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  • Приложение Г-2 План-конспект факультативного занятия по теме «Знакомство со школьными традициями»

  • The center of British and American culture

  • The Museum of Fighting Glory

  • Приложение Г-3 План-конспект факультативного занятия по теме «Особенности национальной кухни» Цель

  • Приветствие T: Hello I am glad to see you. So let me start our lesson. Today we are going to talk about national cuisine. So you can read our National Food.2.

  • Приложение Г-4 План-конспект факультативного занятия по теме «Писатели и книги» Цели занятия

  • Приложение Г-5 План-конспект факультативного занятия по теме «Досуг и увлечения» Цели

  • Развитие культуры иноязычного общения. Магист дисс Краскович. Развитие культуры иноязычного общения старших школьников средствами внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку

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    Приложение Г
    Методический материал для проведения занятий

    факультативного курса «Культура иноязычного общения»
    Приложение Г-1
    План-конспект факультативного занятия по теме «Shopping»
    Цель занятия: обобщение и систематизация знаний по темам «В магазине/супермаркете/на рынке» и «Покупки (одежда/обувь)».

    1. Организационный момент

    Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you! But I have one rule. I want you to smile. So, please look at each other and say «cheese». That’s right! Children, look at the pictures and say what are we going to speak about?(ученики должны догадаться и сказать, какая тема урока).

    We are going to speak about shops. Our topic today is «Shopping».

    Is is actual for you?

    Is it important?

    Is it interesting?

    Children, don’t be afraid to speak English! Let’s start working! Look at the smart board.

    1. Речевая зарядка

    Where are we going when we need to buy something?

    Department store

    Shopping mall


    Flea market

    Car boot sale

    1. Составление мини-диалогов

    What are there in the Shopping mall?

    There are a lot of departments. Name them.

    In which shop can you buy…?

    I can buy …… at the post office.

    Make up short dialogues. Work in pairs.

    1. Развитие умений аудирования

    What shop would you like to visit today?

    I invite you to visit Camden Stable Flea Market.

    How do you think, is it big or small?

    Are there a lot of departments?

    What things you can buy there?

    When is Camden Stable Market open?

    You will hear a radio ad. for a flea market. Listen and fill in the missing information.

    Lets check. Raise your hand who made 3 mistakes, who made 2, who made 1, 0.

    1. Составление вопросительных предложений

    Ask 5 questions to find out the following:

    Here are jumbled questions. Make up questions from jumbled words.

    Are they in a logical order?

    Put them in a logic.

    1. Динамическая пауза

    Look left, then right

    Your eyes will be bright

    Look up, look down

    Move eyes around

    Blink tight, open wide

    Your eyes will be bright

    Roll eyes clockwise

    And do it twice

    Look up, look down

    You are OK, sit down.

    1. Составление монологического высказывания с опорой на картинку по выбранной ситуации

    Look at the pictures and name them.

    Present pictures and mention.

    Work in groups.

    Choose information you need.

    Change pictures.

    1. Рефлексия

    The teacher offers to answer questions, choose what you liked and what you did not like in the lesson. Slide 7.

    Do you like it?

    You worked great in class.

    The lesson is over. Bye. See you tomorrow.
    Из опыта работы учителя английского языка ГУО «Лопатинская средняя школа» А. А. Краскович.

    Приложение Г-2
    План-конспект факультативного занятия

    по теме «Знакомство со школьными традициями»
    Guides: Hello! Welcome to Gymnasium (number) which specializes in Russian and foreign languages.

    Let us introduce ourselves. We are students of the … form – …(names). Today we are going to take you on a tour of our school. The school is situated not very far from the center of the city. It is not very big, but quite modern and cosy.

    The standard of education in our school is very high. We are proud of our graduates. Our graduates live and work in Russia and abroad. They are teachers and doctors, writers and scientists, workers and officers. There are many famous people among our graduates.

