР ПУПР 10 семестр 5 курс по аракину. Танина Н. 16ЗИПА51 ПУПР. Контрольная работа по дисциплине Практика устной и письменной речи
МИНИСТЕРСТВО НАУКИ И ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ПЕНЗЕНСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Кафедра «Иностранные языки и методика преподавания иностранных языков» Контрольная работа по дисциплине «Практика устной и письменной речи» Направление подготовки – 44.03.01 Педагогическое образование Профиль подготовки – Английский язык Выполнил студент: Н.А. Танина Группа: 16ЗИПА51 Преподаватель: Д.В. Дмитриев зачтено / не зачтено 2020 1. Study essential vocabularyat pp. 15-18. Do ex. 14 at pp. 22-23, ex. 15 at p. 23-24. Ex. 14 p. 22 A. 1. Subduing a wilful child is not an easy task. Заставить своенравного ребенка подчиняться - не простая задача. 2. Both Hope and the Professor were rather subdued, not quite their customary selves. И Хоуп и профессор оба были довольно подавлены, не совсем привычно для них. 3. In the large dimness of the hall they sat together, for three hours very conscious of each other. В обширном полумраке зала они сидели вместе, в течение трех часов, остро чувствуя друг друга. 4. I've never suspected you to be so dress-conscious. Я никогда и не подозревал, чтобы вы так серьёзно относитесь к одежде. 5. Largs gave them one of his infrequent but disarming grins, which suddenly turned him into an over-size small boy outfor a lark. Ларгс выдал им одну из своих редких, но обезоруживающих усмешек, которая вдруг превратила его в маленького мальчика-переростка, над которым можно подшучивать. 6. Mamma is smiling with all her might. In fact Mr. Newcome says ... "that woman grins like a Cheshire cat." Мама улыбается изо всех сил. На самом деле – мистер Ньюком говорит… «что женщина улыбается подобно Чеширскому коту». 7. I paid attention to the orderly placing of furniture in the room. Я уделил внимание аккуратной расстановке мебели в комнате. 8. Mrs. ErnestWeldon wandered about the orderly living-room, giving it some of those little feminine touches. Мисс Эрнест Уэлдон бродила по опрятной гостиной, придавая ей немного того налёта женственности. 9. He was a man of unusually conscientious сознательный, industrious and orderly mind, with little imagination. Он был человеком необычайно здравого, прилежного, усердного и организованного ума, но с небогатым воображением. 10. He thought of it as he contemplated the small orderliness of the cabin against the window background of such frantic natural scenery. Он размышлял об этом, как если бы рассматривал небольшую упорядоченность каюты на фоне таких неистовых природных пейзажей в окне. 11. He came mincing forward, almost swooned at the sight of so many staring faces but bravely recovered himself, and then began hissing at them like an outraged serpent. Он жеманно выступил вперёд, почти упал в обморок при виде стольких пристально смотрящих лиц, но мужественно пришел в себя, а потом принялся шипеть на них как разъярённая змея. 12. And as Lady Foxfield stepped back a pace and appeared to swell up with outraged dignity, Bessy grabbed half a dozen balls of wool and hurled them straight at her. И, так как леди Фоксфилд отступила на шаг и, казалось, надулась от оскорбленного достоинства, Бесси схватила с полдюжины клубков шерсти и швырнула их прямо в неё. 13. The pictures on the walls of the room were an outrageous challenge to good taste. Картины на стенах комнаты были возмутительными вызовом хорошему вкусу. 14. The fascist invaders committed numerous outrages on the territories they occupied. Фашистские захватчики совершили многочисленные нарушения закона на территориях, которые они занимали. B. 1. The words may have been the usual conventional stuff, but they neatly fitted a fine marching tune. Слова могут быть обычной общепринятой чепухой, но они искусно приспособлены плясать под чью-то дудку. 2. He gave the egg a neat rap on the table and peeled it scrupulously. Он легонько стукнул яйцом по столу и тщательно его очистил. 3. He was neat in his dress; he went to work in quiet grey trousers, a black coat and a bowler hat. Он был опрятен в одежде, он пошел на работу в неброских серых брюках, черном пальто и котелке. 4. Her coat was pretty old, but neat as a new pin. Её пальто было довольно старое, но изящное, как новая заколка. 5. But he would have worried more about all this if he had not been so busy worrying about how to keep his senses, his wits and his manhood intact on the back of that infernal motorcycle. Но он бы больше беспокоился обо всём этом, если бы он не был так занят, беспокоясь о том, как сохранить себя, свой ум и свою мужественность невредимыми позади на этом адском мотоцикле. 6. "I have here the figures of the annual expenditure of the company in wages." — "Keep 'em. Don't want figures. No use addling our wits with a lot of nonsensical figures." «У меня здесь данные ежегодных расходов компании на заработную плату.» – «Оставьте их. Не нужно цифр. Нет смысла морочить нам голову с большим количеством бессмысленных цифр...» 7. Throughout all this my lord was like a cold, kind spectator with his wits about him. На протяжении всего этого господин мой был как беспристрастный послушный зритель себе на уме. 8. Nick possessed that ability sometimes found in an unemployed slumdweller to live precariously by his wits. Ник обладал способностью, что иногда можно обнаружить в безработном обитателе трущобного района – жить сомнительно, изворачиваясь всеми правдами и неправдами, добывая средства на жизнь. 