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  • Ход урока Teacher

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  • Exercise 3. Complete the phrases using the words in the box. afraid are certain completely good have point

  • Exercise 5. Write a word from the box in each gap to complete these phrases.about best do don’t idea let’s sure thing think wonder

  • фрагмент урока по подготовке к сдаче ОГЭ. Предмет английский язык

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    Имя файлафрагмент урока по подготовке к сдаче ОГЭ.docx

    Класс: 8«Б»

    Предмет: английский язык

    Цель урока: формировать практические умения, необходимые для успешной сдачи ГИА

    Задачи урока: 1) образовательные: повторение, обобщение и систематизация полученных знаний, умение применять их на практике, подготовка к сдаче экзамена по английскому языку;

    2) развивающие: развивать гибкость мышления, вырабатывать навык работы над устной частью ГИА;

    3) воспитательные: формировать потребность в практическом использовании английского языка в социально-культурной сфере; воспитывать культуру общения.

    Форма проведения урока: урок-практикум.

    Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, раздаточный материал

    Используемые материалы:

    1. Официальный портал государственной итоговой аттестации (9 класс) http://www.gia.edu.ru

    2. 3. Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Учебное пособие для подготовки к ГИА по английскому языку: грамматика и лексика

    Ход урока

    Teacher: Hello, pupils. I`m glad to see you. Take your seats. We keep on preparing for the State Exam. Today we are going to deal with dialogue, and namely we`ll learn to express agreement and disagreement. This is the first aim. The second aim is to make up a dialogue using the phrases of agreement and disagreement. Is everything clear? Let`s begin.
    Teacher: You have the cards with the situation.

    You are at an airport and your flight has been delayed by two hours. You and your friend are discussing how to spend this time. You can:

    • play video games

    • do some shopping

    • watch the planes

    • have a snack

    • find somewhere to sleep
    Teacher: Your task will be to make up the dialogue. But don`t forget to take into account the following aspects.

    Remember to:

    • discuss all the options

    • take an active part in the conversation and be polite

    • come up with ideas

    • give good reasons

    • find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account

    • invite your friend to come up with suggestions

    • come to an agreement
    Teacher: Some preparatory exercises will help you to do it better.
    Exercise 1.

    1. Look at the Student Card and choose ‘Do’ or ‘Don’t’ for each of the following statements.

    1. Remember to ask your friend for their opinion of each choice. Do/Don’t

    2. Just give your opinion without any explanation why. Do/Don’t

    3. Wait for your friend to ask questions and never ask them any. Do/Don’t

    4. Agree or disagree with your friend’s suggestions and say why. Do/Don’t

    5. Try to say as much about each option as you can. Do/Don’t
    Key: 1 Do, 2 Don’t, 3 Don’t, 4 Do, 5 Do

    Exercise 2.
    Complete these questions in as many different ways as you can.
    _________________ go and watch the planes?

    ________________ having a snack?
    Key: (suggested answers)

    Why don’t we... How about...

    Why don’t we... Shall we...

    Do you think we should... Do you want to...

    Would you like to...

    How about...

    What about...

    Do you feel like...

    What do you think of...

    Do you fancy...
    Exercise 3.
    Complete the phrases using the words in the box.
    afraid are certain completely good have point
    1 I’m _____________ I don’t agree because ...

    2 I agree up to a _______, but ...

    3 That’s a _____________ point, and ...

    4 I __________ to disagree with you.

    5 Yes, I __________ agree with you.

    6 Well, I agree to a _________ extent, but ...

    7 You _______________ right, and ...
    Key: 1 afraid, 2 point, 3 good, 4 have, 5 completely, 6 certain, 7 are

    Exercise 4.
    Arrange the given phrases in the right columns.


    partly agree/ partly disagree




    partly agree/ partly disagree


    That’s a good point, and ... Yes, I completely agree with you.

    You are right, and...

    I agree up to a point, but ... Well, I agree to a certain extent, but ...

    I’m afraid I don’t agree because ... I have to disagree with you

    Exercise 5.
    Write a word from the box in each gap to complete these phrases.

    about best do don’t idea let’s sure thing think wonder

    1. I _______________ if we should….

    2. Maybe the best _____________ would be to…

    3. Why _______________ we…?

    4. What do you think _____________ …?

    5. I think the _____________ thing might be to…

    6. I’m not ______________ I agree, to be honest.

    7. I don’t _______________ we should…

    8. I’m not convinced it’s a good _______ because…

    9. _______________ think about…

    10. So, _______________ we agree?
    Key: 1 wonder 2 thing 3 don’t 4 about 5 best 6 sure 7 think 8 idea 9 Let’s 10 do

    Teacher: Now I`m sure that you`ll be able to make up good dialogues.

    Учащиеся составляют диалоги, используя все изученные фразы, например:
    1: Our flight has been delayed. What about having a snack?

    2: That`s a good point but I`m afraid there`s no good café here.

    1: Well, I agree to a certain extent. But we had a snack four hours ago!

    2: You are right. I think the best thing might be to have hot tea and a couple of sandwiches.

    1: Sounds great. Let`s go.
    Teacher: Thank you for the lesson. See you in a week. Have a good time. Bye.

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