    We are going to start our excursion around the school from the Media center, where you can get access to the internet and study or work on a computer. Over there you can see a stage where we give performances related to different events. We act in various plays, sing songs, recite poetry, dance, and participate in academic competitions.

    Let’s continue our excursion and visit our library. It is popular both with the pupils and the teachers. There is a wonderful choice of fiction, as well as factual and reference books, dictionaries, atlases and encyclopedias there. We can find major Russian magazines and newspapers there, too.

    The next room is the Biology classroom. There is also a laboratory where we keep all the necessary equipment for science projects and laboratory works.

    Room (number) is the Information Technology classroom. We learn programming languages, do different class projects here, sometimes we play quizzes on the interactive board. Our students like spending their free time in this classroom, as nowadays it’s impossible to imagine our life without computers.

    Let’s go to the next classroom, where we study Maths. Here you can see different models of geometric figures and find Algebra and Geometry textbooks.

    In the next room (number) we study History and Social studies but there is also an interesting exhibition here, and your guide … (name) is going to tell you about the exhibits.
    The History Classroom
    Hello! We are glad to welcome you here, in our History classroom.

    You know that those who don’t remember their history have no future. We carefully collect archaeological finds, so here you can see some results of our work. Our historic exhibition displays some part of the Russian izba. Although most Russians now live in modern flats, every Russian still knows what an izba is. Izba is a traditional log hut and the main dwelling type for Russian peasants. It’s impossible to imagine the izba without a stove. The very name of «izba» comes from the stove: in early Russian «izba» meant «the one being heated». Stoves made of brick or clay were placed on a separate base, so that the house wouldn’t lean to its side. Inside the stove base, dishes and cookware were stored. An old Russian stove had no cooking range on top – it was a heating device that doubled as an oven. It was fired only once a day in the morning and that worked as a heat capacitor for the rest of the day. In the evening, the stove was still comfortably warm, so its top was used as the coziest sleeping place in the izba.

    Here you can also see a poker. It is a long metal stick for moving the coal or wood in a fire so that it burns better.

    This is an oven fork for putting dishes into the oven and taking them out.

    By the way, Russian stove was used for different needs, from heating and cooking food to sleeping on it and washing it and also for washing, warming up the samovar, drying mushrooms and berries.

    This is a washboard – a tool used for handwashing clothes. It appeared at the beginning of the 19th century.

    This is an old iron. A hundred years ago irons were made of solid metal. They were set to warm (usually on an open fire) and then used to press clothes.

    And this is our special pride. You see authentic suits on these mannequins – a man's shirt and a girl's dress. They belong to the beginning of the 20th century. They were worn in the north of the Nizhny Novgorod province. Young girls wore red dresses, and married women wore navy blue or black sundresses.

    That’s all I’ve got to say. Thank you very much for listening so attentively.

    Guides: Now let’s go to classroom (number) – the Russian language classroom. If you are interested in anything about our language you can ask about it here.
    The center of British and American culture
    Hello! We are glad to welcome you here, in the center of British and American culture.

    It is common knowledge that English is an international language. So in this center our students improve their linguistic and communicative competence and advance their knowledge about British and American culture. Our teachers help us not only learn the language profoundly, but also conduct research, project and volunteer activities in this field, and take part in various students’ exchange programmes.

    British center is a leisure center. Here our students often participate in poetry readings, regional geography quizzes, foreign song’s competitions, they draw wall newspapers, study foreign literature, American and British history, do projects on different fascinating topics, write e-mails to their foreign friends and just relax.

    In a word, if you want to enhance your knowledge of English and just enjoy your time with friends, come here as often as possible.

    Guides: The whole third floor is used for classrooms of elementary school, so they can com-fortably study in one room and have enough time to rest during breaks.

    There is one more interesting room here – the center of Chinese culture. I think our guide … (name) will give you some useful information about the center. Please, come in.
    The Museum of Fighting Glory
    Hello! We are glad to welcome you here, in the Museum of Fighting Glory.