9. During the whole of this time Scrooge had acted like a man out of his wits. В течение всего этого времени Скрудж действовал как обезумевший человек. 10. He was a man with little wit in conversation. Он был человеком с легким остроумием в общении. 11. There was a celebratory dinner at which Speed accompanied songs, made a nervously witty speech, and was vociferously applauded. Был праздничный ужин, на котором Спид аккомпанировал песни и выступал нервно-остроумно, и был вознаграждён оглушительными аплодисментами. 12. As Can-dover's conduct was especially noisy and impudent and calculated to lead to aserious breach of the peace, he was taken into custody by Sergeant Pegswood. В виду того, что поведение Кандовера было особенно шумным и наглым и расчитанным на серьёзное нарушение спокойствия, он был взят под стражу сержантом Пегсвудом. 13. He spoke impudently and it steered the conversation around to the dangerous point. Он говорил дерзко, и это вело разговор к опасной черте. 14. "He will be found," said the Professor calmly. "And when you find him, perhaps you had better keep him." — "If you mean what I think you mean," replied Paisy tartly, "then you've got a sauce." — "A sauce? " The Professor looked almost startled. "How can I have a sauce?" — "I mean — a nerve, a cheek —" — "Impudence, eh? A curious idiom. I must remember it for America." — "You needn't, 'cos the slang's all different there." «Он будет найден», сказал профессор спокойно. "И когда вы его найдёте, может быть, вам лучше охранять его". – «Если вы имеете в виду то, что я думаю, вы имеете в виду», ответил Пайси едко "У вас есть соус (британское –«нахальства вам не занимать» профессор-американец понимает в прямом значении «соус» - прим. Svetlana S.)». - «Соус?» профессор выглядел почти поражённым. «Как я могу иметь соус?» - «Я имею в виду – хладнокровие, наглость» – «Наглость, да? Занятная идиома, я должен запомнить его для Америки». – «Не стоит, сленг там совершенно отличается». 15. "Fact is, an Afghan or an Afridi or somebody ran off with one of our buses,* and there was the very devil to pay afterwards, as you can imagine. Most impudent thing I ever heard of." «Дело в том, афганец или африди или кто-то смылся с одним из наших самолётов, и было очень дьявольски платить потом, как ты можешь себе представить. Самая наглая вещь, о которой я когда-либо слышал». 16. I didn't think it would benefit you if you argued with Williston. Я не думаю, что это пойдет вам на пользу, если вы поспорили с Уиллистоном. 17. Who benefits by the death of Simpson? Кому выгодна смерть Симпсона? 18. Anthony lit a cigarette and braced himself for the ordeal. He wondered what benefit this affair would be to everybody. Энтони закурил сигарету и собрался (подготовился) для сурового испытания. Он задался вопросом, какую пользу это дело принесло бы всем. 19. The traditional suspect of a detective story is a person who benefits by the death of the murdered man. Обычный подозреваемый в детективе. Ex.15 p.23 a) Translate into Russian: 1. He is under orders to start for India next week. Он получил приказ отправляться в Индию на следующей неделе. 2. The general drew up his troops in order. Генерал выстроил свои войска по порядку. 3. You may get these books by money order. Вы можете получить эти книги посредством денежного перевода. 4. He has always been distinguished by intellectual ability of high order. Он всегда отличался интеллектуальными способностями высокого порядка. 5. The disorders in the city detained him long. Беспорядки в городе задержали его надолго. 6. I've come to see you in order that you may be sure everything is all right. Я пришел к вам с тем, чтобы вы были уверены, что всё в порядке. 7. He went on throwing open doors, and peeping in. Everything was in apple-pie order, ready for immediate occupation. Он продолжал распахивать двери и заглядывать внутрь. Все было в образцовом порядке, готовым к немедленной оккупации. 8. The hotel-maid called for orders. Горничная отеля потребовала пропуска. b) Translate into English: 1. Председатель призвал его к порядку. The chairman called him to order. 2. Он дал указание немедленно приступить к работе. He gave orders to begin work immediately. 3. По приказу судьи его вывели из зала. He was taken out of the courtroom by order of the judge. 4. Мы разложили книги по степени их важности. We put books in order of their importance. 5. Все эти товары в полном порядке All these goods are in perfect order. 6. Он остановился в дверях, чтобы рассмотреть всех получше. He stood in the doorway in order to take a good look at everybody. 7. Машина испортилась, но они думали, что шофёр нарочно тянет время (to play for time). The machine got out of order, but they thought that the driver played for time. 8. После налёта грабителей комната была в большом беспорядке. After the raid of robbers the room was in a great disorder. 9. Вражеские войска в беспорядке отступали. Enemy troops were retreating in disorder. 10. Её одежда и волосы были в беспорядке. Her clothes and hair were in disorder. 