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  • III. Выберите правильный ответ .

  • 3.1 Перечень вопросов для подготовки к промежуточной аттестации по учебному предмету ОУП.03. Иностранный язык Грамматический материал

  • 3.2. Задания для промежуточной аттестации по учебному предмету ОУП.03. Иностранный язык в форме дифференцированного зачета Задание №1

  • 4. Тематика рефератов (проектов) исследовательского, творческого характера

  • фоссы по специальности. ФОС ОУП.03 Иностранный язык 09.02.07. Общеобразовательного цикла

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    Вариант 19

    I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

    Once a French cab driver played a joke ой Conan Doyle. The driver took Conan Doyle from the station to the hotel and said, "Thank you, Mr Conan Doyle." Conan Doyle was surprised and asked how he knew his name. The driver said that he had seen in the papers that the writer was coming to Paris. And he said that Conan Doyle's appearance was typically English and he guessed at once, who he was. "Besides," said the man, "your name is written on your luggage."


    1. What was Conan Doyle surprised with?

    2. What helped the driver to recognize Conan Doyle?

    II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

    The driver took the writer from the station to the hotel.

    III. Выберите правильный ответ.

    1. A double-decker is ... .

    a) a train, b) a small plane, с) a hotel room for two people, d) a bus

    2. The common name for a toy bear in England is ... .

    a) Michael-bear, b) Tom-bear, c) Teddy-bear, d) Jack-bear.

    3. The "Dynasty" is an American ... .

    a) opera, b) soap opera, c) musical, d) documentary.

    4. The Crown Jewels are in ... .

    a) the Tower of London, b) Buckingham Palace, c) Westmin­ster Palace, d) the British Museum.

    5. St. Patrick is the patron of... .

    a) Wales, b) England, c) Ireland, d) Scotland.

    Вариант 20

    I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

    Mark Twain and a friend of his went abroad on the same ship. Once they were both invited to a dinner. And they were to make speeches. Mark Twain was the first to speak. He spoke for twenty minutes and was a great success. Then if was his friend's turn. He rose and said, "Before this dinner Mark Twain and I agreed to pronounce each oth­er's speeches. He has just pronounced my speech. And I thank you for your kind appreciation of my speech. I'm sorry to say that I have lost the notes of his speech and can't remember what he was to say." Then he sat down and the guests burst out laughing.


    1. What did Mark Twain's friend do when it was his turn to make a speech?

    2. Did the guests understand what Mark Twain's friend had done?

    II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

    Mark Twain spoke for twenty minutes.

    III. Выберите правильный ответ.

    1. St. Valentine's Day is observed in ... .

    a) February, b) May, c) November, d) December.

    2. In England "public school" means ....

    a) state-financed school, b) private school, c) comprehensive school, d) religious school.

    3. When it is 12 o'clock in Moscow in London it is ... .

    a) 6 o'clock, b) 7 o'clock, c) 8 o'clock, d) 9 o'clock.

    4. In Britain people's weight is measured in ... .

    a) tons, b) kilos, c) stones and pounds, d) pints.

    5. Santa Barbara is in ... .

    a) California, b) Florida, c) Arizona, d) Texas.

    3.1 Перечень вопросов для подготовки к промежуточной аттестации по учебному предмету ОУП.03. Иностранный язык
    Грамматический материал:

    1. Имя существительное. Артикль. Образование множественного числа существительных. Падеж имён существительных.

    2. Повелительные предложения.

    3. Местоимение. Классификация местоимений.

    4. Имя числительное. Количественные числительные. Порядковые числительные.

    5. Глагол. Основные глагольные формы. Инфинитив.

    6. Времена английского глагола. Действительный залог. Формы настоящего времени. The Indefinite Forms.

    7. Прилагательное. Место прилагательного в предложении. Степени сравнения прилагательных. Сравнительные конструкции с прилагательными.

    8. Классификация и употребление наречий. Степени сравнения наречий.

    9. Времена английского глагола. Действительный залог. The Continuous Forms.

    10. Постановка вопросов к предложению. Общий вопрос и краткие ответы. Специальный вопрос. Альтернативный вопрос. Разделительный вопрос.

    11. Времена английского глагола. Действительный залог. The Perfect Forms.

    Лексический материал:

    1. Приветствие, прощание, представление себя и других людей в официальной и неофициальной обстановке

    2. Описание человека (внешность, национальность, образование, личные качества, род занятий, должность, место работы и др.).

    3. Семья и семейные отношения, домашние обязанности.

