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Практическая работа 2 английский. Taking our diet more seriously Many people

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Задание 1

Taking our diet more seriously Many people believe that health is very important and, because of this, many are trying to eat more healthily. For example, people in the UK are eating less salt and more low fat margarine and milk; fruit is now America‘s favourite snack and Japan is currently promoting cocoa because it is healthy alternative to soft drinks like Coca Cola. These changes in eating habits are also having an effect on the food market. Global sales are increasing for soy drinks and drinkable yoghurts more than any other food and sales of bread, pasta, and cereals are growing much more slowly. People are also becoming interested in fresh fruit and vegetables and farmers‘ markets‘ are getting more popular throughout Europe. When they can, people often opt for natural goodness‘, and they are buying more products that are healthy, like fruit, salads, and nuts. They are also buying products that help to protect environment, like organic vegetables. So it‘s clear that things in the food world will never be the same again. 

Более серьезное отношение к нашей диете. Многие люди считают, что здоровье – это важно , и поэтому многие пытаются питаться более здоровой пищей. Например, люди в Великобритании едят меньше соли, маргарин и молоко с низким содержанием жира; в Америке фрукты сейчас – любимый перекус, а в Японии в наши дни рекламируют кокос как более здоровую альтернативу таким напиткам как Кока кола. Все это меняет не только привычное питание, но и влияет на продовольственный рынок. Всемирная продажа соевых напитков и питьевых йогуртов выросла больше, чем любая другая еда, в то время как продажи хлеба, макаронных изделий и круп растет гораздо медленнее. Люди также стали интересоваться больше свежими фруктами и овощами, фермерские рынки становятся все более популярны в Европе. При возможности люди чаще выбирают натуральные блага и покупают больше полезных продуктов таких как фрукты, овощи, орехи. Они также приобретают товары, которые защищают окружающую среду, такие как органические овощи. Становится ясно, что мировое питание никогда не будет прежним.

Задание 2.

a. Americans eat more fruit than any other food. F

b. Cocoa drinks are good for your health. T

c. People are buying more soy drinks. T

d. People are buying less pasta. T

e. Nuts are good for you. T

Задание 3

1. worldwide – Global

2. think – believe 

3. now – currently 

4. becoming – getting

5. choose – opt for 

6. a substitute for – alternative to 

7. getting bigger – growing

8. look after, keep from danger – protect

Задание 4

1. Mane vegetarians eat soya as an alternative to meat.

2. Some people believe  that all ready-cooked meals are unhealthy.

3. The number of people buying organic vegetables is growing in mane countries.

4. The UK government is currently studying how to encourage people to change their eating habits.

5. In the US and Europe, many children are getting fatter because of their bad diets.

6. Many people opt for a change a diet because it makes them feel better.

7. A balanced diet can help to protect you from illness.

8. Unhealthy eating is now a global problem: not just in the US and Europe. 

Задание 5

Homemade / meal /raw/ spicy /diet/ chicken /steak/ takeaway /meat/ frozen

1. His diet is terrible: he eats too many sweet things. 2. Strict vegetarians don‘t eat meat or fish. 3. Raw vegetables have more vitamins than when they are cooked. 4. I love homemade food but I don‘t have too much time to cook. 5. She likes her steak well done. 6. I am very busy so I often buy a takeaway meal and heat it up in the microwave. 7. Our biggest meal of the day is usually lunch. 8. She doesn‘t like Mexican food because it is too spicy. 9. Our typical Sunday lunch is roast chicken , I especially like the wings. 10.We often buy frozen food on Fridays – either Chinese or Indian food.

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