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Методическое пособие по практике основного иностранного языка (английский) для направления 050100 Педагогическое образование

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НазваниеМетодическое пособие по практике основного иностранного языка (английский) для направления 050100 Педагогическое образование
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Read the following utterances. Do you agree or disagree with the statements? Give your reasons.
A: You ask me if I love theatre. Oh no, I am not interested in it at all. Theatre is our past and now is a time of television and video. I think that young people don’t like going to the theatre.

B: What do I think of theatre? I can’t say that I am a theatre-goer; but sometimes when I have free time, I go to the theatre with my friends, but only to our musical theatre, as I am sure that theatre is for our amusement and entertainment. When I am at the theatre I don’t want to think much, I only want to rest, to laugh and enjoy myself.

C: I love theatre very much, and my friends consider me to be a theatre-fan. I am fond of watching comedies, dramas and even tragedies; but I also watch ballets and listen to operas occasionally. They are difficult for me. I understand that this is bad, but in our town there is no opera-house and children are not taught to understand this art. It’s a pity.

D: My thoughts about theatre? Well, I think that this kind of art is dying now, because nobody is interested in the fact that young people don’t like it. Though in our town there are some theatres, it is difficult for teenagers to see a play. Such plays are not staged in our theatres. This is bad. I think that something should be done to change the situation. Each town should have a theatre.


cast (n, v)

repertory company/theatre

cast list

types of theatres


civic theatre


commercial theatre

do/put on/produce (a play)

private theatre


regional theatre

drama class/course/club

subsidized theatre

drama critic

types of play

drama school


drama student


dramatic art

historical play/drama


musical comedy

first night/first performance


go to the theatre

straight play





repertory, repertoire


in repertory/repertoire

variety show

the stage version

The Bolshoi Theatre

on the stage

The Children’s Theatre


The Drama Theatre

morning performance

The Mariinsky Theatre

afternoon performance

The Moscow Art Theatre

evening performance

The Musical Comedy Theatre


The Puppet Theatre


The Opera House


The Opera and Ballet Theatre

theatre party

The Variety Theatre


The Young people’s Theatre

1. Give your associations with the word “Theatre”.

Troupe, House full, Encore, A…, T…, R…, E
2.What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘theatre’? Fill in the mind map.

3. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

  1. I’m very interested in the theatre.

  2. He’s written several books on the Elizabethan theatre.

  3. She has devoted her life to the theatre.

  4. It’s interesting but it’s not good theatre.

  5. There are a lot of good theatres in Moscow.

  6. A new theatre is being built in the city centre.

  7. I’ll see you outside the theatre at a quarter past seven.

  8. David’s organizing/arranging a theatre party.

  9. I’m very interested in drama.

  10. He’s written several books on Elizabethan drama.

  11. The Gorky Theatre is considered by many people to be the best in Saint Petersburg.

  12. The Royal Shakespeare Company are divided between the country and the capital, playing concurrently at two theatres for most of the year.

  13. The Royal Shakespeare Company are doing three of the history plays/histories this reason.

  14. Straight plays do not usually run as long as farces and musicals.

  15. - Have you seen “My Fair Lady”?

- You mean the stage version?

- No, the film. I didn’t think you were old enough to have seen it on the stage.

4. Fill in the table with the definitions and exemplary sentences given below.






  • The type of play or film

  • A building, room, or outside structure with rows of seats from which people can watch a performance

  • A play in a theatre or on television or radio

  • The writing or performance of plays, opera, etc., written to be performed in public

  • Plays and acting generally

Exemplary sentences:

  • She made her career in the theatre.

  • She studied English and drama at college.

  • She’s been in several television dramas.

  • Yesterday we watched a historical drama.

  • The Lyceum Theatre was renovated last spring.

*Mind the use. E.g. I’m interested in drama/the theatre.
5. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words (drama or theatre).

