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  • Tasks Translate these words and word-combinations

  • Find the English equivalents for the following

  • Answer the following questions

  • Tasks Find in the text the English equivalents for the following

  • Retell the text “Restaurants in London” What Is a Pub

  • National cuisine in Moscow restaurants

  • Пояснительная записка Данное методическое пособие предназначено для занятий по профессиональному английскому языку для специальности Технология и организация производства предприятий продукции питания

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    Пояснительная записка

    Данное методическое пособие предназначено для занятий по профессиональному английскому языку для специальности «Технология и организация производства предприятий продукции питания». В него включены тексты по специальности и различные задания практического характера, разработанные преподавателем, а также рецепты и вокабуляр. Тексты подобраны в соответствии с требованиями ГОСО и типовой учебной программы по предмету.

    Пособие может быть использовано на занятиях по профессиональному английскому языку, а также для самостоятельной работы студентов. Оно предусматривает ознакомление с новым лексическим материалом по теме и его закрепление, чтение и перевод профессиональных текстов, работу с рецептами.

    Пособие дает преподавателю возможность выбора текста профессионального содержания в зависимости от уровня подготовки учащихся, их индивидуальных особенностей, интереса к предмету.

    Meals in England

    The English are very particular about their meals and strictly keep to their meal times.

    Breakfasts from any time until 8 o`clock in the morning, lunch is between 12 and 2 p.m., afternoon tea is between 4 and 5 p.m. and dinner between 7 and 9 p.m.

    The usual English breakfast is porridge or corn flakes with milk or cream and sugar, bacon and eggs, marmalade with buttered toast, rolls, tea or coffee. For a change you can have a boiled egg, cold ham, or perhaps fish.

    The English often serve tea with milk. English tea is so strong that pouring it out into a cup together with a little milk you get a brownish liquid looking like weak coffee with milk.

    Most English people put milk in their coffee too – this is known as “white” coffee. Waiters will ask you if you want your coffee “white or black” rather than “with or without milk”.

    At lunch time they usually have cold meat and salad or fish often with potatoes or other vegetables, fish and chips, sausages and a sweet dish (an apple pie, a hot milk pudding, cold fruit salad, or ice-cream).

    Those who work have their lunch in a caf? or a restaurant, cafeteria or a factory canteen. It never happens that they miss a meal or put it off until a more convenient time.

    From 4 to 5 they have a very light meal called afternoon tea. You can hardly call it a meal. It`s rather an occasion in the late afternoon at which they have a cup of tea and a cake or a biscuit.

    Some people have the so-called ‘‘high tea’’. It`s a meal taken between 5 and 6 if a dinner is not taken in the evening. Usually it`s a more substantial meal than afternoon tea.

    Dinner is much like lunch and is in many families the last meal of the day. But sometimes when they have guests, dinner is the biggest meal and they may have some roast beef, roast chicken, boiled or roast potatoes, vegetables and fruits. Soup is a side dish.

    Almost every meal finishes with coffee, cheese and butter.


    1. Translate these words and word-combinations:

    Meal; meal time; breakfast; lunch; afternoon tea; high tea; dinner; l cream; cornflakes; sugar; bacon; egg; boiled egg; marmalade; buttered toast; roll; tea; cold ham; brownish liquid; serve (soup, etc); meat; fish; potatoes, pudding; sweet dish; cheese; factory canteen; biscuit; sandwich; substantial meal; roast beef; vegetables.

    1. Find the English equivalents for the following:

    Завтрак; обед; ужин; еда; плотная еда; овсяная каша; сливки; копченая грудинка (бекон); кукурузные хлопья; гренок; джем; булочка; чай; кофе; мясо; рыба; печенье; пудинг; сладкое блюдо; сыр; овощи; фрукты; жареная говядина (ростбиф); картофель.

    1. Answer the following questions:

    1. Do the English keep to their meal times?

    2. How many meals a day do the English usually have?

    3. What are these meals?

    4. What is the usual English breakfast?

    5. At what time do the English have lunch?

    6. What do they usually have for lunch?

    7. Where do those who work have their lunch?

    8. What is the difference between “afternoon tea” and “high tea”?

    9. At what time do the English have dinner?

    10. What do they usually have for dinner?

    Meals in the USA

    Americans usually have three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. All these three meals are served almost at the same time as in Britain.

