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учебник по английскому. УЧЕБНИК. Сборник упражнений по всем разделам английской грамматики. Упражнения основаны на несложной лексике. Они содержат достаточно материала для запоминания основных грамматических форм и выработки навыков их применения.

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НазваниеСборник упражнений по всем разделам английской грамматики. Упражнения основаны на несложной лексике. Они содержат достаточно материала для запоминания основных грамматических форм и выработки навыков их применения.
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Упражнение 342

Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предло-ОтСан UiH-jc.

1. Mary wondered if Jane would be busy the next day. 2. John asked Mary if she was afraid of thun­derstorm. 3. He asked her if she had ever walked in rainy weather. 4. Mary told John that she pre­ferred sunny days. 5. The woman asked her son if he was in a hurry. 6. Ann asked if they would go to the country the next day. 7. Kate asked her friend what she liked to do on her days off. 8. I asked the secretary if I might speak to the headmistress. 9. Nick wanted to know if Helen would give him her book. 10. Tom asked if Jane would go to the Philharmonic with him. Jane asked at what time he was planning to go. Tom said that it would take them long to get there. Jane asked where they would meet.

Упражнение 343

Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предло­жениях.

1. When I came home, my mother told me that a friend of mine had called on me half an hour be­fore. 2. He said that he studied at Moscow Universi­ty. 3. She said that her brother was playing chess

with her grandfather. 4. George said it was very difficult to play that role. 5. He asked why there were so few people in the street. 6. The man asked the boy if he knew where he lived. 7. The woman told him not to worry and go home quietly. 8. She said that she would sleep in the open air. 9. She wondered if I was going to leave St. Petersburg the next day. 10. He told me that he had bought that watch the day before. 11. Ann said that she had just had a telephone call from home. 12. My neigh­bour asked me to leave the key at my sister's. 13. He said he could not understand the rule. 14. He told me he had bought a ticket the day before.

Упражнение 344

Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предло-

1. Annie said that she had seen the film several months before. 2. Lydia said she had not seen it yet.

  1. Boris told me that he wanted to build a radio set.

  2. He told me that he had built a radio set. 5. Jack said that he often went to see Bob. 6. She said she had seen Mary that day. 7. Mike said he liked Dick­ens' novels very much. 8. He told me he had read "Dombey and Son" the year before. 9. The teacher said that the pupils would read the text the next day. 10. She asked me to buy some bread on my way home. 11. Mother told me not to be late for dinner.

  1. I asked Mike if he had "Gulliver's Travels".

  2. Mike asked me if I had read "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe. 14. I asked John if he would be at home at three o'clock. 15. The teacher asked who was ill. 16. Nick asked Pete what he had seen at the museum. 17. The teacher asked who was absent.


Согласование времен. Косвенная речь283

Упражнение 345

Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предло-

1. I asked my aunt if she was going to her home­town for the holidays. 2. He told me that he hadn't been able to ring me up in time. 3. He asked his class­mates to wait for him. 4. He asked her if anyone else knew about his arrival. 5. I asked him when he would take his last examination. 6. He asked me if I had taken part in the football match. 7. She asked me where I lived. 8. He said that he had joined a sports society. 9. He told me that he had seen my brother the day before. 10. She asked me to hurry up as there was little time left before the beginning of the meet­ing. 11. She asked her friend if the rain had stopped. 12. He answered that it was still raining. 13. My sister told me that she had found the book I was look­ing for. 14. He said that he didn't like the main char­acter of the book but he could not explain why. 15. He asked his brother what he would do if he did not find the book he needed.

Упражнение 346

Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предло жениях.

1. The man told us to have our passports ready. 2. He told us to pass up the gangway. 3. He said we would find our luggage on deck. 4.1 asked my friend if he would go down to his cabin or stay up on deck. 5. He said he was a bad sailor and could not stay on deck. 6. We told the porter to take our luggage to cabin number eight. 7. I asked my friend if he of­ten went to England. 8. He said he did not cross the

English Channel very often for it was rough as a rule. 9. My friend asked me if I knew when the boat was due1 at Southampton. 10. I asked my friend if he thought it would take us long to get through the customs.

Упражнение 347

Ответьте на следующие вопросы, употребляя косвенную речь.

E.g. "I like novels written by Dickens," said Nina to her friend Vera. "I have read many of them." What did Nina say to Vera? Nina told Vera that she liked novels written by Dickens and that she had read many of them.

