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  • Российский государственный профессионально – педагогический университет Институт лингвистики Кафедра иностранных языков

  • (английский язык) Для студентов очной формы обучения всех специальностей

  • Составители: асс. Т. В. Балакаева, ст. преп. А. В. Иванов. Рецензент доцент Т. С. Ежова.

  • Одобрены на заседании кафедры иностранных языков Протокол № 5 от 30 января 2003. Зав. кафедрой Ю. А. Стуликова

  • © Российский государственный профессионально-педагогический университет, 2003

  • The words and phrases to remember

  • Ex. 1. Translate from Russian into English using the words from the text.

  • Ex. 2. Speak about your family, your daily routine and interests.

  • UNIT 2 Topic: Great Britain Text 1. Geographical position

  • Words and phrases to remember

  • Ex. 1. Translate from Russian into English.

  • Text 2. State organization

  • Word and phrases to remember

  • Ex. 2. Translate from Russian into English.

  • Ex. 3. Translate from Russian into English.

  • Text 4. Customs and traditions

  • Ex. 4. Translate from Russian into English.

  • Ex. 5. Be ready to speak about Great Britain, its geography, political structure

  • Методические указания по самостоятельной работе студентов (английский язык) Для студентов очной формы обучения всех специальностей

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    Министерство образования Российской Федерации

    Российский государственный профессионально – педагогический университет

    Институт лингвистики

    Кафедра иностранных языков


    Методические указания

    по самостоятельной работе студентов

    (английский язык)

    Для студентов очной формы обучения

    всех специальностей

    Екатеринбург 2003

    Методические указания по самостоятельной работе

    студентов (английский язык)/ Рос.гос.проф.-пед.ун-т

    Екатеринбург, 2003.

    28 с.
    Составители: асс. Т. В. Балакаева, ст. преп. А. В. Иванов.

    Рецензент доцент Т. С. Ежова.
    Методические указания по английскому языку предназначены для студентов очной формы обучения всех специальностей. Они содержат тексты по изучаемым темам, необходимую для усвоения лексику, вопросы к текстам, а также упражнения на закрепление учебного материала.

    Одобрены на заседании кафедры иностранных языков

    Протокол № 5 от 30 января 2003.
    Зав. кафедрой Ю. А. Стуликова
    Рекомендованы к печати методической комиссией Института лингвистики. Протокол № 6 от 10 февраля 2003


    методической комиссии ИнЛин Т.А. Знаменская

    © Российский государственный


    университет, 2003

    UNIT 1

    Topic: My family, daily routine and interests
    Text. My family, daily routine and interests

    Let me tell you a few words about my family, the way I live and the things I like to do most of all. Well, my name is . . . . I’m . . . years old. My family is not big. There are four persons: my parents, my brother and me.

    My father is a businessman. His name is . . . . He is forty-five years old. He is a clever man, optimistic and has a good sense of humor. When he is free he prefers to read or watch TV.

    My mother is two years his senior. She works at school. My mother’s name

    is . . . . She is very kind-hearted and beautiful. She runs the house in our family. We like the way she cooks. In the evening she often knits while watching TV.

    My younger brother . . . looks very much like my father. He is very cheerful and easy-going. He is only 5 years my junior. We are on good terms with each other.

    This summer I entered the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University. I decided to take law studies. At present I live in a hostel/rent a small room/still live with my parents and I’m very busy during the day. My working day begins early. I have to wake up at 7 o’clock as my studies start at 8. My breakfast is usually light, as I don’t have time to do it myself. As a rule I go to the university by trolley-bus, but if the weather is more or less good I go on foot. It takes me 15 minutes to get there. We have three or four periods a day. At 12 we have a dinner break. My friends and I either go to the canteen or have rest. Our classes are over at three and I go home. At home I have supper and read up for my lectures or seminars. I have lots of friends and we spend free time together.

    As for me I have different interests. I enjoy reading. Read mostly fiction and magazines. I’m fond of thrillers, detectives and humorous stories by modern writers. I can’t imagine my life without music. It helps me to relax, forget the problems of every day life. According to my mood music may be either underground club or instrumental and classic.

    Go to the cinema from time to time. More often I watch video at home in a cozy chair. Watch mostly actions, comedies and thrillers, adore cartoons and it makes no difference if they are of foreign or native production.
    The words and phrases to remember:

    to prefer to do smth. – предпочитать

    to be . . . years smb’s junior/senior – быть младше/старше

    to run the house/firm – вести хозяйство/управлять фирмой

    to look like, to take after – походить

    to be on good/bad terms with – быть в хороших/плохих отношениях

    to enter the university – поступить в университет

    to decide – решить

    to take computer (law, maths, psychology) studies – заняться изучением

    to live in a hostel – жить в общежитии

    to rent a room – снимать комнату

    the way smb. do smth – как кто-то делает что-то

    to read up for – готовиться к

    either . . . or . . . – или . . . или

    to enjoy doing smth. – нравиться делать что-то

    to imagine – представлять

    to adore – обожать
    Ex. 1. Translate from Russian into English using the words from the text.

