2 частина Англ. Міністерство освіти і науки України Національний університет Одеська юридична академія Юлінецька Ю. В. Алєксєєв М. Е. Юридична англійська європейських судів Збірка завдань для самостійної роботи студентівюристів ii курсу Одеса
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TASKS FOR CONTROL On the basis of the information provided state if the following sentences are true or false A disciplinary or administrative body can be called a “tribunal” within the autonomous meaning of Article 6, only if it is not termed a “tribunal” or “court” in the domestic system. ____________ The grounds for referring to a body as a “tribunal” or “court” are its judicial function. ____________ Conferring the prosecution and punishment of minor “criminal” offences on administrative authorities contradicts the Convention in all cases. _____________ It is important that all decisions taken by administrative authorities could be reviewed by a “judicial body that has full jurisdiction”. _____________ Binding decisions are decisions that must be fulfilled by all people and bodies in the country. ___________ A tribunal or court must be established according to the rules of the Convention and its Protocols. _______ The right to a fair trial in Article 6 § 1 requires that a case be heard by an “independent and impartial tribunal” established by law. ________ A tribunal can be considered “independent and impartial” only when professional judges work there. _____ There are five criteria that characterize a court as “independent” __________ Under the Convention, the judiciary must have internal and external independence. ______________ Give your English translation of the following: Суд також повинен відповідати ряду додаткових вимог, частина яких викладена в пункті 1 статті 6: незалежність, зокрема від виконавчої влади; неупередженість; тривалість терміну повноважень його членів; наявність гарантій, які забезпечуються судовою процедурою. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Наділення адміністративних органів функціями обвинувачення і покарання за малозначні «кримінальні» злочину не суперечить Конвенції за умови, що рішення, винесене в такому порядку, може бути оскаржене відповідною особою в суді, який забезпечує гарантії, закріплені в статті 6. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Повноваження щодо винесення рішення, яке має обов'язкову силу і не може бути змінено несудових органом влади, є невід'ємним від поняття «суд». __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ «Закон», в значенні пункту 1 статті 6, включає, зокрема, законодавство, що регулює склад і компетенцію судових органів. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Вираз створений на підставі закону «охоплює не тільки правову основу самого існування «суду», а й виконання «судом » конкретних правил, які регулюють його діяльність. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 2 1)Consult a dictionary, find the translation and pronunciation and memorize the following words and word-combinations: liberty ______________________________________________ procedure ___________________________________________ prescribe ____________________________________________ (pre-trial) detention ____________________________________ authority ____________________________________________ suspicion ____________________________________________ suspect (v/n) _________________________________________ commit ______________________________________________ (criminal) offence _____________________________________ flee (v) ______________________________________________ (criminal) proceedings __________________________________ provision ____________________________________________ custody ______________________________________________ pursuant to ___________________________________________ measure ______________________________________________ judge ________________________________________________ judicial power _________________________________________ reasonable (reasonableness) ______________________________ circumstance ___________________________________________ uncorroborated _________________________________________ hearsay _______________________________________________ evidence ______________________________________________ incriminating (statements) ________________________________ (arrest/search) warrant ___________________________________ lawful (lawfulness) ______________________________________ severity _______________________________________________ penalty ________________________________________________ danger _________________________________________________ relevant ________________________________________________ 2. Match English phrases and the translations:
3. Read the following text Article 5 § 1 (c) “1. … No one shall be deprived of his liberty save in the following cases and in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law: … (c) the lawful arrest or detention of a person effected for the purpose of bringing him before the competent legal authority on reasonable suspicion of having committed an offence or when it is reasonably considered necessary to prevent his committing an offence or fleeing after having done so;” Purpose of arrest or detention 64.A person may be detained under Article 5 § 1 (c) only in the context of criminal proceedings, for the purpose of bringing him before the competent legal authority on suspicion of his having committed an offence. 65.The second alternative of that provision (“when it is reasonably considered necessary to prevent his committing an offence”) also governs only pre-trial detention and not custody for preventive purposes without the person concerned being suspected of having already committed a criminal offence. 67.Detention pursuant to Article 5 § 1 (c) must be a proportionate measure to achieve the stated aim. 68.The expression “competent legal authority” has the same meaning as “judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power” in Article 5 § 3. Meaning of “reasonable suspicion” 69.A “reasonable suspicion” that a criminal offence has been committed presupposes the existence of facts or information which would satisfy an objective observer that the person concerned may have committed an offence … 70.What may be regarded as “reasonable” will however depend upon all the circumstances of the cases. 