1. "My favourite books are 'Gulliver's Travels'
and 'Robinson Crusoe'," answered Vera. "And now
I am reading a novel by Walter Scott."

What did Vera answer Nina?

2. "Last year we learnt some poems by Byron and
Shelley, they are so beautiful," said Nina.

What did Nina say?

3. "I know many poems by these great poets.
I have read some books about Byron and Shelley7
too," said Vera.

What did Vera tell Nina?

4. "This year we shall read a play by Shakespeare
in English," said Nina.

What did Nina say?

1 when the boat was due — когда корабль прибывает


Согласование времен. Косвенная речь285

  1. Упражнение 348

    Переведите на английский язык. Сравните кон­струкцию повествовательных и повелительных предложений в прямой и косвенной речи.

    Мой друг сказал: „Все ученики нашего клас­са любят уроки истории".

  2. Я сказал ему: „Мы любим уроки англий­ского языка".

  3. Учительница сказала: „Скоро вы будете хо­рошо говорить по-ан­глийски, так как вы много работаете".

  4. Учитель сказал: „Я уже проверил вашу контрольную работу".

  5. Катя сказала: „Папа в комнате. Он читает."

  1. Мама сказала: „Не шумите! Дедушка спит".

  2. Аня сказала: „Мы на­шли в лесу много гри­бов".

  1. Мой друг сказал, что все ученики их клас­са любят уроки исто­рии.

  2. Я сказал ему, что мы любим уроки англий­ского языка.

  3. Учительница сказа­ла, что скоро мы бу­дем хорошо говорить по- английски, так как мы много работаем.

  4. Учитель сказал, что он уже проверил на­шу контрольную работу.

  5. Катя сказала, что па­па в комнате и что он читает.

  6. Мама сказала нам, чтобы мы не шумели, так как дедушка спит.

  7. Аня сказала, что они нашли в лесу много грибов.

Упражнение 349

Переведите на английский язык. Сравните кон­струкцию вопросительных предложений в прямой и косвенной речи.

1. Вчера наш учитель 1. Вчера наш учитель
спросил нас: „Много спросил нас, много ли

ли вы читаете?" мы читаем.

2. Когда он увидел у
меня в руках „Дэвида
Копперфильда", он
спросил, где я взял
эту книгу.

3. Потом он спросил,
знаю ли я что-нибудь
об авторе этой книги.

  1. Когда он увидел у ме­ня в руках „Дэвида Копперфильда", он спросил: „Где вы взя­ли эту книгу?"

  2. Потом он спросил: „Знаете ли вы что-ни­будь об авторе этой книги?"

4. Миша спросил меня: 4. Миша спросил меня,
„Когда ты пойдешь когда я пойду поку-

пать книги.

покупать книги?"

Упражнение 350

Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

1. "Did you run a race yesterday?" said Peter. "Yes, we did," said Ann. "Tamara was the first to come to the finish." 2. "Where is my bag, mother?" asked Tom. "I have put it on the chair near the door," said his mother. "Don't forget to put your record book into it." 3. "Why can't we play here, mother?" asked the children. "Father is sleeping," said their mother. "He has worked very much today.


Согласование времен. Косвеннаяречъ287

Keep quiet." 4. "Why do you help her?" said Alec to us. "She is lazy. She can do everything herself." 5. "I don't want to go to the zoo. I was there last week with my cousin and saw all the animals," said Lena. 6. "Look at my stamps, father," said Nick. "When will you buy some new ones for me?" 7. "I can't do this exercise: it is too difficult," said Tanya. "Why didn't you ask your teacher to explain it?" said her brother. 8. "Can you see the lights over there in the distance?" said the lighthouse keeper. "Yes, I can," said his assistant. "A ship is giving signals."

Обратите внимание на передачу следующих конструкций в косвенной речи:

"Let's play chess," said Nick. —

Nick suggested playing chess. "All right," said Pete. — Pete agreed. "Oh no," said Mike. — Mike refused.

Упражнение 351

Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

1. "Let's play badminton," said Nina. "All right," said Mike. "I like to play badminton very much." 2. "Let's run a race," said Bill. "No," said Jack. "I hurt my foot three days ago and now I cannot run." 3. "Will you show me your new flat?" said Tom. "Of course," said Becky. "Come to our place tomorrow." 4. "I shall go to see my friend tomor­row," said Kate. "Will you come with me?" "Yes, I shall," said Pete. "I want to see your friend." 5. "Does your friend always come to school so early?" said Victor. "No," said Mary. "She came so early this

morning because she is on duty today."6. "There is a new film on at our cinema," said Lena. "Let's go and see it." "No, I can't," said Mike. "I shall be busy." 7. "What shall we do with Nick?" said Ann. "He has got a bad mark again." "Let's help him with his Russian," said Pete. "I am sure we can do it."