2. Read Text One "The Passionate Year" by J. Hilton pp. 13-15. Write detailed answers to the following questions and tasks. Comment upon the choice of words in: watched the school straggling to their places (why not "walking, coming"); the boys stared about them (why not "looked"?), there was some tittering (why not "laughter»?); the whole assembly roared with laughter (why not "the whole school laughed"?). We can justify the choice of such words as ‘straggling, stared, tittering, roared with laughter’ emphasize the effect of subdued expectancy and of the outrageous atmosphere of disorderliness. On the one hand, the text abounds in formal words such as subdued, consulted, embarked, ordeal, facetiousness, remission, penalty create the general mood of a young Master gaining a firm standing. But on the other hand, the use of colloquialisms such as ragged, to make a fool of himself, to roar with laughter, for a chat highlight the true-to-life tonality of the story. The author uses choice of words to express that children were hostile and they came to the class with conspiracy. «Straggling» instead of «coming» or «walking», «stared» instead of «looked». These descriptive words make the text vivid. In the sentence «….watched the school straggling to the places» the author shows that the students moved in an untidy way in different directions. Moreover, in the sentence ….the boy stared about them we can see than children looked at Speed for a long time, in unfriendly way. Explain: there was a sense in which he was eager for the storm to break – он с нетерпением ждал начала грозы (ситуации).; I don't want to be hard on anybody – я не хочу усложнять жизнь; a class had ragged a certain Master – класс изводил насмешками учителя; you put them off – отпугнуть их. What stylistic devices are used in the sentences beginning with "Speed felt rather as if…" and "Instinct in him…"? Explain their purpose and effect. Comment on the fitness of the comparisons. These sentences use a stylistic method such as similes. They are used to reflect Speed's feelings and to strengthen the effect of expectancy. It becomes obvious that something has to happen. Indicate the use of formal (learned) words and colloquialisms. Explain their purpose. The text contains both formal and colloquial words (formal: disorderliness; indignation; witticism; fulsomely; ordeal; to plead for remission; colloquial: to be hard on smb; to make a fool of oneself; to rag; to put off). What words and phrases give atmosphere to the description? Select descriptive details that contribute to the realism of the fragment. The author uses a fair amount of epithets in this passage (quietly, subdued) to convey the general atmosphere in the class. In other words, the author uses many stylistically colored words (the school straggling to their places; an atmosphere of subdued expectancy; the boys stared about them; grinned at each other).The author also uses paraphrase (insist on him; that uncanny feeling for atmosphere) to show how dangerous the situation was. The author adds a piece of teacher’s memory. Speed remembers an occasion when he was at school. He tries to look at this situation from the pupils’ point of view. This fact makes the story more realistic and the teacher tries to anticipate the pupils’ behavior. Moreover, the author uses direct speech so that the reader could hear the voices of the characters. Point out the climax of the episode. Give reasons for your choice. I think that the sentence: «you and Worsley can share the hundred lines between you» – is the denouement of the text. This fragment of the story in order to come to the conclusion that the victory over the children was full and Speed had passed his «ordeal»”. How is the atmosphere of uneasiness and suspense created and maintained? Comment on, and illustrate, the methods used for heightening the emotion. What is the author's aim? The author uses some stylistic devices to make the story more expressive, pictures, vivid, objective. For example, pun - he wondered how the name should be pronounces whether the first syllable should rhyme with “purse” or with “horse”. Using this stylistic device the author wanted to show the intention to put the boy’s off. One more device is a simile: “as if he were sitting on a powder-magazine” to display the protagonist’s excitement and intension. Allusion (stylistic device), for example, “ being pioneers”, oxymoron – “outrageously bold”, “adventure”, understainment – “tittering”, the epithet – “hysterics of laughter”, metonymy – “assembly roared with laughter”, “again the assembly laughed” used to show that the class was unified in its desire, to play practical joke on a new teacher and everyone was ready to do his part in this action. What are the outstanding qualities of the language of the extract? To my way of thinking that language of the extract is rather complicated. The author uses the language, which makes his ideas easy to understand. There are a military terms, like “Weapon”, “Armory” and “recoil”. Does the extract appeal to you? If so, why? If not, give well-founded criticism. The way I see things is that the story shows relevant problem of nowadays the relation between the teacher and students. The author in his story tried to convey to the reader that the teacher should be able to solve any situation fairly, and to receive the respect not only of his students, but also from colleagues. 