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  • RECIPES Kazakh Cuisine Kazy

  • Sorpa in the Kazakh manner

  • Meat in the Kazakh manner

  • Russian Cuisine Okroshka

  • Shchi with fresh cabbage

  • Ukrainian Potato Dumplings.

  • Caucasian Cuisine Chicken Tabaka

  • Vocabulary To the text “Meals in England”

  • To the text “Meals in the USA”

  • To the text “Restaurants in London”

  • To the text “What Is a Pub”

  • To the text “Kazakh Cuisine”

  • Пояснительная записка Данное методическое пособие предназначено для занятий по профессиональному английскому языку для специальности Технология и организация производства предприятий продукции питания

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      1. Переведите на английский язык:

        1. Тушеное мясо, вареные овощи, жареная говядина, печеная картошка, цыпленок гриль, жареные во фритюре блюда, жареный на вертеле шашлык, вареная курица, поливать сверху жиром, заворачивать в фольгу, печь пирожные, жарить в растительном масле.

        1. Когда мы готовим пищу, мы варим, жарим на сковородке, печем, тушим в кастрюле на медленном огне, варим на пару.

    Kazakh Cuisine

    For making: 5 kg of kazy, 350 g of salt, 10 g of black ground pepper, a garlic.

    For serving the table: 100 g of kazy, 0.25 g of onion, 2 table-spoons of green canned peas.

    From the carcass of the slaughtered horse the ribs with flesh are cut off and the blood is let trickle down for 5-7 hours. The guts are washed well and kept in salt water for 1-2 hours.the slightly dried up kazy are cut in strips along the ribs: the broad kazy are cut in narrow strips and the narrow ones – in broad strips.

    The interrib tissue should be cut with a sharp knife removing cartilages and without crumbling the fat. Then the meat is salted and peppered, finely cut garlic is added and the meat is wrapped up in a napkin for 2-3 hours.

    The kazy are put in guts the ends of which are tied up. After this kazy can be dried, boiled and smoked.

    It is better to dry kazy by warm weather hanging them out for a week in a sunny aired place.

    It is best to smoke kazy in dense smoke at the temperature of 50-60⁰ C during 12-18 hours and dry them up during 4-6 hours at 12⁰C.

    Kazy should be boiled for 2 hours in a broad vessel on slow fire. That kazy should not burst during boiling, they should be pierced at several places.

    Ready kazy are laid out on a large plate, decorated with rings of onion and green peas.

    Sorpa in the Kazakh manner

    500 g of mutton, 2.5-3 l of water, 0.5 of a table-spoon of salt, 4-5 baursaks.

    Meat is carefully washed in cold water, put in a pan, covered with boilibg water and boiled on slow fire for about 1-1.5 hours. When the water begins to boil scum and the surplus of fat should be removed. At the end of boiling salt is added. Meat`s readiness is simple to determine: if the fork easily pierces the meat, it is ready. The broth should be strained and then poured in a soup-plate or kese; meat and baursaks are added.
    Kespe with meat

    For broth: 1kg of mutton or beef, 2 carrots, an onion, 2 laurel leaves, 2 table-spoons of melted fat, 0.5 of piala of katyk, dill, salt and pepper to taste.

    For noodles: a piala of flour, 2 eggs, 50 g of water, a pinch of salt.

    Mutton is cut in pieces 40-50 g each, washed, put in a pan covered with cold water and put on fire. After water begins to boil scum is removed and the meat is boiled for 1-1.5 hours on slow fire. While meat is boiling dough is made. Eggs are put in screened flour, salted water is poured in and all this is thoroughly mixed. The dough is left for 30-40 minutes, then thinly rolled, slightly dried up and cut in thin strips. 20 minutes before readiness the thinly cut noodles, slightly fried onion and carrot are put in the broth and boiled to readiness.

    Before serving the table the noodle soup is poured out in soup-plates or kese, at wish seasoned with katyk and strewed with greens.
    Kespe with poultry

    For broth: 500 g of poultry, 3 onions, a carrot, 2 potatoes, salt, pepper, spice and dill to taste, 150 g of ready noodles.