    4. Описание жилища и учебного заведения (здание, обстановка, условия жизни, техника, оборудование).

    5. Распорядок дня студента колледжа

    6. Досуг, хобби.

    7. Описание местоположения объекта (адрес, как найти).

    8. Магазины, товары, совершение покупок.

    9. Физкультура и спорт, здоровый образ жизни.

    10. Экскурсии и путешествия.

    11. Россия, ее национальные символы, государственное и политическое устройство.

    12. Англоязычные страны, географическое положение, климат, флора и фауна, национальные символы, государственное и политическое устройство, наиболее развитые отрасли экономики, достопримечательности, традиции

    13. Обычаи, традиции, поверья народов России и англоязычных стран

    14. Жизнь в городе и деревне

    15. Переговоры, разрешение конфликтных ситуаций. Рабочие совещания. Отношения внутри коллектива

    16. Этикет делового и неофициального общения. Дресс-код. Телефонные переговоры.

    17. Правила поведения в ресторане, кафе, во время делового обеда

    18. Финансовые учреждения и услуги

    19. Выдающиеся исторические события и личности. Исторические памятники

    3.2. Задания для промежуточной аттестации по учебному предмету ОУП.03. Иностранный язык в форме дифференцированного зачета

    Задание №1

    1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

    Education in Britain
    In England and Wales compulsory school begins at the age of five, but before that age children can go to a nursery school, also called play school. School is compulsory till the children are 16 years old.

    In Primary School and First School children learn to read and write and the basis of arithmetic. In the higher classes of Primary School (or in Middle School) children learn geography, history, religion and, in some schools, a foreign language. Then children go to the Secondary School.

    When students are 16 years old they may take an exam in various subjects in order to have a qualification. These qualifications can be either G.C.S.E. (General Certificate of Secondary Education) or "O level" (Ordinary level). After that students can either leave school and start working or continue their studies in the same school as before. If they continue, when they are 18, they have to take further examinations which are necessary for getting into university or college.

    Some parents choose private schools for their children. They are very expensive but considered to provide a better education and good job opportunities.

    In England there are 47 universities, including the Open University which teaches via TV and radio, about 400 colleges and institutes of higher education. The oldest universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. Generally, universities award two kinds of degrees: the Bachelor's degree and the Master's degree.

    2.Расскажите о классификации местоимений в английском языке.

    3.Беседа по теме «Город, деревня, инфраструктура»

    Задание №2.
    1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.
    London is the capital of the UK
    Once London was a small Roman town of the north bank of the Thames. Slowly it grew into one of the world's major cities. London is the capital of the United Kingdom, its economic, political and cultural center. It is one of the world's most important ports and one of the largest cities in the world. London with its suburbs has a population of about 11 million people.

    London has been a capital for nearly a thousand years. Many of its ancient buildings still stand. The most famous of them are the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and St. Paul's Cathedral. Most visitors also want to see the Houses of Parliament and the many magnificent museums.

    The Different areas of London can seem like different cities. The West End is a rich man's world of shops, offices and theatres. The City of London is the district where most offices and banks are concentrated; the Royal Exchange and the Bank of England are here, too. The East End is a district where mostly working people live. The old port area is now called "Docklands". There are now new office buildings in Docklands, and thousands of new flats and houses.

    By day, the whole of London is busy. At night, offices are quiet and empty, but the West End stays alive, because this is where Londoners come to enjoy themselves. There are two opera houses here, several concert halls and many theatres, as well as cinemas. In nearby Soho the pubs and restaurants and nightclubs are busy half the night.

    1. Расскажите о количественных и порядковых числительных.

    1. Беседа по теме «Человек, здоровье, спорт»

    Задание №3
    1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

    Why was Washington DC made the capital of the United States?
    After the War of Independence, the United States needed a capital city. Different cities in different parts of the country wanted to be the nation's capital. In the end it was decided to build a new city. In 1791 George Washington, the first president, chose the place where the city now stands. The land round the city was called the District of Columbia, after Christopher Columbus; and the city founded on it was named Washington, in honour of the country's first president. The architect of the new city planned straight streets with trees on both sides, beautiful buildings, and monuments to honour great statesmen. The buildings for the Congress of the United States and some other buildings were built on Jenkins Hill. These buildings were called the Capitol. Then the area was renamed Capitol Hill, locally referred to as “The Hill”. In 1800 President John Adams, the second president, and other members of the government moved to the new city of Washington, D.C. (District of Columbia).

    1. Расскажите о степени сравнения прилагательных.