3. Retell the text close to the text. Give a summary of the text (4-5 sentences). The fragments from 'The Passionate Year’ written by English writer James Hilton. Here we can read about the problem of a new teacher and how children rag him. However, a teacher can have a strong will and won’t let his pupils make jokes at him, how to manage them. The author of this story is omniscient, he goes through the psychological characterization, and using the third person narration, tells us a straight-form story about a young teacher, Kenneth Speed, who is the central character, who came to his new class and had been warned about the children’s possible misbehavior. 4. Study Word Combinations and Phrases at pp.18-19, do ex.8 at pp.20-21, ex.10 p.21. Ex. 8 p. 20-21 1. Our life in the house followed a quiet pattern. - Our life in the house passed entirely without incident. 2. The scheme was soon put into operation. - The scheme was soon consulted. 3. She turned sharply to meet his glance. Suddenly she felt a pang of pity. No, she could not be cruel to him. - No, she could not be hard on him. 4. It was hard to tell where you stood with Eddy and I was careful not to become a laughing-stock for his pals. - It was hard to tell where you stood with Eddy and I was careful not to make a fool of myself in the eyes of his pals. 5. He was arrested by her face immediately, so gentle it looked in the crowd. He was arrested by her face immediately, so gentle it looked in the crowd. - He was put off by her face immediately, so gentle it looked in the crowd. 6. He looked up in the telephone-directory but there was no tele-phone listed under his name. - He consulted the telephone-directory but there was no telephone listed under his name. 7. When the white figure emerged at the window, there was a spooky silence, but in a moment we recognized George and burst into laughter. - When the white figure emerged at the window, there was a spooky silence, but in a moment we recognized George and roared with laughter. 8. He tried to get rid of me with more promises but I wouldn't surrender. - He tried to put me off with more promises but I wouldn't surrender. 9. She evidently felt ill at ease and spoke very quietly but everything she said could be heard distinctly. She evidently felt ill at ease and spoke very quietly but everything she said could be carried well. 10. Nothing happened in the morning, but when the good news came, the next hour was a succession of handshakes and laughing comments. Nothing happened in the morning, but when the good news came, the next hour was a succession of handshakes and laughing comments. - The morning passed entirely without incident, but when the good news came, the next hour was a succession of hand-shakes and laughing comments. Ex. 10 p. 21 1. Обстоятельства помешали им привести свой план в исполнение. The circumstances put them off carring their plan into effect. 2. Учитель говорил тихим голосом, но его было хорошо слышно. The teacher spoke in a low voice, but it was carried well. 3. Сказав это, он понял, что поставил себя в глупое положение. Having said this, he realized that he made a fool of himself. 4. Услышав эту шутку, все разразились громким смехом. Everyone roared with laughter when had heard this joke. 5. Какое расстояние отсюда до города? — Я не знаю. Посмотри по карте. What is the distance from here to town? - I do not know. Consult the map. 6. После этого весь судебный процесс проходил без единого происшествия. After this all the trial passed entirely without incident. 7. Спид знал, что молодой учитель должен с самого начала утвердить свой авторитет (to gain a firm standing), и поэтому он сразу поставил мальчиков на место, когда они стали плохо вести себя. Speed knew that the young teacher should gain a firm standing from the very beginning and so he immediately put the boys in their place where they put him off. 8. Она отделалась от него шуткой (with a jest). She put him off with a jest. 9. Я не хочу, чтобы ты поставил себя в глупое положение. I do not want you to make a fool of yourself. 10. Герберт не обращал внимания на то, что она говорила. Herbert put off her words. 11. Все знали, что Фэти пользуется шпаргалками, но никто не обращал на это, внимания. Everyone knew that Fety cribbed, but all put it off. 12. Не будь с ней так сурова, она не виновата. Do not be hard on her, she is not guilty. 13. Узнав о случившемся, отец сурово обошелся с сыном. Having got to know about the incident, the father was hard on his son. 5. Study Topical Vocabulary at pp.26-27; make up a dialogue of your own using the topical vocabulary. 6. Read the article "What makes a good foreign language teacher" at pp. 27-30, study the text at pp. 30-32, answer the questions. Individualization of education is one of the main options for qualitative changes in the content of children's education. The main thing is not the formation of a personality with pre-defined properties according to an established model, but the creation of conditions for the full manifestation and development of the individual in the educational process and its adaptation in society. In modern innovative programs, it is noted that the more individual the approach to the child, the more smoothly the program is implemented. A person can manifest and develop all his abilities and talents and be happy only in a society where he feels necessary and his own, and where he is not artificially elevated