Упражнение 352

Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

1. Не said, "We have forgotten to take the ball!"

2. She said, "I shall be very glad to see you."

3. "Let's go to the Philharmonic. There is a good con­
cert there tonight," said Walter. "Oh, very good,"
said Robert. "I haven't been to the Philharmonic
for a long time." 4. Alec asked me, "Have you ever
been to the National Gallery?" "Yes, I have," said I.
"I visited it last year when we were staying in Lon­
don." 5. He said, "Who is this man? I don't know
him." 6. I thought, "He is a very clever man: he can
help me." 7. My brother said, "In two hours I shall
have finished my work and then I shall go to the
cinema." Then he said to me, "Let's go together."
"All right," I said. 8. The teacher said, "Open your
books and begin reading the new text." 9. The girl
asked, "What is the price of this dress?" 10. "Please
help me with this problem, I cannot solve it," I said
to my father. "All right," said my father, "let's try
to solve it together." 11. "Let's go to Finland for the
winter holidays," said Kate. "No," said Andrew, "we
have already been to Finland. Let's go to Greece. It
will be very interesting to see the country we have
read about so much." "All right," said Kate, "let's
go." 12. Nellie said, "Yesterday I went to see Paul,
but he was not at home." "Let's go to see him to­
day," said Nick. "I think he will be at home." "No,"
said Nellie, "I can't go today, I am very busy."


Согласование времен. Косвеннаяречъ289

Упражнение 353

Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

1. "That's enough," said Tom's mother, "he will never go there again. I shall see to it." 2. "Who will read the next story?" asked grandmother. "It is very interesting, and I am sure you all will like it." 3. "Will you come and see me on Friday?" Lena asked her friend. "All right," said her friend, "I think I shall be free on Friday." 4. "Will you need the book for a long time?" he asked me. "I can give it to you only for a few days." 5. "Soon I shall know the whole poem perfectly," said Mary. "I have already learnt more than half of it." 6. "Will you be able to find their house without me?" said John to me. "You have never been to those parts." 7. "Please, please don't ask me any more questions," she said to me, "I am very tired. I shall answer all your questions tomor­row." 8. "I shall finish reading the book by Monday, and then you can have it," he said to me. 9. "I haven't seen him since last year," said Lena, "and I think he has grown. Let's go and see him tomorrow." "All right," said I. "It will be interesting to see him and talk to him." 10. "Do you think it is really correct?" I asked my friend. "I am afraid you have made a mistake in one or two words."

Упражнение 354

Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предло­жениях.

1. Не told me not to call on him the next day as he would not be at home. 2. The officer ordered the soldiers to wait for him. 3. He said that he had lived in St. Petersburg for many years and knew the city very well. 4. I told my brother that I was sorry he

hadn't kept his promise. 5. John told his friend that he had just come from the United States and in­tended to stay in St. Petersburg for about a month. 6. Our monitor said that he was not satisfied with his report and was going to work on it for some more time. He said that he was to make it on the twelfth of February and so he had a few days left. 7. He said that he was quite all right. The climate hadn't done him any harm. 8. A man came up and asked me where he could buy a video cassette. 9. I asked my brother who had rung him up in the morning.

Упражнение 355

Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

1. The shop assistant said, "The shoe department is downstairs." 2. The professor said to his assis­tant, "You have made great progress." 3. The teacher said to us, "You must read this text at home." 4. Paul said, "We shall have to discuss this text tomorrow." 5. She asked me, "Do you know who has taken my book?" 6. We asked him, "What has happened to you? You look so pale!" 7. She said to me, "I hope you haven't forgotten to post the letter." 8. She asked inc. "Where have you put my gloves? I cannot find Ними."

9. They said to me, "Try this coat on befon> buying
it. Maybe you won't like it when you have put it
10. Last night I was called to the trlepl c

An unfamiliar voice said, "Is that Dmitri spruit иц;? My name is Pavlov. I have conic I'mm Mumihw i<>

day. I have brought some books I'm y»" • \

friends. I am staying at the (inniil ll<«l<v<>'i?" "I.< Ги im-i-i ni Ни Pushkin monument in Arln .Scputie nl live ><'. !■» U il it is convenient for you," I mhuI "All iiphi," In- мм swered, "I shall he tln-i«- "

10 Ю. Голицмискии


Согласование времен. Косвенная речь291

Упражнение 356

Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.

