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  • фоссы по специальности. ФОС ОУП.03 Иностранный язык 09.02.07. Общеобразовательного цикла

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    Вариант 16

    I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

    A passenger addressed a lady travelling in the same compartment:

    "Have you a family, madam?"

    "Yes sir, one son."

    "Indeed! Does he smoke?"

    "No, sir, he has never touched a cigarette."

    "So much the better, madam. Tobacco is poison. Does he drink wine?"

    "Oh, no, he has never taken a drop of it."

    "Then I congratulate you. Does he come late at night?"

    "Never. He always goes to bed right after dinner."

    "He is a model young man, madam. How old is he?"

    "Five years, sir."


    1. Why did the man call the lady's son a model young man?

    2. Where did the conversation take place?

    II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

    Не always goes to bed right after dinner.

    III. Выберите правильный ответ.

    1. Boston is in....

    a) Florida, b) Mexico, c) Texas, d) Massachusetts.

    2. Gulf Stream originates in ... .

    a) the Gulf of Mexico, b) the Persian Gulf, c) the Gibraltar, d) the Panama Canal.

    3. The Tower of London now is ... .

    a) a prison, b) a royal residence, c) a museum, d) a burial place.

    4. Englishmen eat dinner at....

    a) 11 a.m., b) 2 p.m., с) б p.m„ d) 9 p.m.

    5. A brunch is ... .

    a) breakfast, b) late breakfast, c) dinner, d) a tea party.

    Вариант 17

    I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

    A doctor was often stopped by one of his patients the street and asked for his medical advice free of charge. The doctor didn't like it and decided to put an end to this practice.

    One day a patient stopped him again and exclaimed, "Oh, doctor! I'm so glad to see you. I heve such a bad headache?. The doctor seemed very much interested and said, "Close your eyes, open your mouth and show me your tongue." The patient did so. Then the doctor quickly went away leaving the patient with his mouth open and tongue out. .1


    1. Why did the patient ask the doctor for advice in the street?

    2. In what way did the doctor put an end to tttis practiced?

    II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

    Then the doctor quickly went away.

    III. Выберите правильный ответ.

    1. What river does London stand on?

    a) the Thames, b) the Severn, c) the Avon, d) the Clyde.

    2. Under what king did the knights of the round table gather together?

    a) Henry IV, b) Edward II, c) Arthur, d) William the Conqueror.

    3. What is Britain separated from the Continent by? a) the English Channel, b) the Persian Gulf, c) the Suez Canal, d) the Gulf of Mexico.

    4. Robert Burns is a ... poet.

    a) American, b) English, c) Scottish, d) Welsh.

    5. R. Kipling wrote ... .

    a) "Canterbury Tales," b) "Alice in Wonderland," c) "Treasure Island," d) "Maugly."

    Вариант 18

    I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

    The famous J. Swift was once travelling with his servant. They put up at a small hotel where they spent the night. In the morning Swift asked for his boots. The servant immediately brought them to him. When Swift saw the dirty boots he asked, "Why haven't you cleaned them?" — "I haven't cleaned them," replied the servant, "because you are going to ride and they will soon be dirty again." — "Very well", said Swift, "go and get the horses ready." While the servant was away, Swift told the landlord not to give the servant any breakfast. When the servant returned he was surprised but Swift said, "You haven't had your break­fast because we are going to ride and soon you will be hungry again."


    1. Why did Swift order to leave his servant without breakfast?

    2. Did Swift treat his servant kindly?

    II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

    They put up at a small hotel.

    III. Выберите правильный ответ.

    1. The language spoken in Scotland is ... .

    a) Scot, b) Scottish, c) Scotch, d) Scotland's.

    2. The oldest university in Britain is ....

    a) London, b) Cambridge, c) Oxford, d) Edinburgh.

    3. The financial centre of London is ... .

    a) the West End, b) the East End, c) Westminster, d) the City.

    4. Which party is in power in Great Britain now?

    a) the Labour, b) the Conservative, c) the Liberal, d) the Social-Democratic.

    5. The telephone number to call for emergency services in Britain is ... .

    a) 03, b) 09, c) 911, d) 999.
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