or humiliated. This is how a child should feel in the society in which they live. The child is an impulsive creature, it will be difficult for him to understand us. It is we, the teacher, who must understand the child and build our educational plans taking into account the movements of his soul. Education is a hidden and long-term process, and therefore we must show insight, consistency and patience in all specific cases of solving educational problems. The two main figures in the school are the teacher and the student. Their communication in the classroom, in extracurricular activities, and at leisure becomes an important condition for the effectiveness of the educational process, a means of forming the student's personality. Based on the axiom that the relationship between the student and the teacher is the Foundation of all social formations created by people over the years, we can conclude that the student and the teacher do not connect other aspects of life other than learning, so they do not know too much about each other. Their Union brings only psychological satisfaction and excludes close contact. Teac limited in time and continue for a certain period. However, the relationship with the teacher is very important in the lives of children, and children are very worried if they do not add up. In this situation, the teacher, as a more experienced one, has the task to create and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding at the heart of the relationship between the teacher and the student. The preference for authoritarian leadership among teachers increases the external performance of their work. Such statistics are tracked by achieving a high level of discipline and student performance. I think some schools still have it. I think children " work " just to pass the exam. The modern schoolboy is different from his peers 20 years ago. This, of course, is due to the fact that it is placed in a completely different development environment than its peer many years ago. There are several reasons for this: universal Informatization, free communication in the virtual space, and high employment of parents. In the modern world, various types of mass media have a great influence on the child. A modern Junior school student spends a lot of time in the Internet information space. This contributes to the development of its information competence. Many students engage in remote communication with their peers, which is quite a substitute for live communication, blog, and work freely in the information environment. There is, of course, a negative side to such activities: uncontrolled visits by children to questionable sites, communication with people with undesirable views and intentions, sometimes life-threatening, watching ambiguous television programs and movies, computer games with questionable moral value. This is compounded by the fact that, due to age, the child has not yet developed the ability to subject information to critical analysis. Modern children are very different. But at the same time, the current kids can be described as often ill, faster tired. If earlier children were mainly with the first health group, now the second and even third groups prevail. This of course depends on the lifestyle, diet, environment, and social status of the family. A child's health is the key to success in school. A healthy student is absent from school less, learn more and easily absorbs knowledge. I think speech is a separate point that deserves attention. The teacher must have a competent correct clear and clear speech. This is a very important component of the requirements that are imposed on this profession. After all, often with the help of expressive and competent speech, you can convince a person of many things.There are a number of other qualities without which the profession of a teacher is simply unthinkable. These include a willingness to help in a difficult situation, a friendly attitude, patience and endurance in any non-standard situations, high stress resistance, regardless of the circumstances, and, of course, faith in the best human qualities, a favorable outcome of any undertaking. All this gives strength and confidence to students who are close to such a teacher. Discipline and responsibility are also two components that should be present in the list of advantages of any teacher. He should be aware of his actions and actions, especially if it is directly related to children and the educational process. You need to be an authority in the eyes of the child, so that the teacher's opinion is listened to, not ignored. In turn, the teacher should reduce the distance between the student and himself. It should be close, but not fraternal. It is necessary to communicate with the student as with a person, in no case to belittle him. Become a student's friend, adviser, who you can always ask something, consult, which will help you open up. If you talk to a student, looking into his eyes, he opens up from a completely different side. They say "difficult teenagers". Here you need to ask the question: "Difficult for whom?» It turns out that for us, it means that we are not working properly, so they are difficult. A difficult teenager is one who openly demonstrates their behavior and tries to attract their attention. He doesn't want to be like everyone else, which