1. "Have you got a Russian-English dictionary?" he asked me. "Can you let me have it for this evening? I must do some very difficult translation." "All right," said I. "I won't need it tonight." 2. "I thought about you last night, Lydia," said Nellie. "Have you decided to go to Omsk with your parents or will you remain here with your aunt until you finish school?" 3. "Have you done your homework or did you leave it till the evening, Bob?" asked Mike. "I thought of inviting you to go to the theatre with me, but I remembered that you nearly always do your home­work in the evening." 4. "I am fond of Dickens," said Jack. "I have been reading 'The Old Curiosity Shop' the whole week. I like the novel very much. I am read­ing it for the second time." 5. "I think my friend has finished reading 'Jane Eyre', said Tanya. "I hope she will give it to me soon: I am eager to read it."

Упражнение 357

Передайте следующий диалог в косвенной речи.

Mother: Nick! Do you hear the alarm clock? Wake

up! Nick: Oh, I am so sleepy! Mother: Well, that's what you always say. Now, get

out of bed quickly. Nick: Oh!

Mother: Be quick, or you will be late for school. Nick: No fear. I have a lot of time. Mother: You forget that you have to brush your

teeth and to wash your hands and face. Nick: Mummy, I remember everything.

Упражнение 358

Передайте следующий диалог в косвенной речи.

Jane: May I come in?

Kate: Is that you, Jane? Come in! It is very good of you to come and see me.

Jane: I came before, but you were too ill to see any­body. Did you get the flowers?

Kate: Surely, I did. It was very nice of you to send them to me.

Jane: How are you now?

Kate: Oh, I am much better, thank you. The doc­tor says that I shall be allowed to go out in a few days.

Jane: Do you miss school?

Kate: Very much. I am afraid I'll be lagging behind the group in my lessons now.

Jane: Don't think about it. We shall help you.

Kate: Thank you very much.

Упражнение 359

Передайте следующий диалог в косвенной речи.

Peter: Are you coming my way?

John: Yes, I am. How are you getting along?

Peter: Jolly well. How did you find the last test in geometry?

John: Rather difficult. I am not very good at solv­ing problems.

Peter: Why didn't you ask me to help yon? I would gladly have done it.

John: Oh, thanks a lot. I shall. Have you f>«>t, и lot of homework for tomorrow?

Peter: Yes. You know the timetable, Kr'nlny '* "I ways a bad day. We have six lessons loinor


Согласование времен. Косвеннаяречь293

row, and all the subjects are difficult. Be­sides, there will be questions from my little sister. She is not very good at sums.

John: All right, then. I'll come to your place tomor­row evening, if you don't mind.

Peter: Let's make it tomorrow. I'll be waiting for you.

Упражнение 360

Передайте следующий диалог в косвенной речи.

Susan: Good morning, doctor.

Doctor: Good morning, Susan. What's the matter

with you? Susan: I feel bad. I have a headache, and I am

afraid I am running a temperature. Doctor: Open your mouth and show me your throat.

You have a bad cold, Susan. You must stay

in bed for two days until your temperature

is normal and you stop coughing. Susan: How I hate being ill and staying in bed! Doctor: But if you are not careful, you may fall ill

with the flu or pneumonia. I'll prescribe

some medicine. Susan: Thank you, doctor. Goodbye.

Упражнение 361

Передайте следующий диалог в косвенной речи.

Michael: I say, Bill, can you show me around a bit? I only came here two days ago and I haven't been anywhere as yet.

Bill:Of course, I shall do it with pleasure. Let's

go at once. And let's invite Alice to come with us. She knows a lot about the places of interest here.

Michael: That's a good idea.

Bill:Alice, can you come with us? We are go-

ing for a walk, and I want to show Michael some places of interest.

Alice: No, I can't go with you, boys. I am sorry. Mother told me to buy some bread, and I forgot about it. I shall have to do it now. Go without me. I shall go with you some other time.

Bill:It's a pity. All right, Michael, let's go.

Упражнение 362

Передайте следующий диалог в косвенной речи.


What will you order?


Give me the menu, please.


Here you are.


Chicken soup for the first course...


For the second course I recommend you to

take fried fish. It is very good.


All right, bring me fried fish.


