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  • Международной

  • 2018. - 106 с. ISBN 978-5-907034-98-3 Сборник

  • Ответственный

  • Вельчинская Елена Васильевна

  • Закиров

  • Прошин

  • Танаева

  • Шляхов

  • Сборник статей по итогам Международной научно практической конференции 04 мая 2018

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    Сборник статей по итогам

    Международной научно- практической конференции 04 мая 2018 г.

    Стерлитамак, Российская Федерация АГЕНТСТВО МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ


    УДК 00(082)

    ББК 65.26

    М 744

    М 744


    ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТИ: Сборник статей по итогам Международной научно-практической конференции (Уфа, 04 мая 2018 г.). - Стерлитамак: АМИ, 2018. - 106 с.
    ISBN 978-5-907034-98-3
    Сборник статей подготовлен на основе докладов Международной научно- практической конференции «МОДЕРНИЗАЦИЯ И ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ РАЗВИТИЕ ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТИ», состоявшейся 04 мая 2018 г. в г. Уфа.
    Научное издание предназначено для докторов и кандидатов наук различных специальностей, преподавателей вузов, докторантов, аспирантов, магистрантов, практикующих специалистов, студентов учебных заведений, а также всех, проявляющих интерес к рассматриваемой проблематике с целью использования в научной работе и учебной деятельности.
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    © ООО «АМИ», 2018

    © Коллектив авторов, 2018

    Сукиасян Асатур Альбертович, кандидат экономических наук.

    Всоставредакционнойколлегиииорганизационногокомитетавходят:Алиев Закир Гусейн оглы, доктор философии аграрных наук Вельчинская Елена Васильевна, кандидат химических наук, доцент Закиров Мунавир Закиевич, кандидат технических наук,

    Иванова Нионила Ивановна, доктор сельскохозяйственных наук, Калужина Светлана Анатольевна, доктор химических наук, профессор Киркимбаева Жумагуль Слямбековна, доктор ветеринарных наук Прошин Иван Александрович, доктор технических наук,

    Старцев Андрей Васильевич, доктор технических наук
    Танаева Замфира Рафисовна, доктор педагогических наук
    Venelin Terziev, Professor Dipl. Eng,DSc.,PhD, D.Sc. (National Security), D.Sc. (Ec.)
    Шляхов Станислав Михайлович, доктор физико - математических наук

    Беззубцева М.М.,

    доктор техн. наук, профессор, факультет технических систем, сервиса и энергетики г. Санкт - Петербург, г. Пушкин, СПб ГАУ


    Abstract: the article substantiates the prospects for the introduction of electromagnetic mechanical activators - devices based on the electromagnetic method of grinding in the magneto – liquid layer of Ferrotel into the hardware and technological systems of the agro - industrial complex. The main advantages of devices, which include the ability to obtain grinding products in a given range of dispersion, high selectivity, high energy efficiency of the process of mechanical activation and low energy consumption of the finished product.

    Key words: electromagnetic method of mechanical activation, high levels of selectivity.
    A significant consumer of energy resources are processing enterprises of agroindustrial complex, for which the priority task of development is to improve the energy efficiency of production and the conservation of raw materials. The grinding stage is the most energy intensive in the processing equipment and technological lines. Regardless of the degree of grinding and the number of dispersion stages, the mechanism of transformation of destructive forces into the surface of material destruction or the method of forming dispersing loads in mechanical activators is considered to be the General factor responsible for the energy intensity of the finished product. This parameter determines the energy consumption for the formation of a unit of the newly formed surface. Depending on the physico - mechanical and rheological properties of the processed product and the method of forming the dispersing loads realized in the mechanical activators, the energy consumption for the process may differ by orders of magnitude. At the same time, a significant indicator characterizing both the energy efficiency of mechanical activators and the quality of finished products is the selectivity of destruction, which determines the granulometric composition of grinding products.

    The process of grinding solids is a major scientific and technical problem caused by the lack of a generalized theory that comprehensively explains this process and gives a fairly accurate mathematical apparatus for designing grinding equipment that meets the requirements of production in terms of selectivity and energy efficiency. In this regard, the grinding products are characterized by excessive energy consumption. As a result of comprehensive research revealed a mismatch between technological and physically - based energy consumption of the mills at all stages of dispersion and mechanical activation. To solve this urgent problem, it is necessary to make a qualitative transition to the design of grinding devices based on the principles that ensure the maximum approximation of the energy consumed by the device from the network to physical reasonable energy costs, taking into account the hardening of particles while reducing their size during grinding.

    On the basis of theoretical and experimental studies, adaptive systems, providing a balanced and controlled energy effect on the particles of the comminuted product are solenoid mechanoactivation (EMMA) [1]. The method of forming dispersing loads in the magneto - liquid layer of the Ferrotel, implemented in EMMA, provides reliable control of energy and power effects on the particles of the processed product in a wide range of dispersion and with different physical and mechanical properties of the processed particles. Now the control system of EMMA allowing to control continuously degree of hardening of particles at decrease in their size in the course of mechanoactivation and to carry out the balanced supply of kinetic and potential energy of the

    magneto - liquefied layer of Ferrotel to the processed product with the subsequent its transformation into formation of new surfaces is developed. The decrease in particle size and degree of increase in the consumption of the process is controlled by piezoelectric sensors and a multichannel logger [2, 3]. The corresponding power and energy conditions for energy - efficient grinding of the material to a given technology are provided by increasing the current in the electromagnets control windings and the speed mode of operation of the device [4, p. 123]. The experiments have confirmed the possibility of obtaining a product with physically reasonable parameters of selectivity and energy intensity.

    It is theoretically proved that the selectivity of the presented method of disintegration is provided by the possibility of establishing the necessary power and energy parameters in the magnetoozled layer of grinding elements (Ferrotel) relative to the strength of the dispersed materials. The research results are the basis for the development of a General theoretical approach to the creation of a new generation of energy efficient machines for selective grinding of materials for various purposes.

    1. Bezzubceva M.M. Research of selective functions of grinding of chocolate mass in the electromagnetic mechanoactivation // International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. 2017. 1 URL: www.science - sd.com / 469 - 25205 (07.06.2017).

    2. Bezzubceva M.M., Kotov A.V. Assessment of the magnetic fields structure in the working space of electromagnetic mechanical activators of cylindrical design // International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 1 – URL: www.science–sd.com / 460–24756 (29.08.2016).

    3. Bezzubceva M. M., Ruzhyev V.A., Yuldashev R. Z. Electromagnetic mechanoactivation of dry construc–tion mixes. // International Journal of applied and Fundamental Research. 2013.

    2 URL: www.science–sd.com / 455–24165 (16.11.2013).

    1. Bezzubceva M.M. Applied research electromagnetic mechanoactivation: Monograph.

    2017. - Saarbrucken Lambert academic publishing. 180 с.

    © Беззубцева М.М., 2018

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