    The dish is made like kespe with meat. The only difference is that instead of mutton or beef duck`s, chicken`s, goose`s or turkey`s meet is used.
    Meat in the Kazakh manner

    For broth: 750 g of mutton, 1270 g of horse-flesh, 1200 g of beef, 1-2 onions, green onions, salt and spice to taste.

    For dough: 375 g of flour, 0.3 of piala of meat broth or water, 2 eggs, a tea-spoon of salt.

    For gravy: a piala of broth, 1-2 onions.

    This dish is made of mutton, horse-flesh and beef.

    The prepared and washed pieces of meat are put in a cauldron or pan with cold water and brought to boiling; then the fire is lessened, scum removed and boiling on slow fire is continued to meat`s readiness. 30-40 minutes before the end of boiling laurel leaf, an onion, peppercorn and salt to taste are added to the broth.

    While the meat is boiling dough is kneaded; it is left for 30-40 minutes, then rolled in a layer 1-1.5 mm thick and cut in squares 8 cm each.

    Half an hour before the end of boiling of the meat one can drop in the broth whole peeled potatoes, boil them to readiness and together with meat put them in a closed vessel. In a separate small pan onion cut in rings, salt, pepper and spicy greens are put, covered with fat skimmed from the hot broth, then the lid is tightly put on and all this is stewed.

    Squares of rolled dough are dropped in boiling broth, boiled to readiness, laid out on a flat [plate and covered with gravy. On top of them pieces of meat are put (the present-day housewives prefer to cut it in slices) and on top of it onion rings stewed in fat are put. Along the edges the dish is covered with boiled potatoes.

    850 g of sheep`s liver, 500 g of kidneys, 300 g of heart, 450 g of fat or tail or 150 g of fat mutton, 2 onions, 2 pialas of broth, a tea-spoon of black ground pepper, salt to taste,

    The fat of tail or fat mutton is cut in small cubes and fried until fat is melted; then heart and kidneys are added; 15 minutes later liver and chopped onion, salt and pepper are added, some broth is poured in and all this is cooked to readiness.

    Kuyrdak is served in soup-plates and strewed with greens. Usually kuyrdak is served with taba-nan or fresh bread.

    For dough: 3 pialas of flour, 10 g of yeasts, 0.6 of a piala of water, 0.7 of a piala of milk, 2 eggs, 30 g of margarine, a tea-spoon of salt, a table-spoon of sugar.

    For frying: 1-2 pialas of oil.

    Adding all ingredients leavened dough is made. Of ready dough plaits are made which are cut in pieces 3-3.5 cm each; they are left for 15-20 minutes, then fried in heated fat.

    It is made of boiled sheep`s, goal`s and cow`s milk fermented with airan. In Southern Kazakhstan kurt is made of mare`s milk.

    The turned milk is boiled on slow fire under continuous stirring until the mass thickens. The cooled mass is put in a small linen bag which is suspended to allow the liquid to trickle down. To the soft kurt salt to taste is added, small lumps are made of it which are laid out on wooden boards to dry up.

    Russian Cuisine

    Ingredients: 1 litre kwass, 100 g boiled beef or boiled sausage, 50 g lean ham, 2 hard-boiled eggs, 1 medium size fresh cucumber, 100 g spring onions.

    Wash cucumber and spring onions and slice them. Boiled beef and ham are diced. Hard-boiled eggs are cut into large pieces. Put everything in the kwass and add salt to taste. You can add a little potato boiled and diced.

    Before serving keep okroshka in a cool place or refrigerator for two hours. When serving okroshka put two spoonfuls of thick sour cream and shredded parsley and dill into each plate,
    Shchi with fresh cabbage

    Ingredients:1 kg beef or pork, 1 kg fresh white cabbage, 200 g brown onions, 200 g fresh tomatoes, celery, parsley, dill, spring onions, salt (to taste), water.

    Boil the meat for an hour or two until half ready. Put shredded fresh cabbage into the broth. Slice all the vegetables and fry them for twenty minutes in the frying-pan. Then put them into the saucepan. Simmer for three hours.

    Put bay leaf at the end of cooking and take it away after shchi is ready. Serve shchi with sour cream, cut small spring onions and dill.
    Shchi with Sauerkraut

    Sauerkraut shchi is a thick Russian soup.

    Wash and stew sauerkraut with butter or some fat in the frying pan.

