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  • Safeguard: Physical Access Control

  • Safeguard: Classification Markings

  • Safeguard: Contract Specifications Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop Safeguard: Data Encryption

  • Safeguard: Detection System

  • Safeguard: Life Cycle Management

  • Safeguard: Operating Procedures

  • Safeguard: Passwords/Authenticaion

  • Safeguard: Preventive Maintenance

  • Safeguard: Quality Assurance

  • Safeguard: Review Sens. Applications Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop Safeguard: Risk Analysis

  • Основы ИБ. Фан_6363_лаб-7-23.12. Отчет по лабораторной работе 7 по дисциплине Основы информационной безопасности Тема а нализ рисков с использованием программного обеспечения RiskWatch 1

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    ACCESS CONTROL - The Access Control safeguard refers to the

    existence of a verifiable and coordinated access control

    system. The system can range from simple (key lock systems)

    to complex (cypher/key card identification systems).
    APPLICATION CONTROL STANDARDS - Application control refers

    to a specific system of controls designed by a team of

    internal auditors to ensure that universal programming

    standards, data element dictionaries and record association

    conventions are maintained.
    AUDIT TRAILS - The safeguard of Audit Trails refers to the

    organization having a fully implemented audit trail

    capability so that it is simple to track which user was

    accessing any system at any point in time.
    CLASSIFICATION MARKING - The safeguard of Classification

    Marking refers to having all media and reports containing

    information which is classified as Classified, Sensitive, or

    Privacy Act data marked on the top and bottom of each page.
    CONTINGENCY PLAN - The Contingency Plan is also known as a

    Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP), or as a Disaster

    Recovery Plan; and it contains a detailed blueprint of

    backup procedures to be followed in case of emergency

    disruption to the ADP facility, as well as a guide to

    getting the programs operational as quickly as possible.
    CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS - The Contract Specification

    safeguard refers to the practice of requiring each

    contractor to include as a formal contract deliverable, a

    plan for including appropriate security controls, addressing

    of pertinent threats, and possible loss quantification.
    DATA ENCRYPTION - This safeguard involves the application

    of encipherment techniques to one or more datasets or to

    data traveling over communications systems.
    DETECTION SYSTEM - The Detection System safeguard refers to

    having a coordinated fire detection/access control violation

    system which will alert the proper authorities to smoke,

    heat, water, humidity fluctuations, grounding problems, as

    well as monitoring any attempt at unauthorized access.
    DOCUMENTATION - The Documentation safeguard refers to the

    need for the organization to provide backup documentation

    for every file, program, and process; including providing

    hard copies retained in a safe location.

    Conditioning safeguard refers to the establishment of a

    stable sources of electrical power, including a

    consideration of a source of uninterruptable power, backup

    generators, as well as consideration of phase-balancing to

    prevent power fluctuations.
    EMERGENCY RESPONSE - The emergency response safeguard deals

    with a having a detailed guide of how the organization can

    continue to operate in the event of large scale emergencies,

    such as chemical spills, civil disobedience, or nuclear

    FILE/PROGRAM CONTROL - The safeguard of File/Program Control

    refers to the practice of establishing a system of access

    controls and authorizations for programs and files based on

    "need to know".
    FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM - The Fire Suppression safeguard

    refers to the appropriate combination of water and CO2 which

    should be installed in any ADP facility.
    GROUNDING SYSTEM - The Grounding System safeguard refers to

    provision for proper electrical grounding for all equipment,

    including lightning arrestors; a separate grounding system

    for all signal cables. For sites processing classified

    information, a local low resistance ground is required.
    INSURANCE - Insurance policies should be considered as a

    safeguard for situations where other types of safeguards may

    not be currently available or cost-effective. Financial

    institutions should consider bonding insurance for key

    LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT - The safeguard of Life Cycle

    Management refers to the adoption of a formal, written plan

    for all systems, including security and audit controls,

    This plan should address general management, personnel,

    organizational, system design, data center management, and

    computer applications controls.
    MATERIAL SEGREGATION - The Material Segregation safeguard

    refers to the procedure of separating Classified, Sensitive

    and Privacy Act data from all other material in order to

    guard against inadvertent disclosure.
    MONITOR SYSTEM - The Monitoring System safeguard refers to

    having an effective system in place which covers checking of

    remote sites, critical components, operational status of

    various programs and applications as well as sensitive

    operational areas.
    NEW CONSTRUCTION - The New Construction safeguard covers a

    variety of considerations which should be reviewed for any

    new facility. These include, but are not limited to, use of

    fire retardant and low combustion building materials, use of

    floor-to-ceiling walls, automatic vent closures, inside

    hinges on doors and windows, and proper drainage.