Any vegetables?


Yes, bring me some potatoes, and then

cheese, coffee and fruit.


Yes, sir.




heard the girl... cry out with joy. 17. I would rather ... stay at home today. 18. He did not want ... play in the yard any more. 19. Would you like ... go to England? 20. You look tired. You had better ... go home. 21. I wanted ... speak to Nick, but could not ... find his telephone number. 22. It is time ... get up. 23. Let me ... help you with your homework.

  1. I was planning ... do a lot of things yesterday.

  2. I'd like ... speak to you. 26. I think I shall be able ... solve this problem. 27. What makes you ... think you are right?

Запомните случаи, в которых инфинитив употреб­ляется без частицы "to":

  • после модальных глаголов;

  • после глаголов to let и to make;

  • в сложном дополнении после глаголов восприя­тия: (to see, to hear, to feel, etc.);

  • после выражений: I would rather...

You had better...

Упражнение 363

Вставьте частицу to перед инфинитивом, где необходимо.

1. I like ... dance. 2. I'd like ... dance. 3. I shall do all I can ... help you. 4. She made me ... repeat my words several times. 5. I saw him ... enter the room. 6. She did not let her mother ... go away. 7. Do you like ... listen to good music? 8. Would you like ... listen to good music? 9. That funny scene made me ... laugh. 10. I like ... play the guitar. 11. My brother can ... speak French. 12. We had ... put on our overcoats because it was cold. 13. They wanted ... cross the river. 14. It is high time for you ... go to bed. 15. May I ... use your telephone? 16. They

Упражнение 364

Замените выделенные части предложении иифи нитивными оборотами.

E.g. The boy had many toys which he could play with The boy had many toys to piny to

1. Here is something which will warm you up. 2. Mere is a new brush which you will clean your teeth with. 3. Here are some more facts which will prove thai your theory is correct. 4. Here is some­thing which you can rub on your hands. It will soft­en them. 5. Here are some screws with which you can fasten the shelves to the wall. 6. Here are some tablets which will relieve your headache. 7. Here are some articles which must be translated for tomor­row. 8. Who has a pen or a pencil to spare? I need something I could write with. 9. I have bronchi y«m a book which you can read now, bnl be sine ami ■<• turn it by Saturday. 10. Soon we found UkiI Нин-was another complicated problem Mini we \\<-i<- t<> consider. 11. The girl was ipnl.e yi.ime и In u I...1I1 her parents died and she icnmiinil nl.nn uiili !«•> younger brothers whom she IiihI ti> lulu- «им- <•!




12. I have no books which I can read. 13. Is there anybody who will help you with your spelling? 14. Don't forget that she has a baby which she must take care of. 15. Have you got nothing that you want to say on this subject? 16. There was nothing that he could do except go home. 17. I have only a few minutes in which I can explain these words to you. 18. I have an examination which I must take soon, so I can't go to the theatre with you. 19. King Lear decided to have a hundred knights who would serve him after he had divided up his kingdom.

Упражнение 365

Замените придаточные предложения инфинитив­ными оборотами.

• E.g. He is so old that he cannot skate. He is too old to skate.

1. The problem is so difficult that it is impossible to solve it. 2. The box is so heavy that nobody can carry it. 3. The baby is so little that it cannot walk.

  1. He is so weak that he cannot lift this weight.

  2. She is so busy that she cannot talk with you.

6. She was so inattentive that she did not notice the
mistake. 7. The rule was so difficult that they did
not understand it. 8. He was so stupid that he did
not see the joke. 9. She has got so fat that she
cannot wear this dress now. 10. The accident was
so terrible that I don't want to talk about it. 11. They
were so empty-headed that they could not learn a
single thing. 12. The window was so dirty that they
could not see through it. 13. She was so foolish that
she could not understand my explanation. 14.1 have
very little wool: it won't make a sweater.

Запомните следующие устойчивые словосочетания с инфинитивом:

to cut a long story short — короче говоря

to tell (you) the truth — сказать (вам) по правде

to say nothing of — не говоря уже о

to put it mildly — мягко выражаясь

to say the least of it — no меньшей мере

to begin with — начнем с того что

Запомните следующие предложения:

The book leaves much to be desired. — Книга оставляет желать лучшего.

Не is difficult to deal with. — С ним трудно иметь дело.

Не is hard to please. — Ему трудно угодить.

She is pleasant to look at. — На нее приятно смот­реть.

