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  • 10. Would you be so kind as to shut the door

  • 8. What was she believed to achieve by the action

  • 7. Whats that supposed to mean

  • FRIEND: Whom do you mean

  • У нас есть что-нибудь вкусное , чтобы подать на десерт

  • Вы думаете, мне легко отказаться от этой мысли

  • 16 инфинитив_упражнения. Перевод инфинитива и инфинитивных конструкций упражнение 1

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    Перевод инфинитива и инфинитивных конструкций
    УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 1. Определите синтаксическую функцию инфинитива и переведите на английский язык.

    1. Не had to raise his voice to be heard above the barking of the dog.

    2. He had done nothing to stop it.

    3. I was marched in to see the colonel.

    4. The government would continue its efforts to improve the economic situation.

    5. To draw more candidates into science careers, he recommended a range of steps.

    6. So they launched a five-year program to encourage women to have more babies.

    7. He advocates changing the classroom-bound education system to allow for more time for outdoor learning.

    8. Voracious moviegoers in Russia used to stay home to watch mostly Western films on their VCR's.

    9. To return to our earlier discussion, I'm sure you'll agree with my point.

    10. To make it worse, the children were almost an hour late.

    11. She generally expected to be waited on wherever she was.

    12. I had to return to my parent establishment, where my reception was cool, to say the least.

    13. Whether this was by accident or design it was impossible to tell.

    14. One thing that gratified me was how much of the book you owed me. Not to mention what you learned about writing from me.

    15. It was a strange word to have used.

    16. I sat down again but to read was impossible.

    17. His ambition is to earn enough money in Japan so that one day he can return home to work as a scientist.

    18. People who somehow manage to remain positive about getting older live longer.

    19. To begin with, he nurtured the habits that have ensured a healthy retirement decades ago.

    20. They would do anything in the world to make you happy.

    21. He felt so enormously cheered up to be told the phone number.

    22. To be honest, I don't like animals.

    23. Needless to say, there was no sound on any of this film. It was all pantomime.

    24. Visitors failed to notice a series of newly dug trenches at the southwest exit to the city.

    25. Needless to say, I had my meal in the restaurant as usual.

    26. One way many upper-middle-class families manage to balance motherhood and work is to integrate households, or move back home with mom and dad.

    27. Russian movies were generally art-house pictures, director-oriented and having nothing to do with mass culture.
    УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 2. Определите синтаксическую функцию инфинитива, переведите на русский язык. Какаятрансформацияупотребляетсянаиболеечасто?

    1. There were all those hours still to be survived.

    2. What a peculiar thing to recognize at this late date.

    3. There was still one lesson to learn.

    4. But the biggest draw for the firm is the chance to scout for new talent.

    5. Modern children have few opportunities to spend time outdoors.

    6. There is real empirical evidence to back up the various theories.

    7. For years, psychotherapists have had a wide array, techniques to draw from in helping troubled patients.

    8. Each combatant has superhuman powers and the free will to choose which side to join.

    9. With all that stress he needs something to keep him going.

    10. Diet, education and personal contentment all have roles to play.

    11. He is just one of many Japanese to see out his eighties in robust health.

    12. I have not had time to examine this room yet.

    13. I have nobody to say a kind word to me.

    14. He was the first to offer his hand to the Russians.

    15. When his engine broke down, it was the last to be repaired.

    16. I've got a family to look after.

    17. She was not a person to toy with and dismiss.

    18. This is the only book to read here.

    19. Here is a charming little cottage to spend the summer in

    20. There was no time now to think.
    УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 3. Переведите на русский язык, проанализируйте способы перевода инфинитива.


    1. It was much too hot to have a cat in his lap.

    2. He is still fit enough to ride his motorcycle.

    3. It seemed like something that was happening to someone else, because it was too terrible to be happening to her.

    4. Even the best therapies are worth little if patients too defiant, too desperate or too upset to accept help.

    5. His eyes were sharp enough to look after his own interest.

    6. She was too busy to notice anything.

    7. He was so weak as to be unable to work.

    8. I was too excited to eat.

    9. My son was old enough to notice my mood.

    10. Would you be so kind as to shut the door?

    11. I was too busy to talk and put down the telephone.

    12. He was too lazy to take his profession seriously.

    13. It is always easy enough to find reasons for doing nothing.

    14. He was so tired as to be unable to undress.

    15. I was too shy to speak to the girl or even to look at her properly.

    16. The light wasn't strong enough for me to see the expression of his face.


    1. The school-bell rang, and the school-children filed back into the classroom to find the icon replaced by a red star, the picture of Nicholas II by the portrait of Lenin.

    2. I called a friend in the Italian section of the B.B.C., only to discover that they had just lost one of their announcers.

    3. She was driven away, never to revisit this neighbourhood.

    4. She was sorry to have raised their expectations only to disappoint them.

    5. I returned to my room one afternoon to find Rex waiting for me.

    6. Michael went home to hear that his little son recovered.

    7. He arrived on the doorstep only to find Peter fumbling with the lock.

    8. I came home one evening to discover him sitting оn the stairs outside the front door of the flat.

    9. My father was out and returned to find me in condition of feverish anxiety.

    10. She reached her house that night only to find her manager waiting for her.
    УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 4. Определите тип инфинитивной конструкции и способ её перевода. Переведитенарусскийязык.