    Primary Responsibility (OPR) should be designated for each

    data base, data file, and removable media containing data or

    programs, The OPR designation is necessary to ensure

    integrity of data files and accuracy of their contents.
    OPERATING PROCEDURES - The safeguard of operating procedures

    refers to having a monitoring program in place in order to

    determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the system's

    operating procedures, as well as a method of monitoring that

    these procedures are continuously upgraded.
    ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE - Organizational structure refers

    to the safeguard of having the organization not only

    staffed, but also responsive to the need for redundancy of

    critical job functions and that the necessary guidelines are

    in place to ensure functional separation of duties.
    PASSWORDS - The safeguard of Passwords refers to the

    organization having an effective policy of user passwords

    which should be fully implemented for every system.
    PERSONNEL CLEARANCE - The Personnel Clearance safeguard

    refers to having an organizational policy governing

    personnel clearance in which each individual must have a

    security clearance of equal or greater classification than

    the highest level of data processed in the system they are

    accessing. This safeguard also includes background

    investigation of all employees.
    PERSONNEL CONTROL - The safeguard of Personnel Control

    refers to the organization having proper procedures for

    automatic background checks, authority based on "need to

    know" criteria, as well as timely method for updating

    personnel records when individuals are reassigned,

    transferred or discharged.
    PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE - The Preventive Maintenance

    safeguard refers to having an effective maintenance program

    in place which should include all computer hardware,

    generators, air conditioning equipment, grounding systems,

    lightning arrestors, fire systems and structured components

    such as vent closures, floor plates, doors, etc.
    PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - The Property Management safeguard

    refers to the organization having a comprehensive and

    effective program for property inventory control, allocation

    and accountability.
    QUALITY ASSURANCE - The safeguard of Quality Assurance

    refers to the formal establishment of a program which will

    regularly monitor (and find ways to improve) programming

    quality, user error, communication ability, etc.
    REDUNDANT POWER - The safeguard of Redundant Power refers to

    having a secondary independent source of electrical power to

    backup the primary power source.
    REVIEW OF SENSITIVE APPLICATIONS - The safeguard of Review

    of Sensitive Applications refers to the need of the

    organization to conduct a formal risk assessment of each

    Sensitive Application program on a regular basis.
    RISK ANALYSIS - The safeguard of Risk Analysis refers to the

    organization having recently conducted a formal risk

    assessment of each major system and application program.
    SECURITY CLASSIFICATION - The Security Classification

    safeguard requires that each activity have policies in place

    addressing the proper classification of sensitive materials,

    including a receipt program, and general handling procedures

    for all sensitive and classified materials.
    SECURITY PLAN - The Security Plan refers to the existence of

    a document which defines the tasks and charges of the

    security organization; as well as planning the security

    procedures necessary for the protection of the organization.
    SECURITY POLICY - Security policy refers to the existence of

    written, defined guidelines which dictate how the

    organization manages its resources and protects them from

    both internal and external threats.
    SECURITY STAFF - The Security Staff refers to the

    individuals in the organization who maintain or manage

    security tasks, as well as addressing full-time security

    staff, include managers who have part-time security

    responsibilities for the resources they manage.

    of SST&E (System Security Test and Evaluation) refers to the

    organization having a formal procedure to test each

    individual safeguard for effectiveness and accuracy.
    SYSTEM VALIDATION - The System Validation safeguard refers

    to the practice of ensuring that the operating system

    contains only approved code; and that changes to the

    operating system are accounted for, are verified, and are

    transmitted in a secure and acknowledged mode.
    TECHNICAL SURVEILLANCE - This safeguard is applicable to