71.In the context of terrorism, though Contracting States cannot be required to establish the reasonableness of the suspicion grounding the arrest of a suspected terrorist by disclosing confidential sources of information … 72.Uncorroborated hearsay evidence of an anonymous informant was held not to be sufficient to found “reasonable suspicion” of the applicant being involved in mafia-related activities. By contrast, incriminating statements dating back to a number of years and later withdrawn by the suspects did not remove the existence of a reasonable suspicion against the applicant. Furthermore, it did not have an effect on the lawfulness of the arrest warrant. The term “offence” 73.The term “offence” has an autonomous meaning, identical to that of “criminal offence” in Article 6. The classification of the offence under national law is one factor to be taken into account. However, the nature of the proceedings and the severity of the penalty at stake are also relevant. 74.The “offence” must be specific and concrete: preventive detention of individuals viewed by the State as presenting a danger on account of their continuing propensity to crime is not allowed. 4.Give English equivalents of the following: 1) законний арешт або затримання ________________________________________________________________ 2) в порядку, встановленому законом ________________________________________________________________ 3)на підставі обґрунтованої підозри у вчиненні нею правопорушення ________________________________________________________________ 4) запобігти вчиненню нею правопорушення чи її втечі після його вчинення ______________________________________________________________ 5) постати перед компетентним правоохоронним органом ______________________________________________________________ 6) має бути сумірною мірою для досягнення зазначеної мети ______________________________________________________________ 7) компетентний правоохоронний орган ______________________________________________________________ 8)суддя або інша посадова особа, уповноважена за законом на здійснення судової влади ___________________________________________________________ 9) Термін ... передбачає наявність фактів або відомостей ______________________________________________________________ 10)розкриття конфіденційних джерел інформації ______________________________________________________________ 11)непідтверджені, засновані на чутках, свідчення ______________________________________________________________ 12) заявник був залучений в кримінальну діяльність мафіозних структур ______________________________________________________________ 13) згодом відкликані підозрюваними ______________________________________________________________ 5. Fill the gaps in the text. The missing words are to be found in the list provided below: (Committed, arrest, facts, warrant, terrorism, suspicion, circumstances, informant, objective, evidence, mafia-related, applicant, incriminating) A “reasonable ____________” that a criminal offence has been _______________ presupposes the existence of _____________ or information which would satisfy an ______________ observer that the person concerned may have committed an offence … What may be regarded as “reasonable” will however depend upon all the ________________ of the cases. In the context of _____________, though Contracting States cannot be required to establish the reasonableness of the suspicion grounding the ______________ of a suspected terrorist by disclosing confidential sources of information … Uncorroborated hearsay ______________ of an anonymous __________ was held not to be sufficient to found “reasonable suspicion” of the applicant being involved in ________________ activities. By contrast, ____________________ statements dating back to a number of years and later withdrawn by the suspects did not remove the existence of a reasonable suspicion against the ______________. Furthermore, it did not have an effect on the lawfulness of the arrest ________________. 6. Give your written translation of the text above ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TASKS FOR CONTROL On the basis of the information provided state if the following sentences are true or false 1. A person may not be deprived of liberty under any circumstances. _________ 2. The purpose of lawful arrest or detention of a person is bringing him before the competent legal authority. _____________ 3. Custody for preventive purposes means that the person concerned is suspected of having already committed a criminal offence. __________ 4. The words “pursuant to” means the same as “according to” or “under”. _____ 5. Uncorroborated hearsay evidence may serve a reliable evidence in a criminal case. _______ 6. A “reasonable suspicion” that a criminal offence has been committed means that any reasonable person has grounds to believe that the suspect has committed the crime. _______ 7. “Reasonable” is a legal term with absolute meaning independent of the facts of an individual case. ________ 8. Uncorroborated hearsay evidence is inadmissible in the court of law. _______ 9. Incriminating statements dating back to a number of years and later withdrawn by the suspects have an effect on the lawfulness of the arrest warrant. ________ 10. The classification of the offence under national law is an irrelevant factor. __ Give your English translation of the following: Термін «правопорушення» має незалежне значення, тотожне значенням терміну «кримінальне правопорушення» ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Від Договірних Держав не можна вимагати підтвердження обґрунтованості підозри шляхом розкриття конфіденційних джерел інформації. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Класифікація правопорушень відповідно до національного законодавства є одним з факторів, який необхідно враховувати. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Превентивне ув'язнення під варту осіб, які, на думку держави, становлять небезпеку через схильність до вчинення злочинів, не допускається. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Характер розгляду і тяжкість відповідного покарання теж мають значення. ___________________________________________________________ |