  1. I’m very interested in Elizabethan ____________.

  2. Our daughter attends the school’s ____________ club. She is going to devote her life to ____________.

  3. There are many ____________ in Moscow.

  4. Our professor has written a good book on Elizabethan ____________.

  5. The job of a _____ critic is difficult but amazing. A ____________ critic sees the most interesting performances that are on at ____________.

  6. I’ll see you outside ____________ at a quarter past seven.

  7. It’s interesting but it is not good ____________.

  8. David is arranging a ____________ party.

  9. Ann devoted her life to ____________.

  10. He always wanted to be a ____________ student but his parents didn’t approve of his dream to work at the ____________.

  11. A lot of ____________ are staged nowadays in various Moscow ____________.

  12. A ____________ party is a group of people going to see ____________, comedies, etc. together.

6. Find the correct words for:

  1. a building for the performance of plays (T…);

  2. a dramatic composition with music in which the words are sung (M…);

  3. a man who acts on the stage or for cinema films (A…);

  4. a well-known modern composer, the author of rock operas (W…);

  5. a group of people trained to sing together (C…);

  6. the main character of one of Shakespeare’s plays (R…);

  7. a person who performs music for the love of it, not for money (A…).

7. For further extension of your knowledge about types of play translate the following text into English.

ВОДЕВИЛЬ – вид комедии положении с песнями-куплетами и танцами. Возник во Франции; с начала XIX в. получил общеевропейское распространение. Лучшим произведениям присуши задорное веселье, злободневное отображение действительности.

ДРАМА – один из ведущих жанров драматургии, начиная с эпохи Просвещения, в котором изображается мир реального человека в его остроконфликтных, но не безысходных отношениях с обществом или собой.

КОМЕДИЯ – вид драмы, в котором действие и характеры трактованы в формах комического. По принципу организации действия различают комедию характеров, положений, идей. По типу сюжетов комедии могут быть бытовыми и лирическими, по характеру комического– юмористическими, сатирическими.

МЕЛОДРАМА – пьеса с острой интригой, преувеличенной эмоциональностью, резким противопоставлением добра и зла, морально-поучительной тенденцией. Возникла в конце XVII в. во Франции, в России – в 20-е гг. XIX в.

МИМ – комедийный жанр в античном народном театре, короткие импровизационные сценки сатирического и развлекательного характера.

МИСТЕРИЯ – жанр средневекового западноевропейского религиозного театра. Мистерии представлялись на площадях городов. Религиозные сцены в них чередовались с интермедиями.

МОНОДРАМА –драматическое произведение, исполняемое одним актером.

МОРАЛИТЕ – жанр западно-европейского театра XV–XVI вв., назидательная аллегорическая драма, персонажи которой олицетворяли различные добродетели и пороки.

МЮЗИКЛ – музыкально-сценическое произведение, главным образом комедийного характера, в котором используются средства эстрадной и бытовой музыки, драматического, хореографического и оперного искусств, жанр сформировался в США в конце XIX в.

ПАРОДИЯ – 1) жанр в театре, на эстраде, сознательная имитация в сатирических, иронических и юмористических целях индивидуальной манеры, стиля, стереотипов речи и поведения; 2) искаженное подобие чего-либо.

ПАСТОРАЛЬ – опера, пантомима или балет, сюжет которых связан с идеализированным изображением пастушеской жизни.

ТРАГЕДИЯ (в переводе с греческого– «песнь козлов») – вид драмы, проникнутый пафосом трагического. В античности отображал непосредственную жизнь персонажей трагических событий, действие преобладало над рассказом. Основу трагедии составляют острые общественные конфликты, коренные проблемы бытия, столкновения личности с судьбой и обществом. Трагическая коллизия обычно разрешается гибелью героя.

ТРАГИКОМЕДИЯ – драматическое произведение, обладающее признаками как комедии, так и трагедии. В основе ее лежит ощущение относительности существующих критериев жизни; одно и то же явление драматург видит и в комическом, и в трагическом освещении, характерна для XX в.