    1. Беседа по теме «Научно-технический прогресс»

    Задание №4
    1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

    Famous Landmarks: the Centre
    Red Square lies just outside the Kremlin walls. This large plaza, about 1/4 mile (0.4 kilometre) long, took its name in Russian from an old word meaning both beautiful and red.

    Huge military and civilian parades were held in Red Square in order to celebrate various special occasions.

    Opposite the Kremlin on Red Square is GUM, the country's largest department store. It was completed in the early 1890's and remodeled in 1953. The initials GUM come from three Russian words that mean State Department Store.

    St. Basil's Cathedral — a Russian church famous for its many colorful, onion-shaped domes — is also on Red Square. Originally built over 400 years ago to honor several military conquests, this building is now part of the State Historical Museum.

    The Russia Hotel, one of the world's largest hotels, is near Red Square.

    The Russian Parliament building, where Russians Supreme Soviet meets, lies west of the Kremlin.

    1. Расскажите о временах английского глагола группы Perfect.

    2. Беседа по теме «Профессии»

    Задание №5
    1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.
    The Problem of Environmental Protection
    Environmental protection is the main problem facing humanity nowadays. The image of a sick planet has become firmly established in the public mind lately.

    Ten years ago the word 'ecology' hardly meant anything for the majority of people, but today we can't help bearing it in our minds. It has happened because of the growing effect of the rapid industrial development of the natural world which has negative features of its own. As a matter of fact the state of environment has greatly worsened of late.

    There is no doubt that soil, water and air are contaminated with toxic wastes. Over the past few years we have been constantly speaking about ozone holes, droughts, high level of radiation, about food contaminated with chemicals. Scientists in many countries are very much concerned about drastic changes in weather patterns. The worst drought, the mildest winter and the most devastating hurricanes have become typical in those parts of the world where they used to be a rare occurrence.

    To solve this burning problem it is necessary for people to combine efforts, to raise safety standards at all industrial facilities, to adequately process by-products of industry, to set up an international space laboratory to monitor the state of environment and set up an international centre for emergency environmental assistance. All these measures will help us in solving these important problems and prevent us from dangerous illnesses and diseases.

    1. Расскажите о постановке вопросов в английском предложении.

    2. Беседа по теме «Государственное устройство, правовые институты»

    Задание №6
    1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.
    Internet and Modern Life
    The Internet has already entered our ordinary life. Everybody knows that the Internet is a global computer network, which embraces hundred of millions of users all over the world and helps us to communicate with each other.

    The history of Internet began in the United States in 1969. It was a military experiment, designed to help to survive during a nuclear war, when everything around might be polluted by radiation and it would be dangerous to get out for any living being to get some information to anywhere. Information sent over the Internet takes the shortest and safest path available from one computer to another. Because of this, any two computers on the net will be able to stay in touch with each other as long as there is a single route between them. This technology was called packet switching.

    Invention of modems, special devices allowing your computer to send the information through the telephone line, has opened doors to the Internet for millions of people.

    Most of the Internet host computers are in the United States of America. It is clear that the accurate number of users can be counted fairly approximately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet today, because there are hundred of millions of users and their number is growing.

    Nowadays the most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. They can do it either they are at home or in the internet clubs or at work. Other popular services are available on the Internet too. It is reading news, available on some dedicated news servers, telnet, FTP servers, etc.

    1. Расскажите о временах английского глагола группы Continuous

    2. Беседа по теме «культурные и национальные традиции»

    Задание №7
    1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

    Cultural Life of Youth
    How do young people spend their spare time? What leisure activities do they prefer? These and other questions were asked in a sociological survey. The results of the opinion poll conducted among young people living in big cities and in the country add up to the following hierarchy of pastimes: music in combination with such forms of group activities as discos, concerts, and cafe-cum-club come first, followed by the Internet, theatre and reading. Then come films, museums, amateur arts and engineering, and, finally, TV and classical music. The questionnaire, circulated among pupils of 9-11 forms, students and young workers, has shown that the arts are regarded second only to contacts with friends (or a girl/boy friend).Most young people admit they do not know how to plan their leisure.

    According to the poll, the actual priorities are as follows: TV comes first, followed by Internet, reading, films, listening to records, radio, going out to dances and discos; then come concerts, museums, amateur arts, and finally theatre.

    Young people's recent growing cultural standards make themselves felt primarily in the choice of cultural values. Of course, they like to be entertained (by watching TV shows, reading detective stories, etc.). But they certainly know how to find their way amid the great variety of cultural values, and they know how to tell genuine art from imitation.

    1. Расскажите о степени сравнения прилагательных.