    Classified environments and refers to a (possibly external)

    organization that can conduct a survey to identify potential

    security problems.
    TEMPEST SURVEY - This safeguard is applicable to Classified

    environments and refers to the gathering of information, by

    inspection or survey, about all instrumentation and sites

    that store or process classified information.
    TRAINING - The training safeguard refers to the organization

    having a written implemented program for security training

    of new employees, and security awareness programs for

    current employees.
    VISITOR CONTROL - The visitor control safeguard refers to

    ensuring that visitors to a facility are monitored twenty-

    four hours a day, that an audit trail of visitors exists and

    that this official record is maintained for at least two

    WATER DRAINAGE - The Water Drainage safeguard refers to

    ensuring that the facility is equipped with a drainage

    system so that water from broken pipes, water from activated

    sprinkler systems or water used in fire fighting can be

    easily and effectively drained from the facility.
    The section below looks at each safeguard and indicates, for each threat, the ALE before and after the safeguard is implemented. The overall ALE for a threat is the sum of the ALEs for each of the associated incidents. The percentage by which the ALE is reduced by the safeguard is also indicated.
    The next section contains a table indicating, for each safeguard, the ALE before (Original ALE) and after the safeguard is implemented.

    Safeguard: Physical Access Control

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Misuse: Computer $1,428. $1,285. 10.01%

    Theft of Assets $6,717. $3,358. 50.01%

    Safeguard: Application Controls

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Data Destruction $90,594. $81,534. 10.00%

    Errors, General/All $24,069. $18,051. 25.00%

    Misuse: Computer $1,428. $1,356. 5.04%

    Safeguard: Audit Trails

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Errors, General/All $24,069. $20,458. 15.00%

    Misuse: Computer $1,428. $1,071. 25.00%

    Safeguard: Classification Markings

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Data Disclosure $4,799. $2,880. 39.99%

    Safeguard: Contingency Plan

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Data Destruction $90,594. $90,444. 0.17%

    Fraud/Embezzlement $145. $138. 4.83%

    Safeguard: Contract Specifications

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Safeguard: Data Encryption

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Data Destruction $90,594. $45,297. 50.00%

    Data Disclosure $4,799. $2,400. 49.99%

    Fraud/Embezzlement $145. $109. 24.83%

    Safeguard: Detection System

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Fire, Major $233. $139. 40.34%

    Misuse: Computer $1,428. $1,214. 14.99%

    Vandalism/Rioting $19. $16. 15.79%

    Safeguard: Documentation

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Safeguard: Insurance/Bond

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Data Destruction $90,594. $90,424. 0.19%

    Fraud/Embezzlement $145. $137. 5.52%

    Safeguard: Life Cycle Management

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Errors, General/All $24,069. $19,255. 20.00%

    Fraud/Embezzlement $145. $138. 4.83%

    Safeguard: Monitor System

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Safeguard: New Construction

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Safeguard: Operating Procedures

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Data Destruction $90,594. $81,534. 10.00%

    Errors, General/All $24,069. $21,661. 10.00%

    Misuse: Computer $1,428. $1,214. 14.99%

    Safeguard: OPR for each System

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Safeguard: Organizational Structure

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Safeguard: Passwords/Authenticaion

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Fraud/Embezzlement $145. $116. 20.00%

    Safeguard: Personnel Control

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Fraud/Embezzlement $145. $138. 4.83%

    Theft of Data $15,952. $13,559. 15.00%

    Safeguard: Preventive Maintenance

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Hardware Failure $19,099,875. $9,549,937. 50.00%

    Power Loss $975. $731. 25.03%

    Safeguard: Property Management

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Fraud/Embezzlement $145. $123. 15.17%

    Theft of Assets $6,717. $3,358. 50.01%

    Safeguard: Quality Assurance

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Errors, General/All $24,069. $19,255. 20.00%

    Fraud/Embezzlement $145. $131. 9.66%

    Misuse: Computer $1,428. $1,214. 14.99%

    Safeguard: Redundant Power

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Hardware Failure $19,099,875. $15,279,900. 20.00%

    Power Loss $975. $243. 75.08%

    Safeguard: Review Sens. Applications

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

    Safeguard: Risk Analysis

    Threat Original ALE ALE with Safeguard Percentage Drop

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