    Usual breakfast in the United States is orange juice, toast and coffee, or juice and dry cereal with milk, or eggs.

    Lunch is usually a small meal – a sandwich, salad or soup, hamburgers and sausages.

    Brunch in America is a combination of breakfast and lunch that many Americans enjoy on Sunday. It is usually served at about eleven in the morning. Scrambled eggs or omelets are often served along with other regular luncheon dishes. In many restaurants brunch is served from around 10 a.m. until midafternoon.

    Dinner usually includes a main course of meat or fish accompanied by side dishes such as soup, salad and vegetables.

    There are two main types of restaurants in the USA – fast-food and full-service restaurants. A fast-food restaurant is much like a cafeteria. Items such as hamburgers, hot chicken sandwiches, pizza and salads are typical of a fast-food restaurant. Eating in a fast-food restaurant takes less time and is less expensive than in a full-service restaurant.
    Agree or disagree:

    1. In America they usually eat three times a day.

    2. Breakfast, lunch and dinner in America are served at the same time as in Britain.

    3. For breakfast Americans have soup, fried chicken and vegetables.

    4. Brunch is served at 6 o`clock in the evening.

    5. At dinner they have meat or fish dishes with soup, salad and vegetables.

    6. In the USA there are 4 types of restaurants.

    7. Fast-food restaurants are the most expensive restaurants.

    8. The typical dishes of fast-food restaurants are hamburgers, sandwiches, pizza and salads.

    Restaurants in London

    British restaurants are not famous for their good food. Too often they offer only sausages and chips, fish and chips – chips with everything in fact! But there are some wonderful surprises in British cooking, especially the many delicious cakes and desserts, and the British certainly enjoy their food.

    There is a fantastic variety of restaurants of all nationalities in London where you can choose food to your taste: Italian, French, Chinese, Russian and other restaurants.

    Most British families only go to restaurants on special occasions, like birthdays, or wedding anniversaries. The restaurants` best customers are businessmen, who meet in them to talk business in a relaxed atmosphere away from the telephone. They can eat what they like, because the company pays the bill. But when a boy and a girl want to get to know each other better, they often go out to e restaurant together.

    For visitors to London, eating out can be fun. Try the Rules, in the West End. The traditional menu and d?cor are just like they were in Queen Victoria`s days, a hundred years ago.

    Or take a walk down the King`s Road in Chelsea where there are dozens of small restaurants. But if you want that special London feeling, go to the Ritz in Picadilly for tea any afternoon at about half past four. Too expensive? Then try England`s favourite food “fish and chips”. Take it away and eat it where you like – in the park, in the bus, or while you walk down the street. That`s what Londoners do!

    1. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:

    1. Английские рестораны не славятся хорошей едой.

    2. В Лондоне есть удивительное разнообразие ресторанов всех национальностей.

    3. В этих ресторанах вы можете выбрать еду по своему вкусу.

    4. Большинство британских семей ходит в рестораны только по особым случаям – например, в дни рождения или свадебные юбилеи.

    5. Бизнесмены встречаются в ресторане, чтобы обсудить дела в непринужденной обстановке, а юноши и девушки – чтобы лучше познакомиться друг с другом.

    6. Для тех, кто приезжает в Лондон, еда вне мест проживания может доставить удовольствие.

    7. В ресторане «Рулз» традиционное меню и обстановка точно такие же, какими они были во времена королевы виктории.

    8. На улице Кингз Роуд есть десятки (дюжины) маленьких ресторанов.

    9. Вы можете есть рыбу с чипсами где угодно – в парке, в автобусе, или во время прогулки по городу.

