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  • VI. Complete the statements

  • VII. Think of the following questions

  • III. Say if the sentences are true/false

  • IV. Answer the questions

  • V. Find the English equivalents in the text

  • TOPIC № 6 WHY WE LEARN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE I. Study the vocabulary

  • VI. Complete the sentences

  • TOPIC № 7 SPACE AGE I. Study the vocabulary

  • III. Complete the sentences using the words from the text

  • V. Find English equivalents in the text

  • VI. Discuss the following

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  • Несмотря на проблемы, с которыми Россия сталкивается сейчас,
    существует много возможностей для страны стать одной из ведущих
    стран мира.

    VI. Complete the statements:

    1. We have ... in the south, in the north, in the east.

    2. The Urals separates ...

    3. The Volga flows into...

    4. Russia is rich in ...

    5. Moscow is the largest... centre.

    VII. Think of the following questions:

    1. What places of interests would you recommend your foreign guests to see?

    2. Are you proud of being a citizen of Russia?


    I. Vocabulary:

    1. border – граничить

    2. district – округ

    3. executive – исполнительный

    4. Great Lakes – Великие озера

    5. House of Representatives – палата представителей

    6. include – включать

    7. judicial – судебный

    8. legislative – законодательный

    9. lowlands – низменности

    10. occupy - занимать

    11. original – первоначальный

    12. publishing – издательское дело

    13. radio broadcasting - радиовещание

    14. Rocky Mountains – Скалистые горы

    15. Stars and Stripes – звезды и полосы

    16. Supreme Court – Верховный суд

    17. wash – омывать
    II. Read the text:

    The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and China). It occupies the southern part of North America. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Pacific Ocean in the west. It also includes Alaska in the north and the Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. The total area of the country is about nine and a half million square kilometers. The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. It also has a sea-border with Russia.

    The USA is made up of 50 states and the District of Columbia, a special federal area where Washington, the capital of the country, is situated. The population of the country is more than 270 million. The first people on the American continent came from Asia. It was more than 40.000 years ago. They had red skin. When the white men came to North America, they called them Red men or Indians. The Indians lived in wigwams. They hunted, went fishing and grew corn for their food. There were many Indian tribes at that time. Many Indians were killed by the white men. Today there are about 1.5 million Indians in the USA.

    If we look at the map of the USA, we can see lowlands and mountains. The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Cordilleras and the Sierra Nevada. The highest peak is Mount McKinley which is located in Alaska.

    America's largest rivers are the Mississippi (it is the second largest river in the world after the Nile), the Missouri, the Rio Grande and the Columbia. The Great Lakes on the border with Canada are the largest and deepest in the USA.

    The USA is a highly developed industrial country. It's the world's leading producer of copper and oil and the world's second producer of iron ore and coal. Among the most important manufacturing industries are aircrafts, cars, textiles, radio and television sets, furniture and paper.

    Though mainly European and African in origin, Americans are made up of nearly all races and nations, including the Chinese and Native Americans. The official language of the state is English. The national symbol of the USA is the national flag "Stars and Stripes", having 50 white stars and 13 white and red stripes on its field, symbolizing the number of the original and present day states. Washington D. C. is the capital of the USA. It is one of the most beautiful and unusual cities in the USA. It has little industry. There are no skyscrapers because they would hide the city's monuments from view. The federal government and tourism are the mainstays of the city's economy. Thousands of tourists visit Washington every day. The second largest city is New York. It is situated in the southern part of New York State. It is the world leader in finance, arts and communications. The city is also the center of fashion, publishing and radio broadcasting in the US.

    The United States is a federal state, headed by the President. According to the US Constitution the powers of the Government are divided into 3 branches: the executive, the legislative and the judicial. The legislative power belongs to the Congress consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate represents the states while the House of Representatives – population. The executive power belongs to the President and his Administration (Vice-President and Cabinet of Ministers). The judicial power belongs to the Supreme Court and the system of federal courts. There are two main political parties in the USA: the Republican and the Democratic, though there's hardly any difference between their political lines.