    1. Он хотел пойти в кино, но мы предпочли остаться дома.

    2. Ее брат на три года старше меня. Моя сестра младше меня на два года.

    3. Моя мама ведет домашнее хозяйство. Он управляет огромной


    4. Он похож на своего отца.

    5. Близнецы всегда хорошо ладят друг с другом.

    6. Она решила поступить в университет и заняться медициной.

    7. Я не хочу жить в общежитии, поэтому я снимаю комнату недалеко от


    8. Мне нравится, как он одевается. Ему не нравится, как ты


    9. После занятий она идет в библиотеку готовиться к экзамену.

    10. После занятий мы с друзьями идем либо домой, либо гулять.

    11. Он закрыл глаза и представил, что он на берегу моря.

    12. Моя сестра обожает мороженое.

    13. Ему нравится играть в футбол.
    Ex. 2. Speak about your family, your daily routine and interests.

    Say how many persons there are in your family.

    Tell where you live, what your native city is.

    Try to describe the members of your family (name, age, occupation and a few words about the character and relations between the members of your family).

    Make a description of your daily routine.

    Tell a few words about interests (TV, video, music, reading, computer, sport).
    UNIT 2

    Topic: Great Britain
    Text 1. Geographical position

    The British Isles are situated in the north-west of Europe. They consist of two large islands: Great Britain and Ireland. Its total area is 120 thousand square miles. Great Britain is divided into three parts – England, Scotland and Wales.

    Great Britain is separated from the continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. In the west it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. The Atlantic Ocean, with the warm current, greatly affect the climate, which is damp and mild. The weather is very changeable. In summer it is usually hot and in winter it is not very cold. There are often dense fogs and rains.

    The surface in the north and west of Great Britain is mountainous. The mountains are not high. The southern part of the island is in the lowland. The position of the mountains determines the direction and length of the rivers. The largest are The Severn and The Thames. There are lots of beautiful lakes in Scotland.

    Great Britain is an industrial country rich in coal. It has highly developed iron, mining, textile, chemical and ship-building industries.

    It is a sea power with many ports and big cities. The biggest industrial centers are Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield and Glasgow. London is the capital of Great Britain.
    Words and phrases to remember:

    to be situated – находиться

    to consist of – состоять из

    to be divided into –делиться на

    to be separated from – отделяться от

    to be washed by – омываться

    to affect the climate – влиять на

    to determine the direction – определять направление

    to be rich in – быть богатым чем-либо

    a warm current – теплое течение

    a damp climate - влажный

    a mild weather – мягкая погода

    a dense fog – плотный туман

    a surface - поверхность
    Answer the questions:

    1. Where are the British Isles situated?

    2. What parts does Great Britain consist of?

    3. What is the climate in Great Britain?

    4. What is it influenced by?

    5. What can be said about the surface of Great Britain?

    6. What are the main industries?

    7. What is the capital of Great Britain?
    Ex. 1. Translate from Russian into English.

    1. Отель расположен рядом с пляжем.

    2. Джем состоит из фруктов и сахара.

    3. Эта книга поделена на 10 глав.

    4. Австралия омывается двумя океанами.

    5. Курение может повлиять на ваше здоровье.

    6. Теплое течение определяет погоду в Великобритании.

    7. Наша страна богата естественными ресурсами.

    8. В Англии часто идут дожди. Климат там мягкий и очень влажный.

    9. Ландшафт нашей страны очень разнообразен.
    Text 2. State organization

    Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. But the real power is concentrated in the hands of the banks and rich private owners. They control the land, industry, finance, trade and mass media.

    In the law the Queen is the Head of the state. In fact she reigns but doesn’t rule. Her power is limited by the Parliament. It is the supreme legislative authority in the United Kingdom. It consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. They have different principles, they do different work and meet very rarely. The House of Commons is elected but the House of Lords is based on the hereditary principle.

    The Prime Minister is the head of the Government. The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the Party that has majority in Parliament. He has the right to choose the ministers and form the Cabinet. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet represent the executive body. They are responsible for directing the national policy of the United Kingdom.
    Word and phrases to remember:

    to reign – царствовать

    to rule – править

    to elect – выбирать

    to be based on – основываться на

    to be responsible for – отвечать за

    a constitutional monarchy – конституционная монархия

    a supreme authority – верховная власть

    a hereditary principle – принцип наследования

    a legislative power – законодательная власть

    an executive power – исполнительная власть
    Answer the questions:

    1. Is Great Britain a constitutional monarchy?

    2. Who in law is the Head of the State?

    3. Does the real power belong to the Queen?

    4. What is Parliament?

    5. Who is the Head of the Government?

    6. What is he responsible for?

    Ex. 2. Translate from Russian into English.