    1. Answer the questions:

    1. Are British restaurants famous for their food?

    2. What do they often offer a customer?

    3. What do you know about some wonderful surprises in British cooking?

    4. Where can you choose food to your taste?

    5. Are there Russian restaurants in London?

    6. When do most British families go to restaurants?

    7. Why do businessmen go to restaurants?

    8. Do the businessmen pay the bill? Why?

    9. In what cases do a boy and a girl go out to a restaurant?

    10. Where can you find dozens of small restaurants in London?

    11. What is the Rules restaurant famous for?

    12. What is England`s favourite food and where can you eat this food?

    1. Retell the text “Restaurants in London”

    What Is a Pub?
    There are visitors who come to England and leave thinking they have never been inside a pub. They don`t realize that the words “pub” or “public house” are rarely included in the title of the place. So how do you know whether a building is a pub and what does a pub offer the visitor?

    The first thing to look for is a large sign either hanging over the street or placed on a pole outside the building. This sign may have a name like The Kings Arms, The Black Rabbit or The Duke of Kendal or an appropriate picture. Many pubs have names linked to royalty, popular heroes, sports or great occasions. There is a pub called The Concorde after the new airliner.

    On the doors of a pub you may see the words Saloon Bar or Public Bar. The Saloon Bar is more comfortably furnished. Occasionally the words Free House can be seen beside the name of the pub. This doesn`t mean they serve free food and drinks; it refers to the fact that the pub doesn`t buy its drinks from one particular brewery only. It isn`t a “tied house” – tied to a brewery.

    The services a pub offers vary around the country. The basic service is the sale of alcoholic drinks at certain times of the day. Opening times, as these periods are often called, are usually from 10.30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. on weekdays (new hours are being discussed by the Parliament). On Sundays the opening times are 12 noon until 2 p.m. and 7-10.30 p.m. although these times can vary slightly according to the region. Pubs can also offer food and accommodation. To help visitors, an experimental system of symbols is being tried out in Southern England and East England. These symbols indicate just what is available from a particular pub.

    The colloquial expression “cock-and-bull story”, used to describe information that is highly exaggerated or untrue , is said by some people to have its origins in pub names. A century ago a London pub called The Cock caught fire. The panic-stricken guests were given shelter at a nearby inn called The Bull. The guests` exaggerated stories of their escape became known as cock-and-bull stories. The term is used for any long, rambling and unlikely story. There are several other versions of the derivation of this phrase.
    Read and translate the text.

    Kazakh Cuisine
    In the Kazakh national cooking as in a mirror found reflections the people`s nature, its history, customs and traditions.

    Since olden times hospitality has been the most distinctive feature of the Kazakh people. The dear guest was given a cordial welcome, he was offered the place of honour and entertained heartily.

    In the first instance the guest was treated to kumys, shubat or airan, then to tea with milk or cream, baursaks, raisins, irimshik, kurt. Then followed appetizers made of horseflesh or mutton – kazy, shuzhuk, zhai, zhaya, sur-yet, karta, kabyrga. Flat cakes made of flour were served without fail.

    The adornment of any dastarkhan and the most popular dish among the Kazakhs has always been meat in the Kazakh manner. Boiled meat was usually served in large pieces. The host cut the meat treating every guest to dainty pieces: the pelvic bones and shin were given to elderly guests of honour, the brisket – to the son-in-law or daughter-in-law, the cervical vertebra – to girls and so on. To the guest of honour ranking highest among the others the host handed over the sheep`s head cooked in a special way. The guest had to distribute it among those present observing a certain ritual which reflects the ancient custom of respectful regard for guests – old men, children, close and distant relatives.

    The fragrant meat is eaten with rolled and boiled small pieces of dough. An excellent addition to this dish is the saturated fragrant meat broth called sorpa which is usually served in pialas. At the end of the meal kumys is served which is again followed by tea.

    The present-day entertainment has changed in some details but continues to observe the ancient laws of hospitality. The present-day Kazakh cuisine includes not only traditional Kazakh dishes but also dishes of the Uzbek, Uigur, Russian, Tatar, Korean and other cuisines the Kazakh caught the fancy of.

    In present-day cuisine the set of food-stuffs of which food is made has considerably changed.

    If during its century-old history the Kazakh people have accumulated much experience in processing and cooking meat and milk dishes, the present-day life has replenished this set by dishes made of vegetables, fruits, fish, sea products, as well as baked and meal makings and sweets.