ФАРС – 1) вид средневекового западно-европейского народного театра бытового комедийно-сатирического характера, существовавший в XIV–XVI вв. 2) в театре XIX–XX вв. комедия-водевиль легкого содержания с чисто внешними комическими приемами.
8.Dramatize the following situations: Three friends decided to spend a Saturday evening at a theatre, but they don’t know what to see: a comedy, a drama or a musical play, as each of them prefers different kind of performances. Give your reasons why you prefer to see a particular type of play.
9. Find the following expressions in Text 9; give the English definition and the Russian translation.

1) local authority

4) a pejorative connotation

7) to put on a production

2) a permanent company

5) to arrange with smb.

8) to take off the play

3) to merge with

6) to cast and rehearse a play

9) financially worthwhile

Theatres in Britain are of two types: subsidized and commercial.

Subsidized theatres are publicly owned, and supported from public funds by a subsidy from the Arts Council and/or the local authority. They have a permanent company of directors, actors, designers,etc., and each season stage several productions, which are presented in repertory. The most well-known are:


The Royal Shakespeare Company The Royal ShakespeareOr: The RSC (colloq.) Theatre
The National Theatre (Company) The National Theatre

Or: The National (colloq.)
The English Stage Company The Royal Court Theatre
The National Theatre (in the sense of the building) is a whole complex consisting of three theatres of varying size and design, situated on the south bank of the Thames beside Waterloo Bridge. The theatres are:

  • The OlivierTheatre, the largest (1160 seats), named after Laurence Olivier, a famous actor and first director of the National Theatre, 1962 – 1973.

  • The Lyttleton Theatre, a medium-sized theatre (890seats), named after Oliver Lyttleton, first president of the National Theatre Council.

  • The Cottesloe Theatre, a very small theatre with movable seats or experimental productions, named after the president of the South Bank Council, which was in charge of the whole project.

The National Theatre was opened in March 1976, although at first performances took place only in the Lyttleton Theatre. Now all three are in use. From 1963, when the National Theatre company was founded, until the new buildings were opened, thecompanyperformed at the Old Vic, aVictorian theatre formerly called the Royal Victoria Theatre, near Waterloo Bridge. The Old Vic had its own company, the Old Vic Company, until 1963, when it merged with a company from the Chichester Theatre Festival under Laurence Olivier, to become the National Theatre company.

Most provincial towns of a certain size have a subsidized theatre. Among the better-known are:

The Birmingham Repertory Theatre The Nottingham Playhouse

The Liverpool Repertory Theatre The Bristol Old Vic

The Oxford Playhouse The Belgrade Theatre

Civic theatre is often used of those theatres which are built and supported by a city.

Regional theatre denotes a theatre (or theatres collectively) outside London. It is generally preferred to provincial, which often has a pejorative connotation, suggesting second-rate.

Commercial theatre

Commercial theatres are those which receive no subsidy and are therefore run on a commercial basis. This means that they have to cover all their costs from the sale of tickets, besides which they hope to make a profit. A commercial theatre is simply a building, with no resident company. It is privately owned, and run by a manager, who arranges with a director to stage a particular production. The director then arranges auditions, which any actors who are free may attend, casts the play, rehearses it, and then the production opens. Since only one production is put on at a time, it does not alternate with others, as in the subsidized theatre, but is presented every evening, sometimes twice, as long as enough tickets are sold to make commercially profitable. When the income from the sale of tickets falls below a certain level, the play is taken off, and the theatre manager arranges for another production to be staged, usually by a different director, who chooses mainly different actors.

Most of the London theatres (over 30) are of this type. Since they are nearly all situated in the West End (i.e. the western part of the centre), this name is sometimes used to denote the London commercial theatres collectively.

e.g. “Oliver” had a long and successful run in the West End.
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