    1. It was this that made her finally break down.

    2. Parents wanted girls to be hardy and equipped with survival skills.

    3. If you want your child to have a good innings, get оn a plane to Andorra.

    4. At one point they trapped a Roman army in a mountain pass and forced it to surrender.

    5. If you let yourself get angry you'll be consumed.

    6. One should allow innovative scientists to get more оf the commercial benefit from state-funded projects.

    7. The sewing machine pierced her finger and made he cry.

    8. He felt himself withdraw into a bitter offended silence they perhaps interpreted as guilt.

    9. She didn't like them to help because she had her own method.

    10. Macon made himself take a deep breath.

    11. Get your sister to go next door but one to the paper shop.

    12. At five-thirty they let him go.

    13. She urged her friend to have a test done.

    14. That made me feel strange.

    15. Adam hated her to talk like that.

    16. On my last day I had a boatman take me round the island. .

    17. Even the conservative newspaper called yesterday for the government to do more to tackle the problem.

    18. Japanese prefer things to be neat, orderly and continent.


    1. More women were found to be discontent with motherhood.

    2. That is thought to be so.

    3. He was supposed to offer some argument.

    4. Many young people are more likely to adopt healthy lifestyles.

    5. He seemed to be losing weight.

    6. The storms that were expected to hit the French capital last night were the remains of Caribbean cyclone Bonnie.

    7. He wasn't even supposed to be there.

    8. What was she believed to achieve by the action?

    9. That turned out to be true.

    10. He seemed to have gained all he wanted.

    11. He appeared to have no friendly relations with anyone in the office.

    12. She seemed to be writing or drawing.

    13. He is the only friend I seem to have.

    14. He did not appear to have heard what she had said.

    15. I happened to be the first to hear about it.


    1. It's bad for you to talk like this.

    2. Easy for you to say.

    3. He turned out to be typing his guidebook.

    4. He knows what he is supposed to do.

    5. Не happened to see me a lot.

    6. By now, practically every member of these families was expected to make a career in the arts.

    7. What's that supposed to mean?

    8. That was for him to find out.

    9. He waited for her to speak.

    10. He asked for the papers to be brought.

    11. The best thing for you to do is to stay here.

    12. There was really nothing for him to do but what he had done.

    13. He stepped aside for me to pass.

    14. The pleasure of accompanying you was too great a temptation to resist.

    15. He spoke loud enough for them to hear.
    УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 5. Прочитайте тексты. Найдите предложения с инфинитивом и инфинитивными конструкциями. Проанализируйте их значения. Переведите на русский язык.


    ARTIST (to his friend): I am afraid, old boy, I can’t keep you company today. I have a lot of work to do and absolutely no time to spare.

    FRIEND: The same thing again. Why do you spend so much time on your pictures? Do you think to please the public that way? None of them can tell true art from false. The thing with the public is to be in fashion.

    ARTIST: You are right! The public is really easily pleased but I have another critic hard to please.

    FRIEND: Whom do you mean?

    ARTIST: Myself.

    A woman is known to be both irritable and short tempered. Now she is pressing her husband to take some unpleasant medicine against his cold. “I’ll be hanged it doesn’t help you”, she exclaims already out of patience with her husband. “Do take it, old boy”, says a friend of his who has called to see the invalid, “it is sure to do your good one way or another”.


    A very talkative youth wanted Socrates to teach him oratory. He expected the philosopher to work wonders, for in his case the teacher would deal with an exceptionally gifted pupil, with whom talking was second nature. He begged Socrates to hear him speak on some subject. Socrates let him talk as much as he liked and then said, “I’ll have to charge you double, for I’ll have to teach you two sciences: how to speak and how to hold your tongue”.
    УПРАЖНЕНИЕ 6. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский, обращая особое внимание на перевод инфинитива и инфинитивных конструкций.

    1. У нас есть что-нибудь вкусное, чтобы подать на десерт?

    2. Я на этой неделе буду занят; у меня много дел

    3. Не о чем было беспокоиться. Больной чувствовал себя лучше.

    4. Она всегда найдет, над чем посмеяться

    5. Пьеса оставляет желать лучшего.

    6. Ему нечего было сказать.

    7. Вот человек, с которым можно поговорить на эту тему.

    8. Все было сделано для того, чтобы спасти его.

    9. Ребенок выбе­жал навстречу матери.

    10. Начнем с того, что я занят

    11. Сказать по правде, я не люблю бокс

    12. Его заставили придти

    13. Представитель фирмы просил ди­ректора послать документы воздушной почтой.

    14. Я хочу, чтобы ты была счастлива.

    15. Я полагаю, что он очень умный человек

    16. Ожидается, что зима в этом году будет холодная

    17. Говорят, что этот дом был построен около двухсот лет назад.

    18. Полагали, что он уже уехал.

    19. Вам полезно есть фрукты.

    20. Ей было бы трудно решить эту задачу.

    21. Вы думаете, мне легко отказаться от этой мысли?

    22. Не такая это игра, чтобы дети могли в нее играть.

    23. Детям там совершенно нечего делать.

    24. Сегодня достаточно тепло, чтобы он шел в школу без пальто.

    25. У нас слишком мало времени, я не смогу тебе все рассказать.

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