    1. Царствование королевы Елизаветы II началось в 1952 году.

    2. Во время правления королевы Виктории Англия стала индустриальной


    3. Они избрали нового президента в 1900.

    4. Фильм основывается на реальной истории.

    5. Он был ответственным за организацию собрания.

    6. Англия - это страна с конституционной монархией.

    7. Парламент – верховная законодательная власть в Англии,

    исполнительная власть принадлежит премьер-министру.
    Text 3. The people

    Almost every nation has a reputation of some kind. The English are considered to be very conservative people, easy-going and fond of sports. They have lots of traditions that go centuries back.

    The English are a nation of stay at homes. They traditionally like to live in small houses. Usually there is a small garden with lovely flower beds. The love of gardens is deep-rooted in the British people. Another tradition is sitting at a fireplace, which is found in every home. They sit round the fire and watch the dancing flame.

    Pubs are also an important part of British life. Pubs sell food and beer and people relax, meet friends, talk and listen to good music there.

    British people have always been known for their love of sports. The most popular games are golf, cricket and football. Everybody knows the names of the best players and teams. All kinds of racing come next: horseracing, dog racing, car and boat racings. It is legal to place bets. In English schools sport is an important part of the system of education. They strongly care about their young generation.
    The words and phrases to remember:

    to consider – считать

    to go centuries back – уходить далеко в прошлое

    to place a bet – делать ставки

    a deep-rooted tradition – традиция с глубокими корнями
    Answer the questions:

    1. What are the characteristic traits of the English?

    2. What do they love most of all?

    3. Where do they like to spend their free time?
    Ex. 3. Translate from Russian into English.

    1. Ученики считают ее хорошим преподавателем.

    2. Происхождение этого праздника уходит далеко в века.

    3. Англия имеет очень древнюю историю и традиции с глубокими

    Text 4. Customs and traditions

    So many countries so many customs, an English proverb says. A great number of customs and traditions date back to the early days of Great Britain. We can say that they are the reflection of the country’s history and the people’s psychology. The British can be proud of that they preserved their old customs and traditions most of them have been kept without change since the 13th century.

    Some British customs and traditions are famous all over the world. For example, the celebration of New Year and Christmas is similar to our own. People decorate New Year trees, give each other presents, some go to parties at friend’s home or at night-clubs.

    St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14th. On that day people send cards and presents to their sweethearts or friends. Some British newspapers have a whole page for Valentine’s Day messages on that day.

    April 1st is April Fool’s Day in Britain. It is linked with the celebration of spring, the return of sun and warmth. This tradition is very old and goes back to the Middle Ages. At that time the servants were masters for one day of the year. They gave orders and the masters had to obey. Now April Fool’s Day is different. It is a day for jokes and tricks.

    May 1st was another important day in the Middle Ages. Early in the morning, young girls went to the field and washed their faces with dew. They believed this made them beautiful for the whole year.

    Midsummer’s Day, June 24th , is the longest day of the year. Even today Druids come to Stonehenge to see the morning sun shine on the famous stones. Stonehenge is one of Europe’s biggest stone circles. The stones are ten meters high and nearly five thousand years old. They say, the Druids used it as a calendar to know the start of months and seasons.

    Hallowe’en is celebrated on October 31st. it is a religious holiday known as All Saint’s Day. The symbols of Hallowe’en are evil spirits (witches, ghosts, goblins and skeletons), black color and pumpkins with scary faces and a candle inside. Children usually go trick or treating on that day.

    Guy Fawke’s Day is marked on November 5th . All over the country people build wood fires or “bonfires”. On top of each bonfire is a guy. It is made of straw and old clothes.
    Words and phrases to remember:

    to date back – датироваться

    to be proud of - гордиться

    to preserve – сохранять

    to be linked – быть связанным

    to obey – подчиняться

    to mark – отмечать

    a sweetheart – любимый/ая

    a message – послание

    a scary face – страшное лицо
    Answer the questions:

    1. What can we say about the customs and traditions of Great Britain? How old

    are they?

    2. What are the most famous winter traditions?

    3. What holidays do they celebrate in spring?

    4. What do they mark in summer?

    5. What are the most famous autumn traditions?
    Ex. 4. Translate from Russian into English.

    1. Строительство этой церкви датируется 18 веком.

    2. Его сестра гордится своими оценками в школе.

    3. Наша задача – сохранить природу для будущего поколения.

    4. Этот праздник связан с религией.

    5. Граждане должны подчиняться закону.

    6. Учитель отметил все мои ошибки.

    7. Он оставил сообщение своей любимой.

    8. Фильм, который я посмотрел вчера, был не очень страшный.
    Ex. 5. Be ready to speak about Great Britain, its geography, political structure, people and traditions.

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