    Nowadays the USA is one of the leading powers of the world due to its economic, political and military influence.
    III. Say if the sentences are true/false:

    1. The USA is the largest English speaking country.

    2. It occupies the whole North American continent.

    3. The country borders on Russia, Canada and Mexico.

    4. The US territory is over 9 million square kilometers.

    5. There are many lakes and rivers on the territory of the country.

    6. There are 2 official languages in the country – English and French.

    7. The first people on the American continent came from England.

    8. The head of the state is the President.

    9. The capital of the country is New York.

    10. The legislative branch of the US Government is the Congress consisting of

    2 chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
    IV. Answer the questions:

    1. Where is the USA situated?

    2. What is the total area? What about the population of the USA?

    3. What oceans is the USA washed by?

    4. What countries does the USA border on?

    5. What are the highest mountains of the USA?

    6. What rivers of the USA can you name? Which is the longest?

    7. How many stripes and stars are there on the US flag?

    8. Who discovered America?

    9. Who were Native Americans?

    10. What happened to the Indians?

    11. How many states does the USA consist of today?

    12. What is the capital of the USA?

    13. What are the big cities of the USA?

    14. Who is the President of the USA now?

    15. How many political parties are there in the USA?
    V. Find the English equivalents in the text:

    крупнейшая страна в мире, имеет морскую границу, американский континент, индейские племена, занимались рыболовством, высокоразвитая промышленная держава, официальный язык государства, звездно-полосатый флаг, исполнительная власть, система федеральных судов, вице-президент.
    VII. Speaking:

    1. Do you agree that the USA is one of the leading powers of the world?

    2. What do you think of the modern American foreign policy?

    3. How do you think the advanced power can influence a policy of less developed countries?

    4. If you were elected to be leader of a foreign country tomorrow, what country would you want it to be and what would be your first official act?


    I. Study the vocabulary:

    1. establish - устанавливать (отношения)

    2. go abroad - уезжать за границу

    3. in order to - с целью, для того чтобы

    4. joint venture - совместное предприятие

    5. master -овладевать, усваивать

    6. state language - государственный язык

    7. taking into account - принимая во внимание

    8. well-educated – образованный

    9. widespread - широко распространённый

    10. working language - рабочий язык
    II. Read the text:

    In order to have a good job one should know foreign languages. The most widespread languages in the world are Chinese, Spanish, English and some others. Nevertheless, every well-educated person in the world speaks English, because it is the language of communication, business, science and culture.

    English is now the most important and widespread language in the world. It is the state language in five countries: Great Britain, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand.

    English is one of the six official and working languages of the United Nations. It is the second working language in the European Community. In many Asian and African countries, such as India or Egypt, in former British colonies people speak English besides their native one. People also speak English in Europe. English is spoken practically all over the world.

    Russia has relations with many countries. More and more direct contacts are established with the countries of Europe, with the United States, Great Britain, Canada and other English-speaking countries.

    Taking into account the economic development in our country, hundreds of joint ventures have appeared in every city and town of Russia recently. Besides, many foreign delegations come to our country. Our businessmen, tourists, experts often go abroad. As I have already mentioned English is the language of the international communication. That is why it is very important to learn English.

    Nowadays, many people study foreign languages in every possible way. Foreign-language study groups are organized at industrial enterprises, at the offices of big firms, at the educational establishments, at research institutes.

    Speaking a foreign language one can not only read the papers, magazines and original books by outstanding writers, but as well watch satellite programmes, travel easily to different parts of the world.

    I think English is worth studying. There is a proverb "A new language — a new world".

    There are some schools specialized in studying foreign languages in Russia. Their pupils have lessons in foreign language every day. However, their number is rather small. Most schools have Foreign Language only once or twice a week. It is impossible to master any foreign language under such conditions. That is why those who want to improve their knowledge have to take private lessons.
    III. True or false:

    1. The most widespread languages in the world are Chinese, German and English.

    2. English is the state language in five countries: England, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand.

    3. English is one of the seven official and working languages of the United Nations.

    4. English is spoken practically all over the world.

    5. Speaking a foreign language one can only read the papers, magazines and original books by outstanding writers.

    IV. Answer the questions:

    1. What are the most widespread languages in the world?

    2. In what countries is English the state language?

    3. In many Asian and African countries, such as India or Egypt, in former British colonies people speak English besides their native one, don’t they?

    4. Do many foreign delegations come to our country?

    5. Why is it very important to learn English?

    V. Translate:

    1. Каждый образованный человек в мире говорит по-английски, потому что это язык общения, бизнеса, науки и культуры.

    2. Английский язык сейчас — самый главный и самый распространенный язык в мире.

    3. Английский - второй рабочий язык в Европейском Союзе.

    4. Все больше и больше прямых контактов устанавливается с англоязычными странами.

    5. Наши бизнесмены, туристы, эксперты часто ездят за границу.