    And nevertheless meat has been and remains the most popular food-stuff in the Kazakh national cuisine.

    Meat is the basis of the majority of dishes: exactly meat dishes adorn any dastarkhan: their abundance is a sign of the festive table`s richness and diversity.

    Since olden days the Kazakh cooking distinguishes itself by its peculiar technology. The peculiarity of the Kazakh people`s tenor of life left its mark on the ways of food making. In the traditional Kazakh cuisine preference was always given to boiling. Exactly the process makes it possible to obtain soft and delicate gustatory shades of meat, adds juiciness and fragrance to it.

    Great importance was given to laying-in and long-term preservation of food. During live-stock slaughter a part of meat was salted, dried, sometimes smoked; of horse-meat mainly such delicacies as kazy, shuzhuk, zhai, zhaya, karta and so on were made.

    Bread was baked mainly in form of flat cakes; among baked makings the greatest popularity enjoyed and enjoy baursaks.

    Among drinks kumys, shubat and airan were always popular; tea enjoyed particular popularity.
    Agree or disagree:

    1. The adornment of any dastarkhan and the most popular dish has always been fish.

    2. They usually served fried meat.

    3. To the guest of honour was always given the sheep`s head.

    4. In addition to meat was the saturated fragrant meat broth – sorpa.

    5. In present-day cuisine the set of food-stuffs has not changed.

    6. Meat remains the basis of the most dishes.

    7. Kazy, shuzhuk, karta are the main Kazakh drinks.

    8. Bread is not eaten by the Kazakh people.

    9. Kumys, airan and shubat are always popular.

    10. The Kazakh people prefer to drink coffee with milk.

    National cuisine in Moscow restaurants

    What cuisine produces the greatest impression on the guests and Moskovites besides the leading Russian one? This is so-called international cuisine, in fact, a free combination of the most well known European, American and Oriental cuisines.

    Numerous restaurants in Moscow hotels are famous for their Russian cuisine, hospitality and style. Restaurant “Suvorov” is attractive to visitors due to the successful combination of Russian and European traditions. After a nice walk in the old Moscow Park it is so pleasant to enjoy elegant European interior and wonderful Russian hospitality.

    In Moscow restaurants you can order international dishes although each restaurant, as a rule, specializes in one of the national cuisines.

    The French cuisine has had the leading role in Moscow homes and restaurants since Peter the Great times. In today’s Moscow you can find a classical choice of French dishes at the restaurant “Nostalgic”. The splendid wine list of this restaurant is famous in Moscow.

    Italian cuisine in Moscow is one of the most popular. Speaking about Italian cuisine it is impossible not to mention that it is famous for pasta dishes and internationally popular “pizza”. Best Moscow restaurants, “Pizza Express” for example, will always offer a great choice of pasta dishes with different sauces as well as many kinds of pizza.

    North American cuisine has become popular in Moscow lately. Restaurants with American cuisine offer meat dishes, vegetable dishes and fruit salads. You can taste real American steak in “Steak – house”, “Exchange” and “B. B. King”. Desserts, sweets, pastries are numerous: fruit juices, fresh fruit, fruit salads, whipped cream, biscuits, pies and puddings.

    Latin-American cuisine is famous for its spicy dishes with a lot of chili pepper. You can taste excellent Spanish cuisine in “Bulldog” restaurant. Worldwide popular TexMex dishes prepared by an American Chef are the pride of the restaurant “Cactus Jack”.

    Caucasian cuisine has always been very popular in Russia. Juicy and aromatic shish-kebab at “Suliko” restaurant tastes as if it were cooked at the foot of the Caucasian mountains.

    If you are interested in the culinary arts of Indo-China, we recommend you to visit popular Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Indonesian restaurants. Fish dishes sashimi and sushi are the specialties of Japanese restaurants. Despite the fact that the peoples of Indo-China eat practically every kind of food, in the culinary art they don’t use European dairy products. The Japanese, Koreans, Chinese use little salt, but they use vinegar, soy sauce, rice wine, sesame oil and starch diluted in water as dressings. Try excellent Chinese cuisine at the “Chopsticks” restaurant.

    Welcome to Moscow restaurants!
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