Упражнение 366

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя устойчивые словосочетания с инфинитивом.

1. Для начала она открыла все окна. 2. С моим соседом трудно иметь дело. 3. По правде говоря, я очень устал. 4. Его поведение оставляет желать лучшего. 5. Мягко выражаясь, вы меня удивили. 6. На этих детей приятно посмотреть. 7. Короче говоря, они поженились. 8. Самая известная книга Джерома — „Трое в лодке, не считая собаки". 9. Вам трудно угодить. 10. По меньшей мере, мы были удивлены. 11. Мягко выражаясь, она была невежлива. 12. Ваша работа оставляет желать лучшего. 13. Сказать по правде, я не люблю бокс. 14. Вашей сестре трудно угодить. 15. Начнем с того, что я занят. 16. На него было приятно



смотреть. 17. Короче говоря, он не сдал экзамен. 18. Мы все были рады, не говоря уже о маме: она сказала, что это самый счастливый день в ее жиз­ни. 19. Твое сочинение оставляет желать лучшего. 20. Это очень странно, по меньшей мере.

Обратите внимание на

отсутствие союза чтобы

пород инфинитивом в роли обстоятельства цели:

То get this book, you

Чтобыполучить эту книгу,

innsl (jo to Iho library.

вы должны пойти в библио-


Запомнит следующие предложения:

1 have nothing to read.

— Мне нечего читать.

She has nobody to

— Ей не с кем поговорить.

speak to.

What is to be done?

— Что делать?

Who is to blame?

— Кто виноват?

1 am not to blame.

— Я не виноват.

To hoo is to believe.

— Видеть значит верить.

Ho wild tho first (last)

— Он пришел первым

to come.


It is out of the question

— Не может быть и речи

to go there.

о том, чтобы идти туда.

Упражнение 367

Переведите на английский, язык, употребляя устойчивые словосочетания с инфинитивом.

1. Сказать по правде, мне это не нравится. 2. Им было нечего есть. 3. Кто виноват? 4. Короче гово­ря, он не сделал урок. 5. В нашей семье мама всег­да встает первая. 6. На нее приятно смотреть. 7. Чтобы перевести эту статью, вы должны вос-1мим.конаться словарем. 8. Мне некуда ехать летом.

9. О том, чтобы купаться в этой реке, не могло быть и речи. 10. Ему было не с кем обсудить эту проблему. 11. Вчера Катя пришла в школу последней. 12. Чтобы получить хорошую оцен­ку, вы должны упорно поработать. 13. С ней трудно иметь дело. 14. Что делать? 15. Начнем с того, что он болен. 16. Чтобы читать Диккенса в оригинале, вы должны хорошо знать язык. 17. Мягко выражаясь, он не прав. 18. Она была не виновата. 19. Ребенку не с кем играть. 20. Ви­деть значит верить. 21. Чтобы успеть на этот по­езд, вы должны поторопиться. 22. Не может быть и речи о покупке машины в этом году. 23. Книга оставляет желать лучшего.

Сравните употребление

ActiveInfinitiveи PassiveInfinitive

to write to be written

I am glad to help you. — Рад помочь. (Рад, что я помогаю).

I am glad to be helped. — Рад, что мнепомогают.

Упражнение 368

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на ActiveInfinitiveи PassiveInfinitive.

1. То play chess was his greatest pleasure. 2. The child did not like to be washed. 3. Isn't it natural that we like to be praised and don't like to be scolded? 4. Which is more pleasant: to give or to be given presents? 5. Nature has many secrets to be discovered yet. 6. To improve your pronunciation you should record yourself and analyse your speech. 7. This is the book to be read during the summer




holidays. 8. То be instructed by such a good specialist was a great advantage. 9. He is very forgetful, but he doesn't like to be reminded of his duties.

Сравните употребление

Indefinite Infinitive и Perfect Infinitive

to write to have written

I am glad to see you. — Рад видеть вас. (Рад, что вижувас.)

I am glad to have seen you. — Рад, что повидалвас.

Формы инфинитива



Indefinite (Simple)

to write

to be written


to be writing


to have written

to have been written

Perfect Continuous

to have been writing

Упражнение 369

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на PerfectInfinitive.

