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  • Ex. 3. Translate from Russian into English.

  • Ex. 4. Be ready to speak about USA, its state organization and major cities. UNIT 5 Topic: The system of higher education in the USA

  • Words and phrases to remember

  • Ex. 1. Translate from Russian into English.

  • Text 2. College and University admission and entrance requirements

  • Text 3. Academic year and stages of education

  • Ex.2. Be ready to speak about the higher education in the USA. UNIT 6 Topic: The Russian Federation Text 1. Russia

  • Words and phrases to remember: to occupy – занимать to comprise – состоять to be headed by – возглавляться Answer the questions

  • Text 2. Moscow – the capital of Russia

  • Методические указания по самостоятельной работе студентов (английский язык) Для студентов очной формы обучения всех специальностей

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    Words and phrases to remember:

    to abound in – изобиловать

    to impress – производить впечатление

    to cover the history of – охватывать историю чего-л.

    to involve – вовлекать

    to flourish – процветать

    to celebrate the anniversary – праздновать годовщину

    to decorate – украшать

    an ancient civilization – древняя цивилизация

    an educational establishment – образовательное учреждение

    a giant skyscraper – гигантский небоскреб

    a broad highway – широкое шоссе

    a main street – главная улица

    a recreation ground – площадка для игр

    greenery – зелень

    a beautiful pond – красивый пруд
    Answer the questions:

    1. What is the capital of the USA?

    2. Why is it a unique city?

    3. What are the most famous buildings there?

    4. Why do the tourists enjoy visiting New York?

    5. What are the most famous sights there?

    6. Would you like to visit Los-Angeles or San Francisco? Why?
    Ex. 3. Translate from Russian into English.

    1. Нью Йорк изобилует гигантскими небоскребами и широкими


    2. Достопримечательности Сан-Франциско произвели на нас сильное впечатление.

    3. Эта выставка охватывает историю древней цивилизации.

    4. В Голливуде множество фирм, которые непосредственно вовлечены в


    5. Оксфорд знаменит своим старинным университетом.

    6. Сад расцвел после дождя. Их кампания процветает.

    7. Мосты Сан-Франциско известны по всему миру.

    8. Фильмы Спилберга всемирно знамениты.

    9. В этом парке есть площадки для отдыха, много зелени и красивый пруд.

    10. Это учебное заведение находится на главной улице.
    Ex. 4. Be ready to speak about USA, its state organization and major cities.

    UNIT 5

    Topic: The system of higher education in the USA

    Text 1. The main types of higher institutions

    Higher education in the USA is the most extensive and versatile in the world. Now almost 10 million students study in American colleges and universities.

    The universities are usually divided into state (or public) and private. The main difference between the two is a financial one. Private universities have very limited financial help from the State authorities.

    There are four categories of higher educational establishments in the USA. Technical institutions offer two or three year courses. They prepare students for employment in different technical specialties.

    Junior colleges provide two-year courses. They help the students to prepare for the further education at the universities.

    Art colleges, state and independent colleges award the Bachelor’s degree and sometimes the Master’s degree in technology, art and teaching.

    Universities award all degrees. Often they offer postgraduate courses for the highest degree – the Doctor’s degree.
    Words and phrases to remember:

    an extensive and versatile system – обширная и разнообразная система

    a specialty – специальность

    to offer – предлагать

    to provide – обеспечивать

    to prepare – готовить

    to award – присуждать

    a course of study – курс обучения

    the Bachelor’s degree – степень бакалавра

    the Master’s degree – степень магистра

    the Doctor’s degree – степень доктора
    Answer the questions:

    What two main types of institutions are there in the USA?

    What is the difference between them?

    What are the main categories?
    Ex. 1. Translate from Russian into English.

    1. Система высшего образования в США отличается большой разносторонностью.

    2. Это образовательное учреждение предлагает обучение по всем


    3. Эта кампания обеспечивает доступ в Интернет.

    4. Он подготовился к экзамену очень хорошо.

    5. После курса обучения университет присуждает степень магистра.
    Text 2. College and University admission and entrance requirements

    Access to higher education usually takes place after 18 years of age and after 12 years of primary and secondary studies.

    First, the universities require an application including personal information.

    Second, it is a high school report. It includes a school-leaving certificate with the list of all courses taken and all grades received, with courses failed and repeated, test results (SAT, ACT and Achievement test) and general assessment of the applicant’s character such as motivation, creativity, self-discipline, leadership, self-confidence and warmth of personality.

    Third, it is recommendations by school teachers.

    Fourth, personal commentary such as hobbies, special awards and prizes, work and travel experience, career goals and the reasons for the choice of this university.

    Finally, it is an entrance examination or personal interview.
    SAT – the Scholastic Aptitude Test is taken in maths and verbal activity.

    ACT – the American College Testing is taken in social and natural studies.