    Boil meat in the saucepan. Put stewed sauerkraut into the saucepan and simmer with meat. Put into the saucepan fried vegetables: brown onions, tomatoes, carrots, celery, parsley and bay leaf. Simmer for half an hour. Overall cooking-time is about three hours.

    Serve sauerkraut shchi with thick sour cream, cut dill and parsley.

    Ukrainian Cuisine
    Ukrainian borsch is famous not only in the Ukraine but also in Russia. It is a tasty and nourishing sour-sweet cabbage and meat soup with stewed beetroot and fried carrots and onions. Borsch will be testier if you put all the vegetables into a saucepan in a definite order. It can be served with dumplings called pampoushki and galoushki. Famous Ukrainian varenici are dumplings made with cottage cheese or fresh cherries. There are a lot of recipes of rolls and buns, cakes and desserts dishes of all kinds in the Ukrainian cuisine.
    Ukrainian Borsch

    Ingredients: 1 kg meat or poultry, 1 medium beetroot, 2 sweet pepper( red paprika), 500 g cabbage, 2 potatoes, 3 – 4 tomatoes, 1 brown onion, 2 pieces root parsley, 40 g lard, bay leaf, pepper, salt to taste.

    The meat or poultry is boiled till it’s half-ready. Sliced beetroot is stewed in the stew-pan with the fat from the broth till it’s half-ready. Shredded carrots, brown onions and root parsley are slightly fried in the frying pan. Beetroot should be stewed, carrots and onions fried. Put shredded cabbage and potatoes in the broth and simmer for ten – fifteen minutes. Tomatoes are peeled, sliced and fried for ten minutes separately. Stewed beetroot, fried carrots, onions, root parsley, tomatoes, spices and sliced sweet pepper are put in the saucepan and simmered for ten – fifteen minutes.

    Ukrainian borsch is served with thick sour cream, greens and dumplings (galushki or pampushki)
    Ukrainian Potato Dumplings.

    Ingredients:2 cups hot mashed potatoes, 1/3 cup fine dry bread crumbs, 2 egg yolks, ? teaspoon salt, ? teaspoon pepper, 1/3 cup wheat flour, 2 egg whites, beaten into dough.

      1. Mix ingredients in a large bowl in the order given.

      2. Place on floured board and roll to pencil thickness. Cut into 5- or 7-cm strips.

      3. Drop into boiling salted water. Cook until dumplings float to top.

    Caucasian Cuisine

    Chicken Tabaka

    Ingredients: 1 medium chicken, 30 gram butter, ? tea-spoon freshly ground black pepper, 1 teaspoon salt.

    1. Slice down the breast of the chicken. Rub the chicken with salt and pepper, turn over and flatten it. Put the chicken into a frying pan together with the butter. Press the chicken with the cover ( of less size than that of the pan) and place something heavy on the cover to flatten the chicken well.

    2. Fry the chicken over medium high heat for 15-20 minutes, turn and fry for 20 minutes, until browned. Serve immediately with fried potato chips and tkemali sauce. Tkemali is a very popular Georgian sauce made of ripe tart plums, seasoned with fresh seeds of coriander, field mint and dill, garlic, red hot pepper and salt.

    Ingredients: 1 medium chicken, 300 gram walnuts, 5 onions, finely chopped, 3 cloves garlic, ? teaspoon cinnamon, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1 teaspoon seeds of coriander and red hot pepper to taste, Salt.

    1. Boil the chicken until half ready, take it out of the pot, put it into the oven and fry, until browned.

    2. Stew finely chopped onions in the fat taken off the chicken broth.

    3. Add the broth to the onions gradually, stirring them frequently to avoid burning.

    4. Mince walnuts together with garlic. Add all the spices, salt and pepper to the walnut mixture. Pour the chicken broth (6 cups) into it.

    5. When the onions are well stewed, add the walnut mixture to them and simmer for 15 minutes.

    6. Cut the fried chicken into pieces and put them into the hot walnut sauce.

    Cool before serving.

    Ingredients: 1 medium chicken,3 onions ,finely chopped, 50 gram butter, ? kg tomatoes or 1 cup tomato juice, 2 tablespoons fresh mint, chopped, 2 tablespoons basil, chopped, Freshly group black pepper, salt.