1. The child was happy to have been brought home. 2. Jane remembered to have been told a lot about Mr. Rochester. 3. The children were delighted to have been brought to the circus. 4. I am sorry to have spoilt your mood. 5. Maggie was very sorry to have forgotten to feed the rabbits. 6. I am awfully glad to have met you. 7. Sorry to have placed you in this disagreeable situation. 8. I am very happy to have had the pleasure of making your acquaintance. 9. I am sorry to have kept you waiting. 10. Clyde was awfully glad to have renewed his acquaintance with Sondra. 11. Sorry not to have noticed you. 12. I am sorry to have added some more trouble by what I have told you. 13. When Clyde looked at the girl closely, he remembered to have seen her in Sondra's company. 14. I remembered to have been moved1 by the scene I witnessed.

1 moved — зд. растроган

Что значат эти формы? Рассмотрите предложения, иллюстрирующие значение разных форм инфинитива

Чему я рад?



Indefinite (Simple)

1 am glad to speak to you.

Рад поговорить с ва­ми. (Всегда радуюсь, когда говорю с вами.)


1 am glad to be speaking to you.

Рад, что сейчас раз­говариваю с вами.


1 am glad to have spoken to you.

Рад, что поговорил с вами.

Perfect Continu­ous

1 am glad to have been speaking to you.

Рад, что уже давно (все это время) раз­говариваю с вами.

со со

Indefinite (Simple)

1 am (always) glad to be told the news.

Всегда рад, когда мне рассказывают новости.


1 am glad to have been told the news.

Рад, что мне рассказали новости.




Упражнение 370

Замените выделенные части предложений инфи­нитивными оборотами.

• E.g. He is sorry that he has said it. He is sorry to have said it.

1. It is certain that it will rain if you don't take your umbrella. 2. Don't promise that you will do it, if you are not sure that you can. 3. He was happy that he was praised by everybody. 4. He was very proud that he had helped his elder brother. 5. She was sorry that she had missed the beginning of the concert. 6. I am glad that I see all my friends here.

  1. I was afraid of going past that place alone.

  2. My sister will be thrilled when she is wearing a dress as lovely as that. 9. We must wait till we hear the exam results. 10. She is happy that she has found such a nice place to live in. 11. I should be delighted if I could join you. 12. He hopes that he will know everything by tomorrow.

Упражнение 371

Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся фор­му инфинитива.

1. Не seems (to read) a lot. 2. Не seems (to read) now. 3. He seems (to read) since morning. 4. He seems (to read) all the books in the library. 5. I want (to take) you to the concert. 6. I want (to take) to the concert by my father. 7. She hoped (to help) her friends. 8. She hoped (to help) by her friends. 9. I hope (to see) you soon. 10. We expect (to be) back in two days. 11. He expected (to help) by the teacher. 12. The children seem (to play) since morn-

ing. 13. I am glad (to do) all the homework yester­day. 14. She seems (to work) at this problem ever since she came here. 15. I am sorry (to break) your pen.

Упражнение 372

Раскройтескобки, употребляятребующуюсяфор­муинфинитива.

1. I hate (to bother) you, but the students are still waiting (to give) books for their work. 2. He seized every opportunity (to appear) in public: he was so anxious (to talk) about. 3. Is there anything else (to tell) her? I believe she deserves (to know) the state of her sick brother. 4. He began writing books not because he wanted (to earn) a living. He wanted (to read) and not (to forget). 5. I consider myself lucky (to be) to that famous exhibition and (to see) so many wonderful paintings. 6. He seems (to know) French very well: he is said (to spend) his youth in Paris. 7. The enemy army was reported (to overthrow) the defence lines and (to advance) towards the suburbs of the city. 8. The woman pretended (to read) and (not to hear) the bell. 9. You seem (to look) for troub­le. 10. It seemed (to snow) heavily since early morn­ing: the ground was covered with a deep layer of snow. 11. They seemed (to quarrel): I could hear an­gry voices from behind the door. 12. They are sup­posed (to work) at the problem for the last two months. 13. The only sound (to hear) was the snor­ing of grandfather in the bedroom. 14. Her ring was believed (to lose) until she happened (to find) it dur­ing the general cleaning. It turned out (to drop) be­tween the sofa and the wall. 15. They seemed (to wait) for ages.


Упражнение 373

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя тре­бующуюся форму инфинитива.