means he's special. If he's special, then he's gifted. "Cons" should be translated into "pros". I fully agree with the author's recommendations. I think it doesn't contradict. You just need a teacher to "make friends" with students, not to put pressure on them, to be on the same wavelength with them/ 7. Answer the following questions about certain aspects of the teaching-learn- ing process: a). What do you think about the penalty of copying the text ("a hundred lines") practiced in English and American schools? – I agree with them, I believe that they are doing the right thing. b). What would you do at the lesson if there were any attempts to rag the teacher by banging desk-lids, tittering or some other kind of rowdyism? – The best way to establish discipline in the classroom is to get students interested. Conciseness will help. Material that is presented clearly, concisely, structured and without water is better perceived by children of any age and is well postponed. If children know that every word of the teacher is important, they will not be distracted and do something extraneous in the lesson to take up the time before the call. Many bullies literally provoke the teacher or others with their behavior in order to start a pack, start proceedings, and take time away from the entire class. You can not give in to such provocations, try to find the culprits, understand the situation right in the classroom. If children have complaints to each other or to the teacher, it is necessary to announce that the issue will be discussed only after the lesson. This will help teach the child to listen and listen to the teacher, and will make it clear to troublemakers that their actions will not allow them to disrupt the lesson, but only bring them to the discontent of others. c). Do you think that feeling for atmosphere is important for a teacher? – Yes, the sense of atmosphere for the teacher is very important in the lesson, and the lesson itself depends on it. d). What do you think should be done if the interest of the group flags? Have you ever experienced that kind of situation? – I have identified a few rules for myself: By creating problematic situations. Changing (accelerating or slowing down) the pace of students ' learning activities. Setting unexpected and interesting questions for students. Using audio and video learning tools, visual AIDS. Active alternation of frontal and group forms of training. Using jokes, humor, and entertaining educational material. The creation of a situation of success. Active inclusion of game situations in the lesson content. Setting tasks that are performed on a competitive basis. Engaging students in an active and trusting dialogue. e). Which forms did you prefer during your teaching practice? Was tie discipline better in senior or in junior forms? – I prefer individual, pair, and group forms of work, depending on the topic and class. No, it's the same everywhere f). Do you think teaching skilled occupation depending on experience? – Undoubtedly, experience is important in the work of a teacher, experienced teachers already know how to get out of situations. But, I believe that teaching is an art. 8. Make up situations using the words and word combinations in brackets: a) Imagine that you are speaking about a lesson of English you have just observed. Your opinion is rather favourable. (Genuine enthusiasm, to maintain discipline, orderly, to drill pupils in smth, to capture attention, to catch words on the fly, to feel the time, with unflagging interest, one's feeling for atmosphere, quietly but in a voice that carried well, to take attendance). A lesson conducted by an English teacher. it was held at a high methodological level. When preparing for the lesson, the teacher carefully worked out the structure, goals and objectives of the lesson, selected material for implementing the technology of cooperation at each stage of the lesson. At the very beginning, the tasks of the lesson were identified by the teacher and brought to the students. A video clip with a song about various activities in free time was used as an incentive. As a result of this motivation, students actively started studying the topic of the lesson, were able to formulate the main goals and objectives of the lesson for themselves. I attended an English class. In General, it can be noted that the lesson was very effective in terms of fulfilling the purpose and objectives of the lesson, and matching the age characteristics of students. The lesson corresponds to its structure and content. In the course of educational activities, there was a wide interaction between the teacher and students, which leads to fruitful and effective learning. As for the students, they were passionate about the lesson, followed every movement of the teacher, and worked actively. The lesson was built on the cooperation of the teacher and students, as a result, it was successful and interesting. This creates an atmosphere of mutual understanding and trust between students and teachers, contributes to the formation of personal and communication skills in ACCORDANCE with the requirements of the Federal state educational standard, as well as the direction of self-education and self-development. b) Speak about the pitfalls that may await a young inexperienced teacher at the first Lessons. (to be