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контрольная 1 курс. Контрольная работа за 2ой семестр ребята !Работу выполняете на этих листах! Пожалуйста, другим цветом (кроме красного) и шрифтом !!!

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НазваниеКонтрольная работа за 2ой семестр ребята !Работу выполняете на этих листах! Пожалуйста, другим цветом (кроме красного) и шрифтом !!!
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ТипКонтрольная работа

Name\ Ф.И. : Винник Полина

Group\Группа : 1 БВ


Ребята !Работу выполняете на этих листах! Пожалуйста, другим цветом (кроме красного) и шрифтом !!!

I)Give the translation of the words and word combinations\ Дайперевод :

1)to make the right decision - чтобы принять правильное решение

2)to make a mistake - совершать ошибку

3)childhood – детство

4)as for me - что касается меня

5)career- карьера

6)for example – например

7)government agency - государственное учреждение

8)a travel manager’s career- карьера менеджера по путешествиям

9)to book hotels- забронировать отели

10)a travel agent - турагенство

11)to study languages - изучать языки

12)Foreign Languages Faculty- факультет иностранных языков

13)to study languages -

14)sociable - общительный

15) lawyer - адвокат
II)Find a match for each word or expression\Найди соответствия!

1)college- c

2)educational establishment- о

3)course- a

4)an industrious student- k

5)student s’ life -m

6)cozy - h

7)The Black Sea Coast – e

8)nothing is more pleasant then- b

9)excursion- d

10) waterfall- f

11) to take pictures and videos- g

12) watch the sea sunset- i

13)vacations- n

14)to buy gifts and souvenirs- j

15)the views of the seacoast- l

a) курс обучения-

b) нет ничего приятнее чем-

c) колледж-

d) экскурсия-

e) Черноморское Побережье –

f) водопад-

g) снимать фотографии и видео-

h) уютно -

i) наблюдайте морской закат-

j) покупать подарки и сувениры-

k) трудолюбивый студент-

l) виды на морское побережье-

m) студенческая жизнь-

n) каникулы-

o) образовательное учреждение -

III)Who is it? What is his\her profession\Кто этот человек по профессии?

1)Who works with the computer ? programmer

2) Who designs buildings ? architect

3) Who plays football ? footballer

4) Who teaches children at school? teacher

4) Who looks after people’s teeth ? dentist

5) Who plays a musical instrument? musicians

6) takes photos? photographer

7) Who looks after sick people? Nurse, doctor

8) Who knows laws? lawyer

9) Who looks after sick animals? veterinarian

10) Who works with papers? Secretary
IV)What is the difference between Past Simple and Past Perfect? Give the examples of these tenses /Какая разница между Прошедшим Простым или Прошедшим Завершённым? Приведи примеры этих времён.

V) Use Past Simple or Past Perfect tense :

1.When Lisa arrived at the airport she discovered she had forgotten her passport.

2.After visiting the library Nelly bought some milk and went home.

3.Zoe opened her handbag and found out that she had forgotten her credit card.

4.They got home to find that somebody had broken into their house.

5.Lisa had known her husband for two years when they got married.

6.Jillian was very pleased to see that Jack had cleaned the kitchen.

7.When Neil arrived at the party he learnt that Judith just left.

8.Bill fels sick last night because he eaten too many cakes at the party.

9.First I had tidied the flat, then I sat down and had a cup of tea.

10.When Molly opened the curtains she saw that the ground was white.

VI) What tense is it : Past Simple or Past Perfect ?\Какоеэтовремя : ПрошедшееПростоеилиПрошедшееЗавершённое?
1. I was sorry that I had not been nicer to him. (Past Simple)

2. Nobody came to the meeting because Angela had forgotten to tell people about it. (Past Simple)

3. I had seen her before somewhere - I knew. (Past Perfect)

4. Because he had not checked the oil for so long, the car broke down.(Past Simple)

5. She couldn't find the book that I had lent her. (Past Simple)

6. All the people that we had invited turned up, and some that we had not invited. (Past Perfect)

7. They never found where he had hidden the money. (Past Simple)

8. It was a firm that I had never heard of. (Past Simple)

9. When she came in, we all knew where she had been. (Past Simple)

10. The lesson had already started when I arrived. (Past Perfect)
VII) Finish the sentences \Закончи предложения:

1)I Want to be a businessman because it brings a lot of money to provide for myself and my loved ones.

2) This is my greatest dream not to depend on someone financially, to be able to help your friends in a difficult moment.

3) I think it’s an interesting job because I like doing it, the skills in this job help me in life.

4)I am sure I would be a highly respected person when I’ll become independent of someone financially and emotionally.

5) A teacher helps children to become clever , kind , reliable , hardworking.

And my parents contribute to all the positive experience gained through school, and strongly encourage any initiative.
IIX) Compose the dialogue !\Составь диалог!

Представь, что ты – директор предприятия ! К тебе пришел профессионал, который хочет устроиться к тебе на работу. Твоя задача задать ему как можно больше вопросов , то есть вежливо расспросить его про него и его прежнюю работу.

Не забудь:

  • поприветствовать гостя,

  • узнать как его (её зовут)

  • спросить как дела

  • сколько лет

  • откуда он

  • кто он по профессии

  • что он умеет делать

  • нравиться ли ему его работа

  • не забудь поблагодарить его и попрощаться

Boss: Good afternoon, Arkady. Please tell us what brought You to us and why you are looking for a job.
Employees: Good afternoon. In short, the previous job did not have enough interesting tasks, just a routine
B: what is your interest?
E: communicating with people, finding contacts, negotiating. In addition, I always like to optimize the work process, think about what can be improved and automated
B: But the fact is that the position you are applying for will also be routine.
E: just routine?
B: Absolutely not. Approximately 70% of the time, and the rest of the time — will be negotiations, communication. In addition, Yes, most likely, there is something to automate in our work process. Do You have experience in creating projects for programmers?
E: Yes, I had such an experience. I made several projects in my previous job, but unfortunately not all of them were implemented.
B: Well, what are your strengths and weaknesses?
E: strong — ability to concentrate on the task, to finish what you started. And also-the desire to learn.

I can say with my weak side that I can't always solve a problem quickly, I like to think and weigh everything
B: well, that's not always the weak side.

Tell me, what was the most interesting project in the previous place?
E: this is a project of one of the most famous coffee shops in the city, the creation and implementation was successful in all aspects.

B: well, well, do you have any questions for me?
E: Yes, there are a few questions. The most important question is about the functionality, what exactly will the tasks be?
B: * tells the details *

E: question about salary. And is there a bonus?
B: market salary, from 70 thousand. Bonuses are quarterly, based on the results of work
E: tell me, are there any training and courses?
B: Yes, we are training new employees
E: thank you, no more questions
B: OK, we'll get back to you, thank you for your time, goodbye
E: goodbye

IX) What are your dreams? Do you like our college? Why? What do you want to Be? Why? \Какие у тебя мечты? Тебе нравится наш колледж? Почему? Кем ты хочешь быть? Почему?
My dream, and at the same time my goal, is simply to enjoy life and improve the world around me. Find a balance in relation to yourself and other people.
I like our College, but it lacks technological development and a more modern approach to teaching students. And an even more varied menu in the dining room. I like it because of our teachers, they believe in us very much and put a lot of effort into it.
I do not know if I will work in the specialty that I am currently receiving, but I am sure that I would like to work with people in the social sphere, perhaps volunteering or art. Because it just makes me happy, some professions give me the opportunity to travel and improve in foreign languages.

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