    VI. Complete the sentences:
    1. In order to have a good job one should…

    2. English is now the most important and…

    3. English is one of the six official and working languages of…

    4. More and more direct contacts are..

    5. Nowadays, many people study foreign languages in

    VII. Speak about:

    1. Why do you learn English?

    2. Do you agree that if your language dies out, you lose an important part of your culture?
    I. Study the vocabulary:

    1. artificial satellite – искусственный спутник

    2. on board – на борту

    3. conduct – проводить

    4. establish – учреждать

    5. facility – сооружение

    6. immense – огромный, необъятный

    7. launch – запускать

    8. outlandish – странный, необычайный

    9. outer space – открытый космос

    10. predict – предсказывать

    11. prominent – выдающийся

    12. remarkable event – замечательное событие

    13. science fiction – научная фантастика
    II. Read the text:

    For hundreds of years man dreamed of flying to the stars. At the beginning of the 20th century a prominent Russian scientist Tsiolkovsky predicted that mankind would not remain on Earth forever. Half a century later his words came true, the dream became a reality. It happened on October 4, 1957, when the 1st artificial satellite, the sputnik, was launched. Russians were the 1st in the world to fly into outer space. Then the most remarkable event in the history of cosmonautics took place. On April 12, 1961 the spaceship "Vostok", piloted by Yuri Gagarin went up. He orbited the Earth only once, staying in space for 108 minutes. A new era of man's exploration of outer space began. Many space rockets went up with our cosmonauts on board. Among them were Leonov, Tereshkova, Savitskaya, Nikolaev and others.

    Today Russia wants the exploration of space to be based on broad international cooperation. Many international crews go up in space and work on board the International Space Station. This is the best example of a peaceful cooperation.

    The International Space Station (ISS) is the most complex and expensive structure that has ever been launched and built in space. It looks like a huge multi-room hotel as well as a research facility orbiting the Earth.

    Built by a partnership of 16 nations, the ISS will consist of 36 modules and hundreds of individual elements that come from all over the world. Russia is the supplier of 12 modules for the station, each being a key module among its 36 ones. They are: the basic power module, the control, the life support, the service module and others.

    The purpose of the ISS is not only conducting scientific investigations in the absence of gravity, or learning how to build a massive project weighing 400 tons in orbit, or establishing the base for the trip to the Mars. It is also a political program as well. It is also aimed to promote international cooperation and create thousands of peacetime jobs for highly skilled workers and engineers.

    One of the greatest opportunities people have today is space tourism. This is no longer just an outlandish vision of science fiction writers. It is still affordable to the very wealthy; space tourism offers a unique type of adventure and the experience of a lifetime - looking at the Earth from the space and having the feeling of weightlessness. An American Dennis Tito became the first fee-paying tourist in space.

    The space station era is likely to open new possibilities for mankind and we are looking forward to new discoveries in such an immense and mysterious world.
    III. Complete the sentences using the words from the text:

    1. At the beginning of the 20th century a prominent Russian scientist Tsiolkovsky predicted that …

    2. Russians were the 1st in the world …

    3. He orbited the Earth only once,…

    4. Today Russia wants the exploration of space to be based on…

    5. The International Space Station (ISS) is the most complex and expensive structure that…

    6. It looks like a huge multi-room hotel as well as…

    7. It is also aimed to…

    8. It is still affordable to…

    9. … became the first fee-paying tourist in space.

    10. On ... the spaceship "Vostok", piloted by Yuri Gagarin went up.
    IV. Answer the questions:

    1. What did Tsiolkovsky predict?

    2. What happened on October 4, 1957?

    3. When did the first manned flight to the space take place?

    4. How long did Gagarin stay on the Earth orbit during the first flight?

    5. What other Russian cosmonauts went up to space?

    6. What is the greatest space project that provides international cooperation?

    7. How does the ISS look like?

    8. How many modules does the station consist of?

    9. What is the purpose of the ISS?

    10. Can everyone afford to become a space tourist?
    V. Find English equivalents in the text:

    Невесомость, событие всей жизни, международное сотрудничество, на борту МКС, исследования космоса, высококвалифицированные инженеры, отсутствие гравитации, космонавты, модуль жизнеобеспечения, построено при партнерстве, уникальное путешествие, позволительно для очень состоятельных людей, мечта стала реальностью.
    VI. Discuss the following:

    1. Imagine you’ve been offered to become a space tourist and to join the ISS crew. Would you agree? Why?

    2. What could be the next step in exploring the space?
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