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  • Hippocrates was born in 460 B.C.

  • Hippocrates taught his pupils to examine the patient very attentively and to give him quick help.

  • Hippocrates made medicine an art, a science and a profession.

  • Платан Гиппократа

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    The branch center for retraining and in –service training of academic staff under Tashkent Medical Academy

    Prepared by :

    Ibragimova Dinara

    Hippocrates was born in 460 B.C. on the island of Cos. He was the son of a doctor.

    Hippocrates studied medicine and then he went from town to town where he practiced the art of medicine. It is known that he drove out the plague from Athens by lighting fires in the street of the city.

    Hippocrates was known as an excellent doctor and a teacher of medicine. He established medical schools in Athens and in other towns. He wrote several books and many case histories.

    Hippocrates taught his pupils to examine the patient very attentively and to give him quick help. He created medicine on the basis of experience. He taught that every disease was a natural process and it had natural causes.

    Hippocrates treated diseases by exercise, massage, salt water baths, diet and suitable medicine. He observed diseases such a pneumonia, tuberculosis and malaria and added to the medical language such words as chronic, crisis, relapse and convalescence.

    Hippocrates made medicine an art, a science and a profession. Hippocrates is the most famous of all the Greek doctors. He is often called  «the father of Medicine» and some of his ideas are still important.

    Doctors in many countries take the Hippocratic Oath. It is a collection of promises written by Hippocrates, which forms the basis of the medical code of honour. The Oath of Hippocrates contains many of his basic thoughts and principles.

    Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:
    • When was Hippocrates born?
    • How did he practice the art of medicine?
    • How did Hippocrates drive out the plague from Athens?
    • Was Hippocrates an excellent doctor and a teacher of

    • medicine?

      5) How did Hippocrates teach his pupils to examine the


      6) How did Hippocrates treat diseases?

      7) What are the words, added to the medical language,

      by Hippocrates?

      8) Who is the most famous of all Greek doctors?

      9) Why is Hippocrates called “the Father of Medicine”?

      10) How is a collection of promises, written by Hippocrates,


    Hippocrates was born in 460 B.C. on the island of Cos. He was the son of a doctor. Hippocrates studied medicine and then he went from town to town where he practiced the art of medicine. It is known that he drove out the plague from Athens by lighting fires in the street of the city.

    Hippocrates was born in 460 B.C. on the island of Cos. He was the son of a doctor. Hippocrates studied medicine and then he went from town to town where he practiced the art of medicine. It is known that he drove out the plague from Athens by lighting fires in the street of the city.

    Hippocrates was born in 460 B.C. on the island of Cos. He was the son of a doctor. Hippocrates studied medicine and then he went from town to town where he practiced the art of medicine. It is known that he drove out the plague from Athens by lighting fires in the street of the city.

    Hippocrates was known as an excellent doctor and a teacher of medicine. He established medical schools in Athens and in other towns. He wrote several books and many case histories (история болезни).

    Hippocrates taught his pupils to examine the patient very attentively and to give him quick help. He created medicine on the basis of experience. He taught that every disease was a natural process and it had natural causes.

    Hippocrates treated diseases by exercise, massage, salt water baths, diet and suitable medicine. He observed diseases such a pneumonia, tuberculosis and malaria and added to the medical language such words as chronic, crisis, relapse and convalescence .

    Hippocrates treated diseases by exercise, massage, salt water baths, diet and suitable medicine. He observed diseases such a pneumonia, tuberculosis and malaria and added to the medical language such words as chronic, crisis, relapse and convalescence.

    Hippocrates made medicine an art, a science and a profession. Hippocrates is the most famous of all the Greek doctors. He is often called  «the father of Medicine» and some of his ideas are still important.

    Hippocrates made medicine an art, a science and a profession. Hippocrates is the most famous of all the Greek doctors. He is often called  «the father of Medicine» and some of his ideas are still important.

    Doctors in many countries take the Hippocratic Oath  . It is a collection of promises, written by Hippocrates, which forms the basis of the medical code of honour. The Oath of Hippocrates contains many of his basic thoughts and principles.

    Some interesting facts about Hippocrates

    Платан Гиппократа

    У входа в Замок Рыцарей растет легендарное дерево — платан, который по легенде был посажен самим Гиппократом. Его так и называют — платан Гиппократа (πλάτανος του Ιπποκράτη). По легенде именно под этим деревом великий античный врач занимался со своими учениками.

    По легенде дереву уже более двух тысяч лет. Оно выглядит огромным, т.к. его окружность превышает 14 метров.

    Из-за многовекового возраста платана, чтобы его ветви не опустились до земли, их разместили на металлические подпорки, специальную конструкцию, которую установили под самим деревом.

    Согласно гипотезе других ученых, возраст этого дерева составляет немногим более 500 лет. И все же, исторически зафиксировано, что именно на этом месте Гиппократ посадил дерево, а нынешний платан является как минимум его прямым потомком.

    Hippocrates said…

    • Ваша пища должна быть лекарством, а ваше лекарство должно быть пищей.
    • Врач — философ; ведь нет большой разницы между мудростью и медициной.
    • Всё хорошо, что в меру.
    • Лечит врач болезни, но излечивает природа.
    • Медицина поистине самое благородное из всех искусств.
    • Первая заповедь врача: Не навреди!
    • Сгорая сам, свети другим всегда (врачам).
    • Жизнь коротка, путь искусства долог, удобный случай скоропреходящ, опыт обманчив, суждение трудно. Поэтому не только сам врач должен употреблять в дело все, что необходимо, но и больной, и окружающие, и все внешние обстоятельства должны способствовать врачу в его деятельности.
    • Чего не лечат лекарства, излечивает железо; чего не врачует железо, исцеляет огонь; чего не исцеляет огонь, то следует считать неизлечимым.

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