    Achievement Test – special tests in a discipline required by some colleges for admission.
    Words and phrases to remember:

    to take place – иметь место

    to require – требовать

    to apply, an application, an applicant – подавать заявление

    to take, to fail, to repeat a course – учить, провалить, повторно учить

    to receive a grade – получить оценку

    an access to education – доступ к образованию

    a school-leaving certificate – аттестат о среднем образовании

    a general assessment of character – общая оценка

    Answer the questions:

    1. When does the person have the right to study at the university?

    2. What are the main entrance requirements?
    Text 3. Academic year and stages of education

    The duration of academic year in American universities is usually nine months. They study from September to the end of June. Students have three semesters (terms) and holidays: Christmas, Easter and summer.

    At the beginning of each term student can choose which lectures he will attend. Attendance is not compulsory, and no records of attendance are kept. Apart from lectures a system of individual tuition is organized. A tutor gives instructions in his subject at least once a week and requires him to write essays and papers.

    During the term students study 5 or 6 different subjects. The progress is often assessed by quizzes, term papers and final exam in each course.

    The first stage is devoted to a profound study in humanities, sciences and arts. It is aimed at providing general education. It lasts 3 or 4 years and leads to a Bachelor’s degree.

    The Master’s degree requires 1 or 2 years of advanced studies and ends in a final examination or presentation of a thesis.

    The Doctor’s degree is the highest academic degree. It requires minimum of two years of personal research, success in qualifying exam, proficiency in 1 or 2 foreign languages and completion of doctoral dissertation.
    Words and phrases to remember:

    to attend lectures, attendance – посещать

    to be devoted – быть посвященным чему-л., предназначенным для чего-л.

    to be aimed at – быть направленным на

    to write an essay, term paper, a quiz – сочинение, курсовая, тест

    to assess the progress – оценивать успеваемость

    to require – требовать

    to complete, a completion – заканчивать

    an individual tuition – индивидуальные занятия

    compulsory/optional subjects – обязательные/необязательные предметы

    profound studies – глубокое изучение

    advanced studies – углубленное изучение

    a presentation of a thesis – написание диссертации

    a proficiency – знание
    Answer the questions:

    1. How much does the academic year last?

    2. How many terms and holidays are there?

    3. What do the students choose at the beginning of each semester?

    4. What is tutorial system?

    5. How is the progress assessed?

    6. What are the main stages of education?
    Ex. 1. Translate from Russian into English.

    1. В США посещать лекции не обязательно.

    2. Этот курс предназначен для получения общих знаний.

    3. Второй этап обучения направлен на глубокое изучение предмета.

    4. Прогресс оценивается посредством сочинений, курсовых и тестов.

    5. Получение степени магистра требует двух лет дальнейшего обучения.

    6. Присуждение степени доктора требует от кандидата знания одного или двух иностранных языков.

    Ex.2. Be ready to speak about the higher education in the USA.
    UNIT 6

    Topic: The Russian Federation
    Text 1. Russia

    The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. The country is situated in Eastern Europe, Northern and Central Asia. It occupies over 17 million square km.

    Our land is washed by 12 seas, most of which are the seas of three oceans: the Arctic, the Atlantic and the Pacific. In the south and in the west the country borders on fourteen countries. It also has a sea border with the USA.

    There is hardly a country in the world where such a great variety of flora and fauna can be found as in our country. Our country has numerous forests, plains and steppes, taiga and tundra, highlands and deserts. There are over two thousand rivers in our country. Our land is rich in various lakes with the deepest lake in the world, the Baikal.

    There are 11 time zones. The climate conditions are rather different: from arctic and moderate to continental and subtropical. Our country is one of the richest in natural resources countries in the world. There is oil, natural gas, coal, different ores, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and other minerals.

    The Russian Federation is a multinational state. It comprises many national districts, several autonomous republics and regions. The population of the country is over 140 million people. The official language is Russian. Our country is a constitutional republic headed by the President. Moscow is the capital of our Motherland.
    Words and phrases to remember:

    to occupy – занимать

    to comprise – состоять

    to be headed by – возглавляться
    Answer the questions:

    1. What is the total area of the Russian Federation?

    2. What can you say about its geographical position?

    3. What can you say about our flora and fauna?

    4. What is the climate in Russia?

    5. What natural resources can be found in Russia?
    Text 2. Moscow – the capital of Russia

    Moscow, the capital of Russia, draws people from all over the world like a magnet. Moscow’s past, present and future makes it a city of unique interests.

    The Kremlin is the top sightseeing in Moscow. It is as old as Moscow itself. Its earliest wooden walls and towers were built in the 12th century. The red brick walls and towers that we see today date back to the 15th century. All in all, there are twenty towers in the Kremlin, but only five have ruby stars atop. The Spasskaya Tower, with its world-famous clock, is regarded as the main Kremlin tower.

    The Cathedral Square inside the Kremlin is the most beautiful sight in Moscow. It is surrounded by such remarkable architectural monuments as the Cathedral of the Dormition, the Annunciation and Archangel Michael, the superb Palace of Facets and Terem Palace, and the magnificent Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, with its 18 richly decorated bells. All these buildings were created by the best architects from Novgorod, Suzdal, Vladimir and Pskov under the supervision of the Italian masters Fioravanti, Ruffo and Solari.