1. Я рад, что рассказал вам эту историю. 2. Я рад, что мне рассказали эту историю. 3. Я хочу познакомить вас с этой артисткой. 4. Я хочу, что­бы меня познакомили с этой артисткой. 5. Я рад, что встретил ее на станции. 6. Я рад, что меня встретили на станции. 7. Мы очень счастливы, что пригласили его на вечер. 8. Мы очень счаст­ливы, что нас пригласили на вечер. 9. Он будет счастлив посетить эту знаменитую картинную галерею. 10. Он был счастлив, что посетил эту знаменитую картинную галерею. 11. Дети любят, когда им рассказывают сказки. 12. Я не предпо­лагал останавливаться на этой станции. 13. Я не ожидал, что меня остановят. 14. Я сожалею, что причинил вам столько беспокойства. 15. Он не выносит1, когда ему лгут. 16. Я вспомнил, что уже встречал это слово в какой-то книге. 17. Мне очень жаль, что я пропустил эту интересную лек­цию. 18. Она счастлива, что слышала концерт известного итальян-ского дирижера. 19. Она рада, что присутствовала на лекции. 20. Он очень доволен, что закончил свою книгу. 21. Наши спортсмены гордятся тем, что выиграли кубок. 22. Я только хочу, чтобы мне позволили помочь вам. 23. Я был благодарен, что мне дали комна­ту с большим окном. 24. Он был счастлив, что вернулся домой. 25. Он был счастлив, что снова дома. 26. Я сожалею, что прервал вас. 27. Я со­жалею, что не застала вас дома. 28. Джейн была счастлива, что уезжает от миссис Рид. 29. Рочес-тер был рад познакомиться с Джейн. 30. Рочес-тер был рад, что познакомился с Джейн.

1 не выносит — hates


She watched the children writing the dictation. Writing the dictation, he made only one mistake. The dictation writtenthedaybefore was corrected.

Упражнение 374

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия.

1. Everybody looked at the dancing girl. 2. The little plump woman standing at the window is my grandmother. 3. The man playing the piano is Kate's uncle. 4. Entering the room, she turned on the light. 5. Coming to the theatre, she saw that the perform­ance had already begun. 6. Looking out of the win­dow, he saw his mother watering the flowers.

  1. Hearing the sounds of music, we stopped talking.

  2. She went into the room, leaving the door open.

  3. Working at his desk, he listened to a new CD.

10. Running into the road, the young man stopped
a taxi. 11. Looking through the newspaper, she no­
ticed a photograph of her boss. 12. Using chemi­
cals, the firemen soon put out the fire in the forest.




Упражнение 375

Замените придаточные определительные пред­ложения причастными оборотами.

1. All the people who live in this house are stu­dents. 2. The woman who is speaking now is our sec­retary. 3. The apparatus that stands on the table in the corner of the laboratory is quite new. 4. The young man who helps the professor in his experi­ments studies at our university. 5. People who bor­row books from the library must return them in time. 6. There are many pupils in our class who take part in all kinds of extracurricular activities.

Упражнение 376

Замените придаточные предложения причины причастными оборотами.

1. As he now felt more at ease, the man spoke in a louder voice. 2. Since he knew who the man was, Robert was very pleased to have the chance of talk­ing to him. 3. As he thought that it was his brother at the window, Steve decided to open it. 4. As the people were afraid of falling into a ditch in the darkness at any moment, they felt their way about very carefully. 5. Since he needed a shelter for the night, Peter decided to go to the neighbours' house.

Упражнение 377

Замените придаточные предложения времени причастными оборотами (не опускайте союз when).

1. You must have much practice when you are learning to speak a foreign language. 2. When you

speak English, pay attention to the order of words. 3. When you are copying English texts, pay atten­tion to the articles. 4. When you begin to work with the dictionary, don't forget my instructions. 5. Be careful when you are crossing a street. 6. When you are leaving the room, don't forget to switch off the light. 7. When they were travelling in Cen­tral Africa, the explorers met many wild animals.

Past Participle = Participle II

III форма глагола

broken — сломанный, разбитый written — написанный eaten — съеденный

Упражнение 378

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на PastParticiple.

1. She put a plate of fried fish in front of me.

  1. The coat bought last year is too small for me now.

  2. Nobody saw the things kept in that box. 4. My sister likes boiled eggs. 5. We stopped before a shut door. 6. Tied to the tree, the goat could not run away. 7. They saw overturned tables and chairs and pieces of broken glass all over the room. 8. This is a church built many years ago. 9. The books written by Dickens give us a realistic picture of the 19th century England.


Сравните употребление ParticipleI(ing-форма) и ParticipleII(III форма глагола)

taking — берущий, беря taken — взятый

doing — делающий, делая done — сделанный

Упражнение 379

Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на
1   ...   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   ...   53

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