    The museum was founded on May 7, 1979 in our school.

    As you probably know, Nizhny Novgorod land is rich in revolutionary, fighting and labor events. Our city took part in the defense of our homeland during the Second World War.

    When the Great Patriotic War started in 1941, our students’ grandfathers and great-grandfathers went to fight for their Motherland. Many of them died. Here you can see an exhibition which displays their letters from the front line, bullet and shell casings, helmets, photos of the war years and official papers of our soldiers. There are also some wartime clothes, for example a soldier’s cloak and coat which helped our grandfathers to keep warm.

    In 1942 in our school the 35th Tank Brigade was formed. It fought its way to Berlin and received a significant number of awards.

    We are very proud of our defenders and we are sure to keep them in our memory while alive.

    The next door leads into the gym. It is not very big, but there is enough space to play games like volleyball, to do gymnastics and other physical exercises. Our students like to go here even after the lessons because the gym has a lot of sports equipment.

    Let’s continue our excursion and go to the center of Russian culture. Your guide … (name) is sure to give you some details about the center.
    Из опыта работы учителя английского языка ГУО «Лопатинская средняя школа» А. А. Краскович.

    Приложение Г-3
    План-конспект факультативного занятия

    по теме «Особенности национальной кухни»
    Цель: знакомство с традиционной едой Великобритании и кухнями разных стран, историей еды и рецептом приготовления вареников, воспитание уважительного отношения к мировому культурному наследию.

    Оборудование: презентация, проекты учащихся, иллюстрации блюд, приготовленное блюдо (вареники), медали:

    The best story teller

    The best project maker

    The best actor

    Карточки с пословицами

    The National dish

    RUSSIAN – scones AMERICAN – onion rings RUSSIAN – pancake

    1. Приветствие

    T: Hello I am glad to see you. So let me start our lesson. Today we are going to talk about national cuisine. So you can read our National Food.

    2. Говорение

    – Do you consider all food to be healthy?

    (I consider not all food to be healthy)

    – Is it healthy to eat much sweet and salt?

    (I think it is bad for my teeth and health.)

    – What is important to stay healthy?

    (Do not eat too much water, do not eat, do not eat, too much before sleeping.)

    – Prove that by the proverbs.

    Eat with pleasure, drink at measure.

    After dinner sit awhile, after supper walk a mile.

    But they have been cut. You should find the ending. (Parts of proverbs laid out on the table)

    No song, no supper.

    A half of loaf is better than no bread.

    3. Письменная речь

    T. All living things need food, because it is a basic fuel of our life. It keeps us warm, gives us peace of mind. What food is very good for us? Which foods are not so good for us? And what food can even cause illnesses?

    Write a list of the 5 best and 5 worst foods. Compare your list with your classmates ’lists and discuss your choises.

    – What are the traditional Russian meals? (Okroshka, pancakes, schi, borsch, pel-meni.)

    – What are the traditional American meals? (Bagels, girdle vegetables, iced tea.)

    – What are the traditional English meals? (Scones, porridge, tea with milk, jacket potatoes)

    4. Защита проектов

    В начале изучения темы учащимся было дано задание - сделать проект по изученной теме. В ходе изучения темы они собирают материал для проектов. Проект группы «Кухни народов мира»

    Thank you friends for your answers. Now you have fun and see your projects.

    American food. (Onion rings)

    Russian food. (Pancakes)

    English food. (Scones)

    Ukranian food. (Borsh)

    Защита проектов проходит в форме костюмированного представления.

    1. Рассказ о национальных блюдах (Рассказы по коллажам учащихся).

    2. Рецепты (Презентация традиционных блюд).

    3. Игра («Угадай блюдо или напиток»).