    The Armoury, Russia’s oldest museum, is also situated in the Kremlin. Besides weaponry it has a splendid collection of various works of art from gold and silver ware to royal thrones and costumes. The Armoury also houses the Diamond Collection, featuring jewelry, unique specimens of sapphires, emeralds, diamonds, gold nuggets and other treasures.

    The Grand Kremlin Palace is another beautiful sight. Important state assemblies and diplomatic meetings are held there.

    Red Square is the geographical and historical center of Moscow. It makes a harmonious whole with the Kremlin’s architectural ensemble. The square is adorned by St. Basil’s Cathedral, which was built in the 16th century by two Russian architects Posnik and Barma. The building was erected as a monument of Russian military glory. In front of the Cathedral is the monument to Minin and Pozharsky. This is the first sculptural monument in Moscow. On the opposite side of the square there is the State History Museum. It was built in the 19th century. Its more than 300 thousand exhibits tell of Russia’s history.

    The city’s cultural life is so rich that it may be difficult to choose something to your liking. There are more than 120 museums, which display millions of interesting things.

    The Tretyakov Gallery is considered to be one of the most popular. The Gallery displays the remarkable works of art from early paintings and icons to the 19th century. The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts can boast a fine collection of West European painting, including the works of French Impressionists.

    The country’s leading musical theatre is the Bolshoi with about 50 operas and ballets. This theatre is famous for its traditions, school and artistic standards.

    While in Moscow, the visitors admire its architecture. More than a thousand architectural ensembles and monuments have been taken under state protection in Moscow. The magnificent ensemble of the Novodevichy Monastery, founded in 1524, the graceful 16th century church at Kolomenskoe, the ornate Church of Intercession in Fili and the open air museums of Arkhangelskoe, Abramtsevo and Kuskovo are included in the list of major monuments of the world’s culture.
    Words and phrases to remember:

    to be regarded – считаться

    to be surrounded – быть окруженным

    to be adorned – быть украшенным

    to be erected – быть возведенным

    to draw – притягивать

    to house – вмещать

    graceful – грациозный
    Answer the questions:

    1. Is Moscow the capital of Russia?

    2. When was Moscow founded?

    3. Who is the founder?

    4. What can you say about the Kremlin?

    5. What can you say about the Cathedral Square inside the Kremlin?

    6. What is the most beautiful square in Moscow?

    7. What can you see there?

    8. What can you learn from visiting the History Museum?

    9. What can be said about the Tretyakov Gallery and the Museum of Fine Arts?

    10. Have you ever been to Moscow?

    11. What places did you visit or would like to visit?
    Ex. 1. Translate from Russian into English.

    1. Москва – один из древнейших городов мира. Она была основана в 1147


    2. Удивительные здания и великолепные соборы производят огромное

    впечатление на туристов.

    3. Этот замечательный монумент был воздвигнут в 19 веке.

    4. Он считается выдающимся художником.

    5. Тысячи туристов приезжают в Москву и восхищаются ее

    Text 3. Ekaterinburg

    Ekaterinburg is not old. It was founded in 1723 by Vasily Tatishchev by the order of Peter the Great. Over the course of its history, it has proven to be a special and even unique city. From the very beginning it has been the center of mining and metallurgy and the first plant which rose on the bank of the Iset river, by the standards of those days, was one of the best not only in Russia but also in Europe.

    Ekaterinburg has a unique mixture of different architectural, historical and cultural rarities. More than 60 monuments of history and culture are situated in the city and 40 of them are considered to be national because of their significance. That is way Ekaterinburg can be given the status of Russia’s most historical city.

    The 18th century Ekaterinburg was a wooden city and unfortunately very few buildings have survived. The city’s stone buildings appeared during the second half of the 18th century. Mostly these were administrative buildings. In the early 19th century a new architectural style – classicism – influenced Ekaterinburg landscapes. The Palace on Voznesenskaya Hill, with its luxurious park, is the most famous example of this style.

    Many churches and chapels made the city’s panorama very beautiful and picturesque. In the beginning of the 20th century there were about 50 churches, of which only 6 still stand today.

    The Soviet period brought new trends to Ekaterinburg’s architecture. New tendencies in the development of world architecture have also affected the city. The most famous buildings of that period include the Urals Polytechnical Institute, the Railroad Administrative Building and the Philharmony.

    The city’s history is full of events. Many expeditions to Siberia, Central Asia and Far East passed through Ekaterinburg. The city was visited by Russian tzars and members of their families. Here occurred the most awful tragedy – the assassination of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and all his family members – which took place in the basement of Ipatiev’s house on July 16, 1918. New Memorial Church will be built there soon.

    Today Ekaterinburg is a large, lively city. It is not only the administrative center of the Urals, but also a great cultural center with a population of about 1.3 million people. Its banks, companies and enterprises do business with many countries of the world. Few other cities in the Urals have so many theatres, museums and art galleries or can offer such a wide variety of places of public entertainment.
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