tongue-tied, peals of laughter, to impose silence, to undermine discipline, to follow the well-beaten path of, interest flags, crowded curriculum, defective memory for names, traces of fatigue on the part of, formidable exercises, not to feel the time, recess, rowdyism). It may be difficult for a young teacher to establish contact with children because of the excessive anxiety that engulfs them during the lesson, and children are very well aware of the adult's condition and begin to "test" the teacher "for resistance". Some novice teachers face difficulties in organizing themselves and planning their own work day and rest. As a result, the teacher does not have enough time to check notebooks and prepare for the lesson, to perform any other duties. Also, when a young specialist teaches a lesson, he may not feel the time, and the lesson may not end on time, either earlier or later than it should, that is, not have time to give a certain material. Moreover, since there are many students, he can get confused in the names of students. 9. Write a composition on one of the following topics: The personality of a teacher. The mainstay of all children’s education is the teacher. A school is not only the students, with them is also the teacher and his role in the classroom is very important. Teachers do not only teach Maths or Literature, they teach children other things, as important as how to be a good person for example. Evidently, a teacher has to be a personality. I do not think and, also, I do not agree with the idea that all teachers are similar because everyone has to be a personality and that has an influence on their students. The difference between a good or bad teacher depends, many times, on a big or small school dropout rate. If the teacher is not motivated, he transmits his apathy to the students, but when he has a passion for his job that has a positive consequence on the pupils. They have motivation and go happily to school. Because of that, I think the role of the teacher in classroom is essential. First, the teacher's personality should be pleasantly live and attractive. This does not rule out people who are physically plain, or even ugly, because many such have great personal charm. But it does rule out such types as the over-excitable, melancholy, frigid, sarcastic, cynical, frustrated, and over-bearing: I would say too, that it excludes all of dull or purely negative personality. I still stick to what I said in my earlier book: that school children probably 'suffer more from bores than from brutes'. Secondly, it is not merely desirable but essential for a teacher to have a genuine capacity for sympathy - in the literal meaning of that word; a capacity to tune in to the minds and feelings of other people, especially, since most teachers are school teachers, to the minds and feelings of children. Closely related with this is the capacity to be tolerant - not, indeed, of what is wrong, but of the frailty and immaturity of human nature which induce people, and again especially children, to make mistakes. Thirdly, I hold it essential for a teacher to be both intellectually and morally honest. This does not mean being a plaster saint. It means that he will be aware of his intellectual strengths, and limitations, and will have thought about and decided upon the moral principles by which his life shall be guided. There is no contradiction in my going on to say that a teacher should be a bit of an actor. That is part of the technique of teaching, which demands that every now and then a teacher should be able to put on an act - to enliven a lesson, correct a fault, or award praise. Children, especially young children, live in a world that is rather larger than life. A teacher must remain mentally alert. He will not get into the profession if of low intelligence, but it is all too easy, even for people of above-average intelligence, to stagnate intellectually and that means to deteriorate intellectually. A teacher must be quick to adapt himself to any situation, however improbable (they happen!) and able to improvise, if necessary at less than a moment's notice. (Here I should stress that I use 'he' and 'his' throughout the book simply as a matter of convention and convenience.) On the other hand, a teacher must be capable of infinite patience. This, I may say, is largely a matter of self-discipline and self-training; we are none of us born like that. He must be pretty resilient; teaching makes great demands on nervous energy. And he should be able to take in his stride the innumerable petty irritations any adult dealing with children has to endure. Finally, I think a teacher should have the kind of mind which always wants to go on learning. Teaching is a job at which one will never be perfect; there is always something more to learn about it. There are three principal objects of study: the subject, or subjects, which the teacher is teaching; the methods by which they can best be taught to the particular pupils in the classes he is teaching; and - by far the most important - the children, young people, or adults to whom they are to be taught. The two cardinal principles of British education today are that education is education of the whole person, and that it is best acquired through full and active co-operation between two persons, the teacher and the learner. |