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ОБЛАДНАННЯ: магнітофон, картки з буквами, різні види одягу, таблиця для словникової роботи, лексичні схеми.ХІД УРОКУ1.-Good morning,children. How are you? I’m fine, thanks. I”m glad to see you. -Ok! Look at each other, please. Smile to each other, please. And begin our lesson. -What is the topic of our lesson today? -Clothes.All right.- Have you any idea,Why do we wear clothes?Try to answer at the end of our lesson. -Ми продовжуємо вивчати тему “Одяг”.Закріпимо знання з лексики по темі та ознайомимося з граматичною структурою: В що я вдягнений?/В що він/вона вдягнені? 2. Listen and repeat, please. What do you wear on your head?- a hat. What do you wear on your hands?- gloves. What do you wear on your feet? –socks and shoes. What do you wear ,when it”s cold ?- sock s, shoes and socks. What do you wear, when it”s warm? –shorts,T-shirt,shorts. What to put on? I have a red blouse.You have no red blouse.You have a yellow blouse. I have a green shirt.You have no green shirt.You have a red shirt. I have blue trousers.You have no blue trousers.You have brown trous. My dress is green.Your dress isn”t green.Your dress is purple. My suit is yellow.Your suit isn”t yellow.You suit is blue. So we are ready.And what about you? 3. -Now,Let”s Check your home task. 4. Vocabulary work.Prepare,please, your letters.The first word is Clothes, dress, suit, shirt, shoes, skirt, hat, clean,bra, tights, tie, knickers, jeans,vest, T-shirt. 5.-Look at the blackboard,please. This is our washing line. -Whose clothes can you see? -I can see mum”s clothes: a dress, a bra, tights, a blouse. -I can see dad”s clothes: a shirt, a tie, trousers. -I can see my clothes:a skirt, shorts, a dress, knickers . -I can see my brothers clothes: T-shirt, underpants, jeans,a jacket, a vest. 6. Look ,please, Find the words on our topic and write down. Where do we wear them? /stocking, blouse,trousers,boot,hat,clothes,suit,skirt,cap,dress,socks,scarf./
7. What is it? It”s candy,It”s a magic candy./із цукерки випали літери з них потрібно скласти слова/ Make up words. HAVE, HAS. ON. Do you know these words? OK. Make up sentenc. I have a skirt. + on. She has a blouse . I have a skirt on. She has a blouse on. Використовуємо кольорові фішки складаємо схїеми речень on. on. оn? What have you on? Використовуючи цю граматичну структуру складаємо речення 8. -So, “Snowball”. I II -I have knickers on. He has underpants on. -I have white knickers on. He has blue underpants on -I have white knickers,a bra on. He has blue underpants,a vest on. -I have white knickers,a bra,a yel- He has blue underpants, a vest, low blouse on. A white shirt on -I have -/-/-/-/-/ a green skirt on He has -/-/-/-/browntrousers -Ihave-/-/-/- brown tights on He has -/-/-/-/ a tie on -I have -/-/-/ a jacket on. He has-/-/-/ socks on -I have -/-/-/-/ shoes on. He has-/-/-/-/shoes on. 9. Stand up,please physical-warm. 10. Listen,please,the text over the tape-recorder Read and translate. Answer the questens about the text. -What is the girl”s name? -Is she a tidy girl? -What has she on? -What has her mother on? -Is her father a tidy man? 11. Make up a mind - map .What clothes may be? /tidy,elegant,dirty,unpressed,fashionable,pressed,clean, untidy./ 12 .Where do we live?-We live in Ukraine This is ukrainian national clothes. 13.Why do we wear clothes? WE wear clothes to protect our bodies. We wear our clothes to look nice, elegant. 14. At the end of our lesson you must wear your doll and tell What has she on? 15.You were good today . Your marks are good. Your home task is Ex. 26,p.231. Our lesson is over. Good bye. THE SEASONS OF THE YEAR IN LITERATURE AND ARTS Тип уроку спрямований на розвиток мовленнєвих умінь. Мета : Удосконалювати навичкі мовленнєвої діяльності.Познайомити з літературними творами англійських письмеників по темі , картинами видатних художників, які присвятили роботи порам року. Розвивати мовленнєві уміння, мовну здогадку учнів, естетичне сприйняття навколишнього, вміння самостійного набуття знань. Виховувати любов до природи, почуття прекрасного. Обладнання : кольорові схеми-коллажі,магнітофон,картини видатних художників, символи пір року,книжки. Хід уроку Організаційний момент. Початок уроку. Hello,children! How are you ? Are you fine? I hope you are in a good mood, full of energy,despite the cold and rainy weather. By the way, do you know that Every cloud has its silver lining ? In other words : “ Everything is beautiful in its season “ This saying is taken from literature. And today we’ll be talking about the season of the year In literature and arts. The painters discribe nature, using the water-colours and poets discribe It , using the words. Listen and repeat . I think it is going to rain Do you think it is going to rain ? I hope, not. I think it is going to snow. Do you think it is going to snow? I hope, so. Let’s a joke little. Man is a full When it’s hot, he wants it cool When it’s cool, he want’s it hot. He always wants, what he has not got. Ok! Your hometask was: to find some signs and riddles about nature. Did you do it ? Let’s check. P1.If bees at home,rain will soon come, if they fly away, fine will be the day. P2. When the dew is on the grass, rain will never come to pass. P3. A sunshiny shower, won’t last half an hour. P4. March winds and April showers, bring forth May flowers. P5. When the wind blows, then the mill goes, when the wind drops, then the mill stops . After signs pupils set riddles……. That’s good start. Good job. T. – Do you know what it is ? – It’s a box. It’s a magic box and it’s full of small symbols of the seasons. Each season is associated with a symbol.Spring – with a flower, autumn – with a coloured Leaf, winter- with a snowflake, summer –with a sun. Take one of them and find your place in the class.(Учні сідають за стол,де лежать схеми-коллажи ) Look at the scheme- pictures and put them on the board. So, you’ll be working in groups : summer, winter, spring, autumn. Now, you’ll do the following : write down the words on the topic Frosty snow sun brightly Ice hockey to swim holidays Snowballs snowman bathe berries Ski skate fishing flowers |