    1.Wash the chicken and cut it into pieces, wash it once more and put into a pot to stew. When it simmers, pour the juice into another pot. Add butter to the chicken and fry all over, until browned. Pour the juice back into the pot with the chicken and add finely chopped onions.

    2.When the chicken is tender, add peeled and finely chopped tomatoes or tomato juice to it. 10 minutes later add finely chopped herds, salt and pepper. Simmer the dish for 5 minutes more. Serve hot.


    Ingredients:1 kg mutton, ? cup rice, Two brown onions, Fresh grapes leaves, Salt to taste, Pepper, Spices.

    1. Mix minced meat with boiled half-ready rice, shredded onions, salt and pepper.

    2. Dip (окуните) fresh grapes leaves into boiling water for one or two minutes. Don’t boil them too long!

    3.Put a layer of grapes leaves on the bottom of the saucepan.

    4.Wrap small balls of meat into the grapes leaves and put them into the saucepan. Pour meat broth and put a layer of grapes leaves at the top to cover the dolmas Simmer for half an hour.

    Dolmas are served hot with sour milk and garlic sauce.

    To the text “Meals in England”
    Particular аккуратный, разборчивый

    Meal еда, принятие пищи

    Breakfast завтрак

    Lunch обед, ланч

    Dinner ужин

    Porridge (овсяная) каша

    Cornflakes кукурузные хлопья

    Cream сливки

    Sugar сахар

    Bacon бекон, копченая грудинка

    Egg яйцо

    Marmalade джем, повидло

    Toast гренок

    Roll булочка

    Tea чай

    Coffee кофе

    Boil кипятить, варить

    Ham ветчина

    Pour лить, наливать

    Brownish коричневатый




    Meat мясо

    Fish рыба

    Chipsчипсы, жареныйсухойкартофель


    Applepie яблочныйпирог

    Pudding пудинг

    Fruit фрукт

    Ice-cream мороженое




    Canteen столовая (на заводе)

    To the text “Meals in the USA”

    Putoff откладывать

    Convenient удобный

    Hightea плотный ужин с чаем





    Chickenкурица, курятина




    Brunch бранч (соединение завтрака с обедом)

    Scrambledeggs яичница

    Luncheondishes обеденные блюда

    Maincourse основное блюдо

    Sidedish второстепенное (побочное) блюдо

    Vegetables овощи

    Fast-foodrestaurant закусочная (с подачей несложных блюд)

    To the text “Restaurants in London”

    Famousfor знаменитый, славящийся чем-то

    Food пища, еда

    Sausages сосиски, сардельки

    Infact фактически

    Cooking кухня (приготовление пищи)

    Delicious вкусный

    Cake торт, кекс

    Dessert десерт (сладкое блюдо)

    Variety разнообразие

    Taste вкус

    Wedding свадьба

    Anniversary годовщина

    Customer клиент, посетитель

    Relaxedatmosphere непринужденная обстановка

    Awayfrom подальше от, вдали от

    Eatingout еда вне дома

    Fun забава, удовольствие

    Rules «Рулз» (название ресторана)

    Menu меню

    D?cor обстановка

    Dozens дюжины

    Takeawalk прогуляться

    Ritz «Риц» (названиересторана)
    To the text “What Is a Pub?”

    Pubпаб, пивная


    Signзд. вывеска






    Linked (to) связанный (с)

    Royalty королевская семья

    Concorde «Конкорд» (название самолета)

    SaloonBar Бар (паб) первого класса

    Afterзд. вчесть

    Freehouseзд. независимое заведение

    Freefood бесплатная еда

    Particular конкретный



    Accommodationзд. ночлег



    “Cock-and-bullstory” «байкабыкаипетуха»



    Catch (caught) fireзагореться





    Termзд. выражение



    To the text “Kazakh Cuisine”
    Mirror зеркало



    Distinctive featureотличительнаячерта

    Honour почет







    Pelvic boneтазоваякость



    Cervical vertebraшейныйпозвонок







    Set of food-stuffsнаборпродуктов

    Century-old historyмноговековаяистория



    Tenor of lifeжизненныйуклад



    Long-term preservationдлительноехранение



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