    1. Беседа по теме «Научно-технический прогресс»

    Задание №8
    1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

    Olympic Games
    The world's greatest international sports games are known as the Olympic Games.

    The Olympic idea means friendship, fraternity and cooperation among the people of the world. The Olympic Movement proves that real peace can be achieved through sport.

    The Olympic emblem is five interlinked rings: blue, yellow, black, green and red. Any national flag contains at least one of these colours.

    The original Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in 776 B.C. These games were part of a festival held every fourth year in honour of God Zeus at the place called Olympia. It was a great athletic festival, including competitions in wrestling, foot racing and chariot racing, rowing and others.

    The games were for men only. Greek women were forbidden not only to participate but also to watch the Olympics.

    The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. Then they were resumed in London after the Second World War. Since then the Olympics are held every fourth year in different countries.

    The ancient Greeks had no winter sports. Only in 1924 the first Winter Olympic Games were held in France. Now they are being held regularly.

    1. Расскажите о временах английского глагола группы Simple.

    1. Беседа по теме «Природа и человек»

    Задание №9
    1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.
    Learning a Foreign Language
    Foreign languages are absolutely necessary for people nowadays, because of our growing international contacts with foreign countries.

    There are many reasons, why we begin to study foreign languages. One studies a foreign language to be able to communicate with other people who speak this language, other study it for future career.

    If we are planning to travel to countries where the language we can speak is spoken, we can communicate with people there and understand what they are saying to us.

    If we are working in any branch of science, we naturally wish to read scientific books and magazines in other languages to raise our professional level. Making business nowadays also means the ability of speaking foreign languages.

    The ability of speaking one or two or even more foreign languages helps people from different countries to develop mutual friendship and understanding. We can also make our intellectual and cultural horizons wider through contacts with people of another culture.

    It is also very interesting to read foreign literature in its original form. We can also read foreign newspapers and magazines and understand films in foreign languages without any help and translation.

    1. Расскажите о количественных и порядковых числительных.

    1. Беседа по теме «Человек, здоровье, спорт»

    Задание №10
    1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.
    British Cuisine
    Some people criticize English food. They say it's unimaginable, boring, tasteless, it's chips with everything and totally overcooked vegetables. The basic ingredients, when fresh, are so full of flavour that British haven't had to invent sauces to disguise their natural taste. What can compare with fresh pees or new potatoes just boiled and served with butter? Why drown spring lamb in wine or cream and spices, when with just one or two herbs it is absolutely delicious?

    If you ask foreigners to name some typically English dishes, they will probably say "Fish and chips" then stop. It is disappointing, but true that, there is no tradition in England of eating in restaurants, because the food doesn't lend itself to such preparation. English cooking is found at home. So it is difficult to a good English restaurant with a reasonable prices.

    In most cities in Britain you'll find Indian, Chinese, French and Italian restaurants. In London you'll also find Indonesian, Mexican, Greek... Cynics will say that this is because English have no "cuisine" themselves, but this is not quite the true.
    2. Расскажите о классификации местоимений в английском языке.

    3. Беседа по теме «Город, деревня, инфраструктура»

    4. Тематика рефератов (проектов) исследовательского, творческого характера

    1. Britain's Ecological Activity - Экологическая деятельность Британии

    2. British Art, Theatre, Music - Британское искусство, театр, музыка

    3. British Cuisine - Английская кухня

    4. British Homes - Жилища англичан

    5. British Traditions and Customs - Британские традиции и обычаи

    6. British Youth - Британская молодежь

    7. English as a World Language - Английский язык - язык международного общения

    8. Choosing an Occupation - Выбор профессии

    9. Generation Gap - Конфликт поколений

    10. Computers in Our Life - Компьютеры в нашей жизни

    11. Environmental Protection - Защита окружающей среды

    12. Sport in Our Life - Спорт в вашей жизни

    13. Holidays in Great Britain - Праздники в Великобритании

    14. Holidays in Russia - Праздники в России

    15. What Can See Foreign Tourists in Moscow - Что иностранные туристы могут увидеть в Москве

    16. Russia's Seven Wonders - Семь Чудес России

    17. The World of Books - Мир книг

    18. Animals and Pets -Животные и домашние любимцы

    19. Fashion- Мода

    20. Healhty Living- Здоровый образ жизни

    21. Outstanding People of Russia- Выдающиеся люди России

    22. Outstanding People of Great Britain- Выдающиеся люди Великобритании

    23. The Most Beautiful Place on Earth- Самое красивое место на земле
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