    4. Загадки, кроссворды

    But we live in Belarus and I invite you to listen to the recipe of the most favourite dish «varenyki»

    You need:

    1 kilo of potatoes, 2 onions chopped, 1 stick of margarine, salt and pepper, 2 cups of flour, 1 egg,

    1/2 teaspoon salt, water.


    1) Cook potatoes in simmering water until soft and mash it.

    2) Fry onion in margarine until very soft, add 1/2 of the onions to the potatoes and pour salt and pepper.

    3) Sift flour and salt into a bowl.

    4) Add vegetable oil and enough water to make soft batter and mix until the batter no longer sticks to the hands.

    5) Cover batter and let rest for about 15 minutes.

    6) Roll out batter on a floured board.

    7) Cut batter into small circles and place a tea spoon of potato mixture in the center of each circle.

    8) Fold batter, pinch ends to form a semicircle.

    Thank you for your job. You are good and talented. Now let us find out who is

    1. The best actor.

    2. The best story teller.

    3. The best project-maker.

    5. Подведение итогов

    You have been working hard today.

    The lesson is over. You are free.
    Кухни народов мира [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа : https://in-fourok.ru/programma-fakultativnogo-zanyatiya-kuhnya-narodov-2996692.html. –Дата доступа : 05.01.2019.

    Приложение Г-4
    План-конспект факультативного занятия

    по теме «Писатели и книги»
    Цели занятия: развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся, воспитание культуры общения.

    1. Развитие навыков диалогической речи

    Books are very important in our life. We take knowledge from books. They help us to live and to work. As for me, I like to read detective stories because they are exciting. They make people think. Because people, who read them become more curious.

    I want to know about your favorite kind of books.

    Open your books at page 101. You should make up short dialogues using phrases from this exercise. You should work in pairs.

    Your time is up. Produce your dialogues.

    2. Развитие навыков чтения

    You have got a text about the great British writer George Gordon Byron on your desks. Now let’s read and translate this text. And you have to do the task.

    The Great Romantic

    Lord Byron (1788–1824) didn’t live a long life. He was an aristocrat and a fashionable man. But he loved freedom (свободу) and a simple country life. His personality attracted Britain and all Europe. He brought to his poetry romanticism of his times. He was talented and handsome, noble and brave. London admired him.

    George Gordon Byron was born on January 22nd, 1788. He was the son of John Byron and his wife, Catherine, whose ancestors (предки) were of the royal house of Stuart. He spent his early years outside the capital. He lived in the north. Later his mother took him to Aberdeen. There they lived for several years. George went to Aberdeen Grammar School and there is a monument to him outside the school. Now it is a museum and art gallery. Later he studied at Harrow School and the University of Cambridge.

    When Byron was 19, he came to London. One day the poet wrote, «I woke up and found myself famous». It happened after the publication of his autobiographic poem «Childe Harold» in 1812.

    The fact is that from 1809 to 1811 he had traveled in different parts of Europe and in the poem he described everything that had happened to him.

    In the summer of 1816 Byron left Britain forever . He traveled around Europe and soon he became a member of the Greek liberation movement (освободительное движение), for which he died. But he did not lead the Greeks in battle as he wished. He died of fever (лихорадка).

    3. TranslateintoEnglish

    1) Он любил свободу и простую сельскую жизнь.

    2) Он принес в свою поэзию романтизм того времени.

    3) Сейчас это музей и галерея искусства.

    4. Answer the following questions:

    When and where was G. Byron born?

    Where did he study?

    What did he describe in the poem?

    When did he die?

    Are you ready? Pass me your works.

    5. Физкультминутка

    Are you tired? Let’s do some physical exersices to have a little bit rest.

    Сome, my friends, and dance with me.

    It is easy, you can see.

    One step back, one step out.

    Then you turn yourself about.

    It is fun to dance with you,

    And it isn’t hard to do.

    One step back, one step out,

    And you turn yourself about.

    6. Развитие навыков монологической речи

    Now, let’s check your home task. What was your home task for today?

    While listening to the projects your task is to complete the table.

    Don’t forget about it. Be attentive, please.

    1. Подведение итогов, рефлексия

    Thank you very much. You worked hard today. What did you do at the lesson? What have you learnt? And now I am going to give you marks
    The Great Romantic [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа : http://www.gymnasium10.by/e/97087-programma-fakultativa-kommunikativnaya-gra. – Дата доступа : 05.01.2019.

    Приложение Г-5
    План-конспект факультативного занятия

    по теме «Досуг и увлечения»
    Цели: познакомить с лексикой по теме «Досуг и увлечения»; помочь учащимся понять возможность изучения иностранного языка как средства самореализации; формировать устойчивый интерес к изучению иностранного языка.

    Оборудование: интерактивная доска, ноутбук, проектор, видеослайд с изображением видов проведения досуга британских подростков, видеозапись «Досуг и увлечения»

    1. Слово учителя

    Today is a wonderful day and I am very glad to see all of you here. We all need to have rest and spend our free time pleasantly, so we all try to do a lot of different interesting thing: take up hobbies, go to the cinema, theatre and exhibitions in order to learn something new and get pleasure. Today we will learn about our leisure activities. Also we will get acquainted with new grammar and start learning Passive Voice.

    Сегодня замечательный день, и я очень рада всех вас видеть. Нам всем необходим отдых, и хочется провести день приятно, поэтому мы занимаемся разными увлечениями, посещаем театры и выставки, ходим в кино для того, чтобы узнать что-то новое и получить удовольствие. Сегодня мы научимся рассказывать на английском языке, как можно проводить свободное время. Вы узнаете новые слова и будете учиться употреблять их в устной и письменной речи. У нас на уроке состоится знакомство с сострадательным залогом английского глагола, и вы будете учиться использовать его в устной речи и письменно.

    1. Рассказы учащихся

    Учащиеся устно выступают по теме «Досуг и увлечения» с включением в него 5-6 предложений с глаголами в действительном залоге.

    1. Словарно-лексическая работа с видеозаписью

    Let us watch some videos and identify different kinds of entertainment.

    Давайте посмотрим несколько видеоотрывков и постараемся назвать увиденные способы проведения досуга.

    Задания: а) посмотреть видеозапись и идентифицировать показанный вид досуга, описать его; б) правильно произнести название и объяснить.

    4. Словарно-лексическая работа с кроссвордом

    Look at the interactive blackboard. This is a Quiz. All these words are connected with entertainment, leisure activities and hobbies. You have to solve this quiz.

    Посмотрите, пожалуйста, на интерактивную доску. Это кроссворд. Все слова в кроссворде связаны с развлечениями, хобби и тем, как можно провести свободное время. Ученикам необходимо как можно быстрее разгадать кроссворд.
    5. Подведение итогов. Рефлексивно-оценочный этап.

    On our lesson today you learned new word connected with entertainment and leisure activities, some constructions of Passive Voice (The Present Simple Passive; The Past Simple Passive; The Present Perfect Passive).

    What kind of free time activities would you like to do? Why? When we were talking about Passive Voice what was the most difficult for you? Why? Did you succeed making sentences in Passive Voice?

    Сегодня на занятиях вы узнали новые слова по теме «Досуг и увлечения» и ознакомились с правилами образования некоторых конструкций английского глагола в страдательном залоге (настоящее простое время; простое прошедшее время; настоящее совершенное время).

    Как бы Вы хотели провести свободное время? Почему? В процессе изучения конструкций страдательного залога что, на ваш взгляд, было самым сложным? Почему? Насколько успешно вы самостоятельно смогли составить предложения в страдательном залоге?
    Досуг и увлечения [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа : https://pre-ply.com/blog/2015/08/06/ob-uvlecheniyah-na-anglijskom-what-is-your-hobby/